How to party with a Bard - Part 2 - Positioning

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How to party with a Bard - Part 2 - Positioning

Post by Meeyutu »

Ok it's been awhile since I had lots of time to kill at work so here is part deux - Positioning. Also here is a link to part 1 : ... .php?t=462

Generally speaking there will be 2 kinds of areas a party will fight in: an open area with lots of room to move around, and a close quarters setup which is usually a tunnel, etc.

In an open area a good Bard can easily do their job even with sub standard positioning.

The basic positioning for this setup is this:

Melees - Stand opposite the Tank.

Tank - Stands with his back to the Mages.

Mages always stay the same distance between the Tank, but slightly apart from the mages that aren't of the same type.

Lets say a Party has a WHM, 2 BLM they would stand like this in relation to the tank (M=Mob,T=Tank,W=WHM, B=BLM):



This is so that the tank (if he/she is a PLD) can get MP Refresh with the mages by the BRD standing the the middle of all 3.

Then move toward the Tank and Boost DEF, or VIT.

Then move back and to the left and give the WHM MNB boost.

Then move to the right and give the BLMs INT boost.


To give an example of how this is used in the context of a PT I'll run through a battle.

While the puller is out looking for a Mob I will repeat the MP Refresh, and Stat boosts for the Tank, and Mages until the mob becomes visible or is almost into the camp.

Then I'll run behind the mob and toss an Elemental Threnody on it depending on what the BLMs plan on using against the mob to give them an extra boost.

At this point the Party should look like this :


Melee jobs


Now I cast Attack/Accuracy/Attack Speed boosts depending on the melees so they have their separate boosts from the mages, and tank.

Then I toss in a couple enfeebs, cure status effects if needed and return to rebuff the Tank and Mages.

Melee jobs



This is repeated between buffing the tank/mages, and melee until the battle is done. If HP is low on the melees (excluding PLD tank - he rests anyway) I cast regen on the melees, and continue to buff the mages/tank until the next mob arrives.

In an open are situation the positioning doesn't need to be as tight and lined up as above because I have lots of room to position myself and hit the correct players with the correct songs. All that is really important is that you keep about the right distance between the other players and don't move durring battle.

Here is the cliff notes/rules I guess:

-Melee across from the Tank
-Mages behind the Tank
-Hold position during battle
-Stay in relative position after battle
-If you see the BRD starting a song outside of battle don't run to the BRD, if he/she wanted you to have the buff he/she would give it to you.

**I see melees run in when they see DEF boost, but in getting that boost it only means they will override one of their melee attack boosts which will get replaced soon enough and lower their damage output in the mean time.

There are always exceptions and other senarios.. like what if there is a DRK? The DRK would be asked to stand beside the BLM durring out of battle buffing to get his MP, then in battle get his attack and accuracy boosts during battle.

Also with NIN and WAR tanks I always double buff DEF or do DEF and VIT boosts instead of MP regen. At this point the Mages will be asked to stand back a little further then normal.

Anyway that's enough for now.. To cover tunnel/close quarters fighting I'm going to need to draw some pictures or I'll just sound like some nut rambling - more than usual anway.
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Post by Mystiana »

make gifs or smthg ; ;
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Post by Nivez »

ug good in theory bad in practice, many many mobs have aoe attacks that attack in a cone shape dischage from thier mouths, (raptors anyone?) this makes this set up not only useless but very very bad. for your adverage party, this is a good set up, but if fighting mobs like this, the party should look like this. (using the above mentioned way of doing things)



this is to avoid some of those nasty effects. and is the only logical position for a few monsters. bards may hate it, but its truly the only way to do some things.
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Post by Ziada »

I'm all too familiar with what a pain raptors can be... I was in 3-4 Valley of Sorrows parties last week. Some of those tanks were smart enough to position the raptor facing a wall every time, and... some of them let the back line get hosed down with Foul Breath. Repeatedly. The mages and the paladin all have to get a Viruna from me, at 48 MP a pop. Meep!

When asking the tank not to do that failed, I took to moving closer to the fight and off to the side so I wouldn't get hit, wherever the mob wasn't facing. We probably would have driven a bard nuts, if we'd had one.
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Re: How to party with a Bard - Part 2 - Positioning

Post by xaresity »

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Re: How to party with a Bard - Part 2 - Positioning

Post by xaresity »

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