Karou Ariyen's Log

A place to post back-stories, character descriptions, etc.
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Karou Ariyen
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Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by Karou Ariyen »

Where did it all start. Everyone asks me that. Why am I here? Why did I leave my home? Did I miss my family? I don't know. As I sit here, watching the rain fall down on the docks of Limsa, I wonder where it all went wrong. What was I running from. And what happened on that boat? So much that went wrong for me. I guess It's time to put things into perspective. Let's begin, 16 years ago, in Gridania. Under a full moon, a second life came into the world upon my father. But not without heartache. I've been told that my mother passed away shortly after, leaving my father to raise myself and my older sister, Kariya. Life in Gridania was fine, I guess. Forests, water, fresh fish. So much to explore and do. Most of my childhood was spent picking fights with other boys. Completely opposite of Kariya. Kariya.... I've been asked about my older sister. Do we talk? No. Not anymore. I never liked her. She was a bitch to me. Apparently I've always been blamed for being daddy's favorite. I think it has more to do with the fact that I have no problems putting in a hard day's work. You see daddy ran a successful woodworking business. Kariya had no desire for that. I did. Since I was 7 I had a saw in my hands. I wasn't the best. Far from it. But at least I put effort into it. Still, daddy respected me for giving it my best. For the most, yes, life was good. And the fishing... how many nights did I come home covered in mud like a fish. But there was always food on the table. I miss many of my favorite fishing spots to be honest.

You see what was weird was I had a great life, protected to a point. Daddy taught me self defense with the axe that I used to fell trees for the business. I had good friends, a roof over my head and never a care in the world. Then we enter Kariya. You see Kariya was the family favorite for the first 2 years of her life. Then I came along. At first things were fine, or so I've been told. I don't remember much before age 4. But I was always hanging out the workshop, getting either into trouble or watching daddy intricatly. Kariya was jealous because she wasn't a tomboy. Far from it, and being a botonist, she was a mark of a woman. She knew what she wanted, the fancy clothes, the nights out. Whatever. She wanted to come home smelling like roses. If I didn't come home covered in fish and mud and sawdust, I wasn't happy. But maybe that's what sparked the jealousy, As I mentioned before, daddy let me become his favorite girl because when he needed help, it was always me. I wasn't afraid to get dirty. Like the time when I was 9. After a major wood planking operation, I had about 3 layers of sawdust on me... Hard to be mad when you sneeze and it falls off all cute like. Daddy thought it was adorbale, Kariya thought I was dumb. My sister and I don't get along, the malice between us may be a front, but it's a deep layer of hatred. But that goes both ways I guess. And mostly because I couldn't stop pulling pranks on her that made her unclean. In reality, I was poking the gobbue. I should know better.

Daddy was well educated, teaching the both of us, and like most miqo'te's I tended to skip out chasing after boys. I don't blame the lack of an education for how I turned out. Hell, I was raised very well, I speak proper, I write proper with the occassional spelling error. Woodworking is a mathematical game, something that requires numbers and that's where I'm good at. Down the finest measurement, I can make something work, well to the best of my abilities. Practice always makes perfect. I just don't practice enough. But again, some say that I got all of daddy's genetics. Kariya definetly takes after mom. But my daddy is one of Gridania's finest woodworkers. Many Guildleve contracts come in with his name on it. It's where I began to practice working on my craft. Perfecting it. And with the right guidance began to understand the deeper meaning inside wood. It's a living thing and we have to treat it right or the product becomes garbage. My families home has a lot of my fingerprints on the wood and stone we used to repair it. But I have a weakness that didn't come from anyone in my family.

How I went from picking fights with them to being with them, is unknown even to me. I chased after this one boy. He was a bad egg, but I was easily swayed by his looks. The trouble we got into. It's unbelievable. Suddenly this "good" and I use that word loosely, girl was involved in theft, robbery, and anything else you could Imagine. I didn't want to. But I was an idiot. They say you learn from your mistakes, I never did. It happened so fast. But he did things to me that when I was younger would have turned me off, but now... they felt good. I was in love, but maybe that's what my brain told me or my heart. Because I didn't know what kind of past this boy had, and I ignored anyone who had dated him before when they told me to watch out. Because when I turned 15, a job went wrong, and he sold me out to save his own hide. Don't ask me how I'm still alive, because my heart wasn't the only thing broken that day, so was my spirit. Daddy could only try and love me like a father should, but he was pretty pissed even if he didn't show it. I spent the next year in complete silence, working in the shop and being under close eye. Didn't matter, someone who I loved, only used me and sold me out when it suited his needs. I didn't want to go anywhere but my room. I kept to myself, with the occassional argument between siblings. But when I turned 16, earlier this year, the axe fell.

Kariya pushed me too far. See I had planned to go visit that rat bastard miqo'te I had fallen in love with. He was out in Limsa, I wanted to pay him back for the crap he dealt me. Kariya, with all intensions of being the good girl, raided my journal and sold my plans out to daddy. You've never seen him like that. It was like all oblivion broke loose and the world was ending in fire and brimstone. And after the aftermath.... in a flood of tears, I left. I grabbed my clothes, what little gear I had and my saw and left. Where was I going. I didn't have money or anything else to escape with. But I ran. All the way to a coast. I don't remember where. The nights were longer that night. The weather was pure downfall of rain. Cold rain. Most of the journey was spent on foot with the occassional cart ride I could Talk myself into. Finally after a few days I made it to a seaport. But my troubles were only beginning.

I had no gil. I was broke. I had my clothes, my saw, my hammer and nothing more. I looked around for a cargo boat I could ride. And after asking around I found a few ships headed for Limsa Lominsa. I was so close to extracting revenge. I smuggled myself onto the first ship I came across that matched the Limsa list.... Big mistake when you end up sneaking onto a pirate ship. But I didn't realize it. As I was sneaking around the cargo bay to get hidden, I tripped and landed face first on the ground... In front of a rapier. Getting caught was one thing. Being offered the only chance to explain myself.... I chose to charge the pirate captain and in less time than it takes the wind to blow, I remember being on my back, blood running down my face. But I got up and charged him again, only to end up in a wrist lock with a blade at my throat. What was I doing? Had I lost it completely? I'm unarmed attacking a band of pirates. Why didn't I just stay at home, I wondered to myself many times. But I expected it all to end. All I could think of was my family, broken, but I missed them. I waited for the execution, my eyes closed tightly, tears running down my cheeks, mixing with the bloody cuts. But it never came. A hand was held out to me.... and this time I took it.

Anyone who could withstand a beating like that and still have the energy to fight... Courageous or was I just stupid? I was taken to an inn where the pirate captain took care of my wounds. He said he wanted to know one thing. Why was I even sneaking onboard a ship. I had to come clean. I had my life spared and I had to repay that. I explained everything, my desire to escape my family, to seek revenge on someone who broke my heart long ago. After many hours of talking, I was offered a chance to disappear. I was set up with a boat headed for Limsa. Many people being smuggled onboard. I would become one of them. And it would start me not on a path for revenge, but a path to something that even now, I don't understand.

The boat ride was caught in a storm. A bad one, I remember sleeping one moment in the corner of the belly, clutching forged papers in my hand when I heard a voice in my head. I couldn't explain it but for some reason I walked up deck. The ground melted away. And before I knew it was knocked back hard by a wave. I couldn't stand the intense pain when another Miqo'te grabbed my hand. And began the assault did. Thousands of balloon Fish. And with out thinking I charged in, again, without thinking, and joined the combat. Finally. It was over, the fish subsided and then the sea monster struck. Bracing for impact as I looked up at the beast. Flying over the boat, the force of the impact knocked me out cold. I don't remember much except walking up on deck as we neared Limsa Lominsa.

That was a week ago. I walked into the wench after that fierce battle on the deck in a storm that only the Gods could create themselves. I became an adventurer. But I never stopped practicing with the skills my daddy taught me. And a new place to fish, the wonders of it. When you use an axe on a tree, you don't forget how to use that in combat. I've met many other friends here, but the voice I heard on the ferry still rings hard in my head. I don't understand it. But I do understand that Limsa Lominsa is my home now. I have to pull myself up by the bootstraps every morning, but at least I have a place to stay in the Mizzenmast Inn, and my gear has changed. I'm learning more and more how to survive on my own. But as I sit here, looking out at the rain falling on the docks, I can't help but think about home. About daddy, about Kariya, about Gridania. Some day, daddy, I'll come home, when the time feels right. But until then, please don't forget me. Because I haven't forgotten you.
Last edited by Karou Ariyen on Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by Yukira »

Nice story Karou, I like it. I've been listening to 'Track 4' from the official FFXIV site while reading, I just love that track.

I'm anxious to get the game, create a character and write a background story myself as soon as I get to familiarize myself with the setting. After all, I decided it would be fun to start over completely and think of a fresh character instead of using mostly the same one from FFXI. I'll try to remain 'Yukira', if the name hasn't been taken already on Lindblum.

P.S. I would love to read more of the story someday if possible! :)
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Karou Ariyen
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Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by Karou Ariyen »

EDIT: The backstories back up. And For all intesive purposes.... For a fan fic I'm writing, purely fictional, the gear that she ends up using (I don't care if it doesn't match anything in game, I tried to keep it within the realm, besides the fan fic starts almost 3 months after her arrival in Limsa Lominsa. Don't like it? Tough):

White Hempen Halter Top
White Hempen Panties
Silver Earring (Left)
Silver Earring (Right)
Silver Ring (Left Middle Finger)
Copper Ring (Right Middle Finger)
Copper Ring (Left Index Finger)
Silver Ring (Right Index Finger)

Black Leather Knee Shorts w/ Tan Lacing
Weathered Survival Belt w/ Left Leather Thigh Pouch and Vial Pouch
Black Headwrap w/ Red Sea Serpent Design & Wolf Fang Decoration
Silver Choker
Red/Black Style Harness w/ Deltoid Guards (Marauder Guild Insignia Ontop Limsa Lominsa Crest; Banded Leather)
Black/Tan Leather Quiver w/ Baldric (Sheath For Axe and Bow On Back, Fishing Rod On Right Side)
Maple Long Bow w/ Black and Red Leather Grip Wrapping
Ceader Arrows (99 Ct)
Red/Black Fingerless Armor Bracers w/ Elbow Guards (Banded Leather)
Copper Bracelet (Right Wrist)
Copper Bracelet (Left Wrist)
Red/Black Armor Greaves (Covers Top Part Of Sandals (Included), seals back leg below knee, Knee Guard; Banded Leather)
Last edited by Karou Ariyen on Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Warrior 81/Ninja 37 | Samurai 85/Warrior 40 | Puppetmaster 76/Warrior 37 | Dancer 41/Ninja 16
Solo WS=Raging Rush 2282 vs Boreal Hound | Salaheem's Sentinal's <> SECOND LIEUTENANT
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Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by Karou Ariyen »

"Ask him. Find out for yourself if you think you know him so well. And deliver this to him for me will you?" I stared in disbelief. An ornate pistol laid in my hands. I didn't understand. Nothing I could do would make me understand.

That was 3 weeks ago since I arrived in Limsa Lominsa. A lot has changed. I've become part of the locals now. I mostly work with the Puller's Guild. A little Lalafell they asked me to protect on a run to the light house is who I mostly work with now. When she needs to go fishing, axe in hand and away we go. Sometimes I fish with her in certain spots. Other times, I'm knee deep in Sea Crabs, Jellyfish, or anything else that thinks she's lunch. The pay is good and for the first time in my life I have a friend. I though things would be good. I learned to shake that mysterious voice in my head for a while and settled down in Pirate-ville. But the truth was 30 seconds from a rude awakening one day. You see, I ran an errand for someone to the Blacksmith's guild. I delivered the supplies and the pointy ears looked at me funny. He wanted to know my name. I didn't think anything of it at the time as I answered 'Karou Ariyen.' He just looked at me funny. 'Well I'll be. You .... That's not even..... So he does live. You're the daughter of the great Samasu Ariyen. One of the most roughest Pirates I've had the honor of serving with." I had just stared blankly when I told him that My father is Ryloth Ariyen, a carpenter in Gridania. And I just turned and walked away. But as I did, he said "Then go Ask him. Find out for yourself if you think you know him so well. And deliver this to him for me will you?" The pistol had landed in my open hands as I turned to look at the strange man. Orante. Black with some red and gold trim. The seal of Gridania embedded on it. I didn't believe him, nor did I care.

A Few days later, as I sat in my room that I know shared with my puller friend, I looked at the pistol on the table. Something was nagging me. In the back of my brain, tugging on my memories. I tried to ignore it and rolled over in bed, pulling the sheets over my head. But it didn't help. I couldn't sleep. I kept waking up every hour and looking at the pistol on my table. My father wasn't a pirate. He was a carpenter. So why couldn't I stop looking at the pistol? I tried so hard to ignore it but I couldn't. The next morning I awoke, after a sleepless night. I had looked like hell and I didn't even engage in combat, or the occasional bar brawl at the Mizzenmast Inn which I liked so much. Some things never change, I know. After washing up and and gearing up to go see what Leve's were available, I grabbed the pistol without thinking and tucked it into one of my larger pouches on my belt. I just didn't realize it at the time, but I was making a decision for myself without thinking about the ramifications. Was I really ready to go home? I didn't know because I wasn't aware of my decision at the time. All I wanted to do with that pistol was hock it for some gil. But I didn't.

Leve's were bountiful that day. Anything that was contracted fell to my axe. I teamed up with a few gil-grubbing adventurer's who, quite frankly, weren't worth of licking my sandal heel. But the gil was good and the adventure was fun. I would also state that even in my brand new armor, it takes a beating. But I wear a banded leather so I can move right. My greaves were coming undone at the back strap so I had to do something about repair. I remembered being given some Buffalo leather a week before by a ...... contact, if you will. I never make friends with clients, especially when I'm the errand-girl. I was going to go have it repaired down in the market way, but as I reached for it, I felt the pistol in the pouch. Not. Good. I couldn't shake this feeling. I became suddenly ill to my stomach, the thought of returning home again. But again, the brain does things for reasons we don't understand, and I was already at the docks before I knew it, piling onto the ferry. I had retraced my step that I took when I fled. And 2 days later, I was standing outside of Gridania. I was sick to my stomach, weakened at the knees and pretty much vomited off to the side of the road. Fate brought me here for a reason and even today, I never understood it. But I pulled myself together and walked into Gridania. I missed the beautiful forests. Traded them in for the salt water and the open sea. I don't regret my decision. I began walking to where I knew my daddy's shop was, but when you come across a "Closed" sign. It's never good. I headed for home. Not Limsa, my birth home. Approaching the home, so many memories came flooding back to me. And as I reached for the door knob, I stopped myself. Instead I knocked. Yeah knocking on my own door. The final Irony right? But I felt as though I was a stranger in this land. A delivery girl. I reached my hand behind me into the pouch and squeezed the barrel once. No answer came. Was he asleep or not home. I called out but didn't get a response, but in an instance, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, staring my father in the face. And within less time than it takes the wind to blow, I felt a crack across my face. I stared in shock and disbelief. All he said was 'That's for disobeying me and abandoning your family.' But when he hugged me, he whispered into my ear, 'And that's for coming home.' I was still stunned, but not as stunned as he was. I guess I looked different, armor, giant axe, but when he saw the saw in it's sheath on my back, I think he knew I hadn't changed at all. I was only 16 but I was a battle hardened adventurer who though she knew better than the rest of the world. Like I said, some thing's never change right? We walked inside and sat down at the kitchen table. I pulled the gun and set it on the table, it's ornate markings glowing from the reflection of the chandelier above. I shook my head, trying to mouth the word 'Why?' but the hard reality of being lied to, finally struck home and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I was too upset to care how he reacted. But I remember those words as if it happened yesterday. 'I haven't laid hands on that gun in years. Sin'che was supposed to bury that damn gun, but Neither of us planned on you showing up in Limsa. Then again, I never planned on having a family either.' I didn't want to hear it, I wanted to get up and leave and just run out of the house, but his hand held my wrist down to the table. 'Yes. It's true what he says. Years, decades ago. I left that life behind, no matter how much of it I enjoyed. We did commit a load of heinous crimes, looting, pillaging, thieving. But something changed inside of me. It was this girl. No not your mother. I fell in love with her. But when she found out what I was, she broke my heart in half. So when we docked. I gave the gun away, and fled. I always waited for someone to come find me. They didn't. That's when I settled in Gridania, became a carpenter and 4 years after that, I met your mother. I wanted to make sure she and then eventually you and Kariya never learned the truth. That's why I didn't want you going to Limsa, I was afraid you'd find out. But you went anyways. I had to change my name. I was worried they'd find me, and after I met your mother, I needed to make sure that no harm would ever come to her. Ryloth is the name of the person who took that girl who saved my life away from me. I hated him with much anger. But eventually I became at peace with him, it wasn't his fault I was stupid. It was my own. Like you, I was young and thought that I could take the world by it's horns and it brought me down to my knees and broke me. It always surprised me how you ended up with those same genes and not your sister.'

It took three days for those words to set in. I was still hurt and betrayed after being lied to. Yeah, I guess it was good reason, but that doesn't make it hurt less. My mind was made up, I wanted nothing more to do with him or Gridania. I wanted to go home to Limsa Lominsa. Early the morning of the 4th day, I left. I geared back up properly this time and walked out the door. But daddy was waiting there for me and gently grabbed my arm. He had a leather holster with the gun in it. The holster was as ornate as the pistol. And he said that I should take it. Bury it, sell it, use it, but he never wanted to see the gun again, unless I was wearing it. A Big girl he said I was, but why the change of heart? In time. The famous words of my father. You'll understand in time. I felt 3 inches tall. But my ego didn't. I took the gun and ran. I literally ran out of Gridania to begin the long journey home.

48 hours later saw me stepping off the ferry again and onto the docks. Nothing changed. Except the gun on my upper thigh. During my travel home I thought about it very hard. I wanted to sell it. I needed the gil more. But I didn't. Instead I attached it to my belt and kept it there. I don't know how to explain why I did it. I hated my daddy. He was worse than the Miqo'te I was in Limsa originally to kill. But here I am wearing his old pistol. My brain was raging anger. My heart was raging forgiveness. It would be some time before I would ever come to terms with my heart. I was young, hot headed and though I knew everything. And being that I fit into Limsa perfectly, would further bring my ego to it's knees in the coming weeks.

And as I sit here looking at the rain falling on the docks, I hear the same words from my daddy in my head, the night I fled Gridania a second time... 'Make me proud. Be worthy of that pistol. Be worthy of your name, Karou Ariyen.'
Warrior 81/Ninja 37 | Samurai 85/Warrior 40 | Puppetmaster 76/Warrior 37 | Dancer 41/Ninja 16
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Karou Ariyen
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Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by Karou Ariyen »

It's funny. Life catches you when you least expect it. Your past can haunt you when you least ask for it. And a simple event can change the course of you, sometimes for the worst. It was simple, escort a huge shipment of lumber, most of which I had helped craft, to the Docks in Thanlan. It was a journey that would be plagued with problems. Combat was required and seeing as one of the contracted wood workers was also an adventurer, I agreed to go along. I had finally managed to have my leather greaves repaired on the straps and was ready to go. My axe gleamed with pride as I boarded the ferry. But I headed no warning to the approaching storm clouds. I settled myself up on deck as I began to cast lines and fish up something for the crew to eat. Thanks to Sisipu, my fishing techniques were getting better. About 10 minutes into our journey the rain began to fall. A light mist, I was beginning to get used to that in Limsa, but it picked up harder. And then suddenly a crack of thunder took be by surprise and I jumped. Unfortunately I slipped and almost fell overboard. My Axe's baldric caught the railing and kept me from going overboard. I backflipped myself over the railing and back onto deck, frightened but alive. Things were getting worse as the storm rolled on. I was expecting pirate attack.

It's funny though, Being an adventurer isn't all battles and killing. Nothing happened but a bad storm. It was severe turbulance on those waters however. But I took my catch of fish below deck to the cooks. It was the least I could do. Mostly because I said they could either pay me or have me catch them dinner. I will never mention my fishing skills again. My big mouth cost me over 100,000 gil in payment. Stupid self. Stupid. But I digress. Most of the cargo was being stored below deck too, and sadly, no one latched the docking doors right. Or the lumber for that matter. You see I was helping tie the lumber down when dinner was served. We left to go eat the fried cod that was brought up from the waters. All of a sudden a loud bang occured back in the cargo hold. We walked back and lumber was everywhere. The seas were getting rough and we had to tie it back down properly. So began the long task of dancing with the sea while trying to not drop the lumber on anyone's foot, especially mine. I may have leather footplate covers, but I still wear sandals. I decided that I'd have a metal plate attached when I got home after this job. On board we had a makeshift crane to help lift the lumber and it was going well with the groove we had in place. We paced ourselves to the rocking of the boat. But it went wrong. Very wrong. A Large wave shook the boat, almost toppled it. The lumber swung and hit me hard in the gut and I lost grip on the rope I had and flung me hard into the improperly latched door. I didn't feel the pain very much until I felt the door snap and I was hanging on what remained of it by my baldric once again.

I didn't check the damage the first time. It had torn and finally snapped apart. As I fell I instinctively grabbed for the bottom of the floor. I dug my claws into the wood for a few seconds when 2 of my companions ran over to grab my arms. The next wave took the door off fully and there went my axe. My Fishing Rod, My Saw.... Everything into the sea. I know it could have been worse as I was alive at least. They drug me back away from the open hole and I tried to stand up and collapsed. Something was wrong... I fractured a rib. The pain started shooting through my body like a nightmare. The only medic on board took a look at me as some spare wood was being used to patch the broken door. I wanted to help but the pain was too much for me. I blacked out. I don't remember much, no dreams, no voices, just silent blackness. We reached the docks by morning. By then the sea had calmed and I awoke back to the waking realm of conciousness. It took me a few to shake the pain and sleep off. But I stood up, my ribs taped up with cotton cloth. I was drained and barely had any strength but I helped unload the wood reguardless. It was a very, very long trip from the docks to the top of the hill. I sucked up the pain as best I could, making sure to not snap the fractured rib. I was beat by noon. The job was done, my gear was lost. I just wanted to go home, even if it was to Gridania. Despite all that, I was greeted by one of the ferry workers onboard our boat as I headed down for the hopefully calm trip home.

He heard what happened when we were tying the lumber down and while I was blacked out, he was looking for a replacement axe, but all he found was a bow. I held the Maple Longbow in my hands and stared blankly. I never used one before. I felled trees, not shot arrows. But I nodded and stared at it confused. The entire trip I practiced with the draw strength, tinkering the string a little bit. I built bows with my daddy before. I wasn't unfamiliar with how the worked, just never physically used one before. By the time we came home to Limsa Lominsa, I had manuevered the bow nicely with the right draw strength. And over the next few days I practived with it and whatever materials I could make into arrows. I was enjoying my new weapon. By the time Sisipu found out about my missing fishing rod, I was picking up a custom made quiver that had a sheath for my bow over the top of it. Sisipu was kind enough to bring me a new fishing rod, bless her heart. I also went and found a new chocobotail axe. This quiver became a utilitarian device. A Saw sheath in the back with a bow holder. Fishing rod Holder on the side. It's nice. The Baldric strap in the front was tooled the same as before but this time it contained a small pouch at the top and the bottom. Vertical flaps because I wanted to store my bow repair tools inside it. As I sat on the docks by the fishing guild that morn, I saw my reflection and thought to myself, maybe this bow, this new skill I was learning would be my fresh start, to fully escape from my past mistakes, and hopefully give me a purpose to return to my family. Today, I had realized I forgot all about my mission of revenge. I was growing up. Or so Daddy would have said. My mind didn't believe it. But the sun reflecting on the water, brought my soul to peace, my heart calm, and my ribs....they still hurt.

***Author's Note: Her classification change to Archer is my decision because I'm really loving the job.***
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Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

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Post by Michailhes »

Доброго времени суток .
Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта https://pamyat-39.ru/ - он не будет противоречить тематике?

Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту zalevskija22201@gmail.com
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эпитафия на памятник стихи

Post by Michailtht »

Добрый день дамы и господа!
Помимо изготовления и установки гранитных памятников, наша компания выполняет работы по благоустройству могил на кладбище. Вы можете выбрать эту услугу как в комплексе с другими ритуальными услугами, так и отдельно. Для обустройства участка захоронения мы располагаем различными ресурсами, из которых вы подберете наиболее подходящий Вам материал.Оформление могилы плиткой считается оригинальным решением обустройства захоронения на кладбище. Такой отделочный материал чаще всего подходит для места погребения с установленным на них мраморным или гранитным надгробием.Облицовочную плитку как правило, выбирают за ее надежность, влагостойкость и эстетичность. Она не подвергается механическим повреждениям и защищает захоронение от попадания влаги, а потому место погребения выглядит солидно и остается ухоженным в течение многих лет.
Наша организация занимается свыше 10 лет ритуальными услугами в городе Калиниграде.Вот что мы можем предложить вам:
1)благоустройство захоронений калининград –Мы более десяти лет предоставляем услуги ритуального характера в Калиниграде и Калининградской области, помогаем достойно проводить усопшего в последний путь.
2)изготовление памятников в калининграде-Мы оказываем ритуальные услуги с набором всего необходимого товара и сервиса, которые предлагаем, опираясь на возможные финансовые затраты клиента.
3)установка памятников в калининграде-Сотрудники нашего ритуального агентства – это специалисты высокого класса с большим опытом работы.
4)ритуальный магазин калининград-Наш многофункциональный похоронно-ритуальный центр обеспечит качественные похороны с полным набором требуемых ритуальных услуг.
изготовление и установка памятников в калининграде
благоустройство захоронений
размеры памятников из гранита
изготовление и установка ритуальных памятников
надписи на памятники надгробные короткие
ограда на могилу установка цена
стоимость памятника из гранита
плитка для благоустройства могил
установка памятников и оград
формы памятников из гранита каталог
памятники из светлого гранита фото
двойные памятники из гранита фото цены
изготовление и установка памятников
модели памятников из гранита фото
стоимость памятника с установкой
памятники на могилу из гранита
красивые памятники из гранита фото
изготовление памятников из гранита
памятник из светлого гранита на могилу
православная надпись на памятнике
гранит вит памятники картинки с ценами
оформление памятника на двоих
комплексы памятников из гранита
памятники из красного гранита
благоустройство захоронений плитка
как называется надпись на памятнике
карельский гранит памятники фото
памятники на двоих из гранита фото
благоустройство воинского захоронения
надписи на памятниках краска
формы памятников из гранита фото
памятники кладбище гранита
изготовление и монтаж памятника
установка памятника на могилу цена
каталог памятников на могилу из гранита
благоустройство захоронений фото
памятники гранит фото цена
надпись на памятнике в стихах красивые
обновить надписи на памятнике
памятники и благоустройство могил фото
благоустройство могилы на кладбище фото
гравировка креста памятника
двойные памятники из гранита цена
купить памятник на могилу гранит
оформление памятников
продажа памятников гранит
товары ритуальных услуг цены
изготовление памятников и благоустройство
памятники из гранита розы
памятники из гранита арка
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 23, 2024 9:14 am

элит ритуальные товары

Post by Michailtjr »

Привет дамы и господа!
Окончательный вариант гравировки изображения на могилу обязательно согласуется с заказчиком до начала работ.Для гравировки портретов на памятнике лучше всего подходит чёрный или очень тёмный гранит, имеющий мелкозернистую структуру. Такой камень даёт при резке наибольшую контрастность. Нанесённые на него рисунки и текст не подвержены воздействию природных факторов и надолго остаются чёткими и яркими. Если же Вы выбрали стелу из светлого материала, то хорошим выходом будет гравировка изображения и надписей на памятник на вставке из чёрного гранита.
Наша организация занимается свыше 10 лет ритуальными услугами в городе Калиниграде.Вот что мы можем предложить вам:
1)благоустройство захоронений калининград –Мы более десяти лет предоставляем услуги ритуального характера в Калиниграде и Калининградской области, помогаем достойно проводить усопшего в последний путь.
2)изготовление памятников в калининграде-Мы оказываем ритуальные услуги с набором всего необходимого товара и сервиса, которые предлагаем, опираясь на возможные финансовые затраты клиента.
3)установка памятников в калининграде-Сотрудники нашего ритуального агентства – это специалисты высокого класса с большим опытом работы.
4)ритуальный магазин калининград-Наш многофункциональный похоронно-ритуальный центр обеспечит качественные похороны с полным набором требуемых ритуальных услуг.
изготовление памятников цена
сделать надпись на памятнике на кладбище цена
памятник из зеленого гранита
виды гранита для памятников
комплексы памятников из гранита
ограды из гранита
установка памятников на кладбище
фото памятника с надписью
адреса изготовления памятников
установка изготовление памятников могилу
памятники гранит надпись
памятники из гранита каталог цены
памятники из красного гранита на двоих
памятник фигурный гранит
установка памятника
заготовка памятника из гранита
благоустройство могил керамогранитом
установка памятника на плиту
образцы памятников на могилу из гранита
зеленый гранит памятники фото
элит ритуальные товары
красивые памятники из гранита
памятники гранит надпись
установка ограды на могилу
памятники из гранита и мрамора фото
красивые эпитафии на памятник
установка памятника на могилу
надгробные памятники из гранита цена
продажа ритуальных товаров
комбинированные памятники из красного и черного гранита
ограда на могилу установка цена
производители ритуальных товаров
оформление памятников картинки
благоустройство могилы под ключ
надгробные эпитафии на памятник
изготовление и установка памятников в калининграде
комбинированные памятники из гранита фото
благоустройство захоронения на кладбище
памятники фото на могилу гранит
оформления памятников из гранита фото
сколько стоит установка памятника
заказать надпись на памятнике
эпитафии на памятник короткие
стоимость установки ограды на кладбище
изготовление памятников кладбище цены
православная надпись на памятнике
памятники гранит фото цена
памятники из красного гранита
благоустройство захоронений в калининграде
магазин изготовление памятников
Queen Cat
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Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:46 am

Re: Karou Ariyen's Log

Post by xaresity »

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