Punk rock ruined my life

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Punk rock ruined my life

Post by Losfuin »

Christmas is coming. I'm having to buy presents (thankfully less than last year - one of the beenfits of a reduced social life, I guess), go to parties, and decide how to answer the question "Stu, what do you want for Christmas?"

Well, on Sunday I came to a decision. I sat my ass down on the internet, and spent two hours browsing. I'd decided I wanted records. And lots of them. CDs, vinyl, even cassettes. Where did I look? Amazon? HMV? Any other reputable dealer?

No. I was browsing home-made pages run by 20-somethings who operate out of a basement, selling punk rock records (of various sub-genres, which I will not bother to list)... most of them recorded in someone's basement without any kind of budget to speak, and some without a record label backing them (even the kind run by a mate of a mate).

I ended up spending about £60 (just over $100 US) on records, including shipping (all from America). Even at the best of local independent music stores, this would get me 6 albums. Instead, I've purchased 9 albums, 3 EPs, and even 2 demos! I dunno about you, but I think that's pretty rad. I didn't take the opportunity to purchase any $5 t-shirts, though, figuring my waredrobe is large enough already... being full of $5 band t-shirts :P

On Monday night, I went to a gig with some friends. It wasn't the most underground of afairs, but fairly reasonable; no bands on major labels; no uber-big promotion company behind it. The ticket price was reasonable for the venue, and as such, I had some spare money for band merch (yeah, I know, but a gig souvenier is slightly different to a shirt purchased solely to wear, if you understand), as did my friends.
So, while they were happy that a shirt was "only" £18 ($30?), I felt disgusted at it. CDs £10? I'm getting used to about £6, including airmail shipping.
It made me feel somewhat alienated, like I didn't belong, and soured an otherwise enjoyable gig. The reason?

Punk rock ruined my life.

So, I'm taking the opportunity to give a shout out to DIY punk and all it's bastard sub-genres and spawn-offs. Here's to the awesomeness of contacting a band directly when you want to order something of theirs online; of ending an email by saying "BTW, if you're touring in the area, I have spare floor space if you need it"; of paying less than half the money people expect to for a CD, and finding that more work has been put into it than anything Sony, EMI, or Warner will ever release.

Here's to EMO for teaching me it's OK to cry at shows, and for teaching me that it's never been within a 200 mile radius of MTV and Alternative Press; to Dischord Records for saying "there's nothing available? Then make it yourself!!!"; and to the countless bands who have written words, thinking that no one would ever hear them, when each one was a phrase to live by.

And to you for reading to the end of my little rant :P

Seriously, I was sat in bed last night, listening to Rites of Spring, when it hit me that this DIY punk thing has been the major influence on my life for the past three years. In that time I've finished university, come close to death, fallen in and out of love, changed scenery and social circles many times, met some very cool people and some absolute idiots, crossed several items off of my "things to do before I die" list - and it's all been to the soundtrack of youth frustrated by what mainstream society offered them, and instead carving out their own little niche and mark on the world. It amazes me to think about it; how all over the world, these people are creating things expecting no one to hear it, but those that do will take it to heart.

I dunno if any of my MP Phoenix mates will have picked up on it, but the past few months have been hard on me, with prolonged unemployment due to a dying local economy, the stress of re-applying for university, and the sudden shift in my social life (when at university, I was out until 2am five nights of seven. I'm lucky if I can be out until midnight once a month now I've left) all making me, well, quite depressed and angry. The music I'm talking about here has done more to help me through this time than a thousand counsellors could. Quite frankly, I find few things better than sticking on a record and screaming "my bloody heart sleeps in the pit of her f**king stomach"; or plugging in my guitar and knocking out hyper-fast octave chords, not caring about how damaged by hands become; or drumming until my legs and arms don't work, laughing at the realisation that tomorrow morning is going to HURT.

Wow, this is a big post. But, I want people to understand how important something like this can be. I'm sure other MP members can think of something that has had a similar shift on how they percieve the world, that many will think of inconsequential, but is as important to some as their first born child. And I'd like to hear about it.

And if you don't have something that means this much to you, where the thought of a song can move you to tears of joy, where you can ruin yourself over pure love of it... how do you carry on? Before DIY punk, I had politics; but, my life before that seems to have been half-lived, an existance rather than an experience. I don't understand it.

And finally... don't hate on us emo types. Just because MTV took the word and changed it into a fashion term, it doesn't mean that we break down and cry at a moment's notice. Emo is not misery; it's catharsis, understanding, pure release. It's not a f**king haircut, or a t-shirt, or a tattoo. If you follow the link above, there's some free MP3s available that will show you what I mean. I hope anyone inclined to even look at a "punk rock" record - be it MTV-branded, or more underground - will take a half hour and have a look. I did, and found something I love as dearly as if it were a living person. I doubt that I would have finished my time at university, or looked into an ethical, socially productive career, had it not been for the influence of emo and DIY punk encouraging me to do something that matters.

And d'you know what's really awesome about the MP3 link on fourfa.com? I'm friends with the guy who wrote that!

Edit - furthermore, I just realised something. I'm sat here listening to La Quiete, an emo band - and the lyrics are all in Italian! I'm being emotionally moved by something I have no possible way of understanding, save through the sounds of the singer's voice. How incredible is that?
[url=http://www.fourfa.com/]Freakin' emo![/url]

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Post by Cyndari »

MTV wouldnt know anything about punk, they think that green day is punk and the problem is that yes once they were punk but now theyre pop whether you want to admit it or not. MTV seems a knack for taking good things and turning it to total sh*t. All MTV needs to do is look in the mirror to see what a crapfest they have become. When you get to see videos on MTV? Between 2 and 5 am? WTF is that? Oh yeah we do have MTV2 which shows videos, but it conveinently seems that everytime I turn it on its either Rap or crap. For a while we had VH1 which played lots of videos but some jackass at MTV said "Duuuuuuuuhhhh why dont we put shows on here too?" Lo and behold when do you see videos on VH1? From 3-9 am....

Hmmm it seems that I went off on a tangent..... :P
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Post by Losfuin »

Oh man, ZINGED!!!
I got a good laugh from these. Especially the 2nd one, with all the posters and the whole Myspace thing. I wonder how many 14 year olds have seen that and gone "OMG so TRUE!!!"
MTV wouldnt know anything about punk, they think that green day is punk and the problem is that yes once they were punk but now theyre pop whether you want to admit it or not.
Really, if you're on MTV at all, then I don't think you can call yourself punk. It's all buzzwords and marketing with the mainstream. I've seen some OK stuff on MTV (around the 2am mark, mind), but generally, I like to avoid all forms of music television. The lyrics to a certain Dea Kennedys song seem more appropriate now than when they were recorded back in 1985.

edit - ack, link failed. I'm refering to "MTV get off the air".
Last edited by Losfuin on Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[url=http://www.fourfa.com/]Freakin' emo![/url]

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Re: Punk rock ruined my life

Post by Tangrax »

Losfuin wrote:On Monday night, I went to a gig with some friends.
Where was it? I went to a gig on monday as well, just checking :P
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Post by angeladark »

Cyndari wrote:MTV wouldnt know anything about punk, they think that green day is punk and the problem is that yes once they were punk but now theyre pop whether you want to admit it or not. MTV seems a knack for taking good things and turning it to total sh*t. All MTV needs to do is look in the mirror to see what a crapfest they have become. When you get to see videos on MTV? Between 2 and 5 am? WTF is that? Oh yeah we do have MTV2 which shows videos, but it conveinently seems that everytime I turn it on its either Rap or crap. For a while we had VH1 which played lots of videos but some jackass at MTV said "Duuuuuuuuhhhh why dont we put shows on here too?" Lo and behold when do you see videos on VH1? From 3-9 am....

Hmmm it seems that I went off on a tangent..... :P
Remember Sum 41? The Canadian "Punk" band that was #1 on MTV a few years ago. I remember in a phone conversation during that stretch, the band thanked their fans for propeling them to be #1 as the first Canadian "Punk" band to do so. As a former co-worker once sang "We are, we are pop music. We are, we are pop music" *sung to the tune "Youth of the nation"* Anyways, I know this dates me a bit but Nirvana's run was basically when "Grunge" Rock became the new pop music, Kurt basically, in my opinion, wanted things to be like they were before, without all the hype, MTV airtime, etc etc. cause with all that came pressure to make music that would please more people. Basically what MTV does is tell today's teens what's cool and what's not, it's like a standard for what's in and out. And they're currently on the kick of teen angst and rebellion and non conformity which basically means that they are conforming to be nonconformists lol. Anway, I'll get off my soapbox now
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Re: Punk rock ruined my life

Post by Losfuin »

Tangrax wrote:
Losfuin wrote:On Monday night, I went to a gig with some friends.
Where was it? I went to a gig on monday as well, just checking :P
Nottingham Rock City. Octavia, Cathedral, Cradle of Filth. Yeah yeah, I know, I lost underground points for going to a CoF gig, but I really like Octavia and Cathedral.
Kurt basically, in my opinion, wanted things to be like they were before, without all the hype, MTV airtime, etc etc. cause with all that came pressure to make music that would please more people.
This is why it's important to reject MTV etc. if you have any interest in underground music, IMHO. When you never expect to succeed, you make music only for yourself, which helps take away concerns over target audience, marketing, etc. etc. To some extent, I take my view of "ideal music society" (lols) beyond grunge's vision, and am enamoured with Dischord Records, especially Ian MacKaye, for having some of the best, biggest underground bands, but staunchly refusing any mainstream help.
And they're currently on the kick of teen angst and rebellion and non conformity which basically means that they are conforming to be nonconformists lol.
IMHO, this is one of the worst kick-backs of grunge. Sure, Kurt was punk, but he was also depressed; and it seems most people miss the "support your local garage band" bit of Nirvana, and focus on the "I hate myself and want to die" side. By my (probably slanted) reckoning, teen angst has been in vogue since then, be it as grunge, nu-metal, or limp-wristed post-hardcore (Thursday, I'm looking at you). That said, I prefer it to the hendonism of the 1980's. And WTF Henry Rollins is doing on MTV I don't know.
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Post by Sugami »

Dude... just, too much for me all to read so I skipped the last part :P

Does that make you an emo-kid then? Cradle of Filth, ah I remember them, liked them for about 2 months but they're reasonably big or at least were.

Sounds like you had more fun at uni than I did. My last year I almost never left the house for social events, can blame FF for that. Left uni with a crappy worthless piece of paper and haven't found a job since so join the club :P

I wouldn't call Green Day pop, just 'cause they're popular now they haven't changed their music so it'd be bought more (I think).

Listen to some NoFX if you can, they're hillarious! :lol:
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Post by Tangrax »

Greenday = boo
CoF = boo
thats summed up, its easier to read that way lol
(personal opinion, feel free to "criticize")
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Post by Losfuin »

Tangrax wrote:(personal opinion, feel free to "criticize")
While I may be an elitist asshole when it comes to music, one thing I try to avoid knocking is someone's tase in music. I can fully appreciate someone liking something I don't, or disliking something I do (I listen to a lot of stuff, some of it not even music, but sound. Merzbow, anyone?). What I'm far more critical of will be people's attitudes towards music, which is why I'm so critical of "mainstream punk", because it's a bit of an oxymoron.
Does that make you an emo-kid then? Cradle of Filth, ah I remember them, liked them for about 2 months but they're reasonably big or at least were.
Well, CoF certainly doesn't; bands like Yaphet Kotto, Indian Summer, and Rites of Spring do. But more than that, I share a lot of attitudes and views with the members of these bands and "scenes" (horrid word, but it works), and that makes me an emo kid, IMO, even if I listen to just as much metal as I do punk rock.
I wouldn't call Green Day pop, just 'cause they're popular now they haven't changed their music so it'd be bought more (I think).
The word "pop" has lots of meanings. When I think of "pop", I think of a song structure rather than a sound. So, working with that, Green Day have been writing pop songs since day 1; that they had a punk-rock edge is why they got called pop-punk :P Incidently, I don't think "pop" should be a dirty word. Bands and artisits like Le Tigre, KMFDM, and pretty much anyon using a chrous is writing a pop song; but it doesn't mean it sounds like something you'd get on kids TV :)
What has chaged with a band like Green Day is the ethos, or spirit. When Dookie came out, it was pretty different, and the band sounded like they meant it. I no longer get that from their music, and haven't since about 1997. They may mean every political lyric they sing, but it comes across to me as hollow.
Listen to some NoFX if you can, they're hillarious!
I remember listening to them way back when, when I was first discovering punk rock. I never really "got" them; they seem to have spent an awful long time making the same record over and over (but, hey, so have some bands I listen to ;)). I always found the Dead Kennedys and Misfits far funnier.

Incidently, Tangrax, what gig were you at?
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Post by Tangrax »

i was at the vic in derby, my mates band was playing. I can only afford to go to rock city once a year :P
went to bullet for my valentine 25th october, it was so sold out i couldnt see them for most of the show :(
Yeah i try my best not to knock other peoples taste in music, unless its rap or hip-hop lol

Incidentally, the reason i now hate greenday is because they went political for no reason. You hate bush, big deal.
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Post by Kateevia »

I'll just start by asking this question, if a group/band is underground and great and then alot of ppl realize theyre great and then they blow up and then they get played on MTV and then they go on TRL and then they go platinum....are they considered pop then and not great anymore? I listen to alot of different kinds of music, mainly hip-hop and R&B, but I've seen this same thing happen in these genres. Artists seem to lose their street cred when they become popular and it doesnt seem fair sometimes, especially if the sound hasnt changed. But now that I think about it, most sounds do tend to change a little after time. Is it the artist changing to sell records or maybe they're growing. IDK....theres my rambling for the day.
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Post by Tangrax »

It's worse with underground hardcore bands, Loads of people stopped listening to Atreyu when they got a record deal, calling them sellouts etc. As long as they play good music (which they do) i dont see a problem.
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Post by Cyndari »

Im kinda gonna go OT here, and kind date myself. I have hate what MTV has become....I am one the individuals who literally watched Mark Goodman announce MTVs start. Nothing but videos 24/7, it was awesome. Alas though money has to be made and so as we see MTV has become the monster we now see. MTV now dictate to the mindless youth what is hip what is in and how you should look. Oh you can only be so old before you are "too old" for MTV(though they will never admit it) I think the age is 27,seriously,then you should be headin to VH1 for that older crowd.
My old ass is winded from all this talkin......*huff* *huff* :lol:
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Post by Losfuin »

Kateevia wrote:I'll just start by asking this question, if a group/band is underground and great and then alot of ppl realize theyre great and then they blow up and then they get played on MTV and then they go on TRL and then they go platinum....are they considered pop then and not great anymore?
IMO, no - but the trouble is, a lot of the time these bands will have done *something* to make themselves more palatable to a major label's tastes. There's some bands who got big and have gone on to major labels who I still consider to have had an underground attitude - Mastodon and Cave In come to mind as recent examples, as there's no sign of them doing anything they weren't before, but I could go further back to Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Tool, Nine Inch Nails... pretty much any of that early 90's crowd. I agree it doesn't seem fair for people to turn on a band if nothing changes when they sign to a major; the trouble is, though, that major labels are involved in some not very nice things, ranging from simply messing around with a bands' sound (a small thing) to having subsidiary companies that manufacture weapons (true). Part of it, though, is just underground elitism - the mis-guided belief that just because something is small, it's better than something big.
But now that I think about it, most sounds do tend to change a little after time. Is it the artist changing to sell records or maybe they're growing.
That's it - if you view a change as a natural evolution of a band's sound, you'll be OK with it; but even uber-underground bands can have their fans turn on them if they view the change as contrived. A Day In Black And White used to be emo with some indie elements; now they've changed into a full-on indie rock band without the emo, a lot of their fans are up in arms. And this is a band who play gigs in basements and living rooms! Tangrax is right when he says it's worse in the hardcore scene, where any form of change is treated with suspision. It's one of the reasons I'll have times when I utterly hate punk rock, because it sometimes seems most of it's fans are conservative assholes, and when you have a varied musical diet, that's not the kind of thing you want to see.

I know most of my examples are of a rock nature, but it's what I know best. When it comes to hip-hop, I don't know too much about the mainstream; I prefer the sound of the records on Anticon and Definitive Jux record labels.
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Post by Sugami »

I think Greenday mean every word they "sang", not just your typical bush bashing and they didn't just jump on the band wagon because everyone else was like some other crappy so-called "artists" *cough*Eminem*hack*...
If you listen to the lyrics of "Wake me up when September ends" and watch the video there's a lot of, for want of a better word, heart but into that song. American Idiot is quite different to their previous stuff but it's all in conveying the message methinks.
I've seen them Live twice and whether they mean what they say or not, they still put on an awesome show :D

"Pop" is an abbreviation from "Popular" but when it comes to music I take anything that's been designed and manufactured to be liked by the masses as "pop music" :)
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Post by Tangrax »

Sugami wrote:I think Greenday mean every word they "sang", not just your typical bush bashing
It's just the way they suddenly changed to political stuff, thats what pissed me off. the only song i like now is time of your life cos its easy to play lol
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Post by Losfuin »

Sugami wrote:I think Greenday mean every word they "sang", not just your typical bush bashing and they didn't just jump on the band wagon because everyone else was like some other crappy so-called "artists" *cough*Eminem*hack*...
While the bush-bashing is a huge bandwagon, the problem with bands like Green Day and nOFX releasing political records is that they've spent a career/life as a band being very much apolitical, taking no interest in politics, and coming across as rather apathetic and self-centred. For a band to spend over 10 years playing that role, and then to shift so suddenly, is quite a change, and as such, I think some people showing doubt is only natural.
If you listen to the lyrics of "Wake me up when September ends" and watch the video there's a lot of, for want of a better word, heart but into that song.
I got a bit from that song when I first heard it, but sadly, it become more than over-played. Shame, really.
I've seen them Live twice and whether they mean what they say or not, they still put on an awesome show :D
And you can't argue with a decent show ^^ Nothing can be more life-affirming than simple, old-fashioned FUN :D
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Post by Tangrax »

Losfuin wrote:For a band to spend over 10 years playing that role, and then to shift so suddenly, is quite a change, and as such, I think some people showing doubt is only natural.
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Post by Sugami »

I don't know about that... Green Day, Offspring etc. always had songs with social commentary but before Bush came along there wasn't really much to protest about politically so their aim was directed towards the sillier less important things...
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Post by Tangrax »

Yeah i guess, but greenday were hardly ever my favourite band to start with. Maybe if i really really liked them politically based music might have played a larger role in my life, who knows.
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Post by Losfuin »

Sugami wrote:I don't know about that... Green Day, Offspring etc. always had songs with social commentary but before Bush came along there wasn't really much to protest about politically so their aim was directed towards the sillier less important things...
The Offspring most certainly did, but Green Day? I'm not quite sold on that idea. Maybe we're working off different pages, though - when it comes to politics, it's worth bearing in mind my idea of a political band is someone like Rage Against the Machine, the Dead Kennedys, or Public Enemy - bands where every single song was political.
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Post by Sugami »

I'm sure I can find a couple Green Day songs that have social commentary in them pre-American Idiot :)
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Post by Tangrax »

Whats wierd is i actually like ratm, i guess its because they've always been like that. that and the songs arent all punky :P
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Post by Sugami »

RATM are metal, not punk. Quite a big difference there :P
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Post by Tangrax »

Sugami wrote:RATM are metal, not punk. Quite a big difference there :P
lol thats the point i was making, i was trying to not just out-and-out say "i hate punk" :P
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Re: Punk rock ruined my life

Post by xaresity »

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