Tomb Raider Underworld

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Karou Ariyen
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Tomb Raider Underworld

Post by Karou Ariyen »

I don't know where to start on this one. I really don't. Half of it is good, I.E. the visuals, the second half is crap. I spent 9 hours just trying to complete the first puzzle of the game. Find a second axle to open the ruin doors. Dodging sharks and jellyfish. Insane. Then they make you swim the gauntlet back and try to get to the surface. Dodging said mobs again. Then I have to recover the item by assaulting a boat. Which I do, but thankfully it wasn't a timed escape when the boat was sinking.

Working on the second mission but yet again I'm completely stumped. The game provides virtually no help on how to do things. Oh and try to jump while aiming the thumbstick? Ha. One slight milimeter in left or right on your thumbstick sends Lara to her death. If you're lucky that is. That will at least reset the checkpoint. It's a bummer because the story prologue is brilliant.

Basically Croft Manor is on fire in an explosion and you have to Guide Lara to the exit. Dodging flames that can hurt you and what not. It's a tad confusing because one of her own team members who runs the comm systems while she's out robbing ruins is seen shooting a gun at her. That is the only reason I bothered to rent this pile of sh*t. Look Boys, you want a half naked chick running around with guns? I'll film an airsoft game. Watch me. I'm like Lara but with less controller failure.

Seriously, the controls for this game were thrown right out the darn window. Their too sensitive with 0 sensitivity settings in the options menu. And the AI. Don't get me started. I had to drop the AI on a new game to super easy. I can beat TR1-4 on Hard. But then again, the game wasn't a royal pain in my arse then. Back then, the game was simple controls and full fun. Now it's like Eidos is just milking it for all it's worth. And as for Warner Brothers Interactive? What the hell is that? WB was licensed for the MOVIES not the GAME. Geez. Extra people on board doing nothing but milking this for pure money.

Sound is something they got right. It's beautiful. Battle music triggers correctly, music fits the location and the sound effects are top notch. Everything from diving to hearing her break through a snorkel and air tank. Not much complaints there.

Visuals are brilliant. Jellyfish look like they should (don't touch them in this game. They glow when they hit you. Oh and you can't kill them for some reason). Sharks look like sharks, Parrots flutter away with the wind on their wings. And Tigers... well I'll save that mini boss fight for you then.

It's a half beaten game. I'm on level 2, but I took a break from the stupidity of what's become Lara Croft. It's like during an adventure she hit her head on a rock and became Instant-Retarded. Now with more Mental Retardation. Oh god, I sound like Yahtzee now. He lives in Australia and I live in America. Amazing how we found the same flaws. Mostly. I think the story is intriguing, he thinks this game is pure crap. At least I found some good in it. Just not enough good to warrant a 60 dollar purchase. I'll stick to rentals.

This is saddening me because the last Tomb Raider game, you know the one Post-Angel Of Darkness (That pure BS. That game never happened. Period. I don't acknowledge it.), was brilliant. I played my heart out on Tomb Raider Legend. Okay it was on PS2 but still. I loved that game. I had such high hopes for this game. But I should have known better. Eidos is now a money making machine. They supress their developers and screw their gamers out of their hard earned cash and fun. But this one isn't a total loss. You just have to have a cool, calm head about you. Give it a go, get a guide for it, and if it's too frustrating, then go read the story or look it up on youtube.

As for me, back to the grind.
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Karou Ariyen
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Post by Karou Ariyen »


This game is recieving 9/10 Karou's. It loses 1 Karou for the timed puzzles and crappy camera system. But some interesting locations after the first 2 puzzles. So far I've been from the bottom of the mediterranian sea, to the jungles of Thailand, to the family crypt underneath Croft Manor, to Mayan Ruins in Southern Mexico. I'm starting to really support this game 100 percent now. It's a compelling story.... and if you've played all of them up to know, Remember Natla? She. Just. Won't. Die. Well I'm going to recommend this game to you all.
Warrior 81/Ninja 37 | Samurai 85/Warrior 40 | Puppetmaster 76/Warrior 37 | Dancer 41/Ninja 16
Solo WS=Raging Rush 2282 vs Boreal Hound | Salaheem's Sentinal's <> SECOND LIEUTENANT
Swift Illusion - Black Female Chocobo |Sahyu - Level 60 Soothing Healer |
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Re: Tomb Raider Underworld

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