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Have you earned the right to go to the Tavnazian Safehold?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:57 am
by Dukuji
I want to know what percent of the people out there can go to the Tavnazian Safehold. To do so you must have completed the first chapter of CoP. Even though this poll will not be a valid sample of the FFXI population, I hope that it will give me some insight.

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 3:24 am
by Azureskye
I haven't yet. I'm 1/1 on Promyvion-Dem, 0/1 on Holla and I have yet to attempt Mea.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:04 am
by Eviticus
I haven't completed everything I need to do to enter the Promy areas. Mostly cause I want to level up a wanted job to 30. I think White mage is what I'll go for.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:16 am
by Nobodyreal
Currently 1/3 on Holla, 0/1 on Mea, and 0/0 for Dem.

It's like pulling teeth to get a Promyvion party together on Quetz if you're not doing Holla.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:56 am
by Karou Ariyen
look at my siggy, i only have DEM done

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:12 am
by Kahvi
i havent gotten any of them done yet. I know people that keep organizing runs, but i always miss the time for 'em because they do runs while im asleep for work the next day.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:40 pm
by Ziada
I cleared the Promyvions back when Sigyn was still organizing weekend runs for MithraPride on Migard. Currently in chapter 5 thanks to the ongoing efforts of my HNMLS.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:08 pm
by Darkmattre
1/11 on promy Holla, but it's that one that counts. :D

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:32 pm
by Ephi
i've been trying to get into a promy run but no1 ever wants to... i was once lookin for a team...
i had all but 1 when every1 got tired and left me b4 it even started cuz they got tired of waiting...
the best i found was a pt going to promy simply to get Anima...
/sigh :(

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:05 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
RDM is just NOT a demand job for Promivyon runs. Went once to Hola as RDM/WHM, was not at my best that day, died horribly. I now have WHM at 29 so we shall see.

My Mithra SAM/RNG character was turned down by her LS for one in favoer of a RNG/NIN. I swear NO ONE understands what a SAM is for, not even most SAMs. The SAM abibity to self SC seems just MADE for boss fights.

My Elvaan PLD is 28, she could go but has yet to be invited. Do they use PLD tanks for those things? somehow I don't think so.

My Hume THF is only 20, poor thing hardly ever gets playtime. /sigh

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:45 pm
by Cyndari
Hopefully I'll be doing Promyvion-Mea tonight to at least get it started. :)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:45 pm
by Cyndari
Hopefully I'll be doing Promyvion-Mea tonight to at least get it started. :)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:28 pm
by Crispleaf
Tsybil wrote:RDM is just NOT a demand job for Promivyon runs. Went once to Hola as RDM/WHM, was not at my best that day, died horribly. I now have WHM at 29 so we shall see.

My Mithra SAM/RNG character was turned down by her LS for one in favoer of a RNG/NIN. I swear NO ONE understands what a SAM is for, not even most SAMs. The SAM abibity to self SC seems just MADE for boss fights.

My Elvaan PLD is 28, she could go but has yet to be invited. Do they use PLD tanks for those things? somehow I don't think so.

My Hume THF is only 20, poor thing hardly ever gets playtime. /sigh
In my experience, the most coveted jobs for Promyvion runs are:

Prefered tank: war/nin (Mighty Strikes is much more useful then Mijin Gakure in this case)
Second best tank: nin/war

Prefered healer: whm/blm (Benediction can really save the day here)
Second best healer: smn/whm

Prefered damage dealer: rng/nin (Eagle Eye Shot, and also great at finding memory receptacles)
Second best damage dealer: smn/whm (with Astral Flow)
After that it would be: blm/whm (for emergency healing and Manafont)

So, the warriors, ninja, white mages, summoners, rangers, and possibly black mages are all going to get the first bite at the apple. You can't help that.

It's not to say other jobs can't be as effective at it. If you go as a red mage, use a white mage sub job. If you go as a samurai, point out that samurai do have decent ranged skills, and bring along a black mage who's eager to magic burst on a skillchain.

Often, the best way to get a Promyvion party with an unpopular job is to start a party yourself.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:48 am
by Gwynn
DEM: 1/1
Holla: 1/1 Record Time 4m 02s
Mea: 1/14

The only reason i wanted to go through all that hell was for the Glamour Jupon. I spent ONE night in phominua aqueducts, got it done, and I am NEVER, EVER, Going back unless i'm with a damn good group.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:51 pm
by Ephi
i did Promyvion - Dem with a unique pt (i think)
*DRG/THF <-- me

ok it may not be THAT unique but it still worked :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:13 pm
by Dukuji
Gwynn wrote:I spent ONE night in phominua aqueducts, got it done, and I am NEVER, EVER, Going back unless I’m with a damn good group.
Amen kitty, amen ... I want the Ninja RSE 50 (a friend wants the Glamour Jupon too) and to do it you basically have to have a full alliance. Getting people to go down into those Aqueducts again is hell. I still have nightmares about tanking those Taurus. (Double striking, true sight, never missing, each-hit-does-about-200, can remove more then one shadow, a ninja's worse nightmare .... shudder) I said that it would take a thousand wild horses to drag me back into there. (That or one very fine Ninja Gi.)

Spent 4 hours asking people, doing shouts, begging LS members and friends and after 4 hours I was only able to find 6 people (we needed at least 15 to fight the PT's the RDM fomors are in).

{/Sigh} ... someday I'll get my JSE Gi. My difficulties in getting a PT going for this event is where the idea for this topic came. I honestly thought the % of people who have completed the first chapter would be lower but like I said from the start, this poll can not possibly be an accurate representation of the all the players.

Re: Have you earned the right to go to the Tavnazian Safehold?

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:21 am
by xaresity

Re: Have you earned the right to go to the Tavnazian Safehold?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:23 pm
by xaresity