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Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:17 am
by Raika Akaizer
I got in touch with Golddess again. She doesn't want to lead another LS. That doesn't mean she won't be with us. Like all things it needs to be thought about.

She also mentioned that she will see what she can do about the site this week.

That being said, it is time for us to organize.

We need to sort out the following:

1. Whos gonna be the big mama cat. (or papa cat for Manthras.)
2. What will the policy be for non-mithran entry.
3. LS Direction

To be sorted out later:
1. Server selection
2. Linksacks (Or whatever will be used)

Feel free to suggest more points of buisness. However, first things first. Lets hear what you all have to say about our first 3 pressing topics.

Edit: New Topic!
Edit: Once we are at a comfortable spot, we can start advertising.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:04 am
by Keerith

For 1), I honestly have no idea. As long as it's someone willing to take the responsibility and actually be there/make sure the LS runs. Most of my gaming was with people who aren't here any more. :( I'd do it if nobody else steps up, but I'm willing to follow whoever gets picked and do anything I can to help.

2) If we want a functional (by which I mean one that sticks together past the leveling stage when we hit the level cap) we need to make sure the LS doesn't get pigeonholed as a flavor or just-for-fun LS. We need to be able to accept any player who can contribute.

3) I don't believe in the casual/hardcore split. Hardcore groups that play 30 hours a week can be failures and casual groups can clear all the games content. Still we need to decide on our tone. I love the board's light heartedness and want to see that in the LS. Again though, I don't wwant to be a novelty group

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:20 am
by Raika Akaizer
Lol, I almost forgot my own input.

1) I would like to see some take this who understands that the leader isn't always the person leading everything. I just want to see someone who will keep the peace and manage the LS properly. I don't think this job means that you would have to participate in everything, as it is too much to exspect from anyone over a game. So a long as that person will be around to keep a cap on things I'll be happy.

2) My only damage with this is that there wouldn't be much point in calling the LS MithraPride if we let just anyone in. I think that if members can vouch for a non-mithra player than that person can be in. However, I don't think non-mithras should be allowed to have linksacks as we all saw what happened with Titan back in my day. Someone is gonna start letting every man and his dog in who isn't a mithra.

In short I say all mithra in, others by probation.

3) I think when people start to stick labels to LS's people start to make rash decisions. Hardcore players want to get everything done in a month and most of the time can't live up to their own exspectations. Casual players get downplayed as if they aren't valuable.

In short, I say we focus on being a team that does the best they can rather than labeling ourselves.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:35 am
by Fiye
1.) I'd be more than happy to take the role as the sack (Or the equivalent there-of) but as far as leading. I would have to decline, due to the fact that I'm in the Navy, and I may be not be able to log in for months on end. I wouldn't mind leading some things here or there.

2.) The big faults of the Mithrapride (FFXI) were the server limitations, the mithra-only requirement (Mostly), and... well, the fact that end game became a really big deal for many of us, and those end game LSes turned into main LSes.

And Tirial suggested "I think that if members can vouch for a non-mithra player than that person can be in. However, I don't think non-mithras should be allowed to have linksack." This makes it possible for non-mithran players to join in as well, and lets us have a stable population beyond a niche.

3.) Just have people start up events, help out, etc...

Set up a rotation for various ENMs (Or the equivalent there of) and the like. Don't need a serious system where we're hunting 3 hour long HNMs or raiding sky for hours a week.

"In short, I say we focus on being a team that does the best they can rather than labeling ourselves." best quote really. We'll find the people who want to be with us.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:10 am
by Keerith
Right, I don't know if what I said and what I meant matched up. Had a couple of long nights. :)

The New Pride needs to be fun. That's what we all want and it's why I'm still on these forums - the MithraPride was one of the best groups I've gamed with. We just need to make sure we still play the game though - leveling may take a few months but the game will be around for years and if we want the LS to last we need to keep in mind that we WILL be playing end-game, as a LS. Not everyone will want to play end game and that's fine too - if they just want to hang with the cool cats it's great. Without it though, most people who do want to be active at the end game will find other shells.

And yea, the momma cat doesn't need to be running (or even in) the events. That's what officers and delegation is for.

The momma cat DOES need to be someone accepted as the final authority and who can give the group direction and focus. Even if we go with a council-style leadership there may be disagreements or even arguments, and we need someone who has the authority to make a decision, put an end to the dispute, and move things along. Like momma. :D

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:14 pm
by Sugami
Should it be called MithraPride or Miqo'tePride? :lol:

I'm not sure what server I'll be on if I play the game at all, my primary loyalty is to my friends' LS (Cake) but I'd definitely still want to be a part of MP.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:37 pm
by Tivia
Just an FYI, I am also a part of Organization Drow, as a result my server choice will be based on theirs for obvious reasons. If both groups shared the same server, that would really be optimal for me as I would like to be part of the main Pride this time instead of a satellite branch.

Concerning name -

Mithra pride I think is what we should stick with. Simply because in the community of FF, we are a known group at this point. However I would also suggest that someone go ahead and get a Mi'qote pride LS just to ensure no direct competition or confusion.

That said: and .org are both available domains. If I can get assurance that this is going to be a serious undertaking, I would be more then glad to purchase both domains and forward them here in a couple of weeks when I get paid next. Or if someone else would like too, they can just as well. It is less then $20/yr for them, so not a big expense. If we wanted to perhaps create a sister site to this one specifically for XIV, I might find some time to work on that if I purchase the domains if that is wanted. Given this is ultimatly Firemyst's creation, I won't do anything until tiral gives the thumbs up on that.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:59 pm
by Raika Akaizer
Concerning the site we should wait and see if Golddess is going to do anything this week. Boards can be set up with domains at the drop of a time but thanks, because it is nice to know we have a backup plan if it goes south.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:21 pm
by Shirai
At this point I'm not completely sure if I'll start playing FFXIV.
If I do, I will play it very casually since my rl doesn't permit me to play evenings on end because I have a very time consuming hobby these days.
And besides that, I'm not sure if I can put FFXI behind me.

I won't be able to take on a leadership role, nor to be honest, do I really feel like leading an in-game guild again.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:09 pm
by Keerith
You don't need to be a leader to be part of the fun! Even if you only play once a week (or however often if you join up) you'll still be part of the group.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:53 pm
by Raika Akaizer
Between work myself and not having been around in a while, I won't take the leadership role unless it is absolutely nessessary.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:25 pm
by Keerith
We still have two months before we need to nail down who has to make the group in-game. :)

Are we more or less decided on the other points for now? It seems like there's a consensus, but the thread hasn't been open that long yet. I do like keeping the recognition of the Mithra Pride, only point is that some new players will see it and ask what the heck a Mithra is.

Also, what about moving the forum to a new server if this one stays flaky? I still can't get in on my desktop or my laptop at work, only with my blackberry :(

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:52 pm
by Raika Akaizer
If the site continues to mess up, Tivia has a solution to move us to a new domain. We must wait for Golddess for the time being to see if she works on it.

Also, Tysbil has yet to reply. So I don't want us to finalize anything until she has a chance to come look at all this.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:04 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
1. Whos gonna be the big mama cat. (or papa cat for Manthras.)

- I believe I am too casual a player for that position.

2. What will the policy be for non-mithran entry.

- *blinks* Policy? It has to be stated? Blatantly racist of course. :lol:

3. LS Direction

- Should come under To be sorted out later in many respects. But main thrusts social and helping.

To be sorted out later:

2. Linksacks (Or whatever will be used)

I was in a very egalitarian LS for a long time. Everyone but the Shellholder was a sack. Don't know how well that one worked in general, but in particular it worked fine.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:52 am
by Sugami
You can't call them "manthra" anymore, it'd have to be "manqo'te" or something and that just sounds silly :lol:

TBH you probably don't need a "leader" as such, just a figurehead (like the Queen :P). If you have enough sacks you can trust to keep the peace then that'd probably work for a social LS.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:55 pm
by Raika Akaizer
I insist we aviod casual/social/hardcore stigmas. Would much rather be a team. Social says come here to talk or hang out. Casual says we don't get very far. Hardcore means we play too much and undershoot. If we work together along with friends, who knows what we could accomplish! GO TEAM MITHRA!

Now that I have a general idea of what everyone would like.....

We just wait to see if Goldess does somthing this week with the site. If not we will need a domain to make our own. Once we get sorted one way or the other we can advertise our presance on other FFXIV forums where recruiting threads are allowed. We should step slowly and lightly....

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:06 pm
by Keerith
Yar. I'd like to hear from Kaorii (their last post was July 12 2010) and I asked Firemyst if he's interested in an X-Box live PM. Other than that I think that's everyone here. :(

You're 100% on w/ the group type; we should take everyone we can (except the annoying "OMG I FUND PIC OF MEGN FOX ONLINE LOLOLOLLL" punks) and focus on being a group that gets stuff done together.

Also it looks like you and I are the only two willing to be the figurehead; it,s a pain but someone has to be there. I would definitly be fine with giving most people (mithras, they're the only real people) the ability to invite as long as we can feel they won't abuse it.

We've got two people with potential server conflict issues: Tivia and Sugami. Since server choice is fairly arbitrary at this point, do either of you think we could just pick one and you could nudge your other groups into it?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:08 pm
by Raika Akaizer
Perhaps we could call a summit between the 2 conflicting LS's and see if we can find a common ground. Nothing counts until release anyway.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:15 pm
by Keerith
I've done the sneaky kitty bit and peeked at their websites/forums, and nobody has offered one yet that I saw. :D we could just send an e-mail telling them where we want them.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:16 pm
by Raika Akaizer
We have to sort ourselves out first. >.> Then we can be demanding kitties.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:24 pm
by Keerith

I'm just excited. Very excited!

Already planning on spending the pre-launch week CE gets working on gathering and crafts so I can mentor kittens. :p

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:33 pm
by Shirai

Sorry for the caps, but if you call yourself that every player with a little understanding of the Japanese language will laugh at you.

Manko is the japanese word for the female bodypart between the legs.
Yes, that bodypart.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:38 pm
by Keerith

Goodness! Hah!

I was never too fond of "manthra" either, I just assumed that 70% or more of the mithra I saw were dudes, but referred to them as "her" since I usually talked about the character and not the player. It's not like the had Girlkas or MeLvaan (F) and such. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:25 am
by Fiye
Melvaans hah!

Makes me giggle.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:40 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Ziyu wrote:Also it looks like you and I are the only two willing to be the figurehead; it,s a pain but someone has to be there.
You see that's my problem, that word, figurehead.

The shellholder CAN'T be just a figurehead, and you know it.
Ziyu wrote:it,s a pain but someone has to be there.
If its a pain, it ain't a figurehead. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Minimum requirements: time in game, ability to resolve disputes, able to use a clock and calendar.

If it is going to be a sinecure, I suggest the egalitarian model. Everyone gets a sack, new chums sacked after X days, no tails, no way.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:08 pm
by Sugami
Ziyu wrote:We've got two people with potential server conflict issues: Tivia and Sugami. Since server choice is fairly arbitrary at this point, do either of you think we could just pick one and you could nudge your other groups into it?
Not sure if I'll even be playing the game, at the moment I don't have the money for it so it's dependent on me getting a job (which doesn't look good) and if I do I'm sure Cake will be formed before I enter the game too :oops:

Sorry for the caps, but if you call yourself that every player with a little understanding of the Japanese language will laugh at you.

Manko is the japanese word for the female bodypart between the legs.
Yes, that bodypart.
ROFLwaffles :lol:

Well I don't go out of the way to learn the Japanese for naughty body parts, I stick to stuff that's more usual :P

Even though I no longer play I still find the term "manthra" offensive. You just know it was created by some silly child as a way to insult someone who he tried chatting up only to find out they were a dude :roll:

Anyways don't you know? girls don't exist on the interwebz :lol:

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:16 pm
by Keerith
Tsybil wrote:
Ziyu wrote:Also it looks like you and I are the only two willing to be the figurehead; it,s a pain but someone has to be there.
You see that's my problem, that word, figurehead.

The shellholder CAN'T be just a figurehead, and you know it.
Yup! I was using someone else's term I saw earlier in the thread, in a light-hearted and whimsical manner which I unfortunately can't seem to find the font option for. :) In the same light-hearted and whimsical tone, it also sounded better than "by default, then, I declare myself the new evil overlord of the kittehs!" :D
Tsybil wrote:
Ziyu wrote:it,s a pain but someone has to be there.
If its a pain, it ain't a figurehead. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Minimum requirements: time in game, ability to resolve disputes, able to use a clock and calendar.

If it is going to be a sinecure, I suggest the egalitarian model. Everyone gets a sack, new chums sacked after X days, no tails, no way.
Yes, I'm ordained, and no, I don't want a parish. :)
We can't expect one person to micro-manage an entire shell, especially if we see the number of members we saw in early FFXI. I agree: the leader needs to be someone who plays regularly and can solve disputes, but anyone can step up and lead events. If we have 100+ members we'll be guaranteed to have people on board with the drive and desire to run things (including me).

I definitely do NOT agree with "no tails, no way" though. I don't want to tell people that they can't have their friends or good players they run into in the LS. When that happens, people leave to play with their new friends (and possibly convince more mithra to leave with them).

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:42 pm
by Raika Akaizer
I believe "No tails, No way" applies to linksacks only. We cannot have stray linksacks running around cause that is what killed my LS on Titan. One jerk who had nothing better to do, or hated mithras, or both, got a hold of a linksack and started handing them out to anyone that wanted it. Needless to day it was a mess and breaking a LS to make a new one is never a simple task.

We have to remember that linksacks don't make team-mates more important than others. They are simply there for trusted members with tails to keep things under control and ensure the smooth operation of the LS.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:56 pm
by Keerith
Ahhhhh. Well yea, that ican be after agreeing with 100%

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:32 am
by Tivia
I didn't respond to the leadership bit as I wanted some time to chew it over.

Here is my take on it at this time.

Necessary qualities:
1) Willing to put up with an inordinate amount of crap from both players and the game itself. Let's be honest, the leader is going to catch crap from everyone, I know this from personal experience. Furthermore SE is rushing this game hardcore, it isn't going to be ready by sept or anywhere close. We can't have someone in the position who is just going to bail after 3 months because its "Too hard" and ruin the shells chances.

2) Playtime, perhaps not no life playtime, but regular presence.

3) Diplomatic as mentioned previously. Part of this is the realization of point 1 and the realization that no matter what your decision, someone is going to be pissed off about it.

4) The ability to not take crap personally, but at the same time able realize when you are in error.

So after a great deal of though, I will step up to the plate for this one if that is the will of the pride.

What I bring

1) I have run guilds, servers and businesses. I know how it works and what it takes. I likewise realize fully that it could be nearly 6 months of pure pain before the game starts to stabilize.
2) i bring a core of players with me who are likewise experienced FFXI players and gamers in general. This develops a core for us to build upon straight out the gate.
3) I think my track record on this forum speaks for itself. How many times have I had someone determined to goad me into losing my temper and not? I am also fairly visible not only in this community but a plethora of other gaming communities as well, this can potentially be leveraged into potential apps.
4) Fairly solid play time, while i certainly do not power play like I used too. It is quite easy for me to be online 5+ days a week for at least 3+ hours.

At this point, I think it is up to you guys to decide what you feel is best for everyone. I am content with whatever decision is made.

On the no tail no sack stance, I am good with that however I would like to point something out. Sticking to this limitation over the long haul can and will limit the LS to what it can be. Perhaps in the interest of continuing growth, for someone to move up the ranks as a non Mithra they would need to have an alt of at least a certain level. I believe this would be a reasonable compromise that shows dedication to the pride, while still allowing people the flexibility to keep their main.