PlayOnline Mail is the devil!

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PlayOnline Mail is the devil!

Post by Althaia »

/rant mode

Right, so, ever since NA release, every time I logged on to PlayOnline, it told me it was unable to check the mail and that I should check my User ID and password settings. Now, they gave me a long-ass address, which they told me I could change to something more managable, so I did. I also thought I successfully changed the password to something more to my liking. But, apparently, the password I put in the first time around is the one I was stuck with and for the past THREE AND A HALF YEARS or so I've been putting in the wrong password! That was the problem, that was it, it was that simple. Just use the gosh darn password I originally wrote down in the Mail section of the FFXI booklet. Actually, I found some TCP protocols that were blocked by my firewall, which I switched to Allow, and I hope that worked too... here's the full story, in glorious rant mode color. :P

After one GM session, being on the phone with three different tech support people (PlayOnline, Modem, and ISP Provider), recieving the TCP and UDP protocols necessary to port forward, putzing around with my firewall settings to unblock some of these TCP port protocols, looking up online help guides to port forwarding, going to my modem's online site to MANUALLY add some TCP and UDP stuff, being told by TheAstralPlane that my problem doesn't require port forwarding, one guy saying it was in the booklet and he'd help me out then logging out and forgetting to get back to me on it, a night of agonizing over how to solve this problem I've had since NA release, an hour of looking at the booklet the guy told me about, noticing how the mail address and mail password are different from what I've been using, trying unsuccessfully in Edit Account to change them back to, saying in disbelief over and over again "You've GOT to be KIDDING me!", and, finally, entering every possible password I could have used into the prompt box (ending with the one in the FFXI booklet), it works! After 3.5 years, I've solved it! Dammit! I mean, yay! I mean dammit. >.>

/end rant
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Re: PlayOnline Mail is the devil!

Post by xaresity »

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