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SSS is No More

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 7:41 am
by Kopopo
Copied from the SS forums.
The title says it all, but I have more to say.

After being severely burned out and undecided for two weeks, and suffering through a period of the flu and some serious work after a major news event which you have all heard about and can understand the pressure I was under, I came back tonight...

...only to find that everything has been a total unmitigated disaster.

Before anyone starts saying "It wasn't me", listen very closely: I am not blaming anyone in particular.

I am blaming everyone.

And that includes me.

The problem with Superstars this time was that I didn't listen to my gut feeling. The first day of retail, it already had become the biggest LS on the server and it didn't stop. It did so because most people from beta landed on this server because of me. That was fine and since I busted my butt getting everyone here, I can only blame myself - but I'm still glad I did it.

The bad news was that since everyone was there and almost nobody had any seed money, everyone wanted a Superstars pearl. It was fun at first. But then everyone wanted to add their friends and I just didn't feel like saying no because everyone was so happy to be back - me included. In retrospect, I should have been a little more stern about that.

But what's done is done. Superstars boomed, and then faded as many finally got into their original respective linkshells, leaving a lot of clueless people behind who stayed, which was nice because some of them are great. Some stayed, some left, most wanted their friends in as well.

Then a lot of the old timers grew a little upset over the fact that it was so different, which I can understand, but they took action which I could not and simply left for other linkshells. I don't blame them for this because that's only natural.

Now, most of the original people are gone and visit infrequently at best. We have a group of people with no basis for fellowship like we did in beta, because the recruiting was so random, of which I am completely to blame. I see that, believe me.

But I do remember telling people to cool it, and to make the LS the best in the game by being the best example of friendship and helpful attitudes both in private and public. And it didn't happen. Nobody listened. Nobody did it. Nobody cared. Maybe some of you did some things which were token, but believe me, a hell of a lot of crap came back my way from other linkshells - a lot of whom I was very close with at one time. Not only that, I've started getting a bad reputation in the game because of the actions of some others, and because of the fighting and bickering.

So what to do? I come back and it's a disaster. Do I kick most people out? A lot of people might be fighting with each other for legitimate reasons, but they're still fighting and how can I punish some and not others?

No I've decided not to "punish" anyone. I'm going to drop the LS soon. I'm giving everyone some time to adjust and move on to other shells. Fizzle has quit the game and I don't see any reason why he should have to host these boards any longer either, so I will probably try to archive them someplace and then ask this place to be closed down as well. I am not going to be joining any other linkshells, at least for now. I am going to change and be quiet and I am neither going to lead nor follow until I decide what is best for me.

I'm very sorry, upset, and incredibly sad that it has to end this way. But I see that it ended a while ago, only I was so burned out that I didn't do anything about it. Now I'm suffering even more because of that. But yes, it is over. I'm not changing my mind.

Superstars was a great group in beta, and sometimes in retail. But because it was the central point of so many different groups of people, it was never bound to last in retail. There was too much randomness about it after we restarted it. We had nothing in common. I don't even think I've met half the people who are regularly on it by now.

I'm sorry it has to be this way, but it is for the best. Time for you, and the rest, to start fresh.

I won't destroy the pearl right away but be ready for it soon so make all the arrangements you can. I'll still see you in game, if I'm playing - because I'm still not sure I'm up to it anymore. But that's another story. For now, I'm fed up. I'm fed up of getting a bad name when I told everyone to cool it, and I'm fed up of being smeared online and in game for the behavior of others, and I'm fed up of seeing a chat room for insults, bashing, and total disrespect between members. You can blame me for a ton of things, but I never - ever - went on the LS to just bash members like some have done.

Well, it's over. I had lots of fun, and some painful memories as well. I may be upset with some but I still love you anyway. But this is the way it is.

I hope you all understand and forgive me.


Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:50 pm
by maryadavies
Poor Berry!

It makes me sad that this happened and that she had to do this. I would respectfully request that any kitties who are playing pounce her and give her a big fat hug, will you? This has GOT to be a tough time for her. I'd hate to think that her baby would have to die like that. Or any LS, for that matter.

Also, I did see some of the insults. Bleh, that must of made it harder. I even saw the results of some idiots that really upset her (it was a incident with a GM and some harassment). So she really needs some hugs right now.

Anyway, I got a Image for her.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 8:25 pm
by sandra
Aww thats sad to see a great LS go. I didn't know much of the people personally but i've seen some and chatted with them at times.

Kinda hope this ls is still together when i come back. I'll miss some of them or hopefully see them on still.

Good Luck to the members!

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:21 pm
by Shekhina
can we like make Berry an honorary MP member? I know it would be going against the non-Mithra rule, but she has helped us so much and its so sad.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:37 pm
by Fayin
I'm sorry to see what's happened to SSS. It does make me think though. How can we prevent this from happening to MP? I know that we are to some degree, recruiting again. I'm worried about us walking the same path as SSS.

Now I haven't seen any insults thrown around between members or any of the other drama I hear about, but the simple fact is that the more people you group together, the more likely there will be contention. So it could happen.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:52 am
by Kopopo
Want tips? Look no further than me. I was trhe Second in Command of SSS and I understand the events that lead up to Berry's decision.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 9:32 am
by Fayin
If it's something you don't mind sharing openly, then lay it on us, Ko. If you'd rather keep it "in the family" then send Creve a PM please so at least our fearless leader has some more wisdom to work with.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:26 pm
by Kopopo
Ask me questions, give me scenarios. Anything to prevent this from happening to you kitties.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:18 am
by Fayin
I don't really know the specifics of what happened w/in SSS so I couldn't give any. :?

Perhaps you could tell us what the biggest problems were and your recommendations on how to prevent them from occuring and how to deal with them if they do happen.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 3:30 pm
by Miaka_Amano
Actualy have pretty good idea of what happend to SS myself. I cant say that I blame Berry herself, the system is very hard to control ingame so we need to make ourselfve some rules to guide us.

I going to say this alot of LS in the NA retail are lacking in this department. Of course alot of new to MMORPGs and still have problems grasping the ethics of this type of game.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:53 pm
by Kopopo
Problem #1) Over-recruitment. I think we had 10 or so sackholders, and some would just drop pearls on aynone they saw. At first it was our goal just to get all of the beta people back together and then maybe invite a few new people to join. That goal was met, but then we still had problems with more new people joining before we had even brought all the beta people back together. The result was that we had an entirely new LS and many of the new people were so lost in what the beta people would talk about, or would simply idle in the shell that the sense of family was partially lost.

Problem #2) Lack of Quorum in Disagreements and Decisions. If there was a fight, the LS heads (sackholders) rarely stepped in to stop and resolve any issues we had. This meant that bitter rivalries were created and the mood of the LS was often very tense, rather than comfortable.

Problem #3) Intra-Linkshell Fighting. Some of it was unavoidable, and some of it was due to a few bad apples. In the most notable cases it was because someone would make fun of a member for a partticular way they did someting. Be it a macro, way of speaking, or staying in character. A few found this to be annoying and thus showered the meber with hazing and insults. I'm sure many can recall the incident between Berrykins and a certain member of SAGoons. That has been resolved, but there is still a possibility for more problems. I'm currently working directly with that LS to prevent future problems with anyone in the game.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:24 am
by Paws
The idea of linkshells is one of the reasons I got into the game.

It's sad to see when things go back in them; I've really enjoyed being in the MithraPride one, and I hope problems don't spring up :)

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:22 pm
by Meeyutu
Well we have been going for a while with very little incident, and I know that if people got out of hand in the LS a sackholder would step in to help resolve it, plus our recuitement is very selective to save room for the Beta players. I think it should remain selective even after the ps beta players get back on.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:23 pm
by Kopopo
That's one thing we had major problems with. We had more new members than we did bet people, evn those who were gonna go PC from the get go.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 3:32 am
by Shekhina
if it ever gets to the point where a Beta can't get into the LS, I'll give up my spot to them. I don't mind doing it if it will keep the LS going strong.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:07 am
by Sophia
Ber says she's tossing it tomorrow (Christmas)... *sigh* I understand her situation, and respect her decision, but deep down in my heart... I hope she reconsiders. ^^;

I felt kind of bad joining, since I wasn't an SS member in the beta... But on the other hand, I was in the beta, and I am friends with a lot of people in SS, so I kind of felt welcome~