Full Metal Bucket: Action Report- Windurst Waters

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Full Metal Bucket: Action Report- Windurst Waters

Post by Baketsu »

Date: 12/22/964

Location: Windurst Woods

Begin Report;

After making it in from Tahrongi canyon i cam to the conclusion that my skills have improved much since last time I was in the area. I asked a White Mage in San d'Oria to teleport to the Crag in Tahrongi since I didn't want to take the boat due to my weakness of getting seasick on the boat from Selbina to Muhara. I should have taken the boat. When teleporting i could feel my very essence being pulled apart and then crammed back together when I appeared in the telepoit in Tahrongi. I have felt sick ever since, but the sick feeling in my stomach seems to be wearing off as i approached East Sabarutaru Land. That is the last time I hire a thrid rate White Mage to teleport me anywhere!!

I finnaly arrived in Windurst and proceded over to the Waters section of town to see if i could procure some magical spells fromt he Ministry of Magic. Those little tarutaru seem to know their magic. I almost made it to the Ministry when I heard a Taru woman scream at the top of her lungs. I rushed over to the Taru Houses East of the Ministry to find a Mother crying on her front porch. When I inquired about what had hjappened she told me that her husband was missing. She told me he had broken his liddle leggy weggie and was resting in bed. She went on to say that she went into the kitchen to make him some lunchy wunchy and when she came back he was gone. I almost lost my lunchy wunchy!

I investigated like a good adventurer should and made my way to their bedroom. The window was open and the curtains were fluttering in the breeze. It was as if he was snatched away without a trace. That was untill I went outside to look for footprints or some other clue that i found something disturbing. There was a half empty bottle of "Marpopo's Rarab Tail Sauce" that had been tossed away carelessly in the back yard. I think fould play might be involved, either that or a very empty stomach. Either way I have a feeling that poor Tarutaru wife will never see her hubby again.

End Report

Jobs: RDM-54/BLM-32/WHM-26/PLD-23/THF14-WAR17-MNK8-DRG17-DRK18-BST3-RNG3-SMN7-BRD1
Race: Elvaan
Hometown: San d'Oria
Skills: Cooking 23- Smithing 3
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Post by Baketsu »

Date: 2/28/965

Location: San d'Oria

Begin Report;

It has been several months now since I have left Windurst and I am happy for leaving that god forsaken place. The Mithra were really nice there but the Tarutaru really disturb me. A couple times, most notibly anytime i went to the auction house a Tarutaru male would come up to me and start doing unspeakable things to my leg. My leg is fine, but it is still disturbed. I wonder if this is always how Tarutaru males behave because if it is, I can imagine that all the Tarutaru females are jelous of my leg. I even saw several Mithra running away from little perverted Taru in fear of having their legs defiled. Also, those Cardians are really creepy and I swear one of those contraptions were always following me. If security in my nation meant having cardians all over I think I would just give up and leave for another nation.

Making it back to Jeuno was fun and I finally got my Chocobo license so now I can ride the bird to anywhere it wants to go. For some reason the damn bird won't go into caves or into Davoi, which was really annoying cause this old man in San d'Oria wanted me to run an errand there to get some old crappy sword out of a well and I almost died doing that, What I wouldn't have given for a chocobo to ride throught that Orc infested wasteland so I could high tail it out of there. The trip wasn't a waste as now I can train as a Paladin.

I also spent some time Bastock when going through the mines this old Galka gave me a sword, that thing is heavy!!! This chaos-bringer sword he gave me was a total pain in the arse as I went out to kil things and it was so heavy I could barely swing it, after killing things for a while I decided to return the old geezer his sword and he was all indignant and told me I could now be a Dark Knight. I being a Dark Knight involves luggin around an oversized sword that is slow, I don't wanna do it. Well, I am hoping on heading out to Valkrum, maybe I won't get mugged this time, here's hoping.

End Report

Baketsu (The Full Metal Bucket)
Jobs: RDM-54/BLM-32/WHM-26/PLD-23/THF14-WAR17-MNK8-DRG17-DRK18-BST3-RNG3-SMN7-BRD1
Race: Elvaan
Hometown: San d'Oria
Skills: Cooking 23- Smithing 3
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Post by Sirc »

It trrroubles me that you perrrceive Windurrrst as a "god forrrsaken place". I am verrry proud of my home and perrrsonally think is is a beautiful place to live. If it is only the Tarrru that has caused you to have this opinion then let me assurrre you that therrre arrre not many that act as you descrrribed, and the ones that do act that way arrre becoming fewerrr and fewerrr. Nothing like 10 angrrry Mithrrra standing overrr you glarrring menacingly to drrrive home the point that yourrr behaviorrr is inapprrroprrriate. :wink:

Congrrratulations on yourrr Choco license! I hope you will reconsiderrr yourrr opinion of Windurrrst. Afterrr all, some of the Elvaans in San d'Orrria arrre less then frrriendly to Mithrrra, yet we strrrive to overrrlook this and underrrstand that not all Elvaans arrre prejudice against Mithrrra. :)
Sirc [Rank 2] - Lvl 25 MNK, 15 WAR, 15 THF
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I agrrrre with that, after all Windurst may not be home, but My twin sister Kilala spent the rest of her kitten hood there and its home to me, as for San d'Oria, why i serve those arrogant morons I'll never know, Is more stuck up and god forsaken to me, but then again, Home is where Sandy is for me /sigh
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Post by Baketsu »

I have no beef with the Mithra in Windurst, it is the Tarutaru who scare me.
Jobs: RDM-54/BLM-32/WHM-26/PLD-23/THF14-WAR17-MNK8-DRG17-DRK18-BST3-RNG3-SMN7-BRD1
Race: Elvaan
Hometown: San d'Oria
Skills: Cooking 23- Smithing 3
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Post by Neoshinobi »

Home is where the love is :love:
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Post by Tailfeather »

home... :stare: i wont say anything else...
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Re: Full Metal Bucket: Action Report- Windurst Waters

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Re: Full Metal Bucket: Action Report- Windurst Waters

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