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The second time doesn't hurt as much as the first.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:30 am
by Fiye
So, I managed to get kicked out of RedBranchTribe away. Go Me!

So, what just happened is Shadowofdreams makes her own LS, and people begin leaving RBT to join hers.

Well, after awhile I note a few major departures, Valgadar, Littleangel are the only ones that I can name off the top of my head. And then there was one person who I have been missing ever since I beat CoP 6-4 (Damn, its been awhile).


Well, apparently due to the disappearance of people from Chaosfairy's shell into Shadow's shell. Chaos decides to ban everyone in Shadow's shell from her own shell.

Excluding her own son. Because, apparently, he's a spy.

Swear to god some adults never grow the f*** up.

So, what happens is I join, hang out for a bit before I quickly switch back to Chaos' shell. So far so good.

Well, then I get a pissed. I'm tired of this secretcy, and not liking having Eviljoel around me. I tell Shadowofdreams that he's a spy, that he told me, and that I had a screenshot of it. (I use the chat thing with the alpha shading background. I CANNOT photoshop it without it looking crappy.

So, anyways I decide to grow a sack and /tell Eviljoel "I'm in BlooberryMuffins"


"I know eviljoel told you it" I say
"What?" She replied.
"I'm in BlooberryMuffins.
And RBT." ~ Me
"f*** you traitor!" ~ Chaos
"Equip the pearl so I can kick you!" ~ Chaos

I complied, and the next thing I had was a broken pearl. So I did to it like every piece of crap I have in my invetory.

I gave it to a needy Mithra child who needed a chew toy =3.

Nah, I threw it away, and have begun my own dreams of making a LS. I call it TheVindicators. She [Chaosfairy] has probably put a ban on her LSmates from joining my shell, but I could really care less.

Eviljoel says she's gonna GM call to get the pearls moved to another shell. I call bullshit on him. What a GM would do is make us break our shells... and even he wouldn't do that. For god sakes the LS was designed so a friend could move from shell to shell without worrying about losing his or her friends. This isn't a guild system like in WoW, Anarchy Online, or Ever Quest... Rather, any other MMORPG.

And if I get tossed to another server. {/hug}s for any MP members I find.

But really, the second time doesn't hurt as much as the first... well. It hurts ALOT LESS than the 15k EXP and 5 hours I spent in sky with RBT doing nothing but twiddling my thumbs and getting murder-... no. SLAUGHTERED by Faust when we only have 9 incompetite members who didn't know what the f*ck they were doing.

So, hopefully this works out. I got kicked right before ChurchofDebauchery suffered through drama. I almost got kicked out of MP-Valefor due to a comment I made indirectly to Liero, and now I add RedBranchTribe to my list of favorite LSes that are dead/about to be revived/about to die (And in that order).

*Rolls* I suppose I'm done. Wishing my new LS luck and the eventual reward of killing Absolute Virtue. {/cheer}s

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:49 pm
by Ambrey
In a word...


Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:31 pm
by Kintrra
To be honest? The whole thing left me kinda confused. Are these HNM shells? Or social shells? Cuz if they're social and causing this kind of a ruckus? well... el oh el. ._.;

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:07 am
by Keavy
This reminds me of my first social shell I joined as Keavy. Rule #1 was you could have no other shell. I quickly dumped them. :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:42 am
by Fiye
When I joined it. It was a social/help me out shell. Within days, we started a ZM static and worked on those. Obviously, we got Sky and sat on that. And apparently when I did DM they got pissed and booted me.

They started up HNMLS stuff not too long ago. About three/four weeks ago. We mostly killed genbu, I got Genbu's shield out of the whole deal.

Chaosfairy somehow manages to get Drama. She got it when Stonecutters decided to break and form, and now when alot of oldbie RBT members left and joined Shadow's LS, more drama ensued.

Yet, I can't help but think i somehow caused this to occur. Oh well.

Anyways, all seems better in Blooberry, and I'll be making an advance towards Envy. See if I can put some of my Sea stuff to use n,n.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:20 am
by Okuza
The only shells without any drama at all have no people in them.

I really like my current shell. There's a tiny bit of drama now and then by for the most part everyone is really nice. ^^

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:47 am
by Fiye
I would love to make my own HNMLS. Problem is... I can't really figure out a good line of too much work VS to little.

Like RBT... they spent 6/7 hours in Sky a few days ago. CHRIST I would fucking HATE THAT. And yet they only spend two days doing it. *Sighs*

I am thinking about moving servers... that and getting my checks automatically put into my debit card so I don't have to worry about getting 3 overdraft charges >,<

Edit: Forgot to add in. Retihs still had a pearl, so I went in there, said a quick speech (And identified myself as the assailent) and then dropped the pearl before they could kick me.

They weren't getting me a third time. :lol:

Re: The second time doesn't hurt as much as the first.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:24 pm
by xaresity

Re: The second time doesn't hurt as much as the first.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:00 am
by xaresity