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Thank you, Firemyst.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:35 pm
by Sugami
Yes, thank you for needlessly banning me (from IRC) for stating the obvious, well done!

I understand that you might be upset for something that might have happend between you and Firemyst, but as it will be stated in the rules that are coming, private matters should be kept private and not put on the bds.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:29 pm
by Neoshinobi
[1:58pm]ォ@ Firemystサ ack, tough choice here
[1:58pm]ォ@ Firemystサ legs: hecatomb or crimson
[1:59pm]ォ@ Firemystサ er
[1:59pm]ォ@ Firemystサ feet
[1:59pm]ォ@ Firemystサ not legs :)
[1:59pm] * Firemyst hasn't got to legs yet.
[1:59pm]ォ Niv サ err >.>;
[1:59pm]ォ Niv サ im intrested in crimson legs and body only really
[1:59pm]ォ@ Firemystサ you're not a dd
[1:59pm]ォ Niv サ lol
[1:59pm]ォ Niv サ ya that is true ;p
[2:00pm]ォ@ Firemystサ the only difference is heca has +6str and +4% slow
[2:00pm]ォ@ Firemystサ crimson has +15 MP (good for solo)
[2:01pm]Joins: MithraGuest595B ( ォ21 users サ
[2:01pm]ォ Niv サ meh, i dunno
[2:01pm] MithraGuest595B ( is now known as Shirai
[2:01pm]ォ@ Firemystサ can I ask for both?
[2:01pm]ォ Niv サ im not too good picking out that gear...
[2:01pm]ォ Niv サ both crimson legs and heca legs?
[2:01pm]ォ@ Firemystサ yes
[2:01pm]ォ@ Firemystサ feet
[2:01pm]ォ@ Firemystサ not legs
[2:01pm]ォ Niv サ err, sure. crimson legs are a "common
[2:01pm]ォ@ Firemystサ I know drg is low priority for crimson :(
[2:01pm]ォ Niv サ drop
[2:02pm] * Firemyst smacks Nivez.
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ F E E T
[2:02pm]ォ Sugami サ crimson sucks
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ stop confusing me.
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ shut up
[2:02pm]ォ Niv サ and heca... dunno, sounds like we are giving that away most of the time
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ ok
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ I know I can get heca
[2:02pm]ォ@ Firemystサ they're already been talking about it.
[2:03pm]ォ Shirai サ good evening
[2:03pm]ォ@ Firemystサ hi.
[2:03pm]ォ@ Firemystサ wow, drg af2 feet suck
[2:03pm]ォ Sugami サ yup
[2:03pm]ォ Shirai サ hehe
[2:03pm]ォ Sugami サ most DRG stuff sucks
[2:03pm] Sugami was kicked by Firemyst (Firemyst)
[2:03pm]Joins: Sugami ( ォ21 users サ
[2:03pm]ォ Shirai サ there's only one thing I want from WHM AFv2
[2:04pm]ォ Sugami サ >.>
[2:04pm]ォ Niv サ >.>;
[2:04pm]ォ Sugami サ it does
[2:04pm]ォ Niv サ well lemmie think
[2:04pm]ォ Sugami サ FU
[2:04pm]ォ Shirai サ ...
[2:04pm]ォ Niv サ best stuff ive seen for drg...
[2:04pm] Firemyst sets mode: -o+b Sugami *!*Smugami@*
[2:04pm] Sugami was kicked by Firemyst (fu yourself)
[2:04pm]ォ Niv サ heca harness or assault jerkin
[2:04pm]ォ@ Firemystサ heca harness
[2:04pm]ォ@ Firemystサ acc+10
[2:04pm]ォ Niv サ af2 gloves.
[2:04pm]ォ Ayume サ lol
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ barone legs are cool ;p
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ err
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ not those
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ the scater shorts
[2:05pm]ォ@ Firemystサ scater?
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ you know, the ones with jumping tp or acc
[2:05pm]ォ@ Firemystサ barone
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ o_0
[2:05pm]ォ Niv サ i need to look it up ><;

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:39 pm
by Sugami
Yes, I pointed out the equipment available to DRG is mostly crap and I get kicked. Hmm, sounds fair?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:39 pm
by Prrsha
No real comment here because I don't know the circumstances nor does the IRC log show any history about the matter but... the IRC chat does belong Firemyst and Golddess. They can really do whatever the heck they want to in there. Just my 2g.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:46 pm
by Neoshinobi
This isn't the first time firemyst has gone postal on people...I refer to the liohs incident... :o

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:58 pm
by Sugami
Yeah... well it's not like he's a 12yr old you'd think he'd have more constraint. :x

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:09 am
by Ambrey
I'm a 61 Drg myself (retired), and I know for a fact most Drg gear does suck. Firemyst can get pissy with me all he/she wants but its the simple truth. Get off ur high horse Firemyst. you may be a admin or whatever on this site but you have no rights to kick someone off chat just because they were stating their own opinion about equipment concerning a job. From the chat log it wasn't an attack on a individual but a opinion, and clearly the truth for everyone on these boards knows that Drg gear is exceptionally limited and the AF armor for them does in fact SUCK. Get over it. :x

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:32 am
by Sugami
Ambrey got it in one. I'm the last person to have a go at the job, I love it and will get it all the way to 75 in time. It's just annoying how sucky our gear is till pretty much end game, all I was stating.

I love my sexy purple armour even though the stats bite but not to fear 63-65 tiger/feral gear, 67 assault jerkin and 70 barone (if have the money), not as good as a hauby but it's nice when you finally get to that level.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:21 am
by Kiren
Yeah, I've noticed that DRG gear is really crappy but you could have brought it up in a better way. Just saying it's crap, or that it sucks won't really help much. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:29 am
by Kailea
my main is DRG...and I see why he banned you.....ignorant.........the gear is not "crappy" or "sucky" or anything else, it fits for what it is for. The gear is not to give god STR or DEX, it is to balance DRG and alow it to use many diffrent subs, if you have nto noticed, DRG can use mage subs WHM and RDM, better then other melee jobs. The gear reflects this.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:33 am
by Kiren
Kailea wrote:my main is DRG...and I see why he banned you.....ignorant.........the gear is not "crappy" or "sucky" or anything else, it fits for what it is for. The gear is not to give god STR or DEX, it is to balance DRG and alow it to use many diffrent subs, if you have nto noticed, DRG can use mage subs WHM and RDM, better then other melee jobs. The gear reflects this.
I guess that's another take on it too. I was viewing it from the whole +DEX, and +STR side, lol.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:53 am
by Ambrey
Kailea wrote:my main is DRG...and I see why he banned you.....ignorant.........the gear is not "crappy" or "sucky" or anything else, it fits for what it is for. The gear is not to give god STR or DEX, it is to balance DRG and alow it to use many diffrent subs, if you have nto noticed, DRG can use mage subs WHM and RDM, better then other melee jobs. The gear reflects this.
So that gives Firemyst the right to kick him from chat is because he stated his own personal opinion on the issue? That would be like me going outside, saying that George Bush is a idiot and the Police coming and taking me away. Yeah... that makes sense... who's ignorant now?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:01 am
by Prrsha
Ambrey wrote:
Kailea wrote:my main is DRG...and I see why he banned you.....ignorant.........the gear is not "crappy" or "sucky" or anything else, it fits for what it is for. The gear is not to give god STR or DEX, it is to balance DRG and alow it to use many diffrent subs, if you have nto noticed, DRG can use mage subs WHM and RDM, better then other melee jobs. The gear reflects this.
So that gives Firemyst the right to kick him from chat is because he stated his own personal opinion on the issue? That would be like me going outside, saying that George Bush is a idiot and the Police coming and taking me away. Yeah... that makes sense... who's ignorant now?
Firemyst and Golddess has the right to do whatever he/she wants to do on their IRC chat because... well, it belongs to them. I'm not saying what firemyst did was right but it is his IRC chat.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:43 am
by Eviticus
"Crimson sucks." "Most Drg stuff sucks"

I can see what you're saying, Sugami. And for the most part, I'm forced to agree to the idea behind what you are saying. (Except for our AF+1, that rocks. You can't say all our AF stuff sucks.)

However, you never backed up your reason for saying the gear sucks. Most people veiw a simple statement like "Most Drg stuff sucks" to be a trollish shot at the job itself, not just their gear. Firemyst was ticked, and rightly so in my opinion.

However, instead of asking her to clarify why you were booted, and expressing your ideas in a non-aggrivating way, you respond with FU. I assume you meant "f*** You", but as you stated an acronym, for all we know you could have meant "Fuzzy Umbrella".

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:43 am
by Jae
ooo! drama.. i love!
yes.. like Prrsha say.. if u were to talk about if someone has right to ban or unban.. that would be the creator of IRC channel.
I dont know drg AF personally myself... but if someone was commenting DRG AF Sucks.. then it sucks to them.. if its good for someone.. then its good for that "someone".

No reason to ban for opinion but like i said.. they are the owner of channel ^^;

You dont gotta be mad at him/her.. now that you know how this person is..
how he/she is.. ^^ i guess this person was like this from the beginning.. or inside of him/her.. if you havent notice.

I really think that how 1 person could handle his real life.. when ppl get mad over online.... something that is "opinion".

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:45 am
by Jae
Eviticus wrote:"Crimson sucks." "Most Drg stuff sucks"

I can see what you're saying, Sugami. And for the most part, I'm forced to agree to the idea behind what you are saying. (Except for our AF+1, that rocks. You can't say all our AF stuff sucks.)

However, you never backed up your reason for saying the gear sucks. Most people veiw a simple statement like "Most Drg stuff sucks" to be a trollish shot at the job itself, not just their gear. Firemyst was ticked, and rightly so in my opinion.

However, instead of asking her to clarify why you were booted, and expressing your ideas in a non-aggrivating way, you respond with FU. I assume you meant "f*** You", but as you stated an acronym, for all we know you could have meant "Fuzzy Umbrella".

What we have here is a failure to communicate.
failure of conversation because someone been kicked ^^ I dont see how person can be so happy for being kick saying "opinion". I'd say f*** off too ^^

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:50 am
by Karou Ariyen
You Know. This Is the only Comment I will make. Is that, Yes It is Myst's room. Yes Myst has the power of Operator and so forth. However. On generic terms, Power should be used in justice, not becuase we don't like someone's opinion. I happen to know a Few dragoon's who would say their gear doesnt suck, hell they've said all other AF Is garbage. That's THIER opinion. This is like arresting someone becuase they say the sky is orange not blue.

My Point is you cannot do anything about it. So you know what, Just ignore it. If that is how opinions are going to be treated, then let it be, working up over something as stupid as that isnt worth it. This is harvest festival time, if maint ever ends, so lets get out there and have some fun! Sh.... like this doesnt deserve attention anyways.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:53 am
by Jae
KarouKaniyashia is sexy

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:03 am
by Neoshinobi
KarouKaniyashia wrote:You Know. This Is the only Comment I will make. Is that, Yes It is Myst's room. Yes Myst has the power of Operator and so forth. However. On generic terms, Power should be used in justice, not becuase we don't like someone's opinion. I happen to know a Few dragoon's who would say their gear doesnt suck, hell they've said all other AF Is garbage. That's THIER opinion. This is like arresting someone becuase they say the sky is orange not blue.
-Technically- its golddess' room :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:07 am
by Susannah
From what I read, the person was kicked for saying "drg af sucks" or whatever.
They were banned for saying "FU". So the banning was justified in my opinion.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:11 am
by Jae
Susannah wrote:From what I read, the person was kicked for saying "drg af sucks" or whatever.
They were banned for saying "FU". So the banning was justified in my opinion.
cause of ban was "drg sucks"
banned for this "FU" word didnt came out out of nowhere without a reason.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:47 am
by colbwa
Firemyst banned me from IRC a long time ago (to no avail) for saying that he is spoiled.

He's a sensitive "man" and takes things on these forums very seriously. Goddess is his "girlfriend" and they made this site for personal recognition and money.

"People" like Prrrsha will always be around to kiss their ass and donate money so that they will have more "power" on this server so even though I feel like you are right for making this thread to show how childish Firemyst can and I speak in a very small minority and even though we have legitimate complaints, we will be outnumbered always.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:13 am
by Eviticus
Jae, the kick was for stating something inflammatory and rude. Then the person came back, of her own free will, and told the Admin of the room "f*** you". The ban was for cursing, and thus, justified.

And Colbwa......what? They make money off of this? First off, I don't think Firemyst even needs MP if that's all he wants, fame and whatnot. He has another site that I'm more of a fan of then this one.

And if you have such a big problem with Firemyst running this site the way he wishes, and if you have such a problem with being in the minority with your 'complaints'....why do you stay?

Oh, and by the way, "...and they made this site for personal recognition and money."

Funny, seems to me this site was made for the original Mithra Pride linkshell that started in American Bet of FFXI....but, you know, I could be wrong. It could have been Firemyst is -psychic- and knew MithraPride would swell in numbers and popularity. He was counting on this and so he backed it for these past couple years, to rake in future benefits... :lol:

If you have a problem with how the Admin acted, get over it or get out, no one is making you stay.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:17 am
by Prrsha
colbwa wrote:You have added this person to your Ignore List. Click HERE to view this post.
Hmmm? *yawns* Did the troll say something again?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:43 am
by Ambrey
KarouKaniyashia wrote:You Know. This Is the only Comment I will make. Is that, Yes It is Myst's room. Yes Myst has the power of Operator and so forth. However. On generic terms, Power should be used in justice, not becuase we don't like someone's opinion. I happen to know a Few dragoon's who would say their gear doesnt suck, hell they've said all other AF Is garbage. That's THIER opinion. This is like arresting someone becuase they say the sky is orange not blue.

My Point is you cannot do anything about it. So you know what, Just ignore it. If that is how opinions are going to be treated, then let it be, working up over something as stupid as that isnt worth it. This is harvest festival time, if maint ever ends, so lets get out there and have some fun! Sh.... like this doesnt deserve attention anyways.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:51 am
by Jae
Jae, the kick was for stating something inflammatory and rude. Then the person came back, of her own free will, and told the Admin of the room "f*** you". The ban was for cursing, and thus, justified.
I dont see her opinion of DRG AF being suck as so rude.
If people were tell me RNG sucks... I would think "ok i guess it sucks for him"
I didnt know theres such a rude opinion.
justified... lol what was there to justified? FU? after being kicked for no reason?... oh wait.. she said something that was in her mind... DRG AF sucks..

yes ^^ lets play childish here.. not understanding each other

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:52 am
by Mystiana
Kick was a warning. If you return with a snide remark or cussing, expect to be banned in any channel on IRC. If you can't deal with it, don't use IRC.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:53 am
by Jae
there... boss explanation after kicked/banned ^^ you heard him >.>

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:19 am
by Ambrey
Firemyst wrote:Kick was a warning. If you return with a snide remark or cussing, expect to be banned in any channel on IRC. If you can't deal with it, don't use IRC.
I agree with the banning after he came back and said "F*** You" in the chat room. But as for kicking him to begin with just over his personal opinion here is what I have to say about that (yes, this is my opinion also):

If you can't handle someone else's opinion about a job's armor selection then maybe you shouldn't be playing the game. GET OVER IT! Instead of being a freagin child and kicking someone for stating their opinion, what are you some sort of freagin commy? :x

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:38 am
by Mystiana
It's funny how everyone reads what they want out of the thread to position themselves. Of course, the fact Sugami took this right to the boards furthers my final theory on this.

First off, no one said DRG AF in the whole conversation. That's a distortion from the boards. "drg stuff". This isn't AF, and I'm sorry, barone (war/drg), AF2, and AF+1 does NOT suck. This is neither here nor there.

Secondly, Sugami continued to try to push a button, anyone's button, with continued random interjections of 'xxxx sucks'. Only two were shown, but this isn't the first time Sugami has taken this stance.

And finally, Sugami never misses a chance to share how the bcnm run went, with some peacock charms and such. Whenever gil or expensive discussions (like god gear) come up, that it her entire contribution to the discussion. Since we've all stopped ooh'ing and ahh'ing, I'm guessing that the above actions had to be taken to get some attention.

My conclusion is that Sugami is a drama queen, who needs to be in the limelight to have self-worth. The kick was for being antagonistic, and the ban was, as I stated, because that's not acceptable IRC behavior. No one said it was a perm ban. It was removed less than an hour later.