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Oblivion owns MY SOUL!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:15 pm
by Keavy
Seriously. Go, click on my gamer tag in my sig. You'll see.

So all you have to do is click on the link at the bottom and...*Furiously clicks the mouse* what the...404 error? F***in' AOL! *Slams fist on the desk* *

So, yeah. Been playing a lot of Oblivion lately. Here's the story.

Right after Christmas EB Games had a sale going on used games. $15 for PGR3, $25 for Call of Duty 2, and the biggie, $30 for Oblivion (It was $50 regular price) so with money in hand, I ran off to my nearest EB and grabbed what I could find (PGR3 and Oblivion were all they had left. Seriously. That was it!) So with games in hand I headed off home to play.

Two hours into Oblivion and as I'm running around the Imperial City, looking at all the armor and talking to all the peoples, I hear my disc drive stop followed by a "Blade pop-up" that said the disc was unreadable. So I hit the eject button and about 3/4" of an inch into the disc there was a deep gouge that went all around it. Since it was late I went to bed furious that my fun had been cut short. The next day I started calling every EB and Gamestop I could find looking for someone who had a used copy of Oblivion I could exchange mine for (I was broke and too cheap to pay full price for a new copy) after finally locating an EB with a copy I got my friends and we made the three-hour trip to get it. We also stopped at a few other places on the way back, ya know, made a day of it.

When we got back home I was tired and really didn't feel like playing Oblivion so it sat in my bookcase untouched for over a month.

The reason why I started playing it again was this: I was over at my friend's house and he was playing Oblivion on his PC. He had completed the Gray Prince quest and fought the Grand Champion fight in the Arena to unlock the Dark Brotherhood quest. As soon as I saw the Dark Brotherhood quests (And the super cool armor) I said "Holy crap! I have got to play this game!"

So yeah, 25 hours in and I have level 100 Sneak skill (easy way to level up is to spam pickpocket your Adoring Fan. He doesn't mind.) and have just finished the cleansing of the Sanctuary. My favorite quest so far was the one where you're locked in the house with five other people and you have to assassinate them without them knowing you're the one who did it. Funny thing is I only had to kill three of them myself. One of the houseguests killed two while I was alone with the two I killed! :lol:

So yeah, sorry to my Phoenix friends but you won't see much of me for a while. I am addicted to this game and seriously want my 1,000 achievement points. After I finish the Dark Brotherhood I may take up Thieves' guild next. I mean, yeah, I could have done Fighter's and Mage's first, but then...I wouldn't be the evil person I am, would I? :shock:

*Tell me where I stole that from and you get a pie made out of cookies!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:21 pm
by Karou Ariyen
HA! im 75 percent complete on oblivion!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:55 am
by Keavy
Well, I did just start a new character. After getting deep into the Dark Brotherhood quest I found that Warrior wasn't the job for me so I restarted as an Assassin.

Having Sneak, Security, Archery, and Alchemy as my mains its far easier to level up.

Re: Oblivion owns MY SOUL!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:42 pm
by xaresity

Re: Oblivion owns MY SOUL!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:26 pm
by xaresity