Tiv's Rant of the moment

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Tiv's Rant of the moment

Post by Tivia »

So I lose my job today, that is just freaking peachy. My companies excuse for letting me go? "I am too expensive of an employee to maintain with current budget restrictions".

So what, I get paid more because I do 10 times the work of the majority of other people in my department, but because I get paid more they can no longer afford me? So what does this say to me? Apparently if you are a slacker who makes marginally less, and or an idiot they will retain you indefinitally dispite the fact you are essentially begging to be fired. You excel beyond the norm and thus get max raises because your reviews all come back flawless they lay you off because they cant afford someone who actually DOES THEIR JOB.

What the hell is up with people in upper corporate management these day's? Do they truly teach them how to insert their head that far up their own ass that they are that blind and stupid? My god, I have never been written up, never had a verbal warning of any type, never late, always beat my deadlines. Yet the jackass who does just enough to get by and has been on final warning for 8 flipping months still has a job. There are no words to begin to put into perspective what I wanted to do to that manager at that moment. I am just now cooling down to a rational enough point where I can even type coherantly.

By the way this does not necessarly need a response, I already have other job offers I am just truly irritated by the fact that I just effectively had 2 years of climbing the ladder thrown away again. Once again all my seniority now amounts to zip, I am again at the bottom frigging rung. I swear to god we need a law passed where stupid people can at the least all be dropped on some remote god forsaken island to fend for themselves.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Tivia, there is a book from the '70s or 80s called "The Peter Principal". Its basic tennet is that people keep getting promoted as long as they can handle the job. As soon as they hit a slot that is beyond their capabilities, the promotions stop, and that position is where they stay.

Firing the person who's merit has raised their pay above the norm is one of the many minor things they mention that keeps busness creeping along at a steady pace. It has happened to me. But it wasn't about my salary.

The "Too expensive" may be a cheap excuse. I have hardly ever been fired, but I am ALWAYS the first person laid off. Why? I am way too smart and this threatens the insecure. I am also somewhat obnoxious and a bit stand offish. I not only refuse to engage in office politics, I often stand by and watch, amused, while the Machivelians plot my demise.

It does not matter if this is a job that calls for brains or not. I sometimes sew for my living, and it has happened there too. (But never before I have FILLED the stockroom with products.)

But my best friend is in a simmilar but different boat. She is sweet, nice, bright, and a hard worker. A VERRY hard worker. Far too often she has been "let go" only to find they have hired two or even three people to do the work she did. Brains are a big threat. Think about it. Our president comes from a state where the fricking SCHOOL BOARDS talk about not letting the kids get too smart for football.

If you worked for a large company, talk to HR. See if the HR manager just might send a coppy of your file, your pink slip, and your boss's file WAY up the ladder. Wether or not you want the job back, this just might get rid of the big drain on the corporate resources that just laid you off.

Cartoon I saw once. Batch of people around a water cooler talking about a comming RIF.

"They can't fire me, I'm the only one who can make coffie like the boss likes."

"They can't let me go, I'm the top scorer on the bowling leauge."

Etc. etc. etc.

The only one at a desk, from behind a moutain of paperwork. "They are going to HAVE to let me go then. I don't do anything here except work."
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Post by Tivia »

Tsybil wrote:
The "Too expensive" may be a cheap excuse. I have hardly ever been fired, but I am ALWAYS the first person laid off. Why? I am way too smart and this threatens the insecure. I am also somewhat obnoxious and a bit stand offish. I not only refuse to engage in office politics, I often stand by and watch, amused, while the Machivelians plot my demise.

The only one at a desk, from behind a moutain of paperwork. "They are going to HAVE to let me go then. I don't do anything here except work."
Those two comments are exasperatingly familiar. I have never been fired, but end up being one of the first laid off. Neither do I participate in office politics and such, I simply am uninterested.
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Post by Neoshinobi »

Tsybil wrote:Cartoon I saw once. Batch of people around a water cooler talking about a comming RIF
Was that Dilbert? :oops:
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Post by Leane »

Neoshinobi wrote:
Tsybil wrote:Cartoon I saw once. Batch of people around a water cooler talking about a comming RIF
Was that Dilbert? :oops:
I don't think so, its not like any Dilbert comic I've ever seen.
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Post by Neoshinobi »

Leane wrote:
Neoshinobi wrote:
Tsybil wrote:Cartoon I saw once. Batch of people around a water cooler talking about a comming RIF
Was that Dilbert? :oops:
I don't think so, its not like any Dilbert comic I've ever seen.
Sounded job...ish, so I thought of dilbert...

*bookmarks dilbert.com*
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Post by Punkerdood »

sorry to hear that tivia :(
i hope you get a good job that accepts you soon
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Post by Kahvi »

Maybe it was PVP? i know its a gamer web comic but they occasionally have semi serious stuff like that..

or maybe it was in Mac Hall? i wouldnt put it past that one iether.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Neoshinobi wrote:
Tsybil wrote:Cartoon I saw once. Batch of people around a water cooler talking about a comming RIF
Was that Dilbert? :oops:
IIRC, it was a now out of production one panel named "They'll do it every time." Ran from before I was born through the '80s.
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Post by Neoshinobi »

Kinda old but I just remembered...this: http://www.zug.com/pranks/walmart/
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Post by Sabre »

But you still have all the kitties here :3

Have some <3 :)
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Post by Jaela »

Just think "Office Space"
Back to FFXI, Hades! Level 55 Thief! Glee!
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Post by Baketsu »

^ People keep taking my red stapler!!!!!!
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Re: Tiv's Rant of the moment

Post by xaresity »

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