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July 18th is my B-day

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:33 pm
by Batsu

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:05 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Happy Early Birthday. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:34 pm
by Leane
How old will you be?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:51 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
This means you do not have to come up with cheap excusess to leave your family and be in Vanad'iel on your birthday.

It also means you can have a blow out Birthday party without missing anything in the game. And if you have RL friends who are also in the game, they will be able to make the party.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:14 pm
by Josiejo
Just another day, as far as I'm concerned. Anyone who has to call attention to their own birthday and ask people to discuss it is just screaming for attention, but then again, that's why I had you on Ignore in the first place. So, Happy Birthday... whatever... stop annoying us...

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:21 pm
by Batsu
Thank you to everyone who was polite about it. Regarding your rudeness towards my post, Josiejo, I hadn't posted anything on here in a while and . . . well, I decided to post this, I don't see any reason for you to get offended the way you did . . . but whatever. If you're going to be like this about then just go ahead and ignore me.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:56 pm
by Yukira
Hyvää syntymäpäivää!

I'm a little curious as old is our oh-so-misunderstood Batsu? :D

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:59 pm
by Neoshinobi
Taking a wild guess..your going to be...17?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:39 pm
by Meowmixer
You know what the funny thing is.. it's not even the 18th yet..

you could have waited 2 more days .. whats the point of receiving congradulations before it happens.. because you could very well die before you age. And then all this will be in vain if you do die before the 18th.. just sayin'..

jeeze man, if you're not turning 21, theres no reason for {Excitement}. Because once you hit 21.. theres no more exciting birthdays.. until you hit 50, because then you wont worry about getting old, you ARE old.

oh well, happy early birthday.. go set some clowns on fire.. :twisted:

jk! :roll: :D

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:46 pm
by Josiejo
Batsu wrote:Thank you to everyone who was polite about it. Regarding your rudeness towards my post, Josiejo, I hadn't posted anything on here in a while and . . . well, I decided to post this, I don't see any reason for you to get offended the way you did . . . but whatever. If you're going to be like this about then just go ahead and ignore me.
Can you honestly say you weren't just doing this for attention when the only thing you have to say about this incredibly exciting and important personal topic is "Discuss"? I think you've confused malicious rudeness with blunt truth. Get over yourself already.

OOoooh... 2 more days, I can hardly wait. LA is going to completely shut down; there will be parades in the streets, looting and public fornication will run rampant, gunshots will be heard in Compton... now that's a Batsu Day celebration!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:53 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Meowmixer wrote:jeeze man, if you're not turning 21, theres no reason for {Excitement}. Because once you hit 21.. theres no more exciting birthdays..

Wrong. Every one that ends in a 0 is exciting, but NOT in the way 13, 16, 18, and 21 are exciting. Trust me on this one kitties, I KNOW. (4/22/44) (Over what hill? Where? I didn't see any hill.)
Meowmixer wrote:until you hit 50, because then you wont worry about getting old, you ARE old.
Wrong again. Old is a state of mind. I watched friends turn themselves old in their 30s. It starts when they say "I'm getting too old for this." The this was ALWAYS something I was still doing and enjoying in my 40s.
Josiejo wrote:Can you honestly say you weren't just doing this for attention when the only thing you have to say about this incredibly exciting and important personal topic is "Discuss"?
In this case, I think he is talking about the longest shutdown for an update in Squenix history falling on his birthday. I put in honest, upbeat thoughts on the concept, others could as well.

Treat rudness with rudness and nothing is learned. Treat rudness with honesty and kindness and something may well be learned. There is always time later to give the uneducationable the well deserved punch in the nose.

I believe the greatest thing we can do IRL is to educate others. I will admit that sometimes the only way to teach someone something is to take him out back and break his flippers. While this should be done in a spirit of love and understanding, you can still enjoy doing it.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:23 am
by Jae
Congratulation Batsu ^^
wish i could send you something through game but ^^; kinda broke

anyways happy birthday to you ^^b

please lets not negative toward someone's b-day... i mean its b-day
lets congrats him instead of flaming ^^;;

for myself i never done b-day much. if he willing to share great things happening in his IRL... why not let him have it? =/

2days.. 3days... who cares =/ he may not be able to get on much..
infact he told me he rarely have time to play because of school works.
instead of game.. he came on and share with you guys.

please dont judge him through what he post =/ he is really nice guy in game. he may did something wrong.. and couldnt turn back for some reason.. but he helps a lot of people in game.. you probably wouldnt imagine =O how much he help ppl

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:35 am
by Jae
at the end.. this is general chat forum guys... nothing like you have to get permission to post. attention post... im pretty sure there are other posts than this... i'm not sure why some ppl looking @ this post as "attention"
its his b-day ^^;

not pointing anyone. just a thought

not to metion.. forum is pointing out their opinions or what not.. not to flame... hope everyone sees in positive way...
then nothing would cause trouble. everyone have different thoughts and idea... just because their idea is bad TO YOU.. that doesnt make anyone bad. understanding is what we need...

someone i recently met.. as same race as me.. in korea you call respectful words to elder person. i asked him about his age.. he was surely older than me but he quote "this is only a cyberworld... everyone enjoy game.. play games for reason... character dont have ages dont they?"
well.. he said it more understand-able or in a way of "touch".. i just dont remember exact word.

in FFXI or cyberworld... ppl usually get respect from depends what he write or "good"(someone who help out many people) person to get respect... not the ages right?

as for me.. i dont know about you guys. SINCE *I* dont know you guys much... most repectful person i can imagine here is Batsu.. because he always make time for me whenever he gets on. I see him helping other people. he always replies to me whenever i want to talk. hope everyone understand what i was pointing out.
(of course ^^; all the Phoenix MP members as well ^^)

excuse my 2nd language ; ; yes.. my english sacks T_T

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:09 am
by Josiejo
Tsybil wrote:I put in honest, upbeat thoughts on the concept, others could as well.

Treat rudness with rudness and nothing is learned. Treat rudness with honesty and kindness and something may well be learned. There is always time later to give the uneducationable the well deserved punch in the nose.

I believe the greatest thing we can do IRL is to educate others. I will admit that sometimes the only way to teach someone something is to take him out back and break his flippers. While this should be done in a spirit of love and understanding, you can still enjoy doing it.
I'm tired of playing the good samaritan all the time. I'm the one who moves out of the way on sidewalks because if I didn't, inconsiderate jerks would run into me. I'm the one who waits at an intersection while someone else does something stupid (and sometimes illegal) because I know they're going to do it whether I honk at them or not, and I'd rather not get hit in the process. I'm the one who helps someone out even if it throws off my own schedule. I don't ask for recognition for these things, nor do I call attention to myself without good reason. It's just common courtesy, and sorry, but Batsu had many chances to be just that before he finally decided to play along with us normal people and stop trolling the forums all the time. By that time, he had probably set the record for Most Ignored Member on this site, and hasn't really done enough to prove he can be taught to be normal around people who never gave him any reason to grief us in the first place. So what if his birthday is the same day as the patch? I'm sure the folks at SquareEnix got together, looked at all of their player base and said "There... that's when we're going to launch our next patch... Batsu' Birthday!" It's a funny coincedence, sure, but instead, just say something like "Discuss the upcoming patch, which coincedentally is on my birthday! ^^" I think that would've went over less... egotistical.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:18 am
by Karou Ariyen
Then josieo You are no better then him, *sighs* You have to be the one to do the right thing, and but attacking, well you sink down to your opponants level.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:35 am
by Yukira
KarouKaniyashia wrote:Then josieo You are no better then him, *sighs* You have to be the one to do the right thing, and but attacking, well you sink down to your opponants level.
Nobody has the strength to be the 'good guy/gal' all the time. Even good people have bad days and that's perfectly natural. And when someone has been as annoying at times as Batsu...well, everyone's understanding reaches its limits if pushed hard enough!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:51 pm
by Janeth
I agree. Age shouldn't matter. I support children's rights, cause children don't deserve to be bossed around by their parents. And don't give me that "my house, my rules" argument...they didn't decide to live at your house! In fact, they're not allowed to decide, and that's not fair.
Oops, sorry...didn't mean to rant like that ^^; I could talk for hours about this, but I guess I'm going to have to keep it short.
A few interesting anecdotes that prove my point:
When I was younger, my mom once told me I was smarter than most grownups. She and I currently both believe I am smarter than her.
My brother is older than me. In the game, people are frequently asking who's older. When I tell them, they say, "I thought you were're more mature." Which is true. My brother acts a lot younger than he is. ^^
P.S. I never get tired of playing the good samaritan. ^^

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:13 pm
by Josiejo
Janeth wrote:I agree. Age shouldn't matter. I support children's rights, cause children don't deserve to be bossed around by their parents. And don't give me that "my house, my rules" argument...they didn't decide to live at your house! In fact, they're not allowed to decide, and that's not fair.
Oops, sorry...didn't mean to rant like that ^^; I could talk for hours about this, but I guess I'm going to have to keep it short.
A few interesting anecdotes that prove my point:
When I was younger, my mom once told me I was smarter than most grownups. She and I currently both believe I am smarter than her.
My brother is older than me. In the game, people are frequently asking who's older. When I tell them, they say, "I thought you were're more mature." Which is true. My brother acts a lot younger than he is. ^^
P.S. I never get tired of playing the good samaritan. ^^
Then make children go out and bust their arses everyday and earn money to pay for mortgage/rent, bills, groceries, transportation... everything they take for granted because their "controlling" parents provide those things for them. One of my biggest pet peeves is unappreciative people. That doesn't make you mature, by the way, and bragging about being "smarter" than your parents is fairly juvenile as well. If you were so "mature", you wouldn't really care, just be glad you can still talk to your mom. :roll:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:28 pm
by Janeth
Oh, I'm really sorry if you disagree with my opinions...I wasn't trying to make anyone mad. I wasn't saying children should HAVE to work...just saying I, for one, would really enjoy to be able to choose to. I think I'm mature, and if you disagree, I don't really care. I have enough self-esteem to believe in myself no matter what anyone else thinks. I'm sorry if I sounded like there's only one reason I'm mature...there are a lot of reasons, I just didn't mention them all. And I wasn't trying to "brag" that I'm smarter...I was just trying to give an example. If you knew me a bit better I think you'd know what I mean...I really am sorry, I don't like to make people mad. But if you refuse to accept my apologies, that's okay, too...I won't mind if you hold a grudge. ^^
Maybe this was too controversial a topic to put on a forum...I'll stick to discussing with my mom. (Who I could still talk to just fine if I was allowed to work...I have no idea why you think otherwise.)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:39 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Yukira wrote:
KarouKaniyashia wrote:Then josieo You are no better then him, *sighs* You have to be the one to do the right thing, and but attacking, well you sink down to your opponants level.
Nobody has the strength to be the 'good guy/gal' all the time. Even good people have bad days and that's perfectly natural. And when someone has been as annoying at times as Batsu...well, everyone's understanding reaches its limits if pushed hard enough!
Absoulutly true aswell, I'm sorry Josiejo, was typing that while dreading having to move furniture for a friend, I'm beat and worn out atm, I apoligize If my comment sounded harsh, wasnt my intention

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:18 am
by Meowmixer
*trying to steer this conversation back to the subject title*

so, O_o..

you never told us how old you are going to be batsu, and now is the correct time for congradulations..

happy bday! :P

Tsybil, turning 100 is exciting? jk!

I kidd :) every bday can be exciting, it's all in how you take it. I was portraying a person that views as getting older as getting closer to death.. *gasp* just gota learn how to relax.. hehe.

Every bday is a good day, get out and enjoy still being alive!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:50 pm
by Jaela
I agree. Age shouldn't matter. I support children's rights, cause children don't deserve to be bossed around by their parents. And don't give me that "my house, my rules" argument...they didn't decide to live at your house! In fact, they're not allowed to decide, and that's not fair.
As Takun from FuriKuri said himself..."Kids cant choose their parents"

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:10 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Meowmixer wrote:Tsybil, turning 100 is exciting? jk!
I will let you know when I get therrre :D Personaly I will be excited by 100 like I haven't been excited since 18. (That was both my Driver's Licence and the N. Y. drinking age back then.)
Meowmixer wrote:Every bday is a good day, get out and enjoy still being alive!
So trrrue. Once you stop enjoying still being alive is when you ARE old.

So Batsu, how old arrre you?

Do we get to spank him now? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:18 pm
by Tailfeather
happy b-day

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:42 am
by Josiejo
Jaela wrote:As Takun from FuriKuri said himself..."Kids cant choose their parents"
Parents can't choose their kids either. What's your point? In that case, wouldn't you say that parents don't deserve to sacrifice things for their kids? Grow up. Kids can be respectful and mindful, and parents can be reasonable and trusting. Because they may or may not be that way does not change the fact that kids are kids and parents are parents. If kids could take care of themselves after birth, I'm sure there would be some parents that would gladly let theirs go. Thing is, you owe your existence to your parents, and I don't think that's anything you can ever repay, so just be grateful to be alive.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Batsu.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:15 am
by sakono
man... i don't really want to complain but how come even when batsu made this post about his bday on july 18th i come and read a topic full of arguments? people here seem to argu to much even though batsu has been annoting in the past no need to do more arguing crap...

if you want to argu make a thread for that and only that and stop turning other threads into arguing about this and that.. leave it to the topic please.

it would be nice for me to read a topic that doesn't turn in to arguments all the time

any ways Happy bday batsu have a good day^^

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:58 am
by Nattaku
<.<' hey jos..every post you post, sounds more and more like every interval, every tone, every word. Sounds as would i say..I have no Idea what the true intention of calling this thread was, nor do I even care about that..what I care about. Is how you, knowing what it feels like to be the only good person, or if not that, just a person hwo if very lax about life and takes ony one at a time. IF, you were all as cut out as you claim yourself to be wouldn't have reacted so rudely..becoming somehting you saw at that intersection. Not only were you wrong to immidiatley judge im of Self centricity, but you judged him pretty much for no reason what so ever.. ^.^' Your actions were clearly uncalled for, no matter how much I respect you as a veteran member ot oen that..looks up to you..I have no intention of voking you, nor asking to be flamed.. Since I have not flammed you, I do not beleive it is right..just telling you about your miscalculation. Do not judge onless everyithng you say is proven by all means physically true...

(Of course our parents made us..does it mean they wanted it, does it mean you wern't an "accident" as your mother and father could be so flilthy and drug depentdant that they could care less about your life? or, or, how bout you read "The Boy called 'It' " read it and realize your
mistakes. The boy was treated so poorly, for no reason, no matter how much he tried..his mother saw him as Scapegoat for all her anger and frustrations. no life is perfect anf never will, some of use have it good, I have a nice mother and a father..that I would upon no hesitation protect them with all I am. People say I should be grateful because comapred to life is heaven..when it is not. and I have on very rare occations, but I have when itneded been, "truly grateful")

Re: July 18th is my B-day

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:13 pm
by xaresity

Re: July 18th is my B-day

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:22 pm
by xaresity