Any FL or Captain kitties?

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Captain Fiye
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Any FL or Captain kitties?

Post by Fiye »

Alright, my frustration has gone to beyond CoP levels. Maybe its the fact that I'm losing XP on this.

Maybe its the fact that I lose RR when we get booted out of the BC?

In any case, I've been getting more and more-so pissed off, and beating up Tarus ain't helping anymore.


This asshole of a fucking boss won't die.

He simply won't, and I can't explain it.

We've done PLD, SAM, BRD, BLM, WHM, RDM on our first two tries.

Found PLD wasn't working so we changed it up.


Our NIN gets wiped when we hit eles, so we go "hm?"

and then the SAM goes /DNC.

Works BEAUIFULLY! Well, that is until we hit 10%.

SAM dies, NIN gets wounded and dies.

BLMs go down and the last person standing Dia 2's the fucker.

After a bit of struggling, it goes down to 1% HP, and we leave crying.

1%... 1%.

Almost there... and yet nothing to show for it.

So, we go in the next day, one tag this time and get it down to 6%.

"f***" we say to ourselves, and try again tomorrow.

And now, we're at 0/8. Saving today's tag because we don't want to lose. We're all tired of losing, and I'm tired of being in danger of deleveling. So, I must ask the kitties here.

Have you done this assault before? And if so, what have you noticed about this fight?
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Post by Okuza »

This post is very late after yours. Hopefully you've beaten it already. If so, perhaps others can benefit from the reply. It is definitely one of the hardest fights in CoP and certainly the most satisfying to finally strategize your way through.

I've not been playing or visiting boards since February, but here's what I recall from fighting this one (definitely the hardest CoP fight):

Two tanks are pretty much mandatory. Tanks can't use any magic or they'll pull elementals on themselves (ie. no pld, no nin/drk, etc.). We used 2x nin/war. He doesn't hit terribly fast, but he triple attacks a lot. Your tanks have to be very good at swapping agro back and forth. If you have one "super tank" that just gloms onto agro, that tank will die and then you'll all die. The triple attack can pretty much one-shot any tank if shadows are down.

You can slow him (hojo/slow), but it doesn't stick very often. We had our best luck with the nin using the earth-down ninjutsu and then both the nin and the whm trying slow. The whm stuck it much more often than the nin (despite the nin having numerically higher skill -- kinda weird).

Two nins are more than enough DD for it. You don't need more DD than that and you definitely don't want more than two melee on him. If you have extra melee, have them help with ELs. Non-tanking melee are essentially useless on this fight and a waste of a slot.

After you have the tanking handled, the next two most important things are the ELs and stunning his howls. Stunning is just a matter of being ready at the right time. Our wipes to that were always a result of the BLM being dead or OOM or otherwise unavailable. He's got an animation that he does that makes it easy to see when to stun him.

He has no special pattern to summoning ELs. We've had them instantly and we've had no ELs until just before killing him. The best way we've found to deal with them is a blm/nin to kite them to the entry room. BLM runs out, casts a spell, gets agro on ALL of the ELs, then runs to entry. With a bit of practice, the BLM can often just kite them around until they despawn.

Killing ELs also works -- but it's more risky. They roam. If one roams too near the support while the BLM/s are slaying another, you're in for a wipe.

He's stunable and doesn't have much HP (a lot, but not outrageous). I bet a RDM/drk + melee could stun-lock him and tear him down very fast. If he gets a howl out at the start and pops ELs, this strat is likely in for a wipe and restart. I'd make sure to try and initiate with a stun so he couldn't howl at all. We wanted to try this, but never had a RDM/drk with us.
Captain Fiye
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Post by Fiye »

We figured out how to beat it. Just by having 3 DD (Think it was a PLD, RNG, and SAM) all with /NIN we were able to bounce hate rather well. The puppy went down faster than hell after that. Didn't have to even bother with the Eles.
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Post by Dawezy »

<3 Captain

If I recall the strat my team used for that damn puppy (who has never dropped my Caballero Shield, assshooooooooole!! ;_;.) we had just 2 DD's. Or actually, 1 official DD the rest were support/mage. It was like.

DRK/NIN (me!)
(note, thats 4 stunners, lol)

Was a very very smooth fight, albeit from dragged on.

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Re: Any FL or Captain kitties?

Post by xaresity »

Queen Cat
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Re: Any FL or Captain kitties?

Post by xaresity »

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