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What is the best way to make gil

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:53 pm
by LostDream
can anyone give me information on the best way to make gil? Im very pour and need alot of gil to support the growning needs of a lv28 rdm

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:12 pm
by Naru Fugihara
Lets see.....there's crafting.

Fishing is a good way to make some gil with Moat Carp going for about 4k a stack on Gilgamesh and everything else you catch you can sell to the Fisherman's Guild for a fair price.

When you get to lvl 30 you can safely harvest in Giddeus with little aggro from the mobs there. If you do that the main things you want to sell are Red Moko Grass (about 39k a stack) and Fresh Mugwort (about 120k a stack)

There's also Minning in Bastok. The copper ore and zinc ore sell for a fair price (can also be used to lvl Goldsmithing). If you can make copper ingots they sell a good bit in Bastok for a stack (9-10k).

You can also farm for Silk Thread (dropped by Crawler types) and Beehive Chips (drppped by Bee and Wasp types). Silk Thread goes for about 24-25k a stack last I saw and Beehive Chips goes for about 9-10k a stack.

Those are all the things I've done to make gil and all those prices are for the Gilgamesh server so prices may vary and all but the ore is priced from the Windy AH.

Hope it helps.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:20 pm
by JediKitsune
If it's mining you're gonna take up, I wouldn't bother with copper ores unless you're gonna make them into copper/bronze ingots. Bronze will rake in mucho gil if you can make them. It requires a fair amount of smithing/goldsmithing though, I think.

Beyond that though, I believe that iron ores are the way to go if you're hanging out in Zeruhn Mines.

One of the easier, faster ways to get a low level job in the San d'Oria area (Level 5-12 abouts) and take it into Ghelsba Outpost. You can farm crystals with Signet on, fire and dark crystals to be exact. Those will get you about 5k-10k a stack on most servers.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:46 pm
by Jae
learn to be gil seller =x
camping technique...
be fast ~.~ and decide which nm u want to camp..
be dedicated to what you want to camp.

ive seen ppl making 4mil a day if they dedicate 1 of their week days.. and camping 24/7

also doing craft makes money..
but requires quite money & time if you wanna skill it up fast
then farm ur own material will make you more money.
Note: Ive lvled cooking... I didnt lose any money at all... think I gained while i was skilling up if you buy materials from NPC...
But i dunno about now.. how NPC prices are going up from new update ^^;

getting money is a bit hard if you are low level..
i might be wrong ~.~ but i dont satisfy getting 100k a 2-3hrs
when i can get ToD(time of death from NM) and get some ppl to camp with me for 3hrs..
if sucessful claim/drop ^^ you get share of 1 or more milions.

my personal suggestion is that
just wear decent equip and lvl up and camp higher lvl nm
i believe RDM can do their job by healing,refreshing but not melee-ing
all you need is decent MP gears for you to lvl.. not very hard to do.

Also... if you have saved up seals... try to get help from your local MP member to do run BCNM with you.. quiet good money(?) if you share drops with members..(not your orb, yours)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:26 am
by Darkmattre
Farm in Konshtat highlands. I can easily make 50-100k/hour there. Kill sheep and bees. Turn sheep skins into leather and keep beehive chips. In an hour, i usually get about 4 stacks of leather (20k/stack on my server) and a few stacks of chips (15k/stack on my server) You also have the chance of catching Stray Mary and the occasional ram.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:04 pm
by Naru Fugihara
Jae wrote:learn to be gil seller =x
camping technique...
be fast ~.~ and decide which nm u want to camp..
be dedicated to what you want to camp.
:x :x :x I hate gil sellers, they're the reason why prices in the AH are so high for a lot of things.

Plus it makes it a B**** to camp anything unless you're a lvl 75 MNK, WAR, RNG or BLM :x :x

Me and Penumbra were harvesting in Giddeus the other day. We were checking the harvesting points that are near an NM pop spot and a guy named Lync (I think that's how you spell it) was shouting/spaming tells to anyone who was getting near to go away.

He said one thing to me, checked me, then left me alone. I guess it was because I was harvesting as a 30WHM/BLM and Penumbra was harvesting as a 44THF/forgot sub so he kept spamming tells to him (Penumbra blisted the guy right away).

Later I ran through and I noticed someone had claimed the NM so I went to see if it was the prick. I laughed when I saw it wasn't him but another Mithra. He was standing there though bugging her with says asking her to split the drop with him (never saw her respond) and he did the little ";_;" and ran off. I promptly Cure IIIed her to full health, put some buffers on her, and cheered her on for that.

Though what's really under my fur atm is an army of mercenaries running around through Gilgamesh. They all joined Sandy and took over just about every place except for about 4 regions.

From what I hear they're gonna all join Bastok next and do the exact same thing :x .

They should split up and join different nations and quit that. It's making it impossible for anyother nation besides the one they joined to do any Supply runs.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:03 pm
by Erimentha
If you are a White mage of sufficient level, can type fast and can deal with a few dimbulbs here and there Tele Taxi makes pretty decent gil. I've made over a 500,000 gil in a day. *Negatives: Got to have Teleport- whatever, takes game time, dealing with slow peaple. *Positives: Meeting new peaple, being able to surf the net between teles, 500 gil for common teles (Holla/ dem/mea) and 1000 - 2000+ (Yhoat/Vazhl/Altep) for uncommons. Prices do vary at times due to supply and demand. 500 is the least amount I get offered for any tele.

I tend to aim for keeping a stream rather than waiting to get tele parties together. I hate waiting for peaple when I am on my way to pts. Why make them wait? I get magic skillups too. Bonus for me :)

Harvesting + Farming I made about 300,000 in a week >.< Outside of Giddeus there seems to be less competition. You can also kill yagudo and crawlers for their drops. *Negatives: Harvesting: Competition can get stiff, it can be slow, and fill your inventory rapidly. Then there is selling all that stuff.... Farming: Fills your inventory rapidly. Then there is selling all that stuff. Plus it's easiest done with BLM main job imho. *Positives: Harvesting you can get some good stuff, Faming Yagudo and crawlers: Yagudo Necklaces go for up to 1000 gil in Windy, silks go for a good price too. Farming costs nothing. I've found a map showing harvesting points online, however from my own mapping I know some points are not on it:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:07 pm
by Neoshinobi

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:27 pm
by Kailea
I should kill you Neoshinobi......


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:50 pm
by Shirai
Neoshinobi wrote:Buy gil :D

A shitload of links I refuse to repeat..
Well you know your shop,

are you happy spending all those dollars that you could've used to buy REAL things?

{No thanks!} I'm glad I know how to make enough.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:03 pm
by Kiren
Well I just kill Mandragora for Saruta Cotton, stack it up, and sell it for whatever the current price is. That has been my income since I started.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:04 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
There are so many ways to make Gil.

I have gardened, look for a gardening thread in Kitty How Tos, tried camping NMs, I suk at this BTW, Farmed Crystals in my mules, mined, harvested, and tried mumerious other methods.

One of the easiest ones is to buy low level gear and spells at the shops and resell them through the AH. Cure, Dia, Stone all retail for < 100 Gil, sell for 800 - 1K, Bronze Swords 300ish sell for 1 - 2K. This is easly combined with Import - Export. Posion is not sold in every city every week. Where it is not available, it can sell for 2 - 3K, where it is it can be bought a the shop for less than 300 Gil.

Starting at level 30 there are some nice BCNMs but none where a RDM is wanted. There are several good ones for us in the BCNM 40s.

Bur Jae is right, there is little you need to buy if you are not meleeing. Our RSE will keep you well clothed till 40, you will want a Mercinary Captian's belt at 30, a wand at 32, and a handfull of spells. The most costly ones are your personal Melee spells and can be put off for a while. Well there is Dispell....

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:47 pm
by Suhraa

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:14 pm
by Neoshinobi
Shirai wrote:are you happy spending all those dollars that you could've used to buy REAL things?
I don't really buy very much real objects... :P

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:18 pm
by Yukira
I wish there was, like, bounty for hunting gilsellers/buyers....that'd be really interesting.

*Yuki-chan goes to sharpen her claws* :twisted:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:21 pm
by Neoshinobi
Yukira wrote:I wish there was, like, bounty for hunting gilsellers/buyers....that'd be really interesting.
Yes, I can just amagine the cowboy bebob like world now... :shock:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:28 pm
by Kintrra
Faye in mithra-type? o.O

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:55 pm
by Yukira
Oh, yeeeeesssss.....<sigh> I wish... :D

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:35 pm
by Tivia
Well I found the most profitable was reselling. Buying stuff off of people or merchants or even in the AH in one city and relisting the item elsewhere for more. I started out with a scant 100 gil and just worked my way up from there, a few months later I was selling items that netted 50k+ in profit alone.

Outside that gardening is quite profitable..but it is fairly tedious

Fishing, profitable if you know where to go and the bait to use. Even at the height of the botter boom where fishing was crap everywhere I knew of a few places where I could regularly pull 10 to 12 stacks of moat carp in 4 hours or so, which was a tidy profit at 4k a stack.

*For the record a Certain fishing pole that is regarded as the second best to the Lu Shang's is at best overrated. I personally tested it extensively against a composite and I found the catch to loss ratio was exactlly the same.*

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:56 pm
by Ziada
1) Obtain valuable things
2) Sell them.


Seriously... farming can be good, as has been suggested. Such simple things as beehive chips sell for lots of cash because they're needed in great quantity for silent oils.

I used to mine all the time. It's nice for mages because it doesn't depend on how fast you can kill things. There's only so many mining points to go around though, so competition can be a pain. I don't know how crowded the mines are these days.

Mining point maps:

My money-making method of choice right now is ENM battles. At level 30, you can try the Promyvion ENMs (and maybe beat the missions while you're at it!) Since I have a level 75 character, I go with a group from my HNMLS and beat some of the uncapped ENMs now and then. We usually get 100-300K each after the loot is sold. No beastmen or Kindred seals required... there's just the 5 day timer on each battlefield.

In general, the higher level you are, the easier it is to make lots of gil... but the gear, spells, and consumables you need get a lot more expensive too! That's a market economy for you. ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:14 pm
by Kintrra
yeah, like I know this morning farming in Giddeus for {Utsusemi} fame I picked up like 6k just in what I killed as a PLD50/THF15. But that's only because I can run through using my Tactician Magician's Espadon and one-shotting the really weak yags, and taking down even the higher up ones in Giddeus in about 6-10 hits. So yeah, starting out, money sucks. Period. :?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:29 pm
by Prrsha
Ziada wrote:Seriously... farming can be good, as has been suggested. Such simple things as beehive chips sell for lots of cash because they're needed in great quantity for Prism Powders.
They arrre used for beeswax for use in silent oils. Prism powders use glass loops. :wink:

But yes, both are used in grrreat quanities. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:39 pm
by Neoshinobi
Farming the slimes in {korroloka tunnel} is easily done even if your a mage, and the drop rate is not bad...You can either sell them for about 20k (on my server - Caitsith) or use them in making or HQing silent oil ({Alchemy})

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:47 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Kintrra wrote: So yeah, starting out, money sucks. Period. :?
Not at all. On Migar I have ~ 150K and wear a lot of +1s & Drop items. Check my levels in my sig.

IMHO, starting out, money only sucks till you learn where to farm and a few tricks.

Of course if you level FAST, money will always suck.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:49 am
by Jae
wow.. so many links
someone have been researching =x

i never said to be gil seller
but learn the dedication they have

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:59 am
by Prrsha
Tsybil wrote:Of course if you level FAST, money will always suck.
Yup, #1 cause to being broke, leveling too fast. If you take your time and enjoy the other faucets of FFXI, money is never an issue. While doing tons of quests, raising your rank and fame, you will make more then enough money to suit your needs.

Also another dumb way to end up broke is to buy quest items from the AH. These items will almost always be more expensive then the quest rewards. Get off your tail and don't be lazy. Find the items yourself. :wink:

Also never ever buy spells from the AH. 75% of the spells in the game can be bought from a NPC for cheaper then the going AH rate. Also many armor/weapons NPC merchants have cheaper goods as well. In addition do expeditionary forces every week. The CP will save you in the long run so you don't have to buy overpriced CP items from the AH.

The real reason why people are broke is because they are lazy. Instead of doing the footwork needed to obtain their needed items for cheaper (or even free) they allow themselves to get ripped off at the AH. They then whine and complain about how SE and FFXI sucks because they have no money in the game and defend their "rights" to buy gil. The problem is not with the game but the people in it (who set the prices). It's your own fault if you buy the overpriced items and you contribute to them being overpriced in the first place.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:10 am
by Batsu

Ugh, so bored . . .

I think I'll dig up Lineage II and go play that for a little bit . . .

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:30 am
by Rohenda
If u got seals BCNM are always popular, rdm are useful in BCNM 30 because so many of the mobs are immune to sleep. I used to do the BC30 in the hut in Ghelsba Op its caled Petrifying pair, strategy is fairly simple too
3 people (30cap) against 2 Lizard NM
1 tank (I was always war/nin but nin/war obviously fine too pld maybe ok but ud need drinks prob), 1 DD e had a rng/nin but i cant see y any Dmg class couldnt fill this role and most importantly the rdm.

fairly easy, rdm/blm uses ele seal->bind on one lizard both will aggro and attack (well one will be bound) have war/nin tank the other and rng hurt it
rdm has to keep busy, immediatly Gravity the lizard you bound, thats basically the key, Rdm kites one lizard with Gravity/Bind (just cast them on and run away) while healing others if needed (Gravity usually sticks bind is resisted a little more). Once Lizards dead u can handle the other however u like Kite and hit it, let war/nin tank more if rdm needs mp etc

All in all its a decent BC because u dont really need to buy extra stuff for it, has a few good drops too, ostly lvl30 latent effect bits.
Main drop worth alot used to be Sarashi, but after the last patch this is now also the BC that drops Leaping Boots.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:56 am
by Jae
Rohenda's BC
i believe it drops Leaping Boots now..
so good luck
currently BC items.. even though leaping boots have rare/ex....
its 1M+ @ AH
Also theres a trick to this BCNM(from what i heard.. if u use blinding potion to blind urself.. ull never get petrified... but ppl say its not worth it cause u wont be hitting anything... I actually did this to avoid when i was doing BC40 Under Observation.. I couldnt hit anything with all +1 gear and food)

luckily i invested my money on those to help out someone ^^;
bought okote,leaping,hairpin for someone and now price went up ^^

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:37 pm
by Neoshinobi
Jae wrote:wow.. so many links
someone have been researching =x

i never said to be gil seller
but learn the dedication they have
actually... google