A lil story.

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A lil story.

Post by Darkmattre »

ok, I was bored at work...we're doing a field excersise, and I have nothing to do all day long but sit in my truck playing with my computer...wish we had internet of some sort though.

So I wrote this little story. It's based on true events, but more like an amalgamation of different people I've met throughout my time in FFXI, with a little literary license thrown in for good measure.

A Vana’diel Story

One day, long ago, I began my adventure in Vana’diel. I set about learning what I could about this strange new world. I talked to the locals, and conversed with other adventurers. I quickly learned my way around my hometown of San’doria; and soon headed outside the protective walls of the city; to begin my long process of gaining experience.

In those first days, I fought alone. I learned from my mistakes, while still making others. I gained strength from my experience, and soon felt that it was time for me to raise my standing with the Kingdom. I asked around, inquiring into what I could do to raise my ranking. I was lead to the gate guard, who told me of missions that I could accomplish that would raise my ranking within the Kingdom of San’doria.

By this time, the first few missions were simple for me. To simply kill beasts that I had killed many times before, and to bring back to the guard items dropped from one of these monsters. However, I came upon a mission that that would send me further away from the city than I had ever been; to an area called Ordelles Caves.

I asked around, seeking the advice of the more experienced adventurers of San’doria, trying to learn the location of Ordelles Caves. Finally I was told to head to a valley in La Thiene plateau, an area I had avoided due to the strength of the monsters in that area. With my limited experience, one wrong step would catch the attention of a beastman that could put a quick end to my adventure.

I prepared myself for the upcoming mission. Talking to the vendors in the armor and weapon shops, then to the auction house; trying to find the best equipment I could get myself with my meager earnings.

Finally, I was ready to set out on this mission for the Kingdom. I made it to La Thiene plateau without incident, as it would seem the beastmen of the area decided that it would be best to leave me to my business. I set out along the road through La Theine, seeing other adventurers coming and going. I cautiously snuck past the powerful beastmen that I found along the road, and made my way to the valley that I had heard of, just east of the entrance to La Theine.

Once down in the ravine, I came upon strange beasts that I had never seen before. Half monster, half mushroom by appearances. I stared at these beasts, trying to make out what I could of these strange creatures. It would seem that I wandered too closely to one, and it took offense to my presence. I soon learned that these strange beasts were far more powerful than I, and I ran for my life towards the caves.

Facing what seemed certain death, I saw a stranger emerge from the caves. It didn’t take him long to assess the situation, and figure out that I was in trouble. Being a far more experienced adventurer than I, he quickly dispatched that monster chasing after me.

I stopped to express my gratitude, and he humbly accepted my thanks. He asked what such an inexperienced, such as myself, was doing so far from the city.

I explained to him the mission San’doria and sent me on. Yes, he mused, he remembered the mission, and offered to help me finish my task. I was honored to have the assistance of such an adventurer, and together, we quickly finished the mission. Back at the city, I thanked him again, and we set out upon our separate ways.

I began to find other adventurers such as myself to fight alongside with, and together we all gained much needed experience. Every day, and every party I met new people. Every now and then I would come across an adventurer that I had partied with before, and we would briefly chat before beginning the business of gaining ever more experience.

Soon I felt I was experienced enough to accept a particularly difficult mission from the Kingdom. This mission required me not to just venture out into dangerous lands, but to travel to another city. This time, I was required to travel through Valkurm dunes, and catch a boat that would take me from the town of Selbina to the town of Mhuara. From Mhuara, I would have to travel through strange and dangerous lands to the city of Windurst.

When I came to the dock to which the ship would arrive, I saw a familiar face; the adventurer who had helped me near Ordelles caves. We talked for a bit, waiting for the boat, and as the boat was traveling between the towns he told me of some of his many adventures. Wonderous places he’d seen, places that I could, at that time, only imagine. I expressed to him how I wanted to explore the areas he was telling me about. He told me that one day, when I was ready, he would show me.

The boat docked, and I told him that I would like to explore the town. I guess he had business to take care of there too, as he stuck around town too. After talking to many of the locals in Mhuara, it was time for me to set out for Windurst. I walked down the steps, into the alleyway leading to Buburimu peninsula.

Upon entering these new lands, I found that I didn’t have a map, and my travels to Windurst just became much longer and far more dangerous. My old friend, I assume, sensed my trouble, and asked what was wrong. I told him what was troubling me, and he again offered his assistance. He would guide and protect me through the dangerous lands to the city of Windurst.

Along the way, he showed me various things that I could do that I had never known. One such thing was a thing called a friends list. To this list I could add friends, and see if they were currently engaged in the world of Vana’diel.

We came to the city of Windurst, and we again went our separate ways. This time would be different though. We had added each other to our friends list, and through many levels of experience and adventures, we stayed in touch. I would often ask him questions, and we would share with each other our adventures.

Every now and then, we would meet each other again, and go hunt for particularly powerful beasts known as Notorious Monsters, or just go to an area and farm for items together.

Time passed, and we spoke less and less to each other. Soon, I stopped looking in my friends list to see if he was there. I kept up with gaining experience. I began to look forward more to gaining experience over adventuring. I kept doing missions for San’doria, but my focus was to become stronger through experience. I passed the threshold where I didn’t even think of my old friend anymore. It would seem that I had moved on to bigger and better things.

One day, as I was browsing the merchandise in the Jeuno auction house, a familiar name flashed before me, with a message. It said, “It’s been a long time friend.” Immediately, memories of the adventures I had had with this friend came back to me, and I missed the times we had had. We talked for a bit, and he told me of the troubles he had had at home, preventing him from adventuring in Vana’diel. I soon realized that I had far surpassed his level of experience, and this time, it was I who was able to offer help, and I was glad for it.

He needed help with a mission of San’doria, one that I had accomplished long ago. I eagerly dropped what I was doing to go help my friend who had so many times helped me out during my first days in Vana’diel.

Soon I realized how much I had missed adventuring with my friend, as we headed to Beadeaux. Along the way we caught up on what we had been doing all this time. We soon had this mission finished, and we went our separate ways again from Jeuno. We promised to stay in touch this time.

Over my adventures, I’ve added many names to my friends list. Many of these friends I talk to on a daily basis. Sometimes I meet up with them to enjoy some adventure, as I had with the person who occupied the first spot on my friends list. I haven’t seen him on my friends list since that day we left each other in Jeuno. Every day though, I keep looking for his name. Every day, I look forward to seeing a familiar name come to me, and give me a message…”It’s been a long time friend.”
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Post by Waef »

Such a beautiful story....*sniffle*

Nice job, though it sucks that you haven't seen him since you guy said you would stay in touch...
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Post by Chatulio »

Good story. I know how you feel, a friend helped me get to Windurst when i was level 7 and we used to stay in touch alot, but we havent talked since. She was what inspired me to become a Mentor. :D

[b]Unifiedchaos:[/b] Male Elvaan | Rank: 4 Bastoken
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[b]Cattibrie:[/b] Mithra | Rank: 2 Windurstrian
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Awwwww :) Thats a lovely story :)

I suppose I could tell my little tale ^^;

Well, Aristayr and I met in the Dunes one Day, she was a White Mage/Red Mage and I was Warrior w/o a sub, we ended up in parties becuase we knew each other and perfered that if we got screwed it should be together, so we managed to get my war/whm and chocobo and so forth, but around when i got ninja and she got smn we hit rough spots in dunes, she nearly gave up on her smn main, and i told her to take this 30k and use it to keep pushing forward, by the time i hit 35 warrior, i stopped chatting, left the ls and went for another and got obsessed with numbers stats and lvls. it was a near month ago, I saw her in Jueno, I was there with my airship pass I jsut got and was on the docks for sandy, She said "Karou....... Princess Ka-Chan???? You look well, How have you been?" She knew me? Of course, my smn friend, she was there in relic gear, She passed me by becuase she took breaks lvling and I didnt. we talked and talked and well wouldnt you know, We found each other again, I was so obsessed i lost the adventuring love i had, Ari helped me rediscover it and tho we didnt get af2 done we've done lots ourselves and glad to be together again, aesha said she could come to the get together, but she wont be there, RL is more important, and thats something I respect, Aristayr......... Thank my Dear "Sister", Companion and Friend, For showing me I could have so much more fun. /kneel :)
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Post by Darkmattre »

it seems that it's all too easy to lose sight of the point of this game. I'm sure the point of this game isn't to reach lvl75, but to adventure and quest.
Thing is, and I do this with every RPG, is I like to lvl past the point where you're supposed to go do things. I'm an overkill kinda person, :lol:

I intend to sometime find a buddy to run around with me and "illustrate" this story with me so I can make it a video...this is the one that inspired me to write my lil story....makes me cry every time I watch it. :cry:

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Post by Karou Ariyen »

A couple days after Meeting Aristayr, I just went into /t with her and jsut cried, i cried and vented, that i lost my way, she's around now and again, and she still does take care of me, in fact she's going to help me fight the avatar's in a party when i hit 60 to repay the gil i spent, and help me get the avatar pacts, she only said one condition tho, "To get the fork's you need fame, to get fame you need to quest, to quest you need to adventure, and to adventure you need to have fun, and to have fun..... Karou, will you once again walk with me? and teach me how well you've learned that warrior skill of yours?" I simply agreed. This game is about fun after all, she's doing what she c an with the new version, but she's also trying to remember to not do so many things i cant get to yet, i want my boots to lvl again yes, but i wont be leveling 51+ (got it back, she PLed me) til i rediscover what its like to have fun.

I hope this has inspired you along with Yours as well Dark, I hope we've inspired and helped anyone who started or has gotten lost off the path to jsut enjoy the game and not worry so much about numbers and stats, its okay to be concerned with your gear, yes, after all when you do level, you need it, but remember the best part is about having fun, something I hope you all do and I pray you never fall Astray like we did.

Also if anyone is truely feeling burned or other wise stressed at something that happened in game, please send me a private message, I promsie I'll try to help you, that mentor flag I have on diabolos, isnt there for just doing quest advice, its there for me to let you know, My mentor flag can go beyond that and maybe help and let you vent something that went wrong, just send me a Private message on here or pop into the chat room, I'm usually on Karou or Ka-Chan, feel free to ask and I'll try to help you.

This is my promise, to my Brothers And Sisters of this Pride.
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Post by Ephi »

the first guy that really helped me out when i was a noob... well i see him again and his attitude was horrible... i dont even wanna see him again... ok maybe i do... hes still cool... just... u no how things get :P

i'll prolly see him again... he was a Taru RDM when i 1st saw him... but he had an advanced job the last time but i dont remember...
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Re: A lil story.

Post by xaresity »

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