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Tails of Jad

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:45 pm
by Jadus
WARNING: Otay, I'm just a kid and can't write so my paragraphs and such are really gunna suck and such.
Typical, was the only word for it, Jadus is not a hero, nor a villian, she was born in times of peace and raised by her mithran mother in Bastok. She is short, had medium length red hair and a noblity and grace that was a perfect example of pure-blooded mithra are, completely and utterly typical.
Jadus has always been haunted by a question through out her life,
"Why am I here and what am I doing?", she'd often mutter this to herself when she was with other adventurers or standing near any general grouping of people. After her mother had passed she had withdrawn, becoming quiet and often cold towards other beings. She had so far progressed from a carefree and happy kitten, into a moody and taciturn
twenty year old cat. She only found comfort in the form of a younger teenage mithra by the name of Kagali, Kagali was around nineteen and had short purple hair, posssesed a care-free nature, and was much taller then her companion but had nothing to touch the elegance Jadus could achieve without effort.

[The Beginning]
Jadus sat up and looked around in the yellow glow of a dim Jueno street lamp, she had become suddenly cold and was wondering why when she noticed that Kagali had pulled the blanket over and was clutching it apperently still in a deep slumber. Jadus prodded her friends face trying to wake her, " Kagaliii, oh Kagaliiii". The younger mithra merely swatted the hand away and gave a sharp kick. "Ow!", Jadus rolled into the gutter of the alleywith a quiet splash,"Great" she thought,"Wet and cold". A sudden outburst from the main street to her left caught her attention.
She heard raised voices.. male voices. "Curse you Gilgamesh! I cannot help you anymore. I'm about to become captain of the Ducel Gaurds damn you. My days as a pirate are over." "But Wolfgang, the Tenshodo needs you, this new position it'll allow us the ability to smuggle any amount of goods we want into Jeuno!" "No Gilgamesh.", Wolfgangs voice had finality in it. Jadus listend intenly to the conversation, the Tenshodo she'd heard of them.... (I'll finish this later maybe when i get home after school Leave me lotsa comments plz >< so i can get bettererer)

Re: Tails of Jad

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:30 pm
by xaresity

Re: Tails of Jad

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:26 am
by xaresity