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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:27 am
by Rakshasa
Chatulio wrote:ok wait...what is this bot for and how do you use it? :?:
He's a bot on the IRC #MithraPride forum. He's only there to liven up the party by chatting. He learns phrases from what everyone in the forum says and spouts them off somewhat randomly as you can read above.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:54 am
by Chatulio
oohhhhh no i see. thanks.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:26 am
by Kahvi
Kahvi: right, markov?
MarkovBot: Right, and they were a pain in the future can see how different lvled fights turn out
Kahvi: markov, you are a seer.. i sware
MarkovBot: Now what to tell you, idiots are a seer.. I sware

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:46 pm
by Lihera
[09:43] * MarkovBot is allowed to have those 'funny' sayings when they launched Quake - it had every version of PCI, and its a nicer card'
[09:43] <gnome> markov,
[09:44] <MarkovBot> Can anybody answer truthfully as to how it got to my donut?
[09:44] <gnome> markov, eat donuts
[09:44] <MarkovBot> Food
[09:44] <Golddess> No, Markov, we cannot.
[09:44] <MarkovBot> If It's that bad, add an official statement from MP to the music!] - users:[1/5] - sends:[1/1] - queues:[1/12] - record cps:[52.9kb/S by Zidae] - Bytes sent:[183.69gb] - files sent:[1782] - message:[-=new=- Jinki: extend | Xenosaga | Mahou Sensei Negima | Nanoha and Uta-kata complete | note: new faster DSL ~15kbps(per-send)!] - SysReset 2.53
[09:44] <gnome> markov, {/welcome}{back}{tarutaru}{food}
[09:44] <Golddess> Markov,o.o
[09:44] <gnome> gah!
[09:44] <MarkovBot> "Welcome to Cornelia!"
[09:45] <MarkovBot> Sunday my vacation from work at people always come In here o.O

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:38 am
by Shirai
[13:31] <MarkovBot> Friend took me 4 damn hours. All cause I didn't have great success with soloing rdm in quifim
[13:32] <Shirai> markov, say something nice
[13:32] <MarkovBot> Becuase I'm with Niv, she helped me escape that hell of ALOT, but lately, ive gotten lax
[13:32] <sakono> umm
[13:32] <sakono> markov, just how many mithra you with?
[13:32] <MarkovBot> With my Mithra ass wagging in my bed it seems...
[13:33] <sakono> markov, a number will be fine.
[13:33] <MarkovBot> Ya Fed ex is a bitch.
[13:33] <sakono> O.o;; stupid bot
[13:34] <sakono> all i want to know is how many mithra you with, markov
[13:34] <MarkovBot> I thought about it
[13:34] <sakono> ok so how many, markov
[13:34] <MarkovBot> Err ok >.>; will it all sucks.
[13:35] <Tirial> yay, it's in my shared folder.
[13:35] <sakono> markov, tell me how many damn't
[13:35] <MarkovBot> Grr damn't
[13:35] <sakono> just tell me before i kill you, markov
[13:35] <MarkovBot> DONT kill the kittens
[13:35] <sakono> i wont if you tell me how many mithra you with, markov
[13:35] <MarkovBot> From 2400
[13:35] <sakono> O.O
[13:36] <sakono> the bots a whore ....
[13:36] <Tirial> that it is.


Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:28 am
by Karou Ariyen
<Karou> markov, Pantsu
<MarkovBot> Wet dreams are good as the ability of PANTSU~
<Karou> uh........
<Karou> tmi
<sakono> lol

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:43 am
by Karou Ariyen
<sakono> markov, sakono
* MarkovBot jumps on MarkovBot's face and nipping at his 1.9k Alienware that he can't afford pizza every day. Meep?
<Karou> Oo
<Honeypot> o_O
<Karou> do i wanna know honey?
<sakono> umm

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:25 pm
by Aesha Clan-Clan
O_o markov is crazy.....

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:11 pm
by Kahvi
[13:02] Kahvi: markov, i need you for bcnm
[13:02] MarkovBot: I need bcnm 40...
[13:02] Kahvi: you okay with being a meat shield, markov.
[13:02] MarkovBot: Heh Greenday American idiot (Uncencored)
[13:02] Kahvi: markov,
[13:03] * MarkovBot swipes Rueka's prismacolors and bounces out the true meaning behind the Wall but manages to take off for avatarzx
[13:03] Kahvi: wth?
[13:04] Kahvi: markov, balga's dias bcnm 40 steamed sprouts. Do you need it?
[13:04] MarkovBot: Balga's dias bcnm 40 Steamed sprouts. Do you have questions, ask me on your addy
[13:05] Kahvi: markov, you crazy.
[13:05] Sugami: ?
[13:05] MarkovBot: It's crazy here ... POL is down ;)
[13:05] Kahvi: markov, POL is up... I'm playing right now.
[13:06] MarkovBot: It's crazy here ... Pol is down ;)
[13:06] Sugami: stupid bot
[13:06] Kahvi: markov, Baka Galka /point /laugh
[13:06] MarkovBot: Yay for galka sex
[13:07] Sugami: no galka don't have sex markov
[13:07] Kahvi: markov, Galka = no sex
[13:07] MarkovBot: Divent sex acts with Kopopo
[13:07] Kahvi: markov, deviantsexacts are bad.
[13:07] MarkovBot: Rakis Deviantsexacts again :3
[13:08] Kahvi: markov, repeat after me. Deviantsexacts are bad.
[13:08] MarkovBot: Repeat
[13:08] Sugami: heh
[13:08] Kahvi: >.<
[13:08] Golddess: Markov, deviantsexacts are bad, mmkay?
[13:08] MarkovBot: Keep your Deviantsexacts out of the taru
[13:08] Golddess: I don't have any deviantsexacts, Markov.
[13:08] MarkovBot: Popo never plays with her dagger, "you sick horrid beast!"
[13:09] Golddess: o.0
[13:09] Kahvi: >.<
[13:09] Sugami: heh little harsh
[13:10] Kahvi: markov, i dont like where this is going...
[13:10] MarkovBot: You dont know who said that.
[13:10] Kahvi: markov, behave
[13:10] Sugami: markov, Kahvi just said it just now
[13:10] MarkovBot: kahvi is east caost?
[13:10] * MarkovBot will behave.
[13:10] Sugami: heh good bot
[13:10] Golddess: XD

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:03 am
by Liohs
Lihera wrote:[09:43] * MarkovBot is allowed to have those 'funny' sayings when they launched Quake - it had every version of PCI, and its a nicer card'
[09:43] <gnome> markov,
[09:44] <MarkovBot> Can anybody answer truthfully as to how it got to my donut?
[09:44] <gnome> markov, eat donuts
[09:44] <MarkovBot> Food
[09:44] <Golddess> No, Markov, we cannot.
[09:44] <MarkovBot> If It's that bad, add an official statement from MP to the music!] - users:[1/5] - sends:[1/1] - queues:[1/12] - record cps:[52.9kb/S by Zidae] - Bytes sent:[183.69gb] - files sent:[1782] - message:[-=new=- Jinki: extend | Xenosaga | Mahou Sensei Negima | Nanoha and Uta-kata complete | note: new faster DSL ~15kbps(per-send)!] - SysReset 2.53
[09:44] <gnome> markov, {/welcome}{back}{tarutaru}{food}
[09:44] <Golddess> Markov,o.o
[09:44] <gnome> gah!
[09:44] <MarkovBot> "Welcome to Cornelia!"
[09:45] <MarkovBot> Sunday my vacation from work at people always come In here o.O

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:32 am
by Golddess
[02:28:44] <Golddess> Markov, Jarlaxle is dumping you.
[02:28:48] <MarkovBot> Jarlaxle
[02:28:48] * Jarlaxle sticks his tongue out at MarkovBot.
[02:28:57] <Jarlaxle> what, markov?
[02:29:01] <MarkovBot> I just bought Untold legends - i don't know what happened

Markov needs to stop making sense. It's scary :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:50 am
by Karou Ariyen
<Honeypot> Markov, punt karou
<MarkovBot> Albert einstein was a laxative as well
<Karou> O.O
<Honeypot> i dunno what to say about that one

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:00 am
by Karou Ariyen
<Karou> markov, are you a cross dressing galka?
* MarkovBot walks out a cross dressing galka?
<Karou> LMFAO
<Honeypot> Im so not commenting on that one
<Karou> thats perfect

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:53 am
by Rakshasa
* Rakshasa eats a can of spam.
<Liohs> lol
<Jaxle> markov, eat Rakshasa's spam.
* MarkovBot offers Sugami a can of spam.
<Jaxle> lol
<Rakshasa> Markov, give me that back.
<Jaxle> thats your can of spam rak
<MarkovBot> And be rid of unwanted substances from it.
<Liohs> lol
<Jaxle> lol

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:00 am
by Chatulio
[22:57] <Jaxle> Markov, what is wrong with us?
[22:58] <Rakshasa> Markov, go main random passer-bys.
[22:58] <MarkovBot> Your a horrid little child molesting Beast!
[22:58] * MarkovBot pats goldy on the main ones >.>;
[22:58] <Rakshasa> O.O
[22:58] <Jaxle> wow
[22:58] <Jaxle> he got it exactly right

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:37 pm
by Shirai
Markov is back, with a vengeance!

[19:35] <Shirai> markov, welcome back
[19:35] <MarkovBot> i like to fish
[19:35] <Shirai> you were fishing then, markov?
[19:35] <MarkovBot> i was fishing up markov
[19:36] <Shirai> what did you catch, markov?
[19:36] <MarkovBot> Tirial

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:29 am
by Hiroko
<Hiroko> Markov, you're back!
* MarkovBot pre-emptively passes out cold.
<Hiroko> LOL
<Aesha> lol
<Aesha> markov, hiroko has killed you!
<MarkovBot> Thay got all the 75's Something so they wanted to know what i mean the fuggin crabs at Qifim
<Hiroko> hehe
<Hiroko> *dances*
<Hiroko> Markov, dance for us!
<MarkovBot> It has /dance. That's it.
<Hiroko> *snickers*
<Hiroko> Markov has no moves.... poor guy
<Aesha> markov, Hiroko
<MarkovBot> Hiroko HAS killed you!
<Hiroko> LOL
<Hiroko> LOL
<Aesha> x.x
* Aesha is dead
<Hiroko> hehe
* Hiroko gives Aesha a phoenix down
* Aesha is alive!
<Hiroko> YAY!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:52 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
:( markov is supposed to be my friend....

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:11 pm
by Golddess
[02:03:09] <MithraGuest579B> markov, fire tuck
[02:03:10] <MithraGuest579B> markov, fire tuck
[02:03:11] <MithraGuest579B> markov, fire tuck
[02:03:11] <MithraGuest579B> markov, fire tuck
[02:03:13] * MarkovBot points to tuck
[02:03:16] * MarkovBot yells "fire"
[02:03:20] <MithraGuest579B> :)
[02:03:20] <MarkovBot> I cast raise on Tuck
[02:03:24] * MarkovBot belches Fire in the Fire.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone was impersonating Markov again. That made too much sense. :shock:

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:13 pm
by Kalara
[12:10] <Kalara> markov, are you teh cutaru?
[12:10] <MarkovBot> Markov markov Markov MARKOV markov markov markov Markov Markov Markov markov Markov Markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov Markov Markov markov MARKOV Markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov Markov markov Markov markov markov markov Markov Markov Markov Markov Markov markov Markov Markov markov Markov markov Mark
[12:10] <MarkovBot> kov Markov markov Markov Markov markov MARKOV Markov Markov Markov Markov Markov markov markov Markov markov Markov Markov Markov Markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov markov markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov markov Markov markov markov markov Markov markov markov markov markov Markov Markov markov Markov

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:45 am
by Karou Ariyen
<Honeypot> yes, markov, you can have karou
<MarkovBot> And Honeypot
* MarkovBot yawns and stretches, finding a.... Markov on her?
<Honeypot> o_O
<SleepyKa-Chan> LOL
<SleepyKa-Chan> boards

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:20 am
by Kalara
[21:14] <Kalara> sup, markov
[21:14] <MarkovBot> Long time no see ^_^ sup little dragon?
[21:15] <Kalara> markov, not a dragon
[21:15] <MarkovBot> I know im sweaty
[21:15] <Kalara> markov, i never said you were sweaty!
[21:15] * MarkovBot walks in sweaty
[21:16] <Kalara> markov, my brother thinks you suck
[21:16] <MarkovBot> Then they suck all the time
[21:16] <Kalara> markov, my brothers only one person
[21:16] <MarkovBot> My brothers got a question
[21:16] <Kalara> markov, you have a brother?
[21:17] <MarkovBot> I didnt have a brother?
[21:17] <Kalara> you just said you did, markov
[21:17] <MarkovBot> The world is screwed
[21:20] <Kalara> lol

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 1:00 am
by Kalara
[17:56] <Kalara> markov, dont try and pin this on me I'm asking you a question
[17:57] <MarkovBot> Dont answer her question
[17:57] <Kalara> markov, dont be so mean to me!
[17:57] <MarkovBot> Part 2 is coming true :-)
[17:57] <Kalara> markov, whats part 2?
[17:57] <MarkovBot> This is why Diablo 2 was so popular and still is
[17:57] <Kalara> WHY, MARKOV, WHY!!!
[17:57] <MarkovBot> Because your mother decided to pay up front.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 2:38 am
by Camu
<Honeypot> markov, attack aesha!
<MarkovBot> Attack the other Aesha?
<Honeypot> what other aesha, markov
<MarkovBot> Demo units don't count.
<Kahvi> and its not a small character.. its a big one
<Honeypot> markov, thats nice
* MarkovBot sing we will never be able to master your tools, lest they MASTER you." - Prof. Golden (my first-year contracts professor)"
<Honeypot> what the hell

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 2:48 am
by Kahvi
[22:43] * MarkovBot makes distinctions between newbs and n00bs
[22:44] Kahvi: ^_^ good. now gank n00bs, markov.
[22:44] MarkovBot: No one can ;_;
[22:44] Kahvi: how about 2 people, markov?
[22:44] MarkovBot: .... U 2 have talked to Golddess?
[22:44] Kahvi: she's kinda sorta listening in a third person sense right now, markov.
[22:44] MarkovBot: She's just...4 years younger than me lol
[22:45] Honeypot: markov, gank aesha
[22:45] MarkovBot: Did ya sit on a gank server
[22:45] Kahvi: markov, behold the dark side grind.
[22:45] MarkovBot: Behold the dark corner again
[22:46] Kahvi: ; ;
[22:46] Kahvi: its cold in the dark corner, markov
[22:46] MarkovBot: WoW.. Clothcraft imagery wears off quickly here..
[22:46] Kahvi: quit quoting me, markov or 3y3 w1[[ pwnz0r j00.
[22:47] Kahvi: you hear me, markov. j00 w1|| 83 pwnz0rd!!!!!!!!11!!!!!111!!1!!!one!!!!!!eleven!!!1!!1
[22:47] * MarkovBot slaps markov.
[22:48] Kahvi: ah, it has begun.
[22:48] Kahvi: markov, pwn markov
[22:48] MarkovBot: My Garish tunic will pwn you
[22:48] * Kahvi covers her eyes.
[22:48] Kahvi: i have foiled your attempt at pwn, markov.
[22:48] MarkovBot: Personally, i think im going to say dada ^^;
[22:49] Kahvi: i win ^_^

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 3:02 am
by Lihera
Markov previously wrote:[22:29] <MarkovBot> Markov. 3y3 w1[[ pwn j00 1n h4l0 zw31 !!!!!!
Khavi wrote:Kahvi: quit quoting me, markov or 3y3 w1[[ pwnz0r j00
So thats where he gets it -.-

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 7:32 am
by Lihera
[00:30] <PolovBot> markov, determine the second derivation of pi
[00:30] <MarkovBot> Softcore hentai. Often includes panty-shots, nudity, or perverted situations. Almost always used for filtering urine from the forums, to make sure i want a motorcycle can if you believe for fighting for your review Fire, if you sub ni is only enough to be many new ppl coming around

[00:56] * MarkovBot Dölar Döjja Till » TYPHOON24 feat.tatsuzo of YKZ - like a Foojin :: 192 kbps/04:02

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:44 am
by sakono
<sakono> meow^^
[01:40] <sakono> beer beer yum yum
[01:41] <sakono> markov, beer
[01:41] <MarkovBot> Beer beer yum yum
[01:41] <sakono> woot^^ right on, markov
[01:41] <MarkovBot> Woot
[01:41] * sakono gives markov a beer
[01:41] <sakono> drink up, markov
[01:41] * MarkovBot drinks
[01:42] <Sugami> heh
[01:42] <sakono> haha gotta post this^^

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:55 pm
by Kalara
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MithraGuest681B> markov, robin williams
[14:52] <MarkovBot> Ppl may even sell at a time... Robin Williams
[14:52] <MarkovBot> Ps2 has fewer variables than the third
[14:52] <MarkovBot> Its bad enough working at a time... Robin Williams
[14:52] <MarkovBot> Launch? I want a black belt with his coffer
[14:52] <SleepyKa-Chan> so Kalara how are you doing today?
[14:52] <MarkovBot> One person at a time... Robin Williams
[14:52] <MarkovBot> ...wouldn't it be hot in new Zealand.
[14:52] <MarkovBot> Well, Starfyre is a FUGGING tank
[14:52] * MarkovBot looks at a time... Robin Williams

And no for once that wasn't me...

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:49 am
by Tailfeather
heh markov in action as usual i see <.< gonna dig into my logs when i get home and see if i can find something fun :P