What Preytell is a Promyvion?

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What Preytell is a Promyvion?

Post by Gwynn »

I asked a player last night where he got those new super kawaii Seer's gear, and another where he got his Noct Gear. They both just replied Promyvion. I'm guessing it's a CoP thing, but having just canceled my preorder with Bestbuy, (delayed 5 days "Backordered because of Ivan", and then getting another email today saying "Backordered for 25 days" i just canceled it, and i'll pick it up on the way home tonite) I cannot be sure.

So? has anyone been there? I've checked a few of the non-blocked sites regarding FFXI from here at work, but i can't get to alakazham or the FFXI site to read up.
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Post by Sivara »

Promyvion is the "emptiness" that now threatens Vana'diel. It's an area with a level 30 cap, and you need a good party (or an alliance) to explore it. Each area of Promyvion is connected to a teleport crag (Holla, Mea, Dem), and it has a spire with a BCNM. Clearing all the areas gives you access to Tavnazia (the place in the opening FMV that gets crushed by the beastmen).

Some people have had fits exploring Promyvion. Others have said it's a breeze. I really think it depends on your party setup, how skillful the members are, and if any of them are noobish ("I'm gonna run over here by myself and touch that glowing thing!").

Likewise, some people have had problems with the BCNMs, mostly because they don't bring any or enough anima. Anima are created from "memories" (items) dropped by enemies in Promyvion. All you have to do is bring "memories" to an alchemist NPC in Ru'Lude Gardens and pay him some gil (2K per memory, I think) and he'll make them into anima after one in-game day.

Tossing the different kinds of anima at the bosses weakens them in different ways (paralyze, weakness to magic, etc.). I've heard stories of people using anima on the bosses, and keeping them so weak that the monsters don't damage them for most of the battle.

Promyvion sounds interesting, but I'm in no rush to do it. However, if MP set up a Promyvion raid, I'd jump on board. :D

Oh, something I forgot. To kick off the mission that lets you do Promyvion, you need to zone into Lower Delkfutt's Tower into Qufim after installing CoP. Any rank/level (I think) can activate the cutscene. You don't need to be Rank 5 or 10 or whatever. CoP "missions" seem to be more like snippets of story, and as Rank 10 is still the highest available, you don't gain any more Rank with your nation. Anyway, after that, you head on up to Upper Jeuno, talk to a guy in the Infirmary (marked on your map), and then to Ru'Lude to talk to more NPCs.

I've already done all the cutscenes up to going to Promyvion. Everything looks very cool to me.
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Post by Rekahkun »

same here. i'm all set to do some promyvion stuff. was hoping something would get going w/in the Pride for it :)
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Post by Kopopo »

I'm guessing this is a CoP thing as well? Damn, I need to get a copy ;_;
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Post by Pyrexia »

Here's Pyrexia's record for the BCNMs involved when you get to the Spire of the crag.

{death}, {death}, and even more {death}

These things are hard, and I have yet to succeed on any of the Promyvions.

Pyrexia : Mithran Fishercat : Federation of Windurst : Midgardsormr and Hades
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You need special anima's

Post by Nimonie »

These are created useing the rare/exe form of memories and yes they are a great help in fighting the final boss. even if they are hard to get.
77 Bard, 80 Blm, 80 Monk, 80 blu, 80 bst, 75 smn, 75 Pld, 73 Dnc, 75Rng, 40 Whm, 42 rdm, 37 war, 42 nin, 31 thf. Windurst Sandoria & Bastok rank 10. CoP Complete, aht urhgan Complete, Rise of Zilart Complete.
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Post by Amiricle »

Ive defeated all 3 once each and not a single anima was used, so they are not necessary, but would certainly be quite helpful I imagine. Primarily you need skillfull group that can work together verry well, A good party-job setup, and medicines - lots of medicines.
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Re: What Preytell is a Promyvion?

Post by xaresity »

Queen Cat
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Re: What Preytell is a Promyvion?

Post by xaresity »

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