Beautiful sounding MP3 fan remake of Ronfaure music

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Beautiful sounding MP3 fan remake of Ronfaure music

Post by MittensValefor » ... =24;page=1

Definitely worth the wait. It's like liquid cotton candy for the ears! ^.^


Entirely different topic: Boston bomb scare. - ... &srvc=home
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Post by Fiye »

I loved the ad scheme of Aqua Teen Hunger force, especially when I saw the mooninite flipping people off.

Though, why did people think of it as a bomb scare?

Maybe its because too many people don't watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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Post by Eviticus »

Bomb scare: Idiots make me all giggly inside.

Ronfaure Revamp: I give this two tuna's up.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Eviticus »

Woot woot, update.

Did a little bit of digging into that thread on Alla. Part of the music of that wonderful remake of Ronfaure was from the Tour de Japon. Click the link and it will take you to YouTube, where they have a number of videos of the things they did there, spanned many of the FF games.

God I hope Uematsu was there. If I were him, my heart would swell with pride.

Alot of people kick at FFX, but I like some of the music. Zanarkand is one of the most beautiful scores I think I've ever heard come out of a FF game.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Fiye »

Ronfaure (Or Longfall as its called on the OST) was composed by Nobou Uematsu.

I myself kick at FFX a bit, but I do like a couple of the tracks. Though, I find myself giggling more than I should at the 8 bit tracks. Especially 3.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

Love the music.

About the bomb scare- the devices were placed in areas such as underpasses, bridges, hospitals and transit stations (T Stations).

Seen in daylight when driving by in your car, you're just going to see a black box with wires attached too it. Seriously, are you going to think its a freaking cartoon character or something suspicious? Damn right you'd think it was something suspicious.

These were discovered about mid-day and according to one report I read, the first one discovered (at a T station) couldn't be seen from any sort of angle by the people using the T. It was hidden under a stairway and a maintenance worker found it while working.

Even after it was all over the people who were arrested (the artist and one other I think) weren't apologetic about the scare or anything but were talking about 70's hair styles at their press conference!!

No, I'm sorry. Time Warner and the agency they outsourced this little project too are at fault and are the ones who should be getting all the blame, yet its Boston's gov't and police force that are getting laughed at for doing their jobs and showing due diligence towards a possible threat. And no way in any hell do I believe "they've been up for 2-3 weeks" in Boston.

For every idiot (talking about the country at large here) who wonders why they blew up a cartoon character- bombs and other lethal agents can be disguised to look like almost anything. Only ONE of those things had to be a bomb and if Boston had ignored it and it went off, public perception would be much different right now.

One of my favorite authors recently wrote a book where terrorists attack Disney World using Sarin disquised as OFF! Bug Spray to get past security. Innocent looking items found in strange areas should always be treated with suspicion. Its just common sense

/rant off
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Post by Eviticus »

I would personally rather a few thousand people die from mistakenly thinking a threat was innocent, then a few hundred million people live in paranoia and think everything is a threat to their life. Suspicious of every item out of the ordinary.
...the first one discovered (at a T station) couldn't be seen from any sort of angle by the people using the T. It was hidden under a stairway and a maintenance worker found it while working.
And no way in any hell do I believe "they've been up for 2-3 weeks" in Boston.
If they were hidden, then why not? Yes, I'd rather the police be suspicious about strange boxes with wires placed around the city with not a word to anyone. But when it's discovered what they are and people still want to lynch the creator of this idea, stop the planet and let me get off. This world has too much George Orwell for me.

In short, it was a joke.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

One was hidden yes, most however were not. So no, I do not believe there were up for 2-3 weeks as advertised. That is most likely media spin from Time Warner.

None of the other cities have reported knowing about the creations until Time Warner came out with the news either- so please, explain to me how 10 cities could not know about a these for close to a month now?

Also, no offense, but seriously Eviticus, get a clue. Did I say live in fear? No, I said its common sense to treat a suspicous looking object with caution and it is. It just takes one person to ignore an innocous item/report for people to die. Situational awareness saves lives.

The idea that you (or like minded indivuduals) would rather take the chance of people dying then treating any suspicious items with due caution/procedures because its probably a joke is shameful.

Did people die Weds? No, thank gods because yes, it was a joke. The thing is, what if it hadn't been? What if someone had rigged a bomb or two to those things?

Saying to everyone involved that "you're an idiot, it was a joke." or "why blame the artist/Time Warner/whoever, it was a joke." is not being clear sighted here.

The only idiots here are the ones who think it was a harmless prank.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Those things were decorated with LEDs for cripes sake.

The reason they thought they were bombs, according to a police spokesman was because they had circuit boards and batteries. What can you think of that might be in your pocket or on your belt that has circuit boards and batteries?

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Don't talk to strangers, don't look them in the eye. Remember the police are your friends. Neither art nor levity are permitted at times like these. Welcome to a world shaped by the Republican worldview.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

Yes, and can you see LEDs clearly in the daytime from 15+ feet away? Much less, when was the last time you saw an advertisement on the underside of a bridge?

Yea, didn't think so.

The police and other authorities acted correctly here people. They were warned off suspicious looking objects in places that- if they were bombs- they could pose a significant danger to people and infrastructure so they were treated as such.

When lives are at stake you don't take chances. Period fucking dot.

No one knew of the promotion, in any city- no permits were filed, authorities notified- nada. The blame is on Time Warner and the advertising agency for not alerting Boston- which I might remind y'all is in a Democratic state. It isn't about political view points, but about a city acting responsibly towards a perceived threat. The fact that it wasn't intended to be taken as a threat is besides the point.

Make all the crass remarks you want about living in a Republican world, but I feel much safer knowing that no chances were taken.

Go as far back in history as you like- whenever someone overlooks a warning sign and does nothing, bad things happen. The entire European continent looked the other way for crying out loud when Hitler started his climb to power.

Even in recent history: the Atlanta Olympic Bombing, Japan's terrorist attack in the 90s, the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11- in all of these tragedies people died when other people, who might have been able to stop it from happening, did nothing.


Because it couldn't happen, no one would do something like that, it was just a prank... Pick your excuse, it all comes down to the same thing- people died.

Seriously, I'd love to live with all of y'alls' rose colored outlook. Wake up and smell the coffee, the world is not safe, has never been safe and it pays to be cautious.
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Post by Eviticus »

I find it ironic that you said things like that about the world. I thought I was fairly conservative and had a mildy sober view of the world.

Look, I hate quoting historical figures to support a modern day view but "A man who would sacrafice his liberty in exhange for some temporary freedom deserves neither freedom nor liberty." (Thank ya, Mr. Franklin.)

And no, I never said anything about excuses or whatever for the Bombings and terrorist attacks you mentioned. I -do- recall saying
Yes, I'd rather the police be suspicious about strange boxes with wires placed around the city with not a word to anyone.
I know the world's not safe. Our nation makes a habit to tromp out to the corners of the world in an attempt to spread peace and the world-view we believe to be right. We step on alot of toes. And most of our enemies are not above small or large attacks.

(I love Democracy, I think it's so far been the most effective form of government that's fairest to the majority of the people. I love our Millitary, the Men and Women of America who have the gonads to put their life on the line for our Country when I didn't have the guts to sign up myself. Don't think I'm badmouthing this country, I'm just saying what I see.)

But what I'm trying to say is yes, caution is good. But the creators of this marketing ad were not terrorists. It was not a prank as it was called so many times. Pranks usually imply deceit towards the end of fooling people. Putting up signs that lit up at night in the shapes of cartoon characters is not decieving anyone.

Look at it this way. If someone put up posters all around my apartment complex of a singer who's coming to perform next week, they're not trying to fool me. I just don't know who that person is. Same thing but on a bigger scale, they were trying to market ATHF. If they didn't alert the proper people about their ad campaign, that was their bad, yes. They should pay a fine if a fine is warrented.

But you're acting like they're the next biggest threat to this nation, jeez.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Tianshii »

And now it's time for TIANSHII'S TAKE on the silly light boxes...

I work for a local news O&O.
We had the story Wednesday night. Our reporter and her canera guy were on location where one of the boxes was found.
As the camera person panned up and got a close up of the box I exclaimed to the control room, "That thing is doing THIS!!" and promptly flipped off the producer.
He said what?!?! ... Oh man it is flipping us off!!
The room shared a collective chuckle and I added...
We're airing that thing saying F*<k You.. we're pretty much flipping off our entire viewing audience... dude.. tell them to pan offa that thing... Is it in the package??? :lol:

It was... it's on our web page too.. it's in our teases.... I want to know how no one realized it's giving the finger??? :rofl:
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Post by Fiye »

Alright, lets take a look at the two sides.

Time Warner + Adult Swim. All they want is media attention. They know the mooninites flipping people would give them attention, but the bomb scare was just a +1 to everything.

Boston Metro: They just did their job. They didn't know what the packages were, and for all they knew, it could have been a bomb.

In all, time warner did good by telling them where the other packages were, and all went well.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »


Eviticus, please go back and reread all my posts.

Did I ever say they were terrorists?

No, I did not.

Its just common sense to treat something out of place with caution. We teach our children to not talk to or accept rides from strangers, women who like to party are told not to accept drinks that they didn't watch being poured, you're told not to get into a car with someone who's been drinking, even if they seem sober, etc. Bottom line, the world isn't safe and hasn't been in a very long time, if ever.

This isn't about politics or the current worldveiw which I've been trying to make clear in every post, its about being alert to possible dangers.

I simply defended the actions of the Boston authorities, people who you called idiots, and explained why I thought they acted correctly.

Did some of them recognize the characters? Probably, but that doesn't mean that they could just ignore them either. The signs were placed in areas that if they were dangerous posed a signifcant danger to people and they were treated as such.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Time Warner/the ad company didn't file any sort of permit to put these signs up, so the authorities in Boston had no idea these were there. It took a good 8 hours for the matter to get cleared up/explained because someone at either Time Warner/the ad company decided to cut corners and post these signs without filing the proper paperwork.

Its required for a freaking reason- so events like this don't happen.

Again, I fail to see why its Boston authorities who are getting laughed/derided for this. They acted correctly by taking no chances towards the public safety.

It would've taken just one of those things to be a bomb for this to have turned out very differently.

It only takes one pyscho to plant a bomb, and considering where these signs were placed, is it that hard to believe that wasn't deliberate on somebody's part?

This may have been a joke, but it was in poor taste and I'm sorry, the fact that you'd would personally rather a few thousand people die from mistakenly thinking a threat was innocent, then a few hundred million people live in paranoia and think everything is a threat to their life. speaks volumes about you.

But, I've said this all before (repeatedly) and I've made my position abundantly clear. You seem to be either ignoring it or just not getting it. Either way, I'm tired of explaining myself to someone who clearly isn't listening.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

OK, lets put a little logic into this.

To make a bomb you need explosives. To do damage you need a certain amount of explosives. The reason car bombs are a popular weapon is because you can put 100s of pounds of explosives in a car. A cigarette package sized bomb will not do a lot of harm. While I have seen pictures of these things I have no idea of their size, do you?

These things were decorated with LEDs. Terrorists who plant bombs would never call such attention to their devices. Indeed they try to hide them or disguise them as something harmless like a mini van or a baby buggy.

The devices were not hidden but in plain sight. Many were in places that were darkened in daylight, but as they are LED advertising devices this is reasonable placement, not that that is important.

The Boston PD said they were considered bombs because they had a battery and a circuit board, and anything with a battery and a circuit board could be a bomb. This includes Cell Phones and I-pods I suppose. Am I to leave my cell at home if I visit Boston?

Lastly, an overreaction on your part is not a crime on my part.

The Seattle PD had a similar overreaction to an art car which was parked in a well frequented part of downtown. The reason: among the many slogans painted on the car were the words "da bomb". Considering the widespread use of car bombs, this was a more reasonable overreaction than Boston's, but STILL a gross overreaction.

We are headed into a society where anything not expressly permitted and licensed is illegal.

As someone who grew up in the shadow of WW II and remembers the Eisenhower administration, I cry daily for what my country has become, and fear where it is going.
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Post by MittensValefor »

Wow. Wasn't expecting so much controversy. ^.^;
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Post by Sugami »

MittensValefor wrote:Wow. Wasn't expecting so much controversy. ^.^;
I know. Great, isn't it? :lol:
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

MittensValefor wrote:Wow. Wasn't expecting so much controversy. ^.^;
Neither was Time Warner :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit:On every side I think we can file this under "Stupid Human tricks".
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

Oh, most definetly- on both sides of the debate. :lol:
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Post by Eviticus »

Stupid Human Tricks, eh? I think that was the subtitle of my autobiography....
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Igihstehr »

Eviticus wrote:Stupid Human Tricks, eh? I think that was the subtitle of my autobiography....
...and my official job title!

{/hurray}! no longer a kitten... my 50th post!
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I rather enjoyed it.
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Re: Beautiful sounding MP3 fan remake of Ronfaure music

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Re: Beautiful sounding MP3 fan remake of Ronfaure music

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