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Anyone going Everquest 2? Creve is!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:15 am
by Creve
Hi everyone, it's me Creve...if anyone remembers me :cry:
I'm going to be starting a new MMORPG and have currently joined a very nice guild. EQ2 guilds are small with 30-40 members max because the more members in a guild the more in game money that is needed to keep a guild hall up and running. Or something to that respect.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if anyone wants to come join me and Mikameow. The game is in beta right now but will be retail in about 1 month. So what are you waiting for kitties? :?: Anyone else want to join in on the fun?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:05 am
by Liohs
EQ is teh evil hehe :twisted:

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:47 am
by Prrsha
Boooo! EQ! :x

Mithra > EQ cats

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:57 am
by Prrsha
Liohs wrote:EQ is teh evil hehe :twisted:
It's the work of the devil: is
66% evil, 34% good

66% evil! Can therrre be no greater evil?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:02 am
by Voidia
well i suppose 66.6% evil would be mroe evilish then just 66%. :D

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:14 pm
by Tivia
I played EQ from phase 2 beta till just before FFXI went gold, So at the very least I have pre-ordered EQ2 and will give it a try. However Im also in EQ2 beta, and thus far Its not capturing my attention enough to make me solidly say I will be switching...Will see when it launches.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:10 pm
by Ziada
It was kinda fun playing around with the character generator... the cat race can be guys too, what a concept. :)

But it's coming from SOE, the same guys who botched Star Wars Galaxies so bad, and they're still set in their "expansion pack now, gameplay and bug fixes later" ways. World of Warcraft may tempt me, but I doubt EQ2 will unless I hear remarkable word-of-mouth about it after the release.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:03 pm
by Sivara
Not me.

I love FFXI, but I don't want to start another MMO (they are too time-consuming). I saw EQ2 at E3 and I wasn't too impressed. It looks really great, but it wasn't enough to interest me.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:30 pm
by Mystiana
I didn't even think it looked that great. I'm a console gamer, and will probably never change. FFXI is one PC game that feels and plays like a console game. I also think that FFXI might be the only MMO I ever play... the time it takes is ... :shock:

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:45 pm
by Ambrey
BOO to EQ2! My sister has left FFXI for that game, and its horrible, the graphics arent even that good! I myself have no interest whatsoever in playing that game. Ever since the original FF on the Nintendo, I have been hooked on this series, there's just something special about this series of games that I just cant feel but a connection with. Every FF game has had inner meaning and a good story line to it. The only ones I couldnt really feel a connection with was the X and X-2. But thats my opnion, I started FFXI, and I will continue with it :D Hope the rest of you feel the same way...

The only thing EQ2 has going for it is their females actually look like they have boobs lol :rofl:


Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:05 pm
by Chayala
Meh. I'd be a bit careful about going to an SoE owned game. They try to... how shall we say "Balance" things too much, and to that point, balance classes into the ground <which is the exact reason i left the original EQ> My friends who still play say that with the current track record that SOE has, they're going WoW, or staying EQ<from current character investments> rather than going to another SoE game where they can get beaten with a nerf stick over and over again ^_^

<See Enchanter/necro/druid/shaman/ranger/paladin/shadowknight class boards for details of the horror> hehe

Former 65 elemental 150 aa+ druid karana server ^_^

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:23 pm
by Creve
I'm sorry to see that so many think so little of EQ2, :( there is more that can be said about FFXI...simple game reviews from major sights like Gamespot will do the trick but I can understand your feelings since a lot of you have dedicated your time already to FFXI and you might even go to the extent in thinking that I am trying to steal kittens but that's absurd. I'm just saying that if anyone would like to try EQ2 out then there is a nice guild forming and it would be nice to have people I know to be in the guild as well.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:28 pm
by Mystiana
It's nothing personal, Creve. I simply don't like the PC feel of games. I handed over RPGamer's beta code for EQ2 to someone else on staff. -.-

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:59 am
by Sivara
I didn't even think it looked that great.
I was with you at E3. Liar...or have you forgotten about "the poster?" :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 2:04 am
by Kopopo

I wanna go to E3 next near. No... I MUST GO.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:02 pm
by Kahvi
I've been playing videogames for 22 years and still havent gone to e3 or Origins... Stupid "stuck on the East coast with no cash" life.... i miss all the fun... i couldnt even make it to NYC for that event Squ-Enix held there...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:33 pm
by Fayin
Ambrey wrote:BOO to EQ2! My sister has left FFXI for that game, and its horrible, the graphics arent even that good!...
Ok Ambrey you're either talking about a different game, or are lying. There's no way anyone could say that the graphics in EQ2 are anything less than excellent.

Unfortunatly it's still EQ, still by SOE, and still going to suck just as much as the first one did. It's damn pretty, but it's still going to suck.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:11 am
by Mystiana
Sivara wrote:
I didn't even think it looked that great.
I was with you at E3. Liar...or have you forgotten about "the poster?" :lol:
Obviously I have, what poster? o.o

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:30 am
by Kopopo
Fayin wrote:
Ambrey wrote:BOO to EQ2! My sister has left FFXI for that game, and its horrible, the graphics arent even that good!...
Ok Ambrey you're either talking about a different game, or are lying. There's no way anyone could say that the graphics in EQ2 are anything less than excellent.

Unfortunatly it's still EQ, still by SOE, and still going to suck just as much as the first one did. It's damn pretty, but it's still going to suck.
Since when did graphics make the game? I can say with a high level of certianty that almost everyone one here was part of the 16-bit era and even some in the 8-bit. I know I am and I loved the games of those times. So what if the polygon count could only be expressed in exponential formulas in new games? The old games had damn good stories and the art was often beautiful. But EQ still sucks.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:44 am
by Mystiana
Kopopo wrote:Since when did graphics make the game? I can say with a high level of certianty that almost everyone one here was part of the 16-bit era and even some in the 8-bit. I know I am and I loved the games of those times. So what if the polygon count could only be expressed in exponential formulas in new games? The old games had damn good stories and the art was often beautiful. But EQ still sucks.
Yeah, the old games had good stories. They were also 25 hours long and moved through that story at a blazing pace, pulling you along. MMO's are the polar opposite. Without graphics, you need exciting gameplay. MMO's are about going slow, so you won't get that either. No story, no gameplay... what's left? Oh yeah, graphics. >.<

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:30 pm
by Prrsha
Gameplay and balance are the key to MMORPGs. Competition as well (whether it be PvP, nation conflict or just plain stat competition). MMORPGs need less treadmills IMHO and more interaction with the players and the world. Players should be able to effect their environment to a certain extent.

Also I find repeatable quests sort of lame. Everyone lining up to slay the same dragon and save the same princess leaves little mystery to the game. Instead missions should be assigned based on a group or nation effort with rewards given to the group that is the victor. Eg. national conquest is step in the right direction.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:33 pm
by Prrsha
Firemyst wrote: Yeah, the old games had good stories. They were also 25 hours long and moved through that story at a blazing pace, pulling you along. MMO's are the polar opposite. Without graphics, you need exciting gameplay. MMO's are about going slow, so you won't get that either. No story, no gameplay... what's left? Oh yeah, graphics. >.<
Meh if you want good graphics with no gameplay just load up a screen saver or a graphics benchmark demo. It's cheaper then EQ. Good graphics alone have NEVER made a game sucessful... well aside from Myst.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:48 pm
by Tivia
I think I speak for most of us when I say, we are quite possibly the pickiest bunch of gamers on the planet.

why? We play Final Fantasy...most of us were hard core FF fans long before it went online..We play Final Fantasy because as a general rule it has maintained the standard set by games back int he 8 bit era...Gameplay first, Followed closely by story line and graphics. So we all tend to kick when someone tries to cram something less down our throats. Honestly I have to Give SquareSoft, now Square Enix credit, They have maintained a Very high standard for Graphics, gameplay and Storyline with few exceptions (*coughffx2*) over the years.

Dont know about the rest of you but, While I will give most any game a chance to prove its self. I will never settle for a game that doesnt Strive to push the envelope in Gameplay, Story And graphics. This is perhaps Why I will always remain a Final Fantasy fan in general.

Though I gotta be honest, StarOcean was the first time SE truly disappointed me :( . tbh it completely failed to live up to its hype.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:06 pm
by Kopopo
I dunno... When I heard that FF was going online I was in true shock. I've been playing these games for 13 long years and I liked where they were going. Sure, there were a few I didn't like, such as FF8, and ones I completely hated, like FFX-2. I liked it because for the most part they were an individual experience. I know, you can multiplay in FF6. Aside from that the games were damn good, took longer than 25 hours to beat, had great music and graphics, and just made gaming FUN. I didn't want that individual experience to be taken away so for a long time I was wholey against FFXI. I was still against it when my beta package arrived. I played it and even came to like it... but then the ugly beast of every MMORPG reared its ugly head and scowled. Massive competition came into the game. More and more. Soon I came to loathe the game and the people who played it. I truly feel that Final Fantasy as we know it is in its demise.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:13 pm
by Tivia
I think this will be the only online Final Fantasy like this personally.

I was much the same, I was very very skeptical when i first heard of FFXI...and even during beta I was still torn. There are aspects of the game I dont care for because I dont consider this truly Final Fantasy..I am not certain I ever will. However for the most part I enjoy the game, Its a good mmorpg, though If i had to compare it directly to its lineage..I would have to still say I feel like the depth of story and gameplay is lacking for this.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:30 pm
by Mystiana
Tivia wrote:I think I speak for most of us when I say, we are quite possibly the pickiest bunch of gamers on the planet.

Though I gotta be honest, StarOcean was the first time SE truly disappointed me :( . tbh it completely failed to live up to its hype.
So you missed the instant classics like Parasite Eve 2 and The Bouncer then? ^^

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:26 pm
by Rekahkun
one game that noone seems to mention that i personally enjoyed immensly is Vagrant Story. i regard it as the best non-FF game square has ever made :D the story for that game is incredible and the graphics are more like artwork than any other game i've played (keep in mind this is a ps1 game, so there is some leeway given in resolution and such). and i absolutely love the speech baloons :) the gameplay is very fun, if slowpaced (some battles can take for ever, but you can infinite combo with the right button presses so eventually, even 1hp at a time, you can defeat anything :lol: ).

that was off topic, but i felt like sharing :P

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 1:13 pm
by Tivia
Firemyst wrote: So you missed the instant classics like Parasite Eve 2 and The Bouncer then? ^^
I liked the parasite even games :?:

never played bouncer though.

But the point I was eluding to was Star Ocean was hyped for months to be the Ultimate RPG ever...and it failed utterly to deliver that in my opinion. The cinamatics were indeed beautiful, however the actual gaming graphics imo were utterly horrible, I absolutley Hate that style. Hate to say it but from what I have seen, Fable is by far the best RPG to come out this year...FFXII is gonna have to work hard to best that one.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:50 pm
by Liohs
Rekahkun wrote:one game that noone seems to mention that i personally enjoyed immensly is Vagrant Story. i regard it as the best non-FF game square has ever made :D the story for that game is incredible and the graphics are more like artwork than any other game i've played (keep in mind this is a ps1 game, so there is some leeway given in resolution and such). and i absolutely love the speech baloons :) the gameplay is very fun, if slowpaced (some battles can take for ever, but you can infinite combo with the right button presses so eventually, even 1hp at a time, you can defeat anything :lol: ).

that was off topic, but i felt like sharing :P

i like Xenogears better 8) :P

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:35 pm
by Chimpchimp
I'm sorry but you all seem to have forgotten Secret of Mana. It's the main reason why i keep my SNES.

Chimpy/Mikey kickin it old school styley