How to Win the 3 Person BCNM 40 at Fei'Yin

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How to Win the 3 Person BCNM 40 at Fei'Yin

Post by Crispleaf »

How to Win the 3 Person BCNM 40 at Fei'Yin
by Crispleaf

This focuses solely on the fight itself. For guides on how to get a Star Orb or how to get to the BCNM in Fei'Yin, I will leave that up to the many FAQs on the web already out there.

The reason I'm writing about this fight is because from my own personal experience, there is a lot of bad advice out there. I honestly think some people make up their "winning" combinations because they want to sound important and they're so sure it will work that they spout it as gospel without actually trying it themselves. :|

I have personally died to this BCNM doing it the wrong way many, many times. So, I feel I speak with some authority when I say I've discovered the right way to do it. In fact, it's the only way I've tried that has ever worked consistently.

Who you need:

40 PLD/20 WAR - The tank.
40 MNK/20 WAR - The damage dealer.
40 RDM/20 BLM - The healer.

I will explain the job combinations that I've tried and don't work later. But for now, trust me that this combination is your most reliable, and best chance to win. Accept no substitutes! None of these jobs or sub-jobs are that obscure nor that expensive to level up to the appropriate levels.

Your very first goal should be to find two friends, and among the three of you, decide who will play which role of tank, damage dealer, and healer. If your levels are not up to par, then take a few weeks to gain some xp. It will be well worth the effort to do this right the first time, believe me.

What you will need:


The paladin should have some combination of IM and Breastplate armor. While skeletons are weak to clubs and staves, and paladins can use either, you should stick with a sword and a shield. I'll explain why later. If you can get your hands on a Grudge Sword, please do so. The Enmity +1 bonus is very valuable, especially in this fight. A Divine Sword is a good backup choice for the bonus light damage it causes if you can't get a Grudge Sword.


Monks should focus on solid, defensive armor for this fight. The reason being is that despite the Paladin's best efforts, you'll still occasionally get monster hate directed your way. Hand-to-hand damage devastates skeletons so it will be very interested in putting a stop to you. Be prepared to take a few hits.


The red mage should focus on gear that increases mp and mnd more than anything else. Use a Yew Wand +1 or a Chestnut Wand for the mnd bonus. If you can't afford Astral Rings, use Electrum Rings as a cheap alternative. And, of course, wear an electrum hairpin. You won't actually be fighting, nor should the monster even attack you once, if all goes as it should.

What consumables you will need:


The paladin needs defensive food, and juice to keep mp regenrerating (the Red Mage will only have Convert, and not Refresh, for this fight). I recommend buying one Shallops Tropicale (expensive, about 6K, but well worth it) for the defensive food. It will last far longer than the time 3 BCNMs in a row will take (just don't die :(). For the juice, bring 12 melon drinks (4 for each fight). You could bring 9 Yagudo drinks instead (3 for each fight), but you'd end up paying about double to do that. You will also need to buy a stack of Eye Drops (about 5k, I believe) to counter the Skeleton's area blindness attack (4 for each fight).


Using a Jack'o'Lantern, oddly enough, seems to work fantastic from what I've seen (greatly improves accuracy). But you could also focus on strength food instead. A Dhalmel Steak may be just the thing! :P Also, you'll need to bring a stack of Eye Drops due to the Skeleton's area blindness attack (4 for each fight).


The Red Mage should bring food that raises magic points and mind, as well as juice to keep mp regenerating (since Refresh is a level 41 spell and you're capped at 40). Witch Stew or Mushroom Stew would work nicely. And, as with the Paladin, I recommend bringing 12 melon juices. You may also want to consider bringing 3 x-potions for after you use Convert (one for each fight), but I leave this as an option.

The enemy you face

The Skeleton's name is Ghul-I-Beaban. It will be the three of you against just him, but with a catch. Ghul-I-Beaban will ressurect himself 4 times during the fight. And you'll only have 15 minutes to kill him 5 times.

The first 3 times you fight him, he will be a Dark Knight. He can use an area blindness attack that also steals health. Like any dark knight, he can also cast Absorb spells that steal strength, dexterity, agility, vitality, mind, charisma, or intellect. He can also cast rank 1 elemental spells like Fire.

The last 2 times you fight him, he will be a black mage. His area attack now slows you instead of blinds you and it still steals your health. His black magic spells are far more dangerous this time, however. He can cast rank 1 area elemental spells, like Firaga, and rank 2 individual elemental spells, like Fire II.

Plan of attack

Before you enter the arena, eat your food and have health and mp at full levels.

Once you enter the arena, the Paladin should cast Protect 2 and Shell 2 on his or herself. The Red Mage should cast those same spells on the Monk. After doing so, take a few moments to regenerate mp by resting.

Afterwards, the paladin should lead the charge down the hall to the main chamber, Provoking the skeleton once he or she gets there. The red mage should cast Silence on the skeleton and keep re-applying it to the skeleton for the entire BCNM (within reason: if one of its incarnations is almost dead, save the mp for the next round). Afterwards, the red mage should stay as far away from the skeleton as your cure spells will allow. You don't want to get hit by the skeleton's area attack that drains health. Also, the red mage should try keeping Paralyze in effect on the skelly too. And, of course, keep the refresh effects of the melon juice constantly on.

Apart from the Silence and Paralyze enfeebles, the red mage should focus solely on keeping the paladin and monk cured. There's no need to keep either of them at maximum health, however. In fact, it's beneficial to leave their hp slightly lower than max so that the paladin has the option to heal some damage in order to generate more hate his or her way. The "Conserve MP" ablility of your black mage sub-job should help you last longer than any other subjob could, including summoner.

The Paladin, of course, should try to keep the monster focused on his or herself. Provoke, Flash, Provoke, Sentinel, Provoke, Flash, etc. while curing yourself and the monk in between as needed. Don't forget to take some melon juice after that first Flash spell, and keep drinking more when it runs out. It's vital that you keep your mp regenerated.

The monk's job is quite simple. Punch, punch, punch. :D Save tp for the second round.

When the second skeleton appears, it's time to murder it with a Fusion skillchain (fire and light). The skillchain goes like this:

Paladin's Red Lotus Blade -> Monk's Shoulder Tackle

When you see the Fusion fireworks display, both the Paladin and the Red Mage should cast Cure 2 (not 3) on the skeleton for a double magic burst. The reason you shouldn't use Cure 3 is because both the red mage and paladin's healing magic skill cap is still too low to do full damage with a cure 3 spell, so it's a waste of mp. Cure 2 will do more damage than Fire, in case the red mage was wondering ;)

At this point, the skeleton will try to murder the Monk. Since the skeleton should be almost dead, you can either wait it out, or the Paladin can use Cover on the monk. Paladins, make sure the monk understands how Cover works: he or she needs to stand behind you so that you are between the skeleton and the monk. It only lasts 15 seconds, but that should be enough.

For the third fight, I suggest that the Paladin uses Holy Circle. This will cause the skeleton to occasionally "be intimidated" meaning it will do nothing as if it were paralyzed. Save tp for the fourth fight.

At the fourth fight, you should again perform the Fusion skillchain and Cure 2 magic bursts. Towards the end of this fight, the red mage should be getting pretty low on mp. So be prepared to use Convert for the last round.

If the last two fights seemed to get longer, it's not that the skeleton got tougher, it's that it probably used its slowing area attack on the Paladin and Monk by now.

Fortunately, if you remembered to keep drinking your melon juice, things should be going very well by now. Skillchain at will for the last battle and play it cool and steady. If mp is getting low for both the paladin and the red mage, and the skeleton still has a lot of life left, the Monk can always switch on Hundred Fists and the Paladin can use Invincible to keep the hate off the Monk and take no damage for 30 seconds. It's better than dying ;)

What not to wear

Or rather, it should say "what jobs not to bring." I've tried all kinds of combinations, but here's what doesn't work:


Theory: The two monks kill the skeleton so fast, it doesn't have enough time to do any damage. The rdm silences the skelly and keeps monks healed.

Why it fails: This fight had promise. We made it to the fourth round easy. The problem is the slow attack. During the fifth round, the monks couldn't beat up the skeleton fast enough. The skeleton, in the meantime, found it easy to slice and dice the low defense monks during this time. The red mage (that was me) ran out of mp and everyone ended up dead... the skeleton only had a fraction of health left, however. :| This may work in a well disciplined group, but it's obviously not a reliable way to win.


Theory: A warrior ninja with a pair of fully skilled clubs, Provoke, Defender, Warcry, Berserk, etc. could hold enough hate away from Monk to tank. Meanwhile, the lower defense of the warrior (from holding two weapons) could be made up with Utsusemi.

Why it fails: The warrior could neither hold hate, nor could he do enough damage with two clubs (although it was better damage than a blade weapon could cause). The monk ended up tanking the majority of the time, rapidly draining the red mage of mp.


Theory: Paladin holds hate, white mage heals, red mage is all things: tank, healer, damage dealer.

Why it fails: The paladin did a fine job in this fight. He did all he could. The red mage almost never drew monster hate, and so his Utsusemi went to waste. Nor could the red mage cause enough damage with swords or clubs. I was the white mage and as you might guess, I did not have nearly enough mp to last the fight. This was not unexpected. It was thought the red mage could make up for this by using Convert and taking over the healing while I rested. But this party is too inadequate to win. We either ran out of time (you only get 15 minutes to win) because we didn't do enough damage, or we simply got killed.


Theory: Since skeletons are weak to healing magic, it would help to have 2 red mages focus solely on nuking Cure 2s and occasionally healing the Paladin.

Why it fails: While this was sustainable to a certain extent with Convert and melon juice and even some hi-ethers, the damage caused was too slow in coming. We could stay alive, but not while beating the 15 minute time limit. The damage dealing of a monk is essential to this fight.
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Post by Dukuji »

Very impressive. A great writeup with some excellent research. I give it two paws up. :2thumb:

P.S. Way to be representin' Alexander. 8)
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Wonderful guide Crispleaf, any tips on those BCNM 20s that drop Thunder Spirit?
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Post by Dukuji »

:?: Crispleaf, I'm curious to what the rewards are for this BCMN. Perhaps you could include a "Rewards" section in your already excellent guide up. :D
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Post by Maezen »

from the alla site about this BCNM:
Behourd Lance
Bone Chip
Calveley's Dagger
Elegant Shield
Gold Ingot
Jennet Shield
Jongleur's Dagger
Mythril Beastcoin
Mythril Ingot
Platinum Ingot
Ram Skin
Scroll: Absorb-STR
Scroll: Erase
Scroll: Fire Spirit Pact
Scroll: Ice Spikes
Scroll: Phalanx
Scroll: Refresh
Scroll: Utsusemi: Ni
Tourney Patas
Wyvern Scales
62 DRG/WAR (for parties)
62 DRG/WHM (for solo)
check the members list for more details

Bonecraft level 7
Cooking level 70
Alchemy level 9

Artifact Armors in possession = 10
Artfact Armors that can be equipped = 10
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Post by Crispleaf »

The 2 "true" prizes you're hoping to get are:

Scroll: Erase
Scroll: Utsusemi: Ni

Those two will get you over 200k for each. Last I saw, Erase was selling for 450k on Alexander and Utsusemi: Ni was almost 300k.

After that, the Phalanx scroll sells pretty well, maybe even the Fire Spirit summoner's scroll. These two are between 100k and 200k (then again, it's been awhile since I looked these up).

But the rest go from just under 100k to worthelessness (Bone chips, yay! :roll: ). I sold the Jongleur's Dagger to an NPC (1600 gil) which is about as much as I'd get from selling it on the Jeuno AH after taxes.
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Post by Dukuji »

Crispleaf and Maezen wrote:Scroll: Utsusemi: Ni


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Post by Waef »

I just might try to get a RDM and MNK...

Btw, excellent guide! :2thumb:
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Post by Crispleaf »

Thanks, it's been awhile since I wrote this. :)
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Post by Fayin »

Crispleaf, given your experiance, how effective would a team of:



MNK can blink which would prevent damage when he draws aggro, PLD does his thing like normal, WHM has higher MND and better cures while still having Conserve MP and having Banish II for a good burst on the skillchain. The WHM 2hr would be more benefical too if needed. WHM has more base MP as well. And blindna. Thoughts?
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Post by Crispleaf »

Hmmm... Welllll....

If I were to guess, the downside to a monk/ninja would be they would do less damage than a monk/warrior. But, Utsusemi might be a good trade-off. I'm not sure. Typically, the monk only gets a little hate at the start of the fight when things are just getting started, or briefly during the skillchain before the paladin made their move. But usually, the paladin held hate almost the whole time, so there was no need for the monk to have blink. The paladin can also Cover the monk briefly if it becomes necessary. Regardless, the most important thing is that the damage dealer uses monk as the main job.

As for whm/blm, I'm convinced you will run out of mp before the end of the fight, with the exception, maybe of a tarutaru white mage since they would have about 100 extra mp or so over a hume or mithra. Even then, I'm not sure it would be enough. If the skelly uses its Slow effect early on, the fight could last longer than expected. A red mage can comfortably make it through the entire fight, however, which comes in handy if things go a little wrong.

Blindna is out-of-the-question, however. It takes up too much precious mp to use and it takes too long to recast a second time. Eye drops aren't too expensive, especially when you consider the money you'll get from the treasure. I really think it's best to stick with items to cure blindness.

Just my humble opinion :)
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Post by maryadavies »

I've beat this BCNM with:

MNK/WAR (Linmayu)
WAR/NIN (Sivara: Was using sword in main hand, axe in offhand (that worked the best)) (This is important!! If you go my route and use a WAR tank, make sure he/she has sword skilled and you talk/agrue them into using a sword for this BCNM. (And bear in mind that sword is WAR's B weapon, so it may take some convencing.) Second time we did a run, Siv used an ax exclusively...that was crappy...two hours had to be used.)
WHM/BLM (Me)(I was wearing my usual equips, with two changes. I used 2 electrum rings instead of one and I was wearing my RSE gloves instead of the mitts I usually wear. This gave me something [with food] over 500 MP.) (If you REALLY want to know, I consider a electrum hairpin XP gear. I was also wearing a black earring, a enhancing earring, friar's rope, holy phial, holy ampulla, seer's tunic, my RSE legs, and seer's erm, boots. [All that is also XP gear.]) (BTW: Make sure your ENFEEB is skilled good for this one if you are the WHM! You'll be glad if it's high.)

I was using mp raising food (marron glace), had yag drinks going constantly, and used the occasional hiether.(I think I went though 2-4 yag drinks a fight, and 3-6 hiethers) The melee had au lait (pear mostly) going constantly, so no regen needed. They'd also have hipots or xpots in case my MP really got low. (About 3-4 a fight with the hipots. and I THINK about 2 pear au lait a fight for the melee.)

I'd start when we went in by the usual buffs (Prot/Shell, and haste on Sivara b/c I knew she needed it for shadows) and eat food and use a yag drink. They'd eat food and use an au lait, then we'd charge in. I'd stay at the edge of the battlefield, do para & slow on the skely, and then rest. I'd hop up if anyone needed a cure, then rest again. Linmayu and Sivara would clobber, and do Fusion skillchain when they had TP.On the first 3 forms I'd use hiether if I needed it as long as everyone was fine. (It halts your casting for a while(15-30 seconds; seems like a ETERNITY), so be judicious with that.) I'd refresh yag drinks when necessary.(And of course, melee keep au lait up constantly.) If anyone got blinded, I'd cure it. (I'd recommend if you want to make it easier on the whm, to have your melees bring eyedrops tho.)

On the 4th and 5th forms, I'd add silence to my debuffs on the skely; last form I'd try to get in a ES+Silence as well. (The last 2 forms are BLM and they HURT if you don't shut his yap.) Out of 2 runs (with everyone throwing a orb) I'm 5/6 on him, no erase drops tho :( No Ni either.

Also, if you want me to get Lin's strat on this guy, I'll be glad to HTML it for you. She went WHM/BLM, MNK/WAR, and palidin/WAR the first time she did it.

Oh and don't try to banish 2 burst. It takes WAY too long to cast and eats MP for lunch. You'll want that MP for cures and para/slow/silence believe me.
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Post by Crispleaf »

It's certainly possible to beat this bcnm with other job combinations, however, it does come at a price.

As you said, if you go with a white mage, you'll need high ethers which restore a mere 50mp at a cost of 4 or 5 thousand gil for each single one (meanwhile a 12-stack of eye drops is 8k; definitely more cost efficient).

My goal with this How-To Guide was to show a reliable, and relatively inexpensive way to win this BCNM. Potions and the like can certainly enhance other jobs to let you win this as well. But the Paladin, Monk, Red Mage combination lets you win comfortably, without the need for an excessive reliance on expensive medicine or food.

Truth is, you don't always get an Erase or Utsusemi scroll out of it, and you don't want to spend too much on the attempts that don't drop the highly prized items.
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Post by maryadavies »

That's true; we may be trying another bcnm for my Erase scroll soon as I work up the seals.

And I agree with you about bringing eyedrops, no matter what your healer is (WHM OR RDM). Healing blind can be a Pain In The Tail (Depending on how many times he spams that AoE blind attack), so I'd STRONGLY suggest that melees bring not only their fav food (Attack food for MNK, DEF food for tank) and au lait, but bring a stack of eyedrops as well and save your healer a big fat headache. I didn't have a problem with it, he only spammed it a average of 1-3 times a BCNM fight...but Your Milage May Vary.

First two times we won at the skely, we beat the record btw.
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Post by Arie »

I tried this with a NIN/WAR, MNK/WAR, WHM/BLM = near death and 2 hours used. It was not pretty, and no drops.

And I tried it with the same combo before that, and was completely unsuccessful ^^;
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Post by Aoisakura »

I tried this with MNK MNK WHM combo and we got to 4th skele and death. It was mainly cos we DID have a PLD tank but she fell asleep on the computer before we got there and have to use our guild, who was a MNK /whm as a substitute. Ah wasn't my orb ...just was a pain in the @$$ to get to fei yin ^^;;
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Post by Crispleaf »

Aoisakura wrote:I tried this with MNK MNK WHM combo and we got to 4th skele and death. It was mainly cos we DID have a PLD tank but she fell asleep on the computer before we got there and have to use our guild, who was a MNK /whm as a substitute. Ah wasn't my orb ...just was a pain in the @$$ to get to fei yin ^^;;
It's been awhile since I've done this one, but that sounds pretty typical, I'm afraid. The last two skellies really take a lot out of you.

And from what I recall, a white mage just runs out of mp too quickly to stay with it for all 5 fights, even with juice and ethers.
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Re: How to Win the 3 Person BCNM 40 at Fei'Yin

Post by xaresity »

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Re: How to Win the 3 Person BCNM 40 at Fei'Yin

Post by xaresity »

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