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Titan MP - reformed.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:09 pm
by Vihdu
Just gonna quote my post I made in the Titan server chat: -
New shell has been made by Catsby. I haven't got a pearl yet but when I do we will do our best to get everyone back into it. I have a terrible memory and can't remember everyone in there, but I'm hoping people that we get back will remember others. I have teleport spells, so I can do that. However, what would be easier is anyone here reading this; sort out a meeting place, and inform everyone that you know that where and when that it.

I suggest one of the crags just so its easy for every one to get there, and then Catsby and I will show up and give you all pearls.

I can't remember what she called it now, but I'm sure it'll be a lot better than the previous on. :)
I really hope this solves the problems that we've been having, especially this new one that Xavier has brought to light. >_<

The truth.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:36 pm
by Invisible
The original MP lives. And will continue to do so. When you put the pieces together you'll find that all these problems were set up. Here's the pieces, put them together yourself and you'll see.

1. The instigation

- Vidhu "Since Amiable obviously deleted my first post, I'll post it again. :) There's no point in denying it Amiable, I left because you're quite possibly the worst leader I have ever seen on any LS - and I've seen some bad ones.

Can't remember what I put in the first instance now but it was something along the lines of... Good luck to you all in whatever you do, and I hope to see you around in the game sometime. :)"

- Vidhu "recently left the Titan MP, too. But not because I didn't like the LS - in fact, I liked it very much and found them to be VERY helpful and very nice people. But Amiable isn't a sutible leader, you're totally right. She's rarely on, and when she is she's foul-mouthed, rude, obnoxious and attention-seeking. She never stops talking, and its all complete rubbish, and if no one replies to her about something in 2 seconds, she has a tantrum about it.

One thing that really annoyed me about her was Catsby recently organised a Leaping Lizzy camp, of which we did very well and almost everyone joined in - escept Amiable. Several of us had been there for 8 hours and Amiable came along, was there for 15 minutes then said she was going to do something "more interesting". For me, I find that very poor leadership, and it's just not on.

Then she offended pretty much everyone in the LS by apparently getting drunk and then talking about all sorts of disgusting crap, which I won't go into, because it really was disgusting.

Also, the reason you have sorts of problems with non-mithra members getting in is because Amiable hands out pearls like they were sweets. We had a "recruiting weekend" and everyone got a pearl, including all the new members and she never explained that close friend weren't allowed in, so no doubt there's quite a few in there now. But I wouldn't know, I left.

I understand nothing can be done about her, but if there was it would be a really good idea to take her shell away and let someone more sensible create one. Perhaps someone that isn't quite obviously a 13 year old sexually frustrated little boy."

Vidhu- "I would love to have a ne MP LS. I enjoyed my time there, and would like to be part of it again. However, I have tried to contact Amiable and tell her my views on everything and she doesn't reply... I seriously think she doesn't give a damn.

Creating a new shell will be a long and arduous task trying to get everyone back over, especially the ones that have been in there forever and are loyal to Amiable. I think that whoever makes a new one should be someone who had respect in the LS, and someone who is on fairly often - unlike Ami, who is on about 3 times a week. One person I would suggest would be Catsby, but I have absolutely no idea whether she would want to be leader of it - I'll have to talk to her.

It would be great to see all of this resolved and have MP back. I am currently without an LS, and it's kinda boring without all my favourite kitties. >_<"

---That's awfully big motive. What a weakling.

2. The Set Up

Xavier- "I am sure all of you are aware of the stunt I have pulled on mithra pride not too long ago.
Well I have some bad news, quite a few jack asses recently got ahold of pearls and are gonna be trying to get pearl sacks so they can get a bunch of their friends in mithra pride, most of them arent even mithra. I suggest that the mithra pride leader on titan retracts ALL pearl sacks for the time being, and carefully observes the behavior of the members.
If you thought what I did was bad, what they are trying to do is MUCH worse than anything you could ever dream of me doing, I am not trying to scare anyone here. I am just trying to prevent the destruction of my friend's favorite Linkshell.

And one last thing, there is a traitor in your LS on titan. There is no other way that 20+ non mithra's could get pearls. I Know how tight the security is, and there is just no way this could be an accident.

I hope you have some luck finding the culprit soon before this turns into a diaster. I will try to find out some more info on them."

---It's amazing everyone belives him. You're all being played.

Prrsha- "That server needs new sackholders/leaders/whatever... it really, really does...

But aside from that, what should be done there IMHO is to crush the current shell and recreate it with TRUSTED sack holders only. I know it sucks to so and that and it takes time and effort to move over to the new LS but trust me, you'll be thankful you did it in the long run.

I'd also like to hear from Amiable on all of this. The last post she made regarding all of this recent turmoil was over a month ago."

--- Acting like a leader doesn't make you one.

Josiejo- "I fear we're probably not going to hear much from Amiable. She doesn't seem to care too much about things going on, or at least enough to post here and let everyone know what's being done to stop it. Hence, my deduction is that she's probably the one contributing to the problems the Titan MP linkshell is having. Therefore, I doubt she'd willingly drop the linkshell.

So, as I've suggested a few times before, I think the best thing to do is have everyone on Titan MP who cares about what MithraPride is all about choose a new leader, and have that person create a new MP linkshell on Titan. Then they can decide who is worthy enough to hold pearlsacks, assign those, and denounce the other MP on Titan on the website so people who may join hers in the future will know it's not our official Titan branch.

Sorry Amiable, but you've really not made any other impression on me, and I'm sure there are others who would agree."

---You aren't even on the server. So why the hell should you have an opinion to begin with? Since we are all pointing fingers.

Xavier- "I doubt the leader of the LS knows about this, because the people who are doing this are being EXTREMELY secretive about this. THe only reason I know about it is by chance when I was stumbling around rolanberry fields. I got a few names of people to instantly boot because they are elves/galka,

Oswanderx is a elf warrior, I beleive he is the gang leader I think he might be on to me, because ever since he noticed me following him he hasnt been on.

ChillenVipy is a galka whm, he seems to be very close to Oswanderx, he is always talking to him. He is always talking about getting a "MPride PS"

I caught both of these people putting a pearl on for alittle bit and then taking it off."

--- More bait for those on the hook.

Kopopo- "I've made attemps to contact Amiable, but she doesn't seem to be entheused about talking. My recommendation is that all the kitties who care should actually abandon the shell and recreate it."

--- 1. a taru. 2. helping vidhu's game

3. The fooled.

Nivez- "xavier, thank you for making us aware of this, its risky on your part and nice of you to let us know. as far as the thing on titan goes, i suggest this. first thing, i havent heard a word from amiable in... forever, like last word from her was the announcement that the shell was formed. i would seriously recommend to anyone who actually cares about titan, that they contact her and get her this info, now IF she doesnt care at all about whats going on. it is blatently clear that she does not diserve to be the ls leader, i would suggest you form a new pearl, which will be sanctioned by MP.. (oh dear lord , this is going to get confusing >.>) whatever shell amiable has needs to be crushed or abandoned, whichever is available. besides that though, thats all i really can do. i suggest that all those who care about the future of titan MP, who are on titan, start doing something, because your shell seems to be in the process of imploding."

--- Keep eating it up. He might laugh harder.

4. The smackdown.

Vidhu- "New shell has been made by Catsby. I haven't got a pearl yet but when I do we will do our best to get everyone back into it. I have a terrible memory and can't remember everyone in there, but I'm hoping people that we get back will remember others. I have teleport spells, so I can do that. However, what would be easier is anyone here reading this; sort out a meeting place, and inform everyone that you know that where and when that it.

I suggest one of the crags just so its easy for every one to get there, and then Catsby and I will show up and give you all pearls.

I can't remember what she called it now, but I'm sure it'll be a lot better than the previous on. :)"

---Move that was made to get what vidhu wanted. To fast. To rash. And no chance for Amiable to say anything.

I hope you're proud. Cause you just tried to take somthing from someone who never really did anything seriously wrong. You're just a bunch of babies. Besides, you can never take away or take the place of all the fun we had under that pink pearl. Not as long as we know the truth.

Re: The truth.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:24 pm
by Josiejo
Invisible wrote:...When you put the pieces together you'll find that all these problems were set up. Here's the pieces, put them together yourself and you'll see...
If only you lived up to your name. :roll:

If anyone set themselves up, it was Amiable. No defense, avoiding others to discuss the reasons pearlsacks were distributed carelessly, and no hint that "she" even cared at all. For what it's worth, this looks like the best thing to come out of all the melodrama. Stick with Amiable if you like... it seems a lot of people disagree with you.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:36 pm
by Kopopo
I sure as hell disagree. As long as that chapter is recognized by the site it does nothing but disgrace everyone here. If Amiable IS innocent and every story we've heard IS indeed false then why the hell doesn't she defend herself?! No, she sends people like you to come and sling mud at us when we're providing clear evidence that only you care to dispute.

So what if I'm a Taru. I've been a friend of the Pride since sometime in 2003. I consider them to be my friends, even if they don't feel the same about me. Despite that I do all I can to uphold the Linkshells and contribute my own personal experiences in order to help others when I can. I'm not here to be an overbearing busybody. I'm here to help you out. If you don't like that then fine, I really don't care. But next time you ought to be ready.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:34 pm
by Raika Akaizer
I don't know what invis's deal is there.... too long... I didn't read it. All I know is that Amiable has trouble accessing the web site so she rarely visits. That would explain why she hasn't done much with the site and doesn't defened herself.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:43 pm
by Xaviar
Invisible, If you think I am BSing everyone, you are seriously mistaken. Why would I want to "play" everyone?

So you would rather me HELP the people get pearl sacks?

Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not into ruining or tricking people of a LS that a few of my friends like. You have no idea how much that would piss them off.

If you dont believe me, how do you explain the abnormaly high non-mithra spottings in the LS? Oh yes I know that several people in the LS still think I have a pearl sack, I constantly get badgered about it.
Everyone on who knows anything about me on titan, knows how I act, if I did still have a pearlsack I would create several pearls and piss everyone off non-stop.

Well, it seems no matter what one does these days, they cant get trust from anyone.

Edit: If you want to stir up everyone agaisnt me because I learned about what was going on in the shadows, Bring it up to my face in the game or real life. Stop trying to use others to do your dirty work you coward.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:18 pm
by Josiejo
Tirial wrote:I don't know what invis's deal is there.... too long... I didn't read it. All I know is that Amiable has trouble accessing the web site so she rarely visits. That would explain why she hasn't done much with the site and doesn't defened herself.
Anyone who has Windows has Internet Explorer. It's upgradable. For free. This site works with IE. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:59 pm
by Xaviar
Not only that but she could also get another browser to use since IE isnt exactly the best(EXA: firefox, opera, Ace explorer, Deepnet explorer) they are all free too!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:52 am
by Raika Akaizer
Once again Xavier, Shut up, you aren't getting in.
That's from Amiable.
Also, what I ment earlier is that she does not have a computer. She only gets on at school (Is now blocked) and at her friends house (who is now irritated). So I'm posting for her.

Xavier, this is the last time I'm going to tell you to stop. We took measures to keep non mithras out. Those measure were made by me and Amiable gave the ok. I AM ENFORCING IT. And I have Moms back. Xavier you are never getting in. And we won't stand for all the BS you have been putting out that started all this.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:17 am
by Josiejo
Bleh... come on kits... we done yet? No reason to keep beating a dead Yagudo. The thing is, a leader shouldn't have to speak through others. Most of the time, they can speak for themselves. It appears that, even when confronted online, Amiable does little to convince others who do actually post here that she's doing what she can to keep Titan MP clean and fun. The reason this assumption is made is because there have been nothing but reflections of that behavior on the forum. I'm not claiming to be familiar with how relations are in your LS, but I am capable of deducing them fairly accurately given everything we've seen about the goings-on recently. There's certainly nothing wrong with attempting to keep all MPs communicating and enjoying a much larger experience through the forums than they would have in-game. There's also nothing wrong with members who agree with the previous statement reforming their LS so their leader can communicate via forums, if such a matter were to somehow ever happen again.

Simply put, it was a bad idea for Amiable to create the officially recognized Titan MP if she couldn't communicate through the forums herself. Any reasonable, responsible person presented with the chance at leadership would realize this before problems start, and would allow someone more capable to be in charge. Catsby is taking charge to clear up the mess, and I don't see why there needs to be any more drama about it. No one would have to leave the familiar group of people they've come to know through Titan MP, only a minor inconvenience of changing pearls. Still, not a big deal, so why is there still commotion about it? Grow up a little, deal with it, realize how little it really matters in the bigger picture (which is keeping us all together) and then go back to being whatever age you are mentally. :thumb:

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:50 am
by Golddess
Things are not always as they seem, especially when you cannot possibly view the whole picture.


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:50 am
by Ambrey
heh its no wonder I quit coming here. this is the first time ive dropped in here for a couple of weeks and whats at the head of the forums, drama. Titan is a lost cause, that entire group seems to get satisfaction by bringing drama into their lives and making other players enjoyment of the game dwindle. I feel sorry for the members of that LS who acutally have nothing but good intentions and care bout the LS, you the ones who would ruin it for them should be ashamed of yourselves, you all know who you are.

btw, lookin good Josiejo! lol ^^

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:23 am
by Prrsha
Tirial wrote:Once again Xavier, Shut up, you aren't getting in.
That's from Amiable.
Also, what I ment earlier is that she does not have a computer. She only gets on at school (Is now blocked) and at her friends house (who is now irritated). So I'm posting for her.

Xavier, this is the last time I'm going to tell you to stop. We took measures to keep non mithras out. Those measure were made by me and Amiable gave the ok. I AM ENFORCING IT. And I have Moms back. Xavier you are never getting in. And we won't stand for all the BS you have been putting out that started all this.
Booting members is not really enough. Since there are stealth members handing out pearls to non-mithra members, you need to reform the LS to solve this.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:08 pm
by Jamie2833
hi there, my name is Jamie and i've been a member of Titan MP since around last september or so, about 6 months or so.

i didn't really want to make this my first real post about something, i wanted to progress into the community more.
but i have a few things i would like to talk about with someone who is more or less in charge of this whole thing, i am guessing firemyst/goldess?

i'm not entirely sure who it is, but whoever it is i would like to say a few things in private to, so if one of you could contact me (i have yahoo as well, it would be greatly appreciated.

just when you have the time thanks

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:30 pm
by Xaviar
Tirial wrote:Once again Xavier, Shut up, you aren't getting in.
That's from Amiable.
Also, what I ment earlier is that she does not have a computer. She only gets on at school (Is now blocked) and at her friends house (who is now irritated). So I'm posting for her.

Xavier, this is the last time I'm going to tell you to stop. We took measures to keep non mithras out. Those measure were made by me and Amiable gave the ok. I AM ENFORCING IT. And I have Moms back. Xavier you are never getting in. And we won't stand for all the BS you have been putting out that started all this.
Oh funny how you say I am "not getting in" I have already been in and left peacefuly, and what makes you think I am trying to get in(Again)???

Edit1: Since all Amiable can apparently do is play the blame game, send her lackys to do her dirty work, and accuse everyone who isnt with her of being with some conspiracy, I from now on, refuse to help either of the 3 sides in this mess. For once I am gonna stay on the outside and let all sides kill/flame/frame/blame/ect/ect each other.

Amiable, If you ever ready this, for once meet me face to face do you own dirty work you fucking coward.

PS: Get off your high horse for once.

Edit2: Until this disaster is resolved I am outta here, I dont need anymore trouble than I already have in my life. Count me out of any further disputes on this topic.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:05 pm
by Raika Akaizer
Gee uh, nice cop out even though Golddess already caught you.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:49 pm
by Golddess
Silly Xaviar.. :lol:

Time to close this rediculous thread.