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When will you be done?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:54 am
by Blackroses
I know somebody probably made a topic about this before on these forums, and I know there was one some time back on the Phoenix server. But at the time I really wasnt paying much attention (sorry about that) so Id have to ask. When will you be done playing FFXI? or will you just play forever until you go to the pearly gates in the sky? or possibly one day SE will shut the game down perhaps?

For me, it will be....when I have a job lvled to 75. Beaten the story line of every country, and no longer have friends that play the game anymore. As long as i have buddies. I dont think ill ever stop playing.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:59 am
by Yukira
I dunno really. I have my on/off times, but I just keep paying...

Though when I bought FFXI I promised myself I wouldn't quit until I'd level SAM to 75. If I get there....I don't believe I'd quit. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:20 am
by Kahvi
I used to say i'd leave once D&D online came around....

but im still here... and dont have a D&D online acct

so now i dont know. but i suspect if i do quit, i'd go back to Nexus:TK. Small MMO = live and active ingame community

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:57 am
by Stockyboy
I'll stop when: a= My friends don't play anymore
b= I have no money to.
c= I get bored.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:58 am
by Shirai
When will I be done... I don't know frankly.

I've finished CoP recently and still have RoZ to go which my group and me will finish soon.
I still have the rank missions for all nations to do.
Upcomming treasures of Aht Uhrgan.
Gazillions of current quests and quests to come.

And who knows what jobs I'll be taking up in the future.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:19 pm
by Nobodyreal
When it stops being fun.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:29 pm
by Sugami
It stopped being fun for me a few months back, hence the quitting for a couple of months and playing Guild Wars a fair bit (until we got stuck on the 3rd from last mission >.<) but the alure of friends and leveling ninja again got me back but I no longer let the game control my life like it used to :P

I still find the game mostly boring, what's fun is what I can't do often but when I have nothing else to do I thought "what the hey" and came back on to help and talk to friends :)

I have quite a few aspirations left but I don't really see them getting done any time soon or possibly at all, part of the reason I quit. If it weren't for all the friends I've made I wouldn't have come back :)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:25 pm
by Keavy
I think I made that post :P

As for me, there is a story i'd like to share.

I started playing around NA release and I loved it. I had a character who was a level 51 White Mage, Level 40 cooking, and all other jobs to at least 20. At the time, however, I wasn't really happy with the game. Stress from real life started to get to me and I was considering quitting.

Then one night, I'm out leveling (DRG/WHM I think) when my TV screen suddenly went black. I thought that was weird. I then noticed my PS2 wasn't on. It had died on me. Third one since 2000 that had done this to me. I figured now was as good a time as any to take that break.

Anyways, around September of 2004 I heard about FFXI being released for the Xbox 360 which I had pre-ordered but never got, thanks again, GameStop! So anyways, after I heard FFXI wasn't going to be a launch title I decided to get another PS2 and start playing again on that, to hold me over until the 360 version came out.

I called POL customer service, we got my router configured, I reinstalled FFXI on the HDD, downloaded all the updates. All of this started at 4:00 on a Thursday and ended around 11:30 that night so I couldn't play until after work on Friday /cry. So I get home on Friday, all excited to see my old character again. Well, there was a problem: I could see her but I got an error message when I would select her. Called POL customer service again and I got a very knowledgeable customer service agent who knew what the problem was because it had happened to him: My character's data was corrupted by the "Improper logout" when my PS2 died. So I deleted her from the Content ID she was tied to and recreated her, this time as Keavy (I hated the old character's name.)

Starting on that Friday with money from my mule I was able to get Keavy to level 20 as a Monk, 8 as a Warrior, get her subjobs, and do the Chocobo quest by Sunday night. After that there was no stopping me. I immediately started leveling Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage, Within a couple weeks I was unlocking advanced jobs, farming up a mint in gil, and I was so happy to be back.

As for when I will leave, probably when SE shuts down the servers.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:54 am
by Bitneko
Me? I'll probably quit when...

1. I get bored
2. The game shuts down
3. I get so addicted I get literaly sucked in and It's not a game anymore... :lol:

Meh, when Gigasses fly.^^

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:10 pm
by Sugami
Bitneko wrote: 3. I get so addicted I get literaly sucked in and It's not a game anymore... :lol:
You mean that hasn't happened already? :P

I guess FFXI is partially to blame for me almost failing my degree :P that whole year was a big bummer for me and FFXI was only thing keeping me remotely happy though, not good to rely on a game for "emotional" comfort :P

Re: When will you be done?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:24 am
by xaresity

Re: When will you be done?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:19 am
by xaresity