Why XD

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Why XD

Post by Blackroses »

Okay, has this ever happened to you.

1. Youve died just as you made it to a zone only to either be stopped from zoning (even though your reached the balck screen) or zoned only to be found dead.

2. Gain exp to the point where your dead positive youll lvl only to have 1 tnl.

3. See a item on the AH for a set price, only to find that after bidding 10K or more higher and still not able to buy it because some dumb nut was a jerk and set the price so high.

4. Swear you've seen a gob jump where you observe it for a while (they actually bury items when they do that)

5. Taken a Pee on Sandy as it burned to the ground (no offense Sandy kitties) from a fire that you started by " Accident"

6. Use your two hour for no reason in a open area with no mobs around just cause you were bored.

7. Caught two ppl cybering in public due to a misstell.

8. Zoned from a mob because the bastard had 1 hp left but you just couldnt hit it anymore or because you were so beat up and his buddy came and helped out.

9. Killed a crawler in success but ended up dying because the smart bastard used poision breath on you, thus causing you to lose your hard earned silk and exp.

10. Chilled on the beach with a beach pugil, just to have your party killed by it, moments later.

11. Got a exp chain # 5 or higher without a PL.

12. Played throught the entire night without sleep because you wanted a certain lvl soooooooooooooooo bad.

13. Have a random friend give you millions of gil for no reason.

14. Easily do a lvl 50 synth, but then fail on a lvl 1 synth.

15. Get disconneted only to find yourself dead when you log back on.
If youve expereinced all of these or just some of them. Welcome to what we call fun in FFXI. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why XD

Post by Nobodyreal »

let's see...

1. At least once a week.

2. Had parties disband when I actually was 1 tnl before.

3. Ended up being 50k higher but I bought it anyway. *hugs Gold Sword +1*

4. Nope

5. I tried to burn down Ronfaure once, does that count?

6. Often

7. Does it count if they're doing it in /say?

8. Goblins love doing this one to me.

9. Fact of life soloing to 10 in Sarutabaruta. Never lost the silk though.

10. 335 damage Screwdriver right to the face.

11. All the time. Regularly when I'm pulling in Qufim.

12. Because I finally got a good XP party that understands not everyone is willing to shut up and conform.

13. Millions, no. Gear worth millions, yes.

14. And get laughed at by everyone in the clothcraft guild.

15. Again, at least once a week.
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Post by Kailea »

all this stuff raly happens to me, all that has happened once in a while, but not alot :p
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Re: Why XD

Post by Keavy »

1. Numerous times on my old main, Keavy, and my mule when I level her.

2. pretty much every level for me is like that.

3. Happened to me with my Moccasins I needed for WHM AF Feet. In fact, whoever is flooding the Jeuno AH on Phoenix with Crow gear and undercutting it to nothing needs to stop. Seriously, I'm trying to unload some of mine and I can't when there's 20 pieces of each up going for 50K each and no Raven's up!

4. No, but I have killed Gob Jesus (The one in Gustaberg who can walk on water and respawns seven days later)

5. My mule lives in Sandy, some of my best friends and my NPC are Elvaan so no.

6. Only thing close to that was when I Mijin Gakure'd a monster in Sea Serpent Grotto after winning the Leviathan fight in celebration. I think I did like 2 damage :P

7. More times than I can count.

8. Hell no. THEY zone to get away from ME!

9. I carry antidotes whenever I farm silk at that level.

10. Again, more times than I can count.

11. As my Summoner near the entrance to Sea Serpent Grotto. The WAR/NIN swore we'd need a PL to do that.

12. See my answers to #7 and #10.

13. In my dreams.

14. I haven't crafted hard-core since I lost my old main, but yeah. I could fail on Mithkabobs at level 45 cooking then make butter no problem.

15. Never disconnected. Thanks, Comcast! :2thumb: Well, there was that time my PS2 died and I returned six months later to find a character I had invested a year of my life into was no longer useable but we don't discuss that. It angers up the blood.
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

1, Of course.

2, Three TNL is as close as I ever got.

3, Of course.

4, I have seen a Goblin Digger dig. I have never seen a Goblin Fisherman fish. But they always forget bait.

5, :shock: SANDY?? Maybe Bastok....

6, To show it off to RL friends yes, no reason? No.

7, Ah... the lack of private rooms at the inns....

8, Nope, it gets that close, its do or die. And being a RDM, mostly its do.

9, Oh no, out of antidote AGAIN.

10, Of course.

11, Of course.

12, Played throught the entire night without sleep because the party was that HOT. I'm not a motivated leveler.

13, Never. /sigh

14, Of course. The real /rolleyes experience is when HQing, 3 HQs in a row, then a Crit Fail.

15, Of course.
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Re: Why XD

Post by xaresity »

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