"Relaxed fit my ass!"

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"Relaxed fit my ass!"

Post by Keavy »

Those were the first words Moogle heard come out of the mouth of Bastok's newest hero. The slops the hero had purchased split in the crotch as he walked to the door of his Mog House. Our hero began to wonder why he had chosen to be a White Mage. After all, most Galka's were Warriors or Monks! Not him! Then again, he was always considered odd. But who wouldn't be odd with a name like "Stacysmom." With a angry sigh, Moogle asked his master to remove his pants. Sewing kit in hand, Moogle fixed the busted seam and reinforced it. His master took the slops, tried them on, and with an approving grunt headed out the door to adventure!

Thankfully, the rest of his first day went a little better. After making his way through the city to the outer gates he saw a most wondrous sight. Adventurers of all races, jobs, and ages leveling up together. Oh, the fun they were having as they increased their skills and abilities! The Hero's experience points flowed like a river thanks to his massive HP pool, high Vitality, and impressive Strength. Bees and bats fell to the mighty forceful swing of his club. He felt invincible!

Although, even a mighty Galka can only take so much. After reaching level 5 and using his new Bronze Hammer for the first time, our brave hero was struck down by a Quadav while he was fighting a lizard. Nevertheless, Stacysmom forged on ahead after that devastating delevel and with renewed passion and a fierce fire in his belly he went on to regain level 5 and soon overtook levels 6 and 7.

Tired from all the fighting, Stacysmom retired to his Mog House. He was greeted by his cheerful Moogle with a warm pot of San D'Orian tea. Together, they drank the bitter tea sweetened with honey and Stacysmom told Moogle all about his first day as an adventurer. About all the nice people who threw him a cure, about all the vicious monsters that he slaughtered, and, about how it takes a helluva lot to bring a Galka White Mage down!

At first, Moogle had looked down at his new master, this Galka with the strange name whose initial anger over a ripped pair of pants had Moogle frightened, wondering "What did I get myself into?" But now, Moogle could see that it wasn't anger that caused the scene his master created eariler...No, it was the passion he has deep inside. Passion for adventure, Passion to help the helpless, and the desire to make this world a better place.

As Moogle was putting away the dishes, he saw his master had fallen asleep in his chair; all tuckered out from a long day of adventuring. Moogle just smiled.
[b]WHM 75[/b] RDM 42 BLU 24 SCH 24 / [b]FTWindurst 10[/b] Sandy Oreo 5-1 RoZ 14 CoP 2-5 ToAU 15 Assault PSC
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Keavy's thought for the day: "Grand Theft Auto IV has stolen my heart! :love:"
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Post by Pheonixhawk »

Aww how cute. *pukes* Good story tho.
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Re: "Relaxed fit my ass!"

Post by xaresity »

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