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The Crossroads Are Here

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:17 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Im not sure If Ill quit or not, Im trying to level summoner, but after Firemyst mocked my attempts to try and told me why i couldnt... I'm not sure

Im going to sleep on it tonight and decide if I'll quit tomorow, Besides What thrill does one get out of mocking someone's job dreams?

Firemyst If you are reading this.... Site ban me I dont fugging care, I respect you as an Admin, But I do not respect you're cruel comments about me doing summoner.... I dont care what happens anymore, If you want me gone, Tell me and Ill drop the shell....

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:57 pm
by Baketsu
Never quit on your dreams, If your dream is to be a Summoner then do it. Don't let someone talk you outta it.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:58 pm
by Kahvi
I posted info in your help thread in the other forum section.. thing...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:59 pm
by Karou Ariyen
its too late bak, Firemyst is correct, Ill never be a smn, Im just a failure, Myst was kind enough to point that out, The Diabolos shell is gone, Im going to be gone most likely... not sure yet

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:01 pm
by Kahvi
w fug.. then i posted too slowly >.<

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:20 pm
by Prrsha
KarouKaniyashia wrote:its too late bak, Firemyst is correct, Ill never be a smn, Im just a failure, Myst was kind enough to point that out, The Diabolos shell is gone, Im going to be gone most likely... not sure yet
Bah! Wait a few days before you quit. Once you start suffering withdrawls from FFXI you'll be glad you didn't delete your character. :P

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:31 pm
by Karou Ariyen
??? XI withdrawl? um... im gonna keep karou just im not going to come back here.... i made my deciscion, the last part is to have an account ban and thats up to myst or goldy... Look I owe you that Prrsha I'll wait til Myst and I are in right minds to work out a truce, but don't get you're hopes up please....

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:04 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
Karou, if your not going to be here, or in IRC, can you at least give me your AIM/Yahoo/MSN in PM, or you can e-mail me it at, i dont want to loose contact with you, you were one of the first friends i had in the MP IRC, one of the first to make me feel welcome.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:25 am
by Karou Ariyen
depends tho Aesha... Im leaving midgard so I can't be iwth nivy, ah well we all move on, If myst wants me outta the chat room fine idc really, I need to finish lvling smn

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 3:45 pm
by Josiejo
Anyone tired of the BS drama yet? First of all, I don't care who Firemyst is, they've got no right to bash your goals, even if they're just a whim. I mean, isn't this supposed to be a good-natured group of kitties? Why all the negativity?? But second, every tiny thing that starts going wrong, you (Karou) blow it ridiculously out of proportion and end up apologizing for it later. Why not save yourself the trouble (and us the pain of reading adolescent outbursts) and just cool off before reacting? There's nothing wrong with this suggestion, and don't take it personally... I'm just saying there are better ways to handle things, especially when they're not exactly as dire as you think they are when emotions are running high.

These are things I've realized I need to do myself IRL, so I just thought I'd pass on my epiphanies.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:23 pm
by Karou Ariyen
maybe leaving is rash, im burned out and worn thin, i dont do anything anymore but just log in and idle, and when i am farming its elementals, point in case the only reason I stay is for others, frankly im tired of the whole game, been that way sicne MP diabolos fell apart but w/e, i still need to lvl smn and work stuff out w/ my b/f IRL which is no one else's business, besides its not like anyone reades this post :P

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:38 pm
by Tivia
Some rules of thumb.

A game is meant to be fun, the moment a game ceases to be fun its time to either take a break or quit.

Everyone has a different definition of fun. What is fun for one player is not for another, this is why there are so many games out there.

Caring what people think about you over the internet is about as useful as a spoon in a knife fight. Most if not all you will never meet and tbh are probably just as messed up as you think you are.

People attempting to act cool over the internet and better then everyone else, are usually equally socially inept in reality.

Dont forget, the internet is as anonymous as it gets, Be yourself, enjoy your time spent there..and ignore those who attempt to ruin your experience. We are who we choose to be, not who someone else chooses us to be.

The only person whos opinion matters in a game on the internet is yours.

Play your game in the manner you see fit. The moment you feel obligated to infringe on your fun to make someone elses game fun, is the moment you need to log off. If its fun to help someone else have fun great, but never should you feel obligated to anyone for anything. In short You do not owe anyone a thing. If someone feels you owe them something for something they did in game, they should not have given it in the first place.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:51 pm
by Karou Ariyen
acting cool lol i agree there tivia but honestly im a retarded goth girl IRL, who ironically doesnt act the stereotype, and im still that online... im a POS IRL and Online, :P

seriously, its sad when you log in and jsut idle O.o well that and Im trying to burn and put online a decent copy of Inuyasha The Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass

When its fnished ill have someone post the link to it.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:03 pm
by Tivia
Stop being so self depreciating.

Honestly, sounds like you need a break..not necessarly quit..but I would suggest taking a couple weeks..dont log in..just do whatever strikes your fancy at the given moment. I have done this many times, it has one of two effects. It shows you clearly that a game is finished for you, because usually after two weeks or so any desire to log in just for the habit of logging in is gone. Or it revitalizes the game helps you rerealize the fun factor and allows you to get back to enjoying without the stress of worrying what everyone else thinks.

Oooo Movie linky!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:19 pm
by Dukuji
KarouKaniyashia wrote: ... i just nod becuase i in truth was an unplanned pregnancy ...
Yeah, so are most of the people born into this world.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:58 pm
by Shentino sure are taking your sweet time leaving...perhaps you don't really wanna leave?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:09 pm
by Karou Ariyen
shen if you read tho boards i said i'd sleep on it, and Goldy's Right, as much as i would rather leave, im not going to abandon people, jsut remember im the offical scape goat :P blame everything on me *laughs*

Edit: btw that was meant to be funny besides i'm too busy enjoying smn thanks to everyone's advice to care, that and i need a coffee fix

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:14 pm
by Neoshinobi
KarouKaniyashia wrote:shen if you read tho boards i said i'd sleep on it, and Goldy's Right, as much as i would rather leave, im not going to abandon people, jsut remember im the offical scape goat :P blame everything on me *laughs*
You killed my father! :oops:

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:27 pm
by Karou Ariyen
No Shentino I am your.... Mother???? Then who the heck is your father O.o Someone get Lord Vader here.... :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:37 pm
by Neoshinobi
KarouKaniyashia wrote:No Shentino I am your.... Mother???? Then who the heck is your father O.o Someone get Lord Vader here.... :lol: :lol:
I'm glad you got my star wars reference... :lol:

Btw, whoever hasn't seen it should go see it, also I point you in this direction.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:51 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
KarouKaniyashia wrote:.... but honestly im a retarded goth girl IRL, who ironically doesnt act the stereotype...

...if people IRL seem to throw words at me, i just let 'em, Ya okay im an anti social depressed goth anst angst angst~ so if I'm "antie-social" why do i hang with my friends and do other stuff
The words that are being thrown at you seem to be those that fit the Goth sterotype. If you dress in Goth fashion, people expect you to be a Goth, if you dress like a hippie, they expect you to be a stoner. Consider those words as a complment to your sense of fashion, not as anything that realy decribes you.

You can identify Goth, and dress Goth, but what you are is more than just superfical apperances. If people canot see through the Gothmask to the person inside, are they worth your time fretting over?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:58 pm
by Karou Ariyen
So True Tsybil, now I want to clarify that, it seems that people who do see through stereotypes are pretty much my friends any fashion they got it, we're mixed lifestyles, but we dont put on a mask really, i mean heck, when was the last time you saw a goth at a baseball game sitting in black/pink with a bright white cubbies jersey on *smirks* or even at work before the uniform enforcment, i mean my point being, if people look at me with a stereotype even though it really isnt showing, thats them, I dont care one way or the other, everyone is entitled to their own opinons

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:05 pm
by Tivia
I have found most people who dress in the goth fashion and tend to get snubbed by "normal" society tend to have better personalities then the "normal" ones.

Hence most of my friends usually are a little off kilter...Of course I am pretty far from normal myself as many of you have likely noticed by my postings.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:10 pm
by Karou Ariyen
*laughs* Naw you're jsut you, besides i find that you are right, this was a sample survey I did in one of my Math classes for a project, the entire class volunteered to do this, tho some hated me for it, but my results found that the majority of people passing the class by doing homework and such turned out to be the oddball "goth and raver and punk"s like me and my b/f and or good friend Keeya. The ones failing.... *coughTOMMYcough* thats an example really, its not scientific proof, well it is... IT GOT ME AN A~ wooot~ lol seriously thats just an unfactual sampling but I think it does prove your point.

One Last Thing..... And this is the hardest to do, But It has to be done...
I thought I could level summoner, but I canot, not because I die or run out of gil, heck i dont care, but Im worn thin, burned out, I'm taking the Rest of this month off from XI sans any events that ocme up, I just cant take it, I sit there and I do nothing, Ive seen enough for one run, If anyone needs me I'll be here or on MSN, unless Myst decides to let me talk in the chatroom which i doubt.

I am not touching XI, before i just end up deleting w/o thinking first.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:39 pm
by Tailfeather
um... i dun really know how i should respond to this, just dont leave yet Ka-chan please... i know how you feel about the diabolo mp LS, but then i must be just the same, since i couldnt handle pande linkshell (and its twice now, since i tried to restart it but failed...). when its about pande, ive lost it totaly, i dont like to play on that server, the only thing that keeps me there is the friends i made, even if it seems like im fading further away from them since i dont see them online like before, they probably trashed me from the flist :roll: ... nor is anyone willing to really help me or just do variouse stuff like before, makes it pretty boring :( ... maybe i need a break aswell.

about the chat thingy, i dont have too much background info... but wouldnt it be better if everyone just were friends?
i dont really like fights or kick/ban riots... so i think im gonna stay away for a while. hounestly you wont even notice that im gone, i dun think you will care either :) :roll: ja ne~

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:39 pm
by Aony
Well personally, I say dont play anything that irritates you, or makes you as you say "worn thin, burned out". Personally I like the whole idea behind summoner, it was a very good idea. Unfortunately the game designers made summoner too difficult to play. I personally managed to get to level 10 before i gave up. And my goal was only 11. :oops: So if summoner irritates you, try something else. What I did was I leveled every single job to about level 10 to see if I liked it. Exept paladin. I didnt even unlock that, i already know I hate tanking.
So after a bit of experimenting, and changing my mind about four times (first wanted main rng, then nin, then thf) I finally found that I was in love with dragoon :D so my advice to you, try a bit of everything. Find what you like, and stick with it. And a great thing with this game, if you change your mind again, all you have to do is head back to the nearest city and switch jobs in your house :wink:

And on a separate note, through reading your posts i've seen that (as far as I can tell) you and I are very much alike. In public I'm very quiet by nature. This often attracts some attention to me by people who feel like they need to make fun of someone. They try to get you down and make you feel miserable, but only because they feel like they're useless and they want others to feel it too. They often talk to me like I'm a retard, even though I ace through most of my classes without ever picking up the textbook. Just remember, those people have no lives and whatever lives they think they have will totally suck after school. They dont go to college, some of them drop out of school. Then later in life they're all alone because nobody can stand being around them since after all this time of being jerks they have a hard time stopping.

Just like a story my mom told me. In school the prom queen could get everything she wanted, pushed everyone around, never much cared about anyone. Mom was one of the "outcasts" that didnt really fit in much anywhere. It's now 20 years after her graduation. Guess where mom finds the ol' prom queen?

She's now a cashier at the local Turkey Hill. :roll: For those who dont know, it's a line of convenience stores common around the lancaster area. They make pretty good ice cream though. :lol:

Mom is now a web disigner, and is paid fairly well for what she does. Whenever anyone who knows her even remotely needs any tech help or web work, they always turn to her. :P

The moral of the story: those people who tell you you cant do anything usually cant do anything at all themselves, and live the majority of their lives in misery. Their victems usually end up to be highly educated, highly trained, highly paid, and live a pretty comfortable life. So whatever you do, dont listen to those people. They're wrong and they have no life. Really.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:55 pm
by Karou Ariyen
I have a part time summer job working with a friend at the IL rennaisance faire, actually outside of my actual job, i mean heck, i found some good looking gothy raver gear that i need cash for :lol: besides, so what if im a retard? I GO TO PUNK CONCERTS~ :P seriously i went to the LA Concert that was done for Lagwagon's Live in a Dive CD, im a total retard for that, then there was WWE Smackdown! in chicago, and believe me when they Announced WrestleMania XII in Chicago, I went crazy, more buff guys wrestling each other :D

besides im working on PSO BB and I got a few mod plans to my b/f's sister's jeep, *coughBITE ME ALLIEcough* as well as a few cons *shrugs* its going to feel weird to not log in but oh well

besides Im working at getting a modeling job at Hot Topic, INC and if need be, there's an independant head shop/goth joint near me, their looking for weekend help so I may take it, besides if you ask me, i dont dress wierd they all do xD seriously tho im looking forward to it

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:15 am
by Prrsha
Tivia wrote:Some rules of thumb.

A game is meant to be fun, the moment a game ceases to be fun its time to either take a break or quit.

Everyone has a different definition of fun. What is fun for one player is not for another, this is why there are so many games out there.

Caring what people think about you over the internet is about as useful as a spoon in a knife fight. Most if not all you will never meet and tbh are probably just as messed up as you think you are.

People attempting to act cool over the internet and better then everyone else, are usually equally socially inept in reality.

Dont forget, the internet is as anonymous as it gets, Be yourself, enjoy your time spent there..and ignore those who attempt to ruin your experience. We are who we choose to be, not who someone else chooses us to be.

The only person whos opinion matters in a game on the internet is yours.

Play your game in the manner you see fit. The moment you feel obligated to infringe on your fun to make someone elses game fun, is the moment you need to log off. If its fun to help someone else have fun great, but never should you feel obligated to anyone for anything. In short You do not owe anyone a thing. If someone feels you owe them something for something they did in game, they should not have given it in the first place.
Hear hear! I agree with what you said with sole exception that I think that a person's "fun" shouldn't infringe upon another person's gameplay to an extent. Circumventing gameplay rules by using exploits to have fun and the expense of other players shouldn't be done IMHO. Example: MPKing for "fun".

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:23 am
by Mystiana
Odd, all I said is that it's easier to gani 5 levels on a 55 warrior and fight the avatars that way then try the solo battles. But hey, if giving advice is 'bashing', then I'll keep my experiences to myself.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:37 am
by Karou Ariyen
its not your experiences myst, thats not the thing, you told me you had a problem and that becuase of that i wouldnt be able to hack those problems, you're wrong myst, every smn has problems you see im going to get them via warrior, but im still gonna solo them. site ban me. now myst.