;.; Why do people hate Drgs?

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Post by angelstar107 »

<b><i>The moral of the story is their will always be ppl to say bad things.. it is just your job to proove them wrong.</i></b>

Normally, this is a good thing, but on Remora, it's not. =p I agree this is what we are supposed to do but...

If nothing else, proving high ranking people wrong is a very bad thing. For those of you on Remora, keep a look out for a LS Named AnniliationR. For some reason, a bunch of high levels couldn't take being wrong and made a LS devoted to destroy me =\ I've gotten most of them banned for one reason or another (Mass MPK, and the fact that at least 1/3 of them were gilsellers). I'm not saying high-ranks are bad, I'm just saying a lot of them don't like being proven wrong.
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Post by Meowmixer »

When I glanced at this topic, at first I Thought it said "why do people hate drugs?" ..

yeah go me!

anywase.. I don't hate any job in the game.. Others might, but I necessarely don't.

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Post by Tailfeather »

*makes a deep sighs* ok, well i would say DRG's are as just as fine DDs as any other DD ingame. When will people start to understand that its the person behind the character that makes the work and the game, not the job itself...

learn how to play the game! <.<;; :lol:
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Post by Janeth »

I totally agree. Dragoons rule! The only reason I don't have them in my parties is cause I almost never see them seeking. If there were more Dragoons, I would invite them. :)
I like Dragoons cause they can use almost any sub. You don't want to hear my tired old rant on subjob, but basically, it all boils down to the fact that I like unusual subjobs, and I don't like being teased about it.
I haven't actually tried DRG... ^^; I'm still waiting for a friend of mine (some people in my other LS used to call him the {Impossible to Gauge} {Dragoon}) to help me with the quest...he also promised me RSE, but that's another story.
I remember when I was lvling THF...everyone was telling me not to sub RDM...I had to make my own parties every time...;.; I can only wait for the day when I am a dragoon, and I can finally sub RDM... Oh, and when lvling said THF, I always used a dagger. ^^
In conclusion, I don't know why everyone hates Dragoons...maybe they just can't deal with the fact that DRGs are upstaging them :lol:
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Post by Kailea »

I totally agree. Dragoons rule! The only reason I don't have them in my parties is cause I almost never see them seeking. If there were more Dragoons, I would invite them. Smile
I like Dragoons cause they can use almost any sub. You don't want to hear my tired old rant on subjob, but basically, it all boils down to the fact that I like unusual subjobs, and I don't like being teased about it.
I haven't actually tried DRG... ^^; I'm still waiting for a friend of mine (some people in my other LS used to call him the {Impossible to Gauge} {Dragoon}) to help me with the quest...he also promised me RSE, but that's another story.
I remember when I was lvling THF...everyone was telling me not to sub RDM...I had to make my own parties every time...;.; I can only wait for the day when I am a dragoon, and I can finally sub RDM... Oh, and when lvling said THF, I always used a dagger. ^^
In conclusion, I don't know why everyone hates Dragoons...maybe they just can't deal with the fact that DRGs are upstaging them Laughing
thank you thank you thank you.......I am not the only one :p

I have 4 subs for my DRG, WAR THF DRK and WHM all at 37

but I love subing DRK and WHM the most :p

and just for fun I run around as DRG/NIN and dual swords lol
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Post by kittykitty »

I saw a drg solo the rank 2-3 mission, that was a cool thing to watch. Other than that a good drg is a great thing to have in a party, though rare I would like to see more of them. If you have an ok drg (like most) they are nearly worthless...seeing as I (at the time) 41thf/rng was easily outdamaging one for total battle damage with my use of various bolts and SATAVB...
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

A big readon why people dislike DRGs is the badmouthing they get on many of the boards. GameFAQs is a great horrid example.

At least one GameFAQs reader had his assumptions knocked out from under him.

This post started a thread there this morning:

Last night I got PWN'd by a DRG... along with the party.

From: FlyingPork | Posted: 7/18/2005 11:25:48 AM | Message Detail

Our Samurai left the party last night (lvl 42-43 range). We had a PLD, DRK, WHM, RDM, and BLM now. WHM (who was the leader) went and invited a DRG. Great, I was prepared for XP to go down the can.

I decided I'd get my parser going so I could make fun of this guy later (I was DRK/WAR btw). So the whm warps to jeuno to get him to altepa. They get back and I have to poison pull (no big deal, the rdm was a good sport about refresh) because the SAM with the bow was gone.

So before we start I check him. I thought his gear was a joke. He had 2 snipers' and the only str bonus he had was from his spike necklace. He seemed to be all over the idea of hitting the mob and not doing heavey damage. But then I look and see he has a sword belt + 1, valk mask, and beetle earrings +1 x 2. He also had leaping boots (what a joke, I bet he spent money on those). Me and my Puissance Rings would probably own him in damage though.

So everyone's ready and we all use our food. I used a chief kabob and he ate some stupid samurai thing (or so I thought) called a rice dumpling.

I sent him a tell to bust his balls a bit and start a fight over DRG pride. Parser got the chat log.

Me: Ready to hit like a kitten?
*does a /comfort to me*
DRG: You read gamefaqs a lot, don't you?
Me: Yeah, they got good advice there.
DRG: They give good advice for a situation that you are not in nor have not even been in.
DRG: Start paying attention to what's going on rather then what people tell you is going on.

He was obviously an arrogant jerk, so whatever, I went to pull. PLD voked, flashed. DRG did his two jumps. I missed my first attack, he crit'd on his first for 107, I missed my 2nd, he crit'd on his 2nd for 102. I hit my third for 83, he hit his for 71. The first battle his accuracy was 100% (no more criticals though, I assume that was a freak accident). He was ready to go on SC when I only had a little over 60tp. So he goes with double thrust anyways but still managed to have 100 when I was ready to go. I was being made into a joke by the gimp of the game. Then he sent me a tell.

DRG: Who knows what we would do without you beating down the air :D

The party went on awhile and we left each other alone. I felt so ashamed. XP was going well and when it ended I went to check the parser.

His numbers couldn't be right. His average accuracy was 89% and his average damage to the mobs was 35% and I had a weak 27%. Then I realized something else, the wyvern was there and it claimed an 8% average. 43% of the mobs health was taken by the DRG. The BLM only claimed 30%. WTF! The BLM was doing a good job and all, he was MBing, debuffing, and getting in some nukes.

I got owned pretty hard. So I jump back on and ask him how come he didn't rip hate and get destroyed because of his numbers. He mentioned something about emnity decay and how DRGs usually work within the sphere of control of any decent tank. Said that lacking big numbers usually keeps him safe.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

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Post by Aony »

sweet. Great to know a few people are learning that drg kick serious ass....hopefully this knowledge will spread beyond just a few people.... cuz drg rocks, it's my favorite job of all and I want to have a good time while playing it :D

btw this is gonna sound very newby but....what's a "parser"? :oops:

thf: 70 drg: 50 nin: 36 smn: 30 whm: 33 blm: 21 war: 25 drk: 13 sam: 10 brd: 9 mnk: 10 pld: 10 Blu: 8 cor: 11 pup: 5

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Post by Neoshinobi »

Aony wrote:btw this is gonna sound very newby but....what's a "parser"? :oops:
v. parsed, pars·ing, pars·es
v. tr.
To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.
To describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence.

To examine closely or subject to detailed analysis, especially by breaking up into components: “What are we missing by parsing the behavior of chimpanzees into the conventional categories recognized largely from our own behavior?” (Stephen Jay Gould).
To make sense of; comprehend: I simply couldn't parse what you just said.
Computer Science. To analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily processed components.
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Post by Lihera »

Essentially, a parser reads your logs, and collects the damage info. It will then compile them into various staticstics, such as average Accuracy, WS damage, damage per fight, total damage... etc.
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Post by kittykitty »

Great drg :D Id love to have him in one of my parties.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

The jobs one doesnt normally see as useful or able to do what is assumed based off gear and method of attack, are the ones who usually surprise the rest.

To that dragoon wherever he/she may be, I thank you, for showing the rest of the dumb morons on gamefaqs and other job bashing boards that skills lay with you yourself, not with what others say.

Have fun and play your job :)
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Post by kashell »

I'm bored with no FFXI so i'll contribute to this tread, having personally static with a dragoon from 61-75, I'll say that a dark knight will almost always out do a dragoon. I have to basically compare him to dark knight because we always ended up replacing the drg when he couldn't make it to the static with a drk.

I'll also add that this info is based nearly a year ago when I was lvling 61-75 so drgs today probably have it a bit easier (new equips, new food like sushi).

Our drg was pretty well equiped (sniper rings, assualt jerkin blah), at those lvl the majority of damage comes from Skillchain/MB damage. I've NEVER seen him do over 1k with any weapon skill. Drks that I've pted with would almost always pull off 1k or more damage with a SATA + Spinning Slash, that that lvl the drg's equvilant of spinning slash would be wheeling turst which serisouly...sucks in comparasion.

As for endgame a dragoon is really useless, but this isn't just drgs this applies to all melee, Gods and a lot of HNMs have really high def that the only people who can really do dmg is rng and blms. But with the rng nerf coming up maybe this will balance things out a bit.

One small thing I'll add that a war/thf SATA + Steel Cyclone will out damage a drk/thf SATA + Spinning Slash. :wink:

I'd go on but can't really think...having FFXI withdrawal :roll:
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

dont remind me that endgame melee sucks royal *beep* Trust me, I can understand ninja mains who are past my lvl of 31 with the whole utesumi bit, but people forget about thf/nin war/nin rng/nin we're affected too, and well simply put the upside "I DONT HAVE TO TAAA~AAANK~" but this should balance out, becuase you're right that melee dont do good endgame, however, the same can be said for a few mages *cough MY COUSIN cough* and her friends, well she sucks endgame, thats why she retired her female taru and went male, but if you think about it, what good is a blm who over nukes against an HNM and ends up dead becuase be pulled all the hate? or the WHM or doesnt pay attention to how they cure? it can work that way in terms of skills.

damn XI withdrawl, i'm babbling, dont mind me, *slaps square enix*
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Post by kashell »

KarouKaniyashia wrote:what good is a blm who over nukes against an HNM and ends up dead becuase be pulled all the hate? or the WHM or doesnt pay attention to how they cure? it can work that way in terms of skills.
Well you see those kinds of people don't make it to do endgame stuff :lol:

a WHM who can't heal....seriously if you make it to 66+ and don't know how to heal please go stand outside till something hits you.

a BLM will learn fast they can't over nuke against most endgame stuff, they need to know how to manage hate.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

:lol: :rofl: lol ya my cousin was smn/whm and they camped a god and the entire party died, becuase she didnt pay attention to Shiva's levels and well.... put it this way, the whm kicked her booty, she was trying to watch TV, eat, and play XI, then had the nerve to yell at me when i laughed, all i said was "Rin, you dont multi task good, and thats not good for GODS"
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Re: ;.; Why do people hate Drgs?

Post by xaresity »

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