Gill seller problem.Possible solution.Take back your server

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Gill seller problem.Possible solution.Take back your server

Post by Mexel »

I really hate the fact that gillsellers are the blame of the prices. They are a part of the problem. The problem is us, the consumer. I always here that man prices have gone up why why why?
Because we paid the prices at the auction house. Its that simple. We paid the prices. Raise your hand if you bought something at the Auction house when the prices went up 1k 2k or 5k because you neeeded the item. /raises hand.

I try to not buy stuff at the AH that much. I try to get a crafter to sell it from my LS or craft it myself. Materials are still overpriced and so are crystals. OK not overpriced but up in price. I did just purchase a piece of my dragon set for THF but it was 100k or so which is acceptable for level 70+ armor. I would not expect it to be 100 gill.

As long as we pay the prices we will keep helping to inflate them. If we all decided to not purchase anything for 2 weeks then prices would start to come down or spread the word in game to bring the prices down and set a cap of 200k for anything. How many of us in the game come to these boards? Very few. Plus 1/2 of the community can't read what I have to say.

If we decided to stop paying these prices then the gillsellers would not be able to use the auction house as a place for finacial gain. The gill buyers would reap the benefits for a short time but would later on not have a place to buy gill. Why? Last time I looked on IGE the selling price for 2mill was $127. Now if you can make 4 million a day in game you can live quite well. This is quite easy for some gillfarmers that have reached a higher level in EXP or crafting. If they get a great drop and sell it for 20 million then that's 5 days of work for them. Where did the 20 million come appear? A gill seller? A fanatic gamer? A good crafter? All three can apply. Now if that item was 200K max then the sellers would not make what they need to make a living. Really in all actuallity 200K is alot of gill if you just kill mobs and sell all items to NPCs.

Would IGE adjust the prices they pay to seller if they are making less gill? Maybe but not right away. Would the gillsellers remain here? NO. Why? Because they are not making any real money anymore. If its not cost productive then they will leave. Its a matter of numbers. If they are being productive they will stay if they are not then they will leave. It is that simple. Applying the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method to anything helps.

Can this be done? Yes. Will it be done? No. People are short sighted and are only going to look out for themselves. Besides if you will pay 200K then why not 300K or 400K or 1 mill or 20 mill. I mean if I make more gill I can sell it to IGE and make $100 bucks and not have to work that shift this weekend to pay the phone bill. This is the main reason it will never work because some people use it for extra cash. Keep in mind if a teenager can set up a paypal account and make drinking money for the weekend you can bet your ass they are doing it. Now if a person is using there acount this way to make extra money then they should be banned. SE is not doing there job in policing these people. This is a fact. If SE did thier job and banned anyone that uses their account for RMT (real money trading)it would help alot also. SE doesn't do this enough. Not all people that play the game are over 25 and understand how hard it is to balance time between family, work, and hobbies. Some only have hobbies to worry about. So what should we do? Will bending over and taking it in the ass while pouring sand over it has been working for us so far so why quit.

Proposed steps.

1. Don't buy from the AH for 2 weeks. (Starting June 1st 2005)
2. Set a cap for goods at 200K and work down from there.
3. Use the NPCs as a guide for prices. Sell a stack of crystals for 180 gill to NPC Put them on sell at AH for 360 gill. Using standard game logic that NPC will only buy stuff for 1/2 its value.
4. Translate this and post it on some Japanese forums.
5. Post this on any other forum that you visit.a
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Post by Ephi »

maybe we could try to put this info summarized in the Vana'diel Tribune? taht could work perfectly with my idea in the other thread i started... maybe...
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Post by Azureskye »

I like it. I'm willing to participate. Hopefully we can make some sort of a difference.

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Post by Ephi »

we just need to shorten that to a post thats only so big
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Re: Gill seller problem.Possible solution.Take back your server

Post by xaresity »

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Re: Gill seller problem.Possible solution.Take back your server

Post by xaresity »

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