He went on to say pretty much it was weak as hell, managed to slow him down a little bit with some ability.Man, talk about Lich being weak. I went in as 75 War/Nin with my level 57 NPC out for back up and popped this guy. I didn't expect him to bring me anywhere near close to death, but I also went in expecting him to put up a fight...
Is it just me or are things like these being posted way too much? Yea, it's nice that you were able to solo it. But you're level 75. That doesnt really give us much info on it. It seems that any time you find a post about a mission or quest or NM battle and they say it was really simple, it's always followed by a "I went in as a level 75" something or other, usually rdm/nin. Even found once on a mission info (and i quote this exactly) "And it's confirmed! This is soloable by a 75 rdm/nin, I did it last week" It's become a kind of inside joke between me and my dad(yes my dad plays), that whenever we're gonna do something and we're not sure if we can beat it, we say "well, all we gotta do is find a lvl 75 rdm/nin!"
It's sad that this is so common isnt it? please never do this.
And one last thing to clear up. I may be wrong, but i'm pretty sure this quest was there before the Rise of the Zilart expansion, so the level cap was 50. The lich is level 58. That being said, at the time, it took at least a full party or two of people at cap level to beat it.