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Just so you all know...

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:23 am
by Raika Akaizer
I feel this PM needed to be made public so that you can all see what we are dealing with on Titan. My responses are in parenthesis. I may have gone a little out of line with some of my remarks but that's what happens when my pride sinks in. >Don't let this happen to you!<

I have been packing for a trip so I did not make to the forums to get my say in, so I figured I should just PM you sweety!

(In case you haven't figured it out. I'm a man. So don't call me sweety.)

Quote: I may be out to sea, serving my country to the best of my ability, but I am FAR from gone.

I must ask, who ever said you were gone? As far as I'm concerned you are alot like AIDs, no cure to get rid of it.

(And Vice-Versa. I posted I would be gone under the topic "Deployment". As far as AIDs go, you should look at yourself first... I can’t get rid of you. The only difference is the fact that I'm not out to diminish everyone’s heath unlike you.)

Quote: I don't know what it is that I have to do to get it through to you that you aren't welcome. Period.

Me and Xaviar knew we were not welcome from the time you guys, used him as a scapegoat to save your asses! But I hate to admit, unlike Xaviar, I just enjoy cheap revenge like kicking someone in the nuts while they are down.

(Scapegoat for what? Defending my friends and a bond worth having? Kicking people when they are down huh? Wow... whoever raised you deserves to be shot.)

Quote: I don't understand why it is that you feel you need to make other peoples games difficult. Are you evil? Is that it?

It's called "An eye for an eye..." sweet cheeks. Lets go back awhile, shall we?

(So that’s why everyone is blind! But sure... I'll keep reading.)

First Xaviar got a pearl way back last year sometime in august. Upon learning it was a mithra only LS he tossed it out. Then some asshats in the linkshell decided to make life hard for him by making random accusations and MPKing him/his parties. This sparked his hatred for the linkshell.

(Hmm.. as I recall, He got a Link Sack when Amiable decided to give one to everyone. So that means he didn't toss it. Being that she did that in February.)

When I learned what was going on, I decided to help him since I had a gut feeling it was just a misunderstanding. I soon learned his brother was a VERY close friend of mine and my brothers were VERY close friends of his. This made negotiations really easy.

HOWEVER Amiable's brother was being an ass to everyone and they didn't know it was her brother. An uncertaintiy cam over the LS. Since Xaviar's brother was a good leader, and other members recognized this, they suggested to overthrow Amiable.

(Ok, so you couldn't you have just said, "Hey wait? This is wrong?")

At the same time I had just gotten Xaviar to like the LS again and to stop fooling around with the pearls/sack he had. He openly admitted soon after that a group of people asked him to help them get in, he tryed to indirectly warn you.

(None of us ever saw anyone else. Hell, we never saw anyone who wasn’t a mithra in, that is until you got pissed, Amiable handed out sacks, you got one, and gave more to xavier.)

Amiable's brother and his friends saw this as a perfect opportunity to clear her name and say that everything with Me, Xaviar, and Catsby(Xaviar's bro) was a huge conspiracy to overthrow the LS. This sparked a huge spike of anger and static throughout the LS and Catsby and Me were disgusted so we left quietly. Xaviar Blantly stated he was sick of everyone here playing the blame game and just left peacefully.

(No, goldess had to corner him first, then he left.)

Well one could say he attempted to leave peacefully but LS members here still wanted revenge on him for false charges. So he experienced a large amount of static from various people through forums, emails, ingame PMs, and ingame MPKs on him. He wanted reveng so he turned to me.

(So.... he doesn't know /blist add exists? And how could he be so trouble when playing WoW. There wasn't any trace of him until after your post about a mass get-2-gether.)

I THOUGHT I had canceled my account but apparently my connection lagged out. So my character was still functional with a pearl sack and all. Since I have also been experiencing minor static through forums even though I had basicly quit, I decided to help him for shits and giggles.

(So this is where you get evil. I don't even think Xavier asked you to come back. I think you asked him. Why? Cause you are pissed at what I said about your first-in-a-long-time post. So I think you are the one trying to get even with me.)

Since you are too dense to notice a few things, why don't I point them out? Xaviar has not done much of anything recently. Why? Aesha and Amiable DAMNIT!

(So Aesha and Amiable keep breaking the non-mithra pearls, after all, there is a purpose. For Example... you can't be on a tv show without belonging to the Screen Actors Guild. Thus your statement is... rather uh... pointless.)

Quote: I swear it sickens me knowing I'm out here risking my neck day in and day out for people like you.

Ha, You stick your head out for us? Like HELL! 5 $ says you wouldn't give a damn if iraq nuked the USA whether we are in it or not. You would probably want them to do it just in case.

(You owe me 5 bucks.)

I will have you know Xaviar is a technophile in the D.O.N.
So all military equipment the navy relies soo heavily on is maintained by people like Xaviar DAY IN AND DAY OUT NO MATTER WHAT! He shows up and fixes everything no matter what is going on, even if he must in the heat of fire fight. If anything he sticks his head out for people like you despite what you think and say about him.

(Uh.... since when can someone that young get a job that requires a 4 year degree and have a Government job? right.... right.... Plus civilians supporting the millitary work for the Department of Defence D.O.D. But that is all beside the point. You're all sick.)

Quote: You have banned me from these boards. Dork.

You better be refering to me and me alone! I will acknowledge that I go to far sometimes, but that is ME and ME ALONE! Xaviar and Catsby are alot cleaner in their methods then me. While they may act kinda eractic in these forums, they really have not done jack sh*t! The worst either has done is take pearls that I have offered. I want the credit where it is due damnit! Nice try on banning us though! All we have to do is reset our routers and we get a new external IP address, and there are always proxies to get around bannage!

(No, you are all banned and I always have someone watching the boards to simply delete your posts.)

Quote: I will not allow you to continue to destroy the good that we had going.

So having a racist clan is good? Ok Adolf Hitler!

(Uh... yeah... I'll accept that accusation when we start marching through Bastok trying to make a statement. Keep insulting yourself with stuff that doesn't make sense please, I'm enjoying this.

/emote left hand salutes Tirial!

(I am not an officer for one, and neither are you. Therefore, I refuse to return a salute to you. Moreover, acting in a 1940’s Nazi manner can really upset people who by the way are still alive.)

Not to mention all the other good stuff you do: MPK people, use helpless others as scapegoats, rule out all logic with anger and force. Yep you sure do alot of good here.

(Hmm... protect my friends... have fun.... don't take sh*t from loser 14 year olds.... hmm.... that's a very good point. As far as logic goes... I think Goldess took quite good care of it. Bad logic! BAD!)

Quote: Just wait till I get back home. Just you wait...

I shall be fun seeing how many none mithras I can cram into mithra WHEN I GET BACK! Just YOU wait suga! I am coming for ya without restraint this time.

(Sure. Whatever. As long as we reform and don't give anyone but the most trust a sack, Shirai, Aesha, Zuaa, Anitzu, Sophia, etc..... not a random new person... yeah....)

*Shows pic of loaded gun*


But hopefully you will die by friendly fire first and save everyone a few headaches.

*Shows pic of guy on the ground with his head blown off. (I saw it on a while back.)*

(What the hell is that supposed to mean? I mean, if that's a threat.... or a promise... well... you suck at it.)

Quote: Btw, your sig is too damn big, and friggin retarded.

OOOOOOOooh sounds like some one has a case of the mondays!

(Considering people who have amateur sigs that they obviously did with
MS paint featuring a couple cute mithras and 3 ugly kids. That gives people the Mondays. One more thing… use spell check next time.)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:27 am
by Naru Fugihara
:stare: And I thought my day couldn't get any worse.

God reading that has made my head hurt.

*takes 2 asprin*

:stare: I'm just glad all the butts are on the others servers and that I havn't encountered any on my server.

*goes to bed with major headache*

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:07 pm
by Josiejo
Break linkshell, recreate, have level-restricted and trust-restricted sack holders, ban this asshat.

The melodrama from this side of MP is just tiring. If you really have nothing better to do with your time than to make other people's lives miserable, then you deserve to be stranded on some extremely hostile and isolated island bound and gagged with a rack of seasonings strapped to your back. No one cares to start trouble here... it's why we all come together and try to enjoy a fun game with each other.

Also, everyone who calls our ls "racist" needs to get over themselves. There are all sorts of groups that have some restriction or another to them... ours just happens to be all Mithra. So what? We never said we wouldn't be friends with anyone playing a different race in-game, or that we even restrict ourselves from being all-Mithra all the time. There are other linkshells that are Dynamis only, level restricted, crafting only... again, so what?! If that's what people are interested in, leave them be. Your sideways reference to real-life racism is just a feeble, juvenile attempt to try to appear better than the people you, for some reason, have a problem with. And Hitler wasn't a racist, he was a supremicist. Last time I checked, "Jewish" wasn't a race. So in a way, you resemble Hitler more than we would.

At any rate, you guys on Titan really need to pull yourselves together. Stop allowing pea-brained poop monkeys to have a linkpeal/sack. It is possible to do... just agree to meet everyone in the 3 main cities and redistribute a new pearl. 'Nuff said.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:52 pm
by Cyndari
:o Just reading that made my head hurt. Sounds like you guys got some real issues on Titan. I think Josiejo gave ya some good advice.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:30 pm
by Darkmattre
cliffs? :?


Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:03 pm
by Tivia
You know,

Re Read that from the following perspective,

Two people quarreling online, who have never met and will likely never meet each other in real life. Also what they claim to do or not do in Reality may or may not, however is unlikely. Also that They would more then likely never act in said manner if they had to see an actual human face. Now Slap some TV camera's in, a poorly done love scene, and lets toss in some drama from a couple of other servers that is loosely related and I say we have Prime material for the next big Soap Opera.. "The Days of Mithra Pride"

I assure you its actually pretty funny. I am not saying anything about anyone involved here I am just pointing out if you take it less seriously its rather amusing.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:21 pm
by Catsby,Mut_AND_Xaviar

WAHAHAHAHAHAHHA So Tirial had the balls to post it! :lol: :lol: :P :P

Come Tirial, let us do battle in ballista when I get back next monday! Let us see who will prevail! :twisted: :twisted:

I will be waiting for you..........

Edit: But if you too much of a coward to show, I guess I will just be passing out lots of pearls! :lol: :o :D :) :twisted: :P :rofl: :2thumb: :stare:

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:25 pm
by Catsby,Mut_AND_Xaviar
Tivia wrote:You know,

Re Read that from the following perspective,

Two people quarreling online, who have never met and will likely never meet each other in real life. Also what they claim to do or not do in Reality may or may not, however is unlikely. Also that They would more then likely never act in said manner if they had to see an actual human face. Now Slap some TV camera's in, a poorly done love scene, and lets toss in some drama from a couple of other servers that is loosely related and I say we have Prime material for the next big Soap Opera.. "The Days of Mithra Pride"

I assure you its actually pretty funny. I am not saying anything about anyone involved here I am just pointing out if you take it less seriously its rather amusing.

Now THAT i would watch! Maybe someone here can make a flash of it!

You see Tivia here, sees things the same way we do! If you keep getting pissed at us it just means more shits and giggles for us! If we keep getting shits and giggles, why would we stop?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:00 pm
by Josiejo
Are there really people out there like this? Grow up, get a life, dude... frickin' go outside and eat tree bark. Just leave computers and guns to sane, intelligent people and go hammer shaped wooden blocks into their corresponding holes in your PlaySkool Carpenter's set, if you can figure it out.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:04 pm
by Ambrey
Simpler suggestion, site ban both of them.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:06 pm
by Prrsha

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:09 pm
by Josiejo
Nah, they don't learn from site bans. I say trace the IP and file charges for harassment and threats. They might learn something then, but I doubt it.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:23 pm
by Catsby,Mut_AND_Xaviar

I hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but the internet is mostly a complete free for all! You cant do sh*t about harassment on the internet or half of your asses would be canned by now!

Well listen to me you ungrateful fools, you picked the wrong people to f*** with! Mistakes like this you cant fix, maybe for once you wenches should buckle down and bite the bullet(s)!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:48 pm
by Golddess
Shoo troll.

*banned and locked*