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Post by fleshwerki »

i know this is completely random but its something someone else wrote on another ls of mine, its amazaing to say the least, but be warned, its EXTREMELY long.

"a young boys journey"

A young boy on a journey
Lost and alone
Finds himself wandering
The far lands unknown

Cold and confused on where he could go
His house was ransacked and his family killed
But he survived
This boy is too strong willed

He waits till night
For the cover of darkness
To his house he goes
To search the mess

he finds his father
with his life still failing
remember this my son
there is no life, not worth saving

take my sword, and make it your own
and hold it always at your side
don’t cry for me son
for this moment is my time

with his last remaining breaths
he uttered this to his son
“The beastmen are coming back,
now run, boy RUN!”

the boy reached for his fathers sword
its hilt as cold as shivering ice
its blade long and silver
glimmering in the darkened night

he looked to his father
and made this solemn vow
the beastmen will pay for this
some day, some how

he rushed out of the cabin,
saying legs don’t fail me
today is not my day
no beastmen will kill me

he glanced behind him
a horde of beastmen closing in
he looked ahead
and then back again

one day these beastmen will die
I will send them to hell
But he wasn’t looking
And with one step he fell

Tears filled his eyes
as the boy stood up
today is not my day
I will not give up

He drew his fathers sword
Trembling in fear
“Step aside young lad
I will not let them near”

He looked behind him
there stood a man in white
I wonder who could he be?
His armor….he’s a knight

The man walked forward
He drew his sword, today is not your day
With swing by swing
The boys feet, is where the beastmen lay

Sir Knight! Behind you
The little boy screamed
But he was too late
In his last breath, the goblin leaped

The knight looked to the boy
As he fell to the ground
The blood of beastmen
Spilled all around

Your sword he said
Is cold as ice
I once knew a man with that very same sword
This man saved my life

Im on a journey
To repay the favor
To this man
I called my savior

Do u know him?
Is my savior well
No sir knight…he is dead
These beastmen you slay, are the ones that killed

Young man he whispered
Lend me your ear
To repay this favor
I have searched many years

I have watched many friends die
I have seen many men bleed
But I still live, and I will live
Until I finish this deed

Then consider your deed done
You can go in peace sir knight
That man was my father
And you have saved my life

The knight smiled
As he looked into his eyes
With his last words he whispered “thank you”
With his final breath he died

Its been 10 years now
And that boy has done many deeds
He has become a true warrior
That little boy, is me

In jueno, I kneel at the chapel
And once again I pray
“father forgive me for taking so long
but today is my day”

“I swear to you on heaven and earth
that the time is now
I will finish my journey
I will complete my vow”

Its taken me a long time
To know who I am
But today I know it all
And today is not the end

I carry my fathers sword
Hilt as cold as ice
The blade long and silver
Glimmering in the light

I will defend these lands
Father…I will make u proud
I will kill all beastmen
I will complete this vow

I have fought many battles
But this may be my last
I never knew who I was
Until I came to this task

I am a man of honor
I am a man of light
I am my father’s son
I am….“The Frozen Knight”

“A young man’s journey ends”

A young man
In blood stained clothes
Enters the town of Jeuno
But who is he? No one knows

“He’s heading the church
Well lets all go see
To find the truth
Of who he really be”

The people of Jeuno
All gathered in the church
To see this blood stained man
To answer questions whilst they search

The traveler enters the chapel
And there takes a knee
“I have failed you father,
How could this be?”

“I have traveled so far,
I have been to lands unknown
I thought I could handle this,
But I was wrong, I can’t alone”

“Tell me young sir
Who could you be?
Are you who they speak of?
Are you really he?”

“Are you the man?
Who’s sword is cold as ice?
Are you the man?
Known as the frozen knight?”

The traveler stood up, and looked to the crowd
“Yes I am that man, that man is I”
“But you’ve been gone for so long
We all thought you died”

“I left on a mission
A vow to kill all beastmen
They have driven me back
But this is not the end”

“I am but one man
And I could use some help
Is anyone here brave enough?
To send these beastmen back to hell?”

“I will”
A tall humanoid stepped near
“I will help vanquish this evil
I will help vanquish this fear”

“I am a Galkan, dark knight
Studied in the black arts
With my darkened scythe
We will tear these beastmen apart”

“I will too, a little figure approached”
“You?” he asked, but you’re a tiny child”
“I may be little
But my skill of summons, is far from mild”

“I am a tarutaru, and I am like you”
“But we are not the same”
“You will love, the ice goddess, Shiva,
If we burst into flames”

“Very well, you may be little
But you have a big heart
I’m sure your summoners skill
Will take us far”

A woman in a dark cloak stepped forward
And she unveiled her hood
“I am a ranger
I will dare what no mithra could”

“I am the golden archer
A huntress from the south
I will pierce these beastmen black hearts
And catch food to feed our mouths”

Just then an elvaan
With white armor far from weak
Kneeled down
Before the frozen knights feet

“Many years I have studied you
I have learned of your feats
I’ll be proud to stand beside you
Through whatever perils we meat”

“I am a paladin,
And I defend my land
To die in battle with you
They’re could be no greater end”

“Stand up sir paladin
You shall not kneel to me
For when our journey’s over
I will be the one taking a knee”

“Just one more
This is all we need
To take our journey
So our homes can be free”

A figured approached
Covered in a cloak of white
“I am the last you’ll need
To survive this fight”

“My wisdom is vast
And my magic is pure,
We will go far
With my power to cure”

He looks at the 5 members
With a smile on his face
“We will return here
With honor, glory and grace”

“Let us be off,
The hour grows late
Let’s take these beastmen to hell
Let’s show them they’re fate”

The 6 companion now bound together
Set out of Jeuno that day
UN sure what they’ll find
What perils await

I’ve heard stories
That a great battle ensued
With hordes of beastmen,
Monsters and demons too

Many years later
The heroes came home
And told the story
That only once was told

In one great battle
With demons and beast
One great demon
Chose the white mage to feast

But the great hero
Known as the frozen knight
Slayed this demon
But so gave his life

We buried him deep
Beneath rock and bone
And had this engraved
Upon his tombstone

"A Forgotten soul, quietly waiting,
A Shattered heart, with strength unfailing
A darkened dream, condemning light
A hidden secret, within the night

A faithful fighter, true to sword and shield
A weary warrior, but to no foe, he yields
A terrible tale, but a sacred life
A Fallen Hero, known, as...the Frozen Knight"

That warrior lives
Only in memories now
The warrior who fought
To keep his solemn vow

He fought all his life
For right and truth
Ever since child hood
Since he was a young boy in his youth

Do not cry for him
Do not shed your tears
He fought for you and me
He fought against all fears

This story tells us
Of a tale of one
But to stand alone against these beastmen
It can not be done

We must all stand strong
We must all stand proud
Just a little boy once did
When he made a solemn vow

I too am but one man
I can’t do this alone
Who will stand with me?
To face the perils unknown

We must band together
Both you and I
As these 6 heroes did
When this young man gave his life

Together we go
Into the depths of hell
For what awaits us
I can not tell

We must defend our lands
We must take it back
From these beastmen
We must attack

So brothers and sisters
Let us fight together
Let us rid our homelands
Of these beastmen
It comes in pints? I'm getting one !!!
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Teh Cutaru
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Post by Kopopo »


Very nice. had some grammatical, spelling, and AOLer errors but as for content it's excellent.
Queen Cat
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Re: poem

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Queen Cat
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Re: poem

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