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For Kitties 21 and over...

Post by Tianshii »
I was parrrusing the Metro (free paper in my area) & read a little about Tiger beer and this East/West Horoscope thing. I know a little bit about both & thought it was kinda fun that a beer site would also have horoscope. Anywho~ I put in my info and here it is (for anyone who cares, for those that don't just do it for fun!) :rofl:
West: Aries <> East: Snake
You choose your friends, lovers, and colleagues with great discrimination and stand by them through thick and thin. This story of undying friendship accurately mirrors many of your own relationships. Chances are that many people have come to you during their darkest hours. You have a knack for shielding loved ones from danger No wonder everybody feels safe around you!

Modest and unassuming, you probably enjoy working behind the scenes. You are well suited to charity work, photography, and design. A job that draws on your heroism would also be good for you. You'd make an excellent emergency medical technician, firefighter, or undercover police officer assuming a low profile at work allows you an element of freedom that is most rewarding. Although you'd like to be appreciated by your employer, you would hate to be singled out for attention on a daily basis.

As far as friendships go, you want pals who prize loyalty above all else. Put your faith in Leos, Sagittarians, Scorpios, and Aquarians. With regard to love, you need a partner who is artistic and imaginative. Such a mate will encourage you to develop your own creative talents, which are considerable indeed. fly working on art projects together. Your biggest strength is your loyalty. Friends like you are more precious than gold.

You may have a tendency to run hot and cold with your romantic partner you may be cuddly and affectionate one minute and the next, chilly and aloof. This technique works well with somebody who enjoys a challenge, but it could hurt a person who seeks constant affection and approval. Be aware of your partner's needs. This should be a breeze for a sensitive person like you.

creepy~ it's right on :o
Last edited by Tianshii on Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hazina »

Ooh ooh ooh, I'm a sucker for creative, easy to navigate juicy sites!! Yay what a wonderful design, anyway.... Here's my astro info:

Eastern: Sheep Western: Sagittarius

Generous, trusting, and noble, you are a good person to know. You're always willing to do what's best for the entire group, and frequently put your own needs aside for the sake of others. Although you can be a little absent-minded and even clumsy, you're often described as "classy." That's because you are always acting in the best interests of the public. You've always been willing to put yourself on the line for the sake of others. A civic-minded person like you would thrive in the political arena. You can cut through the red tape that prevents people from leading comfortable, productive lives. If politics doesn't interest you, sports might. You're a firm believer that healthy athletic competition can teach valuable life skills. You would make an excellent coach for young people. Ultimately, you want to provide the public with tools that can improve their lives.

Highly sensitive, you soak up the atmosphere like a sponge. Therefore, it's important to immerse yourself in a healthy environment. Steer clear of pessimists and manipulators, as they will only dim your sunny disposition. Seek out a neighborhood in which people are outgoing and friendly. A snobby, status-oriented area will inhibit you from making pals. Make sure you work with cooperative people, too.

Gracious, artistic people are drawn to your refined ways. You get along especially well with Cancerians, Virgos, Librans, and Pisceans. With regard to romance, you need a partner who shares your interest in justice and mercy. Self-absorbed types have little in common with you. Your greatest challenge is to be more willing to make exceptions to rules. Although you have a great respect for the law, it's important to recognize when the facts don't support the prescribed course of action. Your biggest blessing is your civility. Regardless of the circumstance, you treat everyone with dignity and respect.
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Post by Tangrax »

I dont read Metros anymore, the guys pushing them have become jerks :( They dont even ask if you want one anymore they just stuff it in your hands. Still, the sudoku is alright :lol:
AF1[X]AF2[ ]AF3[ ]AF4[ ]AF5[ ]
[color=green]Dunesn00b: "ok my provoke macro is done"[/color]
[color=red]<Everyone dies>[/color]
[color=green]Dunesn00b: "lol my macro didn't work"[/color]
[color=green]Leader: "I hate you."[/color]
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Post by Sugami »

You mean, West: Aries & East: Snake :P

I'm a Libra and was born in the Year of the Dog (this is my year woo) and my elemental allignment is Water :)
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Post by Yukira »

Well, lots of it goes to the woods but a few things are correct:

West: Virgo, East: Monkey

Your sign holds rulership of both work and health, the mood of the times likely reflects your strong concern for issues of safety and security. You're probably quite meticulous, and well organized, especially in matters of business. But that attention to detail will show in other aspects of your life, as well. Be careful of a tendency to be critical of yourself. Although you'll always try your hardest to do the right thing by others, they may not always cooperate. If you don't convince someone to make positive changes in their life, remind yourself that you can't control what anyone else does-only yourself. Move on, and let them learn their own lessons.

The astrological indicators of your birth time also point to a strong proclivity for caution. Several planets made their way through your earthy, practical, flaw-conscious sign, while both fiery Mars and startling Uranus passed through intense, perceptive Scorpio. All of these qualities mean that you hold within you the potential for working in medicine, but regardless of what you choose for a life-path, you'll be an expert trouble-shooter-and the person others turn to when they have a problem that seems irresolvable.

In relationships, you'll do well to find someone as devoted and settled as you are, like the other earth signs, Taureans and Capricorns. Your challenge is to be careful of a tendency toward pessimism or over-caution. Your gifts are your strong organizational and analytical skills.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Tarus - Monkey, but that part I knew. Stuborn and courious.

The tiger says:

Your sign's earthy qualities include stubbornness, determination, and resolve- not to mention the forcefulness you display in all life situations.

Your propensity to break free of limitations or constraints also shows in the astrological influences you inherited. Over half of the planets in the heavens were in earth signs, all of whose motivation include comfort, security, and physical ease. Your love of these circumstances, as well as your willingness to work hard to attain them, is a strong part of the foundation of your personality. Although others who love the finer things in life may become known as materialistic or hedonistic, you, however, likely won't. You'll somehow manage to maintain an even balance between the physical and the spiritual sides of life.

As such, regardless of your occupation, your conviction to attend to both spirit and comfort will allow you to acquire friends from all walks of life-and they'll all undoubtedly admire, appreciate, and learn from the equal consideration you give to both the tangible and the theoretical. In fact, you may be drawn toward joining groups or clubs that investigate either of those subjects.

In relationships, you'll need someone by your side who's just as flexible, multi-faceted, and passionately interested in a variety of topics. As such, Geminis, Sagittarians, and Aquarians will strike your fancy, as will cerebral Virgos. Your challenge is to devote an equal amount of time to the pursuit of both the sensual and the spiritual sides of life. Your gift is your ability to maintain a fair and equal commitment to physical and spiritual matters.
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

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Post by Tianshii »

Sugami wrote:You mean, West: Aries & East: Snake :P
:o :oops: Doh!! that's what I get for scrweing around here & there @ work--fixed now! :roll: :oops: (I'm also double Fire, rawerrr!)
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Post by Kyuiily »

(here's my reading)
You are determined to do what you believe is right-regardless of the consequences. As a result, you may become known as a bit of a nonconformist or rebel, but you may well only display these qualities when you're pushed to the end of your patience by what you view as unfairness, prejudice, or discrimination. Until you actually reach that point, you'll do everything that you can to keep the peace but once your indignation has been roused, you'll likely be unstoppable as an advocate. Needless to say, you're a devoted friend and partner.

The intellectual fire you'll likely become known for is strongly described by the astrological factors you inherited, as well. Seven planets in the heavens above you occupied fire and air signs, known to be "masculine," or "assertive" in nature. These energies beautifully outline both your passion and your substantial cerebral abilities as well as your innately straightforward and outspoken personality.

This strong propensity to stand your ground and fight for your ideals shows the depth of your integrity and your high moral standards. In short, although you'll undoubtedly live life by your own rules, your respect for the right of others to do the same will win you the admiration and support of many. When it comes time to choose a partner, you'll need to find someone as independent and emotionally determined as yourself. Sagittarians, other Aquarians, and Scorpios would probably make good choices.

Your challenge is to detach yourself from no-win situations, no matter how deeply and emotionally involved you are. Your gifts are your passion and commitment.
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Post by Kessa »

Well I am a Horse/Cancer and here is what I got >.>

Kind and intuitive you know how to put people at ease. You always remember a person's favorite color, drink, and dessert. Pampering and petting your friends gives you a sense of purpose. You probably give away your possessions with alarming regularity, although you will never be poor. You have too many friends who feel indebted to you. If you ever fall on hard times, you can be sure that many people will come to your aid. You don't mind accepting help from others as you understand that relationships are all about give and take. Your greatest challenge is to come to terms with your material desires. Although you value relationships above all else, you like a little luxury, too. That's nothing to be ashamed of; you should treat yourself more often. Your biggest strength is your compassion. People feel understood and comfortable in your presence, and often seek your company.

Blessed with unusual creative ability, you get a great deal of satisfaction from creative hobbies. It's possible that you were discouraged from developing your artistic talent when you were younger. Seize the opportunity to pursue your interests as soon as you're able. Writing or illustrating comic books may especially appeal to your vivid imagination.

Surrounding yourself with a ragtag group of outcasts gives you great pleasure as this gives you ample nurturing opportunities. Ariens, Gemini's, Scorpios, and Pisceans may especially appreciate your pampering ways. In love, you need a passionate, intense partner who is completely devoted to you.

You need a job that draws on your nurturing instincts. It doesn't matter if you care for people, pets, or plants so long as you're responsible for their well-being. You'd make an excellent travel guide, veterinarian, or gardener. Because you have a great deal of energy, you could also benefit from work that requires physical exertion. Working as a personal trainer could satisfy both your physical and emotional needs.

Its right up until the last paragraph. I LOVE BEING A MARINE. There isnt to much nurturing in this job, being that I shoot at people. I do get alot of physical training out of it though. Being a network engineer for the Corps lets me work on my artistic side by designing Uber Networks to play on.
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Re: For Kitties 21 and over...

Post by xaresity »

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