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Something a little different (and a little more personal)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:30 am
by angelstar107
Allo again.

I recently decided that I wanted to seek out some advice (not just "yes or no" this time) about a few things. Mind you, this might get a little personal, and at times, possibly a little emo. Ah well, that's life, right? So, here it goes.

There are times in our lives when we encounter something, perhaps by chance, or by fate. Be it a saying, a song, tune, or movie, something we come across changes us a little, or a lot. I'm wondering if other people have encountered these things in their lives.

This might seem a little confusing, so allow me to provide an example. When I was little, my favorite movie of all time was Balto. I always dreamed of being like him, determined and free, kind and sweet. It changed me to hear of the story of Balto. When Balto 2 came out, naturally, I saw it. There was one scene with Allu and Muru (the little mouse), where Muru starts talking about spirits, and fate and destiny. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with a strangeness. Perhaps I realized I was just like Allu, seeking my own destiny with no idea of who I am. I always felt alone, but the song gave me comfort. It made me realize that I'm not alone, that someone, or some thing is watching me, guiding me, protecting me. At times, they seem invisible, or non-existant, but when you need the most, they are there. We can sense them, but not see them. Such a mysterious light of comfort....

I wonder if anyone else has had a moment like that, brought on by something that shouldn't be significant.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:32 am
by Eviticus
The word you're lookign for is 'Epiphany', I think. I don't know if I've had a singular moment where my world changed, but I've had a vast series of moments when my life did make course corrections.

When I left 3 years of home-schooling to go to high school and met real life head on, when I got dumped by the only person I've ever said I loved, when my mother died of cancer when I was 18, when my dad moved out of state leaving me and my brother alone, and one time when my life dipped so far that I stared down the barrel of a loaded gun.

However, all of these things have made me who I am. Each one of them shocked me into a state of realization about myself and my place in the world around me. We are defined by the events in our life, and how we delt with them. I wouldn't trade my past for anything.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:49 pm
by MittensValefor
While on a church trip to renovate a school in Romania, I was staying in a dorm that doubled as an orphanage. One of the kid's bike was broken... The bolt that holds handlebar in place had snapped. Bike parts are near impossible to get in Romania on short notice, and I got the impression that the people running the orphanage didn't have the money or time to fix his bike, so it looked like he'd never ride it again.

But one of the guys managed to find a long bolt during a hardware store run and handed it over to me. It was too long, but I knew this would be the only chance at saving the bike. Using the bike's frame as a workbench, I began to cut away at the bolt with a hacksaw. The kids gathered around and held the bike down so it wouldn't slip around while I worked. Amazingly, the jerry-rig worked!

At that moment, thousands of miles from home, I knew in my heart that one of the reasons God had put me on this Earth was to fix a Romanian orphan's bike. ^_^

Re: Something a little different (and a little more personal)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:27 am
by xaresity

Re: Something a little different (and a little more personal)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:12 pm
by xaresity