Titan server mithrapride is horrible

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Post by Josiejo »

Aww... but I want one! :D

Oh welly.

Anyway, just think, only one more day left of this year, then you get to start over on a whole new one! Just try to give yourselves a break and a fresh start... beginnings are always exciting times! :)
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Post by mokitty »

I'm on Titan and all things considered I had a great year. :D
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Post by Shirai »

Well from my holiday adres in Osaka where the new year has just begun....

I would like to say,
Please put aside our differences and give 2005 a fresh start.

Since I joined the pride I've known nothing but fun and all the people being kind to each other.
So when I come back I don't want to see the pride fallen apart but thriving!

Best wishes to all!
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Post by Meowmixer »

If it makes you feel better, I live in the suburbs, and theres nothing really to do out here either.

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Post by Sophina »

I have one really~ It looks perfect with THF AFs. :shock: But until I make rank10, I don't think I will ever have that much money again to buy another one... :(
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Post by Tivia »

You know I usually avoid threads like this as they do nothing more then piss me off usually...

But since 3 people are involved here are a few things to think about.

"So you think your life sucks?"

Do you have a roof over your head? Millions do not

Do you have food on your table? Millions do not.

Do you have family? Millions do not.

Do you have a computer? Millions do not

Do you have access to an online virtual world full of people who you will likely never meet in RL and most of which outside words will have no actual impact on your life? Billions do not.

Point is, no matter how bad you think you have it, the simple fact you have access to a game and community like this puts you in a category that millions of people simply wish they could have half of what you have..primarly the first 3 things i mentioned. Quite honestly When i see people piss and moan over things as pedantic as the aformentioned it honestly makes me ill. You know what, Ive been there done that..thrown the t-shirt away. Ive lived on the street, I know what its like to go days without food, yet not a single time did I ever complain about it, I got off my ass and made something out of my life. If your too young to move or have a career of your own, then you definitally dont have anything to complain about as you know nothing of life as of yet. "I live in a small hick town" Move then..noone is forcing you to stay unless your too young then reference previous point about being young. " I have no friends" Then get online and make them, make the effort to talk to people and accept that some people just wont like you, or get offline if thats the problem and go out and meet people, and again accept that fact that some people just wont like you. Cant accept rejection? tough your going to get it the rest of your life so get used to it. If you spend the rest of your life moping about it then they were likely right in not wanting to associate with you, if you move on and simply realize there are better people to associate with then its their loss. Dont force yourself to try and associtate with those who dont care to associate with you, screw em you do not need them.

I have a simple phrase i use, its casutic and possibly downright mean but without fail it gets the point across. "Boo Fucking Hoo"

Suicide is the escape for the weak, If you honestly think that is the way out of your problems, that that simply means that in the game of life you got the "You lose" screen with no reset button. Still think its a choice? fine go for it, I wont miss you nor will much anyone else outside your family. However if you stop and realize for a moment there are uncountable numbers of people who care about you as a person and would rather help you get on your feet if you put forth the effort, you might end up a better person. Besides it does nothing but hurt your family..why put them through that?

Just remember when someone insults you online, they are likely doing it because their self esteem is poor, ignore them move on. If you let them get to you then they succeeded and managed to drag you down to their level. You life is what you make of it, I speak from personal experience. If your life sucks its because thats the choice you made and until you choose to actively start making it better it will continue to suck. You outlook on life starts in your head..your daily outlook and goes from there. Your life is what you make of it..The ball is in your court now, you can choose to pick it up, play the game on your own terms and be the best you can at it, or you can personally defeat yourself and forfeit...the choice is yours.
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Post by luna_panshiel »

what you dont realize is this has been going on for quite some time, from MORE than 3 people in the LS, i have actully been told i have no right to speak by certain people.

honestly i dont see why you are so pissed off at a situtation that doesnt involve you

i made this post based on how i have been treated in the hopes that changes will be made.

if you dont like the fact i can speak my mind/feelings then you can go to hell.
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Post by Tivia »

I was referring to the my life sucks more contest that started in post 5. the initial I was not referring to, I should have more accuratly said posts like this, instead of threads.
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Post by Kopopo »

Luna... You need to quit copping the attitude before you seriously piss someone off.
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Post by luna_panshiel »

i'm just depressed and nobody is even trying to help. all they do is bitch and yell at me, thats why i have an attitude.
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Post by Kopopo »

Then maybe you need to find a new audience for your complaints.
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Post by Tivia »

luna_panshiel wrote:i'm just depressed and nobody is even trying to help. all they do is bitch and yell at me, thats why i have an attitude.
Alright, what is the root of your particular problem. explain what is going on in your life and perhaps one of us can shed some light, through similiar/same experiences.

Remember no tunnel is unending unless you choose for it to be, there is a light at the end of every tunnel in life, sometimes it just takes more effort to see it.
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Post by Yukira »

I'm kinda new to MP and stuff, but I'd still like to say something:

I have suffered from depression too and still do (hell, it's naturally in my Finnish blood). Sometimes it just gets to you.

In FFXI I found a good way (irl friends are invaluable ) of making myself and others happy. I accidentally happened upon it as I first decided to start leveling WHM to help my newbie friend. Of course there occasionally were some other players to help too, so I gladly did that because I've always sincerely enjoyed helping others (well, at least in virtual life, because it's much easier for me). Some players didn't say anything, some came and thanked me, a few I even became friends with. :)

Of course, sometimes people are really rude, but even then I just try to stay calm and be polite nevertheless - if someone has been a jerk, he/she usually realizes it sooner or later, and is ashamed about it. If not....well, you just can't please everyone (a lesson I have learned the hard way).

I don't even know anymore, what I was going to say...anyway, I guess my point is that when playing in my own way (which, by no means, is the only or right way) I get lightened up myself, and I just might cheer up someone else's day...

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Post by luna_panshiel »

i'm depressed because i'm lonely and have no one in my life, i try to meet people and make new friends but it always ends up failing miserably

an ex-friend blacklisted me and deleted me from their friend list because i didnt hear them ask for raise
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Post by Tivia »

A friend that blists you over a raise, is not a friend but merely someone who was using your for your service. you are better off without them, I wouldnt shed a single tear over someone that shallow.

As far as meeting people, the first question is very simple. How do you percieve yourself? The major thing people fail to realize is that self perception plays a major role in their relationships with people. If people do not percieve themselves well or have a high self esteem or confidence then people sub conciously pick up on these signals and thus treat that person differently. the first step to improving your personal relationships is to change your personal outlook. Now take a good honest look at yourself. do you truly like who you are? Are you confident in everything you do? Note I said honest look at yourself, you can tell others one thing, but your body language and overall demeanor will always tell the truth wether you do or not.

If the answer is no to any of the above, then what is it you so dislike? Why are you not confident in your personal ability? When the reality of it is, your perception should not be based on what others think of you but what you think of you. think of it like this. Self Definition. Something alot of people do not realize that it does not matter the background you have, your race sex, body type are all irrelevant. You determine your personal reality within your head and that affects Everything around you. When you start honestly determining what your reality will be and not allow others to determine it for you, the results will stagger you.

Let me point out a couple of famous examples of people who did not have it all per se, but because of the reality they determined for themselves, they became celebs.
Steven Tyler, ~ got to be one of the top 10 ugliest men on earth..but Because of his personal reality that he determined, he became one of the most famous singers in his era and had women falling over themselves for him. Honestly he did not have looks, his voice was not pretty, he had nothing of the usual quote star value..yet look where he ended up. Self Determined Reality.

Dr. Phil ~ Again another man that America has attached its self to. Looks? nope..body? nope...Simple a blunt hard talking man that has taken such a different approach to dealing with peoples problems, mostly just telling them the cold hard truth, that people have Flocked to him in Droves. Taking him from just another noname Psychologist to someone whos face is all over TV.

Those are just two completely random examples off the top of my head of people who did not have everything handed to them in life, not born with a silver spoon in their mouth per se. But because of the reality they determined for themselves and shaped for themselves they have ended up.

So the first part of changing your life into what you want, is Self realization. What is the body language your giving off. You may be acting one way around people in public, but if your true feelings are negative, your body language will give it away every time. Its a facade and people know it, they wont say anything they will simply reject you because they subconciously are push away from you. Another interesting way to put it, is in a sense people sense desperation and are intinctively push away from it. When you start getting desperate to make friends then it starts becoming harder.

Realization: the only person you "need" in your life is yourself. Everyone else makes it more pleasant but they are not needs. Of course we all thrive on relationships, however when you are truly happy with just being you, and that is good enough for you, people will be attracted to you simply because they want whatever it is that you have.
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Well...that was a LOT of drama, and i'll add to it...

Post by Alleykatt »

Hello. I was just wondering who is in charge of deciding who should be a LS owner on certain servers, and if i find that out i would like to tell that person something. "I don't think you have picked a good LS holder for the server: Titan. I feel that Amiable is not a qualified leader, and that she is not a very good person either. I felt very attacked by her, and the other people she has let on the LS. I got rid of my LinkPearl because she and a few others were very hostile towards me, and told me to shut up numerous times. Also, when i joined an LS that had another MithraPride member on it named nekolla, she said things like "Galka r gay" and i feel that that's very offensive, and i don't know how well amiable is screening people to be in the MithraPride LS. I know if i was an LS holder i would screen for jerks like that, and i would feel that if anyone like that was in my LS i would destroy their pearl because that does not leave anyone with a good impression of MithraPride." Anyway this is a mouthful and i think you get the point. Thank you very much, and hopefully this problem will be solved.

P.S. I noticed that on Titan's MithraPride LS that no one was very helpful and i thnk that also makes MithraPride look really bad, and does not fully represent what MithraPride should stand for! :oops:

Thank you.
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Post by Prrsha »

I for one would still like to know how a hume got in the pride, let alone got a pearlsack (Which is something only the LS holder can do.) I do accept any windy kitty on the Phoenix LS, but however if a member is really causing a problem (with profanity, insults, or drama), after getting several chances, they get booted.

Booting members is never easy or fun to do but sometimes it is necessary for the wellbeing of the LS. Just this week I had to remove a new member due to the problems they were causing... The quicker the bad chaff is removed, the less problems they will cause later on. Trust me.
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Post by Pyrexia »

Yes, what happened on Titan is bad, but now it's solved. Instead of pointing fingers and such, why don't we learn from this situation and know to be more careful with people you let into the pride. Stuff like this has happened on other servers, not to this extent, but it has happened. Don't let it destroy the bonds you have created with your sisters.

Please stop playing the blame game and let this rest, it's over and done. Mistakes were made, but we've all learned from it.

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Post by Kopopo »

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Re: Titan server mithrapride is horrible

Post by xaresity »

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Re: Titan server mithrapride is horrible

Post by xaresity »

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