aspiring writer

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aspiring writer

Post by angeladark »

Well, needless to say, recently I've been doing some writing about FFXI. Though I'm debating on whether or not I should post my progress on here. My work is basically fiction, and includes a transformation and I just don't know how that'll fly here. So please post and tell me if you want to see what I've done so far.
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Post by Holydragoon »

Post it up =) I'm sure it will get readers. Lots of kittens here who write and read will be sure to have a look.
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Post by angeladark »

alright, I'll post what I have, though mind you it is incomplete... I will be open to suggestions though hehe.

Here it is:

Revenge can taste like fish

Chad was your typical purist type of Final Fantasy 11 player. He was a level 75 Warrior on his server and played a Hume male character named Manthrahater. Of course this name didn’t go too well with some of his fellow players but he didn’t care. He had a reputation that preceded him for miles, a number of linkshells have tried to work with him but he was eventually kicked out of them, so he made up his own called TheManthraHaters. Seems he wasn’t alone in his endeavors, as the months rolled by the linkshell he had formed grew slowly, filled with mostly humes and elvaans that were against the idea of “manthras” there were even some hume and elvaan women in the shell as well.

Chad continued his crusade to remove the manthras from his servers for many months, he most often found himself bashing them on the various forum sites dedicated to Final Fantasy 11. One day he found a private message on one of the sites he frequented. It was from someone he vaguely knew on his server named Goddessmithra, it said “If I ever happen to meet you in Ballista, you will find yourself with a new found appreciation for the Mithra race, Manthrahater.” Chad obviously enraged by this comment replied back demanding that they meet in the game on the Ballista fields of war. A date and a time was agreed on, it had arrived sooner than expected for Chad. Goddessmithra, he saw, was a level 75 Black Mage.

Goddessmithra: “Are you ready?”
Manthrahater: “You bet, prepare to lose, manthra”
Goddessmithra: “We shall see who loses, Chad”

Now this kind of freaked Chad out, no one knew his name in the game, so there was no possible way for this, this manthra to know it at all. Though this only fueled his rage and the Ballista battle began. Chad’s first target was clear, Goddessmithra. With a yell, he ran up do her, she calmly cast “Bind” which he normally would be able to resist most of the time but Chad found his character frozen in place. Without a word, Goddessmithra just smiled and cast spell after spell on her frozen victim. “Now, we end this” she said as she began to cast another spell in her list, one of the longer casting timed ones, an ancient spell. While she was casting, her bind spell on Chad wore off, the moment he found himself free he began to charge her, infuriated by rage and anger. On his screen he saw the mithra get closer, but before he could attack, the spell had completed and his screen flashed brightly. Some unknown force had hit Chad where he sat and he tipped over backwards and fell unconscious. Well, the battle had to continue and long after it was over, Chad awoke to find his character standing on the middle of the battle field, alone. Some purple text scrolled up onto his screen.

Goddessmithra: “If you want to know, your side lost, but that won’t be the worst thing, I hope you like fish”

Chad tried to respond to the message but it seems the person went offline. He tried calling a GM to report Goddessmithra. A GM came, though he had searched through the character records and he found there to be no record that a mithra named Goddessmithra even played the game. This as one would assume angered Chad as he began a search to find this Goddessmithra again and try to tell her off. His friends hadn’t known her, even some of the tight mithra groups, ones that would speak to him only if he didn’t bash them on hiding manthras, knew nothing of her, even the forums had nothing and his private message he had received from her was gone. It was as if she never existed. Taking solace in this, he pushed his ordeal to the back of his mind and went to bed. Thinking that the next day he’d forget about what went on.

Days had passed since the incident with Goddessmithra. Chad continued his quest to finding out who was and who wasn’t a manthra and making their lives miserable on the server he played on. His mother came home from her work and started cooking dinner, which wasn’t usual in Chad’s house, usually she would call and have him order pizza or Chinese, though it seemed today his mother got a break and decided to cook dinner for everyone. At that moment, Chad had just finished a long session in Final Fantasy and came out of his room. He blinked a bit to let his eyes adjust to the lights on as he stumbled a bit into the kitchen. “mmmm, that smells good mom, what is it?” said Chad. Chad’s mother looked at him in disbelief as he wouldn’t really make a comment like that, she knew he hated fish but still fed it to him hoping that someday he’d come out of his shell. “It’s salmon” she replied matter-of-factly. Chad was a bit stunned, first at the thought of fish but more at the thought that he actually did believe it smelled good, normally he’d plug his nose and say something awful like “man, it smells like something died in here” Nevertheless, Chad just walked away in disbelief.

Dinner was uneventful, unless you count Chad hungrily eating up his fish and wanting more. His mother just kept it coming to him, glad that her son had finally started liking something instead of junk food and pop. After dinner, Chad left to his room to start an all night gaming session with his friends online. The taste of the fish was still fresh in his mouth, at dinner his mother ran out of salmon, not really planning on Chad being so eager to have as much as he did. In the middle of the night, some hunger pains struck Chad, seems it was time for a little late night snack. He excused himself from the game and went to the kitchen quietly, looking for something to eat. None of the usual foods appealed to him; instead he grabbed a few cans of tuna, resting in the back of the pantry. Seems his mother forgot that she had that in there so he got himself a bowl and opened up all the cans, drained them of the oil and water and emptied the contents into one big heap. He smelled the tuna and smiled, loving the smell for some reason, he was eager to taste it, as he took the bowl full of tuna with him to his room he began to nibble on the top, not using his hands, rather using his mouth, face planted in the bowl. He stumbled back into his room, finishing the bowl and licking it clean before he got there, and he placed the bowl on the dresser and continued with his game session until morning.

The following morning, Chad stumbled out of his room to face the day. He went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, there he noticed a few things as being strange, his nose seemed to have gotten a bit smaller and was shaped a bit strangely as he had remembered, plus there was what looked like a smudge that didn’t seem to go away when he tried to wipe it off the bottom of his nose. His hair had grown a little, though this really didn’t concern him as it had been a while since he went to a barber. His skin looked darker though, like he had spent some time tanning but he and the sun were hardly on a first name basis, though in feeling his face it seemed to have grown a little fuzz. He smirked in the mirror as he never really needed to shave, not that he wanted to grow his facial hair out; it just seemed that it never wanted to be seen until today. He sighed to himself and went into the shower to get ready for his rare appearance in public. Chad relaxed and sighed as the warm water hit him, though now it seemed his chest became a bit sensitive to the touch. He made a mental note to tell someone about it, perhaps the school nurse. He got dressed and made his way to work.

Chad worked at a computer repair shop; it paid well and supported his gaming habits
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Post by Golddess »

Hehe, wasn't expecting stories based in RL, but nice :)
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Gold53.1+1 | Smith21.4 | Wood8.0 | Cook2.2 | Leather2.0
0/300 T.Whiteshell | 0/1400 Byne Bill | 0/6000 O.Bronzpiece | 0/10000 T.Whiteshell
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Re: aspiring writer

Post by xaresity »

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