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Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:38 pm
by Prrsha

I'm glad they are least doing something about it.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:53 pm
by Yugi

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:52 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:49 am
by Karou Ariyen

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:59 am
by Neoshinobi
What their actually trying to fix sounds vague...seeing as it broke my windower :cry:

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:05 pm
by Lihera
PRetty much, this program somehow allowed you to go anywhere on the map, instantly. Now, not only did this allow for the transportation aspect.... you could kite anything, so long as you had hate.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:24 pm
by Prrsha
Neoshinobi wrote:What their actually trying to fix sounds vague...seeing as it broke my windower :cry:
Everytime they patch the main pol.exe file it messes up the windower so I hear. It's not that square is attempting to disable the windower then it is that the windower doesn't work when certain files are altered. *shrugs*

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:17 pm
by Prrsha
Hmmm, then again I could be wrrrong. There is an interesting topic on allakhazam about it: ... 475&page=1
blowfin wrote:
If SE had been ok with the idea of the windower, they would have made the game windowable... that alone should be enough of a thought to chew on.
So true, and they wouldn't have released a game update which targets the windower.

They definitely are not ok with it if you go and read the press release about yesterdays update.

We're not cool with the windower

But i'll be buggered if i'm not going to use my PC as the multitasking beast it's meant to be...

EDIT: Just looking at the planned updates of Archbell it's no suprise that Square want to stop it's use when you read that the next version is going to include components like the external text big suprise they want to stop it.
plutoknight wrote: Let me try this again:

The Windower has been confirmed to be required for the "teleportation" hack that was -supposed- to (but according to some sources, wasn't) be patched. IT's being used as part of a Hack that is severely messing up the way the game is played.

Now, is that "going 70 in a 65 MPH zone?" Seems more like a Police chase than a speeding ticket to me.

With Speeding, you have 2 choices. Go slow, f**k up everyone behind you. Go the same speed as everyone else, risk being caught by a Police officer wanting a nice boost in his paycheck.

With the Windower, It's not so "cut and dry". You may be legit, using the Windower, but for nothing malicous. Sure, its aginst the ToS, but, again, like you said, its nothing worth mentioning.

You may use the Windower and buy gil while playing FFXI. See that Mythril Heart? ITs the only one up in the AH and you want it. Now. Window FFXI, go to, and just follow the site. That's going a step further. I'd use your (very nice comparision, I might add) words, "75 mph in a 65 zone"

Here's where the fun begins:
Packet Sniffers, and the "teleportation" hack, all required FFXI be windowed. How does one get FFXI windowed without using a Windower? They don't, probably, unless your an OMG I'm Awesome! hacker, who could probably get a job and get paid much better money than supporting a game hack.

With the release of open source plugins, there is absolutely no telling what can happen. They can stay as harmless as making our players dumber, or they can go much further, becoming full-fledged voke bots, fish bots, packet sniffers, auto-claimers for Argus, etc. The post on the Archbell forums telling people to "not create malicious plugiins" is a false defense. They know full well people will do that, they are just trying to pretend they dont condone the action. Obviously they do, or they wouldn't create open source plugins, and just keep them in-house.

Now, creating a Windower is just barely violating the ToS. Nothing that'll get you banned. Using the Windower in a hack and justifying a reason for SE to ban it, then pretending "Oh,t hat never happened, please dont ruin my fun, I still wanna use it" is just....hypocritical

Now, there ARE people that are willing to hack regardless of the Windower. But, The ratio of "smart hackers" to "omg a program that promises I'd get all NM claims. UB3R GILZ!!!!11" is 1:Someinsanely large number. If someone just wants to cheat to gain an advantage, they won't bother with anything aside from downloading a program or 2 and setting it up according to the website.

The "real hackers" should probably not be bothering hacking a MMO. They only do it for the glory and "because we can".

Trust me, I know both sides of the coin in that respect. I was the guy who went "OMG I CAN MAKE A +99 WEAPON WITH THIS 3 LINE CODE, ALL I NEED IS AN AGREEMENT BREAKING CODEBREAKER!!" on PSO, and I often posted on boards that were frequented by the people who gave me the codes. Why? "Because we can".

(and for the curious, yea I got banned from PSO V.2 on the Dreamcast, damn lv 600 Mag)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:40 pm
by Josiejo
Yeah, windowing is a violation of the TOS. I don't see why they couldn't code the game so that it could be secure in a windowed mode, but that's just how things are. Do what I did... buy a laptop if you need to browse something while playing. :P

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:37 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
The short story.

The hacks and exploits that so annoy us and make camping MNs so difficult are imposible with a Windower. The easiest way to deny the exploiters their tricks is to break the windowers.

Have you seen the Teleportation hack at work? There you are, casting Posion on Mysticmaker, I mean you are in the animation, and someone literally pops in and 'vokes or Charms, and Mysticmaker is claimed from under your nose.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:00 pm
by Tivia

Azaril's windower is not the only way to window FFXI.

As a matter of fact there is another way to do it, and it not only is more effective, but its unbreakable. The downside of course is its a little more system intensive then Azaril's.

The program name?

MicroSoft Virtual PC.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:18 pm
by Josiejo
haha... a LITTLE more intense? Simulating an OS would be much more intense than a hooking program. :P Understatement of the year... :D

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:27 pm
by Tivia
Josiejo wrote:haha... a LITTLE more intense? Simulating an OS would be much more intense than a hooking program. :P Understatement of the year... :D
Ok well, true it would take the Average PC and stomp the living crap out of it.. :P

But it does work no less..I know it actually works quite well on my current machine, but then I have a fairly hefty pc...I want to pickup one of the Athlon dual core's and see how that would handle it.. Right now I have found on my current pc the last time I tested it, I got 2 copies of FFXI and 2 copies of EQ2 running before I started noticing game hindering performance loss. I am curious as to how many apps a dual core could handle.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:31 pm
by Janeth
Hmm...I've never heard of this teleportation hack, but a friend of mine saw a hacker once...a friend in another LS, and he mentioned it in the LS, and I said, "How do you know they're a hacker?" and he said, "they were a lvl 21 fighting a dancing weapon...and they won" (We were both in Qufim at the time) and I said, "Wow...should we report them to a GM?" and he said "no, i would never do that" and I said, "Why?" and he said, "every server needs hackers...they're the rebels" and then he told me what happened next: the hacker guy just disappeared! My friend said he "was targeting him, and then he just disappeared...he was invisible" and I said, "I can be invisible, too...that doesn't make me a hacker" and he said, "i couldn't target him anymore, he just disappeared, and i did a /sea and it said he was still in the area" and I said, " a ghost in the system..."
And then we got to talking about Ballista. Not sure how that happened...

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:05 pm
by Yugi

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:46 pm
by Kahvi
what about programs that create multiple desktops? thats a possibility, right?

Granted, i never tried it. I deleted my multi-desktop programs when i got bored of having to do complex keyboard commands to hide stuff..

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:09 am
by Yugi

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:26 am
by Kintrra
I should think Multiple desktops would be a way around it, but you're right, that would be a pain in the neck, and that's if FFXI doesn't somehow disable the commands to switch Desktops like it does the alt-tab function (or is just me that can't use it? I can even hit my windows key and still not drop the game). I wasn't too happy about not being able to minimize the game for a moment in the first place, but I've gotten used to it. /pol is my friend if I really have to check something. And if it's a way for people to initiate stuff like the voking, fishing, and teleporation hacks, then by all means, I say nuke the program as often as possible. Because while the windower that other people are using may not ruin my game, the windower that's allowing the hackers to take my stuff right out from in front of me and raise all the prices on servers, that is interfering in my game, and that's just not right at all. :evil:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:02 pm
by Tivia
You know I never tried multiple desktops, I should have seeing as I use Blackbox and not the default windows shell. I belive it is a possibility since on blackbox with some Tweaking to the interface it can be configured to display two seperate desktops at the same time on a multi monitor setup. So that stands to reason that technically One could run FFXI on one desktop while maintaining the other open. You will still have to issue the key commands to jump mouse and keyboard control from one to the other but it should work.

By Default Blackbox has 4 active desktops.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:48 am
by Kahvi
I dont remember the name of the program, but it had about 5 virtual desktops and a customizable hotkey sequence for each of them

It was an old piece of shareware, but im sure better once are available now.

Re: Meh...

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:45 am
by xaresity

Re: Meh...

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:55 pm
by xaresity