She's.... gone...

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She's.... gone...

Post by Quitis »

I can't stop crying, I don't know why i'm writing this...

My mother took her to the vet while I was still sleeping, no time to go see her, working every day well past veterinarians business hours...

They say she won't heal from the trauma, that she's too old, and that she's suffering.

I'm being asked to have her put down. To let them kill my precious love. They wanted to do it while I was at work, how kind of them to keep her lungs clear of fluid, to let her sleep one more night, to let me get up early in the morning and see her one last time.... but then I have to say goodbye, forever.

I don't know what to do, they're professionals, why can't they help her heal, why can't they make her better, I don't want to let her die, I can't say goodbye.

I feel so alone right now, my only link to anyone, a small computer screen full of text, and my only friend in real life, the only one who would cuddle and purrrr and make me happy, leaving forever.

I can't stop crying, and I don't want to go to sleep tonight....

Sabrina, please be ok in the morning, please tell me they're wrong...
-Quitty Kitty
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Post by Cyndari »

I am so sorry, my kitty. I know how difficult it is to have to do that to someone so precious to you. Back in May I went through a similar situation myself. I had found that my cat was dropping weight. I thought that she was being a finicky eater because she kept rejecting some of the food I fed her. Then she started rejecting all of the food I gave her, I was really worried so I took her to the vet. I got the worst news imaginable, my kitty that I had since she was a wee kitten that I could hold in one hand, had a large tumor inside of her mouth and this was why she was not eating. I was so devastated because I had found that she also had another in her throat and on her back near her tail. There was no way that I could afford to have a biopsy (close to $1500). The vet gave me another option I could try a prescription cat food and shots of Depo every two weeks. I tried it and for a month it worked and she was getting better, but then in late June she stopped eating again, and Depo shots werent havng any effect. I was left with no choice but to put my Hootie down so she wouldn't suffer anymore. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I cried my eyes when I took her to the vet because I felt that I should have seen it sooner, or that I should have taken her to the vet regularly. I wanted then to spend the money for the biopsy, but then, my vet assured me that it wouldn't help anyway cause she was too far gone. So with great reluctance I had her put to sleep. I still feel like a bastard when I think about it cause I feel that I could have done more. I loved my kitty so much and then she was gone. I felt so alone and empty cause I had her for 8 years and then she was gone.

If you have to do it don't feel bad, it's probably for the best cause youre kitty is suffering. Besides feel comfort in knowing that youre not alone in this cause you have people who understand what you are going through. I'll be around if ya need me kitty. :)
[color=blue][b][i]Don't let fear cloud your judgement, for it will hold you back from all of your dreams ;) [/i][/b][/color]
[img][/img] [color=blue][size=200][i][b]Meeooww!!![/b][/i][/size][/color]

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Post by Prrsha »

I've also went through the same thing. I had a siamese cat that lost its ability to walk and its rear paws were paralyzed. She was my childhood pet and it was really hard to make the decision to put her down. In the end I couldn't bear to see her in such pain and distress. I saw the fear in her eyes and it was then I decided to take her to the vet.

I was with her when she died and it was really hard on me. It took me months to get over it and to this day I still feel a little bit of guilt even though logicaly I made the right decision. All I can say is to hang in there. Time will ease the pain.
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Post by Klenath »

Back in April or so I lost one of my two cats (the good one) to cancer.

I noticed her rapid loss of weight and marked it up to old age (she was, after all, 17 years old) and started feeding her higher calorie foods to help put some weight back on. It worked for a short bit, but then I noticed she ate less and started to breathe heavier to the point that you could see her almost straining to breathe. Something was wrong.

I took her to the vet who did some examinations and x-rays. The x-rays weren't good. Her entire chest cavity was filled with fluid most likely from cancer. I had an idea of what I'd have to do once I took her to the vet, but it still didn't prepare me to receive the actual news from the doctor. Ultimately the decision was made and she was put to sleep. She lived a good, long, happy life and putting her through cancer treatment would only prolong her suffering.

I balled my eyes out at the vet, on the way home, and at home for quite a while. Even thinking about it now makes me tear up, but I know she was happy when she was with me and that's what counts.

I got her when I was 7. I was 24 when this occured.
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Post by Kopopo »

I had to put an adorable kitten down about 2 months ago...
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Yes, it is very hard to loose a friend, and harder yet to make that correct decision. The fact that the decision IS indeed correct will never ease your pain. Your only comfort for quite a while will be that you are hurting, but your kitty is at peace.

If you can, when the loss hurts too much, remember the good times with her, the times she made you smile, the times she brought you joy. You gave her a good life, she gave you love and happiness. She would not want you to mourn forever.

If I lived on your world, I would offer to hold you while you cried on my shoulder.
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Post by Mystiana »

I'm so sorry, Quitis. I know it's hard to think about losing a pet... many of us have had to do it sometime in our lives. The whole pride is here for you. ^^
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Post by nuri »

I don't have a kitty. But I had to put my dog down because of a tumor in the mouth. She couldn't eat. Had her since I was 12. It really sucked....especially the way she looked at me in the end. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
<-------------- isn't kitty cute? meow~
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Post by Golddess »

*offers Q a hug and offers herself as a pounce target, unable to get words out of her mouth*
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Post by Quitis »

Oh wow, I cried again today, but this time shortly and with amazing happiness. This morning was not the trip to the vet I thought it was.

Instead of seeing my poor kitty one last time, letting her know how much I loved her and how much I would forever miss her, the doctors gave me no chance to do so.

Fluid filling lungs drained out by the doctor the previous night was a lot. After a nights rest, the amount drained out in the morning was very little. Decision made by the doctor was that the hole in her lungs allowing fluid to enter was closing up, thus the massive decrease in fluid buildup.

My kitty pulled through, and is able to go on living without suffering, though still injured and will probably be resting for many weeks, and on medication, possibly for the rest of her life. It is now up to me to earn money and save it so that I may save my kitty and get her the nescessary treatment to remove the tumors and return her to good, healthy, pouncing, purring, loveing state.

I remember my plea now, my prayer, "Sabrina, please be ok in the morning, please tell me they're wrong..." My cat has never let me down, and for me she has done what the doctors never expected, or offered me hope for. I will love her forever, and never let her go outside where mean dogs are again.
-Quitty Kitty
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Post by Ginal »

Quity, I'm so glad your kitty is alright! :)
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Post by nuri »

I say Paypal account and donations~~!!!!
<-------------- isn't kitty cute? meow~
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Post by Cyndari »

Im glad to hear that everything is alright with your kitty Quitis :D
[color=blue][b][i]Don't let fear cloud your judgement, for it will hold you back from all of your dreams ;) [/i][/b][/color]
[img][/img] [color=blue][size=200][i][b]Meeooww!!![/b][/i][/size][/color]

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Post by Prrsha »

A dog did this to her? :x
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Post by Kopopo »

Mean dogs </3 kitten cats.
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Post by Mcpiggi »

:cry: THANK GOODNESS the kitty is okay!
I know how hard it is to lose a pet, usually feeling extremely guilty on top of the sadness. :(
Hope your kitty gets better soon.
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Re: She's.... gone...

Post by xaresity »

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Re: She's.... gone...

Post by xaresity »

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