The Budget Gamer

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Irrepressible Kitteh
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The Budget Gamer

Post by Tivia »

Every couple of months or so I virtually build a budget oriented gaming system. I do this mostly because it amuses me, whenever I get into argument's with people who honestly have no clue why they paid $2000 for their HP and it still sucks for gaming and I just told them they could have paid less then $1000. The premise for this gaming system is built on quality, warranty, expandability, and style. I assume the end user will provide their own OS, and software. For this particular Build I only use as the source for simplicity sake, however as a note a smart user will use pricewatch to lookup the exact same parts and save even more money.

The start of every computer requires one essential component. A place to put all the parts. I give alot of consideration to cases quality, Style, features even on a budget PC I feel that compromise is not acceptable in this area. One of the greatest cases I have discovered for the budget pc is the Shuttle box. There are several reason's for this: Size being first, its easy to place anywhere, Quality of the psu and cooling system, and lastly motherboard. Normally I want to pick my own motherboard however in the case of shuttle they have done such a nice job with their motherboards that if I am considering budget I simply cannot build a standard ATX with a quality psu, hsf, case and MB for the cost of a shuttle which looks better then most mid towers anyhow. As such I have selected the following shuttle box for this build. Now as a note, this is an AGP build not PCI-x, This is a budget gamer afterall and dispite the rumor's AGP is still and will continue to be viable for some time to come. ... 6856101471 ~ $298 + $6 ship Warranty 3 years

This leads to the next component which based on the case you can easily guess. The CPU, In this instance I have chosen an AMD based system. There are alot of reason's behind this price being the lesser of the reason's for once. Simply put if you are a dedicated gamer with the current generation of CPU's on the market there is 1 and only 1 name in your vocabularly and that is amd, Until Intel develops their next "canterwood" equalavent core they are not even a consideration for a gamer. ... 6819103537 ~ $139 Shipping Free Warranty 3 years

Now you may ask why the 3000+ and not the 3200+ when it is only $12 more. Simple the 3000+ venice core is the 3200+ simply not overclocked. A simple tweak of the settings that takes all of 30 seconds and you have a 3200+. If you actually want to push the cpu a bit this one is capable of running 3.45ghz on air cooling which would be equal to approx a 3500+ with ease. For ease however I suggest a simple bus tweak using the motherboards dynamic overclocking which does it for you.

Now that brings us to Ram. Ram is vastly more important then people seem to realize and I find myself shocked at how little people honestly know about it. Most people fail to realize what if any difference exists between good ram and generic. Most of the difference comes in the form of stability, alot of it in warranty. Most Ram manufacturers give you anywhere from 90 days to 1 year tops, and wont cover the ram under a slew of reason's. Unauthorized installer, voltage spike, it was overclocked insert 500 other lame excuses. Well one manufacturer does not put you through that bs, gives you a lifetime warranty and even backs the ram if you fry it due to overclocking. As such you want a minimum of 1gb these days and here is the choice. ... 6820145440
$79.67 + $3.83 ship Warranty = Lifetime

What system these days is complete without the ability to burn all those things you downloaded off of newsgroups and bittorrent, all legally off course.... :roll: ... 6827131258 ~ $39.99 Shipping free, warranty 1 year.

Storage, While it was tempting to throw a Raptor drive in, I had to consider that the budget gamer likely is not going to want multiple hard drives in a raid array, and they are going to want storage space. So I went with my second choice for Capacity, price, Warranty and not to mention silence. While I tend to prefer Western Digital, I even have to admit the Seagates are quieter and a 5 year warranty is pretty darn hard to beat. ... 6822148065 $106.50 + $3.49 ship Warranty 5 years

Video card I debated heavily on, I was not as happy with the selection as I usually am as my normal flavor's were out of stock. I am fairly picky on video card and I wanted to spend alot more on this but I had to remember I was doing this as a budget pc so I had to be budget oriented. However that still did not stop me from picking up a good overall card for the money that this system should be able to game with ease for at least 2 years. ... 6814127164 ~ $139.99 + $3.50 shipping Warranty 3 years

That effectively completes the system, What you are looking at for a core with everything shipped to you in 3 days, is $819.97. This is a bit more expensive then some of my budget gamers of the past but I took the liberty of upgrading a few more components to give more flexiability with upgrades down the road. Also I simply refuse to compromise on quality as most often it is at best sub $100 that seperates a nicely built gaming rig from a prefab, but the difference in performance is something that words cannot convey. This unit I have put together here will run any current game at medium to high settings at Good gameplay performance levels. To use FFXI as an example, this could run pretty much everything maxed in ffxi.

Another thing you will notice is everything has a minimum of 3 years worth of warranty, except the DVDrw which at $39 who honestly cares. Why buy a prefab, then have to Pay additional money for a 3 year warranty? Because the Prefabs parts are cheap and are going to break it is why the parts are cheap. The reason why a good custom will often run slightly more is because if you do it right you will have better warranty protection then a prefab owner, and likely you will never actually need yours because the hardware wont break. In the end most people will find that building a custom gaming rig is not nearly as expensive as they thought, and has far more benefits with a little planning then they could of imagined. As mentioned before a little research can drive the price of that unit down even more. I have seen people take the premise, shave some price with price watch reuse their hard drive and burner if they already had a good one and walk out the door with effectively a brand spanking new machine for under $500. Not only that but one that for the money they spent performed exponentialy better then their previous setup.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

lol my parts are all listed, once i get the funds im ready to rock and/or roll.
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Post by Nivez »

tivia why that card? its a regular 6600 with 256 MB of regluar DDR, ive been really pushing this card to my friends ... 6814150089

simply because its core clock, ram clock, and uses GDDR3, though only 128 MB, ill gladly take less video ram if its faster. Another thing is that in the long run it comes out cheaper than your card. (146 w/ 20$ mail in rebate VS, your 140 for the MSI) so it would seem logical to get the higher card...

yes i know its out of stock on newegg >.>; but im sure if you poked around you could easily find it.

second thing i disagree with is AGP. reason being, all new graphics cards are going to be only PCI-E. but my theory of building systems goes beyond the standard. i would grab a PCI-E motherboard, simply because in the long run youl be able to upgrade it multiple times before getting a new one. hell, get a socket 939 AMD MB, you can use the A64, the A64x2 or the A64FX in it, and as a new technology comes out, youl be able to upgrade your processor to match whats going on.

by using your system, your becoming more and more outdated, without they ability to upgrade. my suggestion is to upgrade now, just to the basics. and in the future be able to continue upgrading your existing system for a fraction of the cost of bying a whole new system.
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Post by Yukira »

I wouldn't recommend that video card - 6600 is greatly inferior to 6600GT series, which admittedly costs a little more (around 161€) but is by far more useful to a gamer for a longer time. It's one of the best 'cheap' graphics cards available at the moment.

Also AGP is a standard beginning to fade in the past - it's defenitely worthwhile to get a motherboard and grapchics card with PCI-E.
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Post by Klenath »

I've yet to find any solid evidence showing a 256MB card is superior enough to a 128MB card to justify the price jump. It's unfortunate that the high-end GPU cards are all 256MB with no option for 128MB so a real comparison can be drawn.

And I'll jump on the PCIe bandwagon. You can still do budget gaming and get a PCIe system (Athlon 64 based). You can get 6600GT or X800 cards for under $200 which are both good cards. Either way, if you're going with an AGP system the 6600GT / X800 GPU based video cards are still quite good for the money.

And for the record, PCI-X is completely different from PCIe. PCI-X is a server class hot-swap PCI slot while PCIe is the latest development in the PCI generation currently aimed at high performance graphics, disk controller, and network cards.
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Post by Nivez »

o_0 off topic, but klenath where the hell have you been and when did you get back?

back on topic,

id say for video use one of these cards. ... 6814150098

or ... 6814143026

the former is the one for the buget gamer, the latter possibly is the best 6600GT on the market. that being said, either seems good (my friend is testing out the XFX card now and we havent had a problem with it so far)
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Post by Tivia »

Reasoning and basis,

On the video card, primary reason is because somehow I missed that one. Otherwise I would have chosen that one, The alternate card I was looking for was a sapphire radeon 9800 pro I found for sub $100 not long back but luck was not with me, and I did not feel like anything in that range was really justified any longer.

On the PCIe, Sorry about the PCIx its a habitual thing from work. Concerning that and the choice of AGP vs PCIe. First I did go with a socket 939 board so the cpu is fully upgradable. Lets look at a couple of my reason's.

First this is a budget gamer, I want to provide the best game experience possible currently, for a reasonable amount of money. As such the performance gap between a higher end AGP card and a low end PCIe card for the price difference does not justify the upgradability when you consider how long most people will use the card/motherboard/cpu. Looking at the 6600GT which is the better choice, I simply missed it, an Average gamer is going to get about 2 years of solid gaming experience out of that video card. In two years the motherboard socket will have changed to the Socket M, the user will most likely want a new cpu by that point anyhow, so by that standard I do not see PCIe as justified for a budget system. Again its really the difference in a gamer like myself who is constantly upgrading and someone who buys with the intent to upgrade, but usually never does. Most budget gamers intend to upgrade, but very few actually do until its beyond the reasonable timeframe to do so.

I will use me as a good example here, I am running a 6800GT currently overclocked to ultra settings. Its AGP based, it runs all my games at max, At this point all the hardware trends point to my cpu becoming the bottleneck in gaming long before my video card gets maxed. At this point I have no reasonable reason to change over to PCIe, it would cost me currently $400 to sell my current hardware and change up to PCIe for even specs and I would see zero performance difference, when I can fully upgrade my cpu several times until Socket M becomes available.

Again, My personal inclination is go PCIe, If you have a larger budget and want to maintain full flexability and will take advantage of it, absolutly. However most budget gamers will never take advantage of that upgradability, and want to see absolute performance for each dollar spent. Right now, PCIe does not cater to that group, it caters to the high end gamer and even then still fairly limited.
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Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Tivia wrote:an Average gamer is going to get about 2 years of solid gaming experience out of that video card. In two years the motherboard socket will have changed to the Socket M, the user will most likely want a new cpu by that point anyhow....... Most budget gamers intend to upgrade, but very few actually do until its beyond the reasonable timeframe to do so.
Total agreement. By the time I upgarde my video card, upgrading the CPU is no longer viable, so every time, it is a MB, CPU, RAM, and Vid card minimum.

I never buy at the bleeding edge, mostly chosing proven products that have been around long enough to be marked way down from the orignial release price. 6 months old is OLD in this game.
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Post by Klenath »

Nivez wrote:o_0 off topic, but klenath where the hell have you been and when did you get back?
I've been here and there, but mostly lurking to chime in once in a blue moon. I took a break from FFXI ages ago and did my tour of duty on WoW, then retired from that. I keep thinking about reupping FFXI, but am reminded as to why I took a break and ultimately don't think it's worth it in the longrun. I think the mentality of "MUST GRIND LEVELS" got to me. I liked to grind 'cause parties were fun, but trying to build a party at 50 got too agitating.

I guess I could always jump back in-game and do more elemental farming like I did for my primary funds means. I cornered the wind crystal market in Sandy. LS chat was always a good time while I farmed. :)

I still miss making things go boom though. BLM is a fun job. SAM was growing on me too. :(

Edit: Glad to see someone remembers me. :lol: I guess I could always get into crafting on some level. :wink:
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Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Klenath wrote:
Nivez wrote:o_0 off topic, but klenath where the hell have you been and when did you get back?
I've been here and there, but mostly lurking to chime in once in a blue moon....... I keep thinking about reupping FFXI, but am reminded as to why I took a break and ultimately don't think it's worth it in the longrun. I think the mentality of "MUST GRIND LEVELS" got to me....

I still miss making things go boom though. BLM is a fun job. SAM was growing on me too. :(

Edit: Glad to see someone remembers me. :lol: I guess I could always get into crafting on some level. :wink:
You never have to grind. I sometimes go weeks without looking for or accepting an EXP party. Crafting, exploring, hanging out with friends, quests, hunting, there is so much else to do.

The easiest way to get me into an EXP party it seems, is to go somewhere where I haven't yet EXPd.

Best thing about BLM; when something goes wrong big time, it is always the fault of the puller, tank, WHM or RDM. It is never the BLM's fault.
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

Red Mage 26 White Mage 11 Black Mage 12 Thief 16, Cooking 1, Rank 3, Windurst, Quez.
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Re: The Budget Gamer

Post by xaresity »

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Re: The Budget Gamer

Post by xaresity »

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