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So... what do I do?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:25 am
by JediKitsune
I'm a Lv34 Monk right now and I'm in a bit of a predicament...

I need a Jujitsu Gi in 6 levels. How exactly does someone lower than Lv40 make gil decently?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:35 am
by Prrsha
Why buy items when you can get them for free?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:56 am
by JediKitsune
Prrsha wrote:Why buy items when you can get them for free?
Because... the NM is camped like crazy?

Plus I can't solo him. I'd ask for help, but... MithraPride Hades is like... dead.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:02 am
by Prrsha
JediKitsune wrote:
Prrsha wrote:Why buy items when you can get them for free?
Because... the NM is camped like crazy?

Plus I can't solo him. I'd ask for help, but... MithraPride Hades is like... dead.
Oh. :/

Once you get to 40 if you did have one good frrriend of that lvl you could probably take him. I guess perferably a THF.

If you really have to buy the item then I'd lvl your THF. Treasure hunter really helps in the long run, even if it is your sub when it comes to farming.

Good items to farm? Slime oil is nice at your level, as is silk thread. Beehive chips can net a nice profit as well.

Re: So... what do I do?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:30 am
by Crispleaf
JediKitsune wrote:I need a Jujitsu Gi in 6 levels. How exactly does someone lower than Lv40 make gil decently?
I think Prrsha has the right idea.

Giddeus is usually a better place to farm than you might think. Try going monk/thief and killing Giddeus bees. Beehive chips usually sell well, and you can even steal honey off the bees for a little extra gil. Bring some sickles with you too and even some field gear if you can afford it. Fresh Mugwort from the Harvesting Points in Giddeus can fetch a decent price too.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:29 am
by Shirai
Yup, I did the same thing early 30's on whm, go down to Giddeus bring sickles and harvest like mad.
I still do when I'm feeling like crafting.

Kill the occasional Yagudo and bring wind crystals to desynth the necklaces to grass thread and earth crystals to make grass cloth out of those.
Or you can bring those necklaces to Nanaa Mihgo for Tenshodo fame.
Giddeus is a goldmine for starting clothcrafters.

Next to that when harvesting in Giddeus you might stumble onto Red moko grass which goes for a nice 40k a stack on my server at least, next to that you can make traders gear out of those if you're high enough.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:32 pm
by Kailea
no one said that you need that armor....I did fine without it and that price has goten redickulace.....they used to be 200k ......

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:38 pm
by Onira
The price for Jujitsu Gi now is just too much, when it was 100k, and even 200k, there really wasn't a reason not to get it, it lasted a good 15 levels, and looks nice too. Now, though, with the price in the millions, it's just rediculous, I say buy a pair of Sniper's Rings, they last longer, and give more accuracy. The only reason I can see to spend so much on jujitsu gi, is that you only have to farm it once, Master's hasn't gone up much at all, at least on my server, so you make a good 600k durring the transition, even so 1mil will always be too much for 4 accuracy, you really wont notice it all that much on it's own.(though 1mil may be worth saving yourself from wearing a Brig, those are sooo ugly >.>)

Though, if you have Ochiudo's, you could always sell those and buy the gi :P but those are supposedly good for MNK, I know I hated them for NIN, but there's a big difference in STR between the two, hehe.(dont ever buy ochiudo's though, no matter what job you are >.> camp them if you must have a pair)

In the 30's you can always farm crawlers for silk, or you could try mining, supposedly a mage job in the mid 20's is perfect for Ifrit's Cauldron mining. If you want to play safe though, try Palborough mines, Platinum is kinda rare though.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:07 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Hmmmm..... MNK33 THF17......

MNK, like RDM, can farm EPs. This is far more important for crystal drops than the EXPs.

Harvesting and farming in West Sahabaruta and Gideous is a wonderful idea. Silk, chips, Red Moko Grass, and Fresh Mugwort are just the start. Yagudo necklaces are up to a ridiculous price on Garuda, stacks of Saruta cotton go fast, and cotton can be stolen from Mandies in West Sahabaruta too. The only harvestable items worth tossing are Fresh Marjroam and regular Moko Grass. Oh yes, 3 Beehive Chips + Distilled Water + Fire = Beeswax.

Other places and ideas.

Konshat Highlands. Bees, sheep, Gobbies, Thunder Elementals, Rams. Wind Crystal + 2 sheepskins = Sheep Wool, Leather 4. Wool can be stolen from the sheep too. (That has GOT to hurt :lol: )

Palburough Mines. Mining, Quadv and mushroom farming. Bring Fire Crystals and make Copper Ingots with the Copper Ore. Goldsmith 2?

Take THF main to Fort Ghelsheba. Fire and Dark Crystals, do some logging while you are there perhaps.

Are you big enough for Pashlow Marshlands? Goubbles, 'shrooms, Crawlers.

In King R's toomb on Garuda hardly anyone camps the Toomb Spirit for Martial Slacks anymore, and the Goblin Greul who drops the Vallor Earring lives just around the corner. Worms there drop Flint, ores, and Ascetic's Rings while you wait.

Carpenter's landing has an area for most levels 20 and up. Shrooms, Traps for Flytrap leaves, Tigers, Orcs, Thunder Elementals. Way underhunted.

HIGHLY recomended, all the Gobbiebags you can afford.

Good hunting.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:44 pm
by Kateevia
How much are yagudo necklaces on Garuda?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:23 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Kateevia wrote:How much are yagudo necklaces on Garuda?
About 1K. Sometimes as low as 800, occasionaly as high as 2K :o

Long ago, durring the PS2 Christmas invasion, my weaver kitty used to hang out by Nana Mhingo and outbid her for necklaces, still getting them at well under the then current price of 200 gil.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:53 pm
by Cyndari
It might be a bit long and arguous but you could farm goobues in pashow for treecuttings. A stack usually sells any where from 110-150k. Or you could go to Gusgen and mine for darksteel ore(though you would have to stay in the first area of the mines at that lvl) that sells for about 25k each

Then again as said earlier beeswax is good but on Midgard farming silk has become alot harder as of late.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:23 am
by Eviticus
Ternaldo's Super Fun Guide to Farming: Forget the gobbue, I've never seen one in the Swamp drop a Tree Cutting. They do drop them in Rolanberry feild, but those Gobbue hit much harder. I recommend 40-45+ for easy soloing of them.

No, what you want to look at, besides what others have listed below, is the Hoax Marsh in Pashow. Upper right area. Leeches for the Beastman Blood, goes for 60k a stack on my server. Crawlers for the silk. And there is a NM Leech that drops the Bloodbead amulet. Last sold for 20k on Cerbers. Small stuff, but somewhat plentiful.

Sometimes camped by high levels, but not terribly often. Worth taking a look.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:27 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Eviticus wrote:Ternaldo's Super Fun Guide to Farming: Forget the gobbue, I've never seen one in the Swamp drop a Tree Cutting.....
After killing I don't know how many Gobbles in the Marshlands, one FINALY dropped a Tree Cutting last week.

I have GOT to level THF.....

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:36 pm
by Cyndari
Eviticus wrote:Ternaldo's Super Fun Guide to Farming: Forget the gobbue, I've never seen one in the Swamp drop a Tree Cutting.
Thats why I said long and arguous it took about a 2 weeks to get a stack of tree cuttings. As a WHM\BLM it would drop every 1/15, also date and moon cycle have something to do with it I think because once when there was a full moon I killed 12 goobues and every third one dropped cuttings.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:12 pm
by Eviticus
I bet I could get 2 stacks of Beastman Blood off of Leeches in Pashow before you can get 1 stack of Tree Cuttings there. It's not a matter of how much something sells for, but how much something sells for over the time it took to get said item. I know you guys know that, just saying it for clarification on why I said forget the gobbue there. ^.^

However, the Gobbue in Pashow do drop Boyhada Moss almost like candy.....which to me makes little sense since Boyhada is so far away...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:27 pm
by JediKitsune
Just curious, but... aside from the Drain quest, what's beastmen's blood used for?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:38 pm
by Eviticus
*Consults his sources....*

Beastman Blood is used in the following Recipies:
Barbarian's Belt Leathercraft (41)
Eyeball Soup Cooking (71)
Jusatsu Alchemy (37)
Astragalos Bonecraft (52)
Hawker's Knife Alchemy (81)
Bloody Bolt Heads Alchemy (81) and Smithing (14)
Bloody Rapier Alchemy (85)
Bloody Lance Alchemy (90)
Bloody Sword Alchemy {88}
Bloody Blade Alchemy (83)
Jug of Sun Water Alchemy (100)
Alchemist's Water Alchemy (86)
Blood Broth Cooking (73)

(Gives props to himself for massive linkage, that was tedious. ^.^; )

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:56 pm
by Kintrra
I get the Goobbues in Pashhow to drop cutting semi-often as PLD/THF. Granted, not the quickest process and you're still gonna get a stack of beastman blood in the same amount of time, but they do drop them for an extra 10k here and there. ^^b

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:51 pm
by colbwa
You could always get 200k for $12

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:08 pm
by Eviticus
Yes, and you could go whore yourself out on the street corner for that $12. Or maybe kill a cop, he's bound to have cash on him. Better yet, rob a bank. With all that money, you could buy all the gil you'll ever need......except all of the above stated is wrong. Besides all of the illegal implications, buying gil is against the End User Liscence Agreement, and will result in the destruction of your account.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:37 pm
by Kessa
Pre lvl 40 as a thief you can make good money in Tahrongi Canyon and Buburimu. Between Bees, Crawlers, gobs, and saplings you could pull 75K/hour prob.

I do it in Rolanberry when Im waiting for a invite. Usally get about 2.5 stacks of beehive chips, 1/2 stack of silk, and a stack of silver beastcoins in 1 hour.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:54 pm
by Kintrra
colbwa wrote:You could always get 200k for $12
I'm sorry, and be like everyone else like you, who pays for their end results instead of working for them like they should? Pfft, no thanks, I've neither the lack of balls, nor quite the extra money to waste on such an action. It just means that when I'm finished, I'll have put a little more hard work into my character than you did into yours. So when you're not being selected for end-game missions and HNMs and Dynamis runs, and I am, there'll be a reason for it, because I worked damned hard at making sure I have the best equipment to do my job as well as I can. So let me put this as politely as I can. If you buy gil, then here's to you. .|..

Re: So... what do I do?

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:47 pm
by xaresity

Re: So... what do I do?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:47 pm
by xaresity