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Marchelute, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love GMs.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:56 pm
by mozyr
I just remembered this story from when I was posting something about White Mage AF-1 a little earlier.

Many many moons ago when I was but a level 16 Dark Knight, I was leveling in the Dunes in a party full of noobs (for the most part). We'd been fighting pugils down on Whitebone Sands, but decided that it was overcrowded, and began to head up to the Secret Beach.

We arrive at the secret beach just as a number of higher level characters arrived as well. There was a 50+ paladin, a 50+ white mage, and a few other level 40 or so characters all from the same LS.

"You'd better move off the beach!" announced the higher level Paladin. "We're about to summon a big, bad nasty monster so my friend here can get her White Mage AF-1."

They shouted this to the entire region a few times, just for notification purposes. party goes back through the cave to the hilly part of the Dunes outside the secret beach. You know, where the goblins are. We're all huddled up against a wall, healing after a fight -- and then we see the higher level Paladin running out of the cave...the higher level White Mage running out of the cave...two other level 40 or so stragglers running out of the cave...followed by this HUGE EFFING ELVAAN THING, for lack of a better term.

I click on it and notice that this thing has no linkshell item equipped. I'd originally thought it was a character who was a part of their party. ...that is, until I noticed the off-white color of its name. In other words, it was NOT a player-character. It was a Notorious Monster. Up until then, I'd never seen Marchelute, and it was an experience I'd never soon forget.

Now. As my Red Mage, I used to hunt the Doppelganger brothers in my spare time, because I think Shadows are teh h0tt. I've always loved dark elves since my D&D days. I knew this NM was Bad Bad News (TM) for us lower level noobs. Well. The leader of our party (a noob with no subjob) looks at Marchelute and goes to get a closer look.

"Wow! That guy has a really awesome character concept! How come I never saw that one being offered when I set up my character?" asked Noob Leader.

"He has really cool armor." responded Noob Tank.

"We should totally invite him to our party!" said Noob Leader. "I wonder why he doesn't have his party flag up and why he doesn't have a linkshell. Hmm."

"That would be because that's a Notorious Monster named Marchelute." I informed him.

Noob Leader walked ever closer to get a closer look at Marchelute, surveying the crowd of higher level characters running away.

"No! NONONONO!" I exclaimed, running up behind Noob Leader. "That is a Shadow. A dark elf. A very higher level NM that will chew us ALL up and spit us out, and still be hungry. Look, but don't touch." I neglected to put that in /party talk, and it came out as a /say instead.

No sooner had the phrase left my keyboard than Marchelute turned his attention towards my poor party. He got within about -- oh, I'd say definite aggro'ing distance -- maybe about ten game feet away from us (if I'd run two steps, I would have run into him -- let me put it to you that way). He LOOKED at each of us. You know how a character's head moves when it looks at someone? It did that. To everyone. In my party. I wasn't sure whether to run away screaming or just stand there transfixed in my lizard armor, staring certain death in the face.

He must have decided that we weren't worth his time, because he continued to leisurely WALK (I emphasize walk, because I have NEVER seen ANY mob just casually walk up to anyone) down to where the higher level people were. They were all at half health, give or take. Obviously, they had pissed Marchelute off very much.

So our party decided to be on the adventurous side. We followed a safe distance behind Marchelute and the higher level party attempting to fight him. He'd fire off an arrow every so often, killing a noob here and there. They ran with him all the way to Selbina and zoned him. Okay, I probably should have called a GM at that point, but I didn't. Because it was too effing funny to see people walk up to him, ask him how he was killing people in one hit, and then they'd die. Marchelute then proceeded to go on a nice killing spree all over the Selbina zone. Miraculously, and for reasons unknown to me, my party survived.

It was quite strange.

-- Sarah

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:30 pm
by Sivara
1. Best thread title ever. I hope I'm not the only one who caught the reference.

2. Great story!!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:17 pm
by Gwynn
Sivara wrote:1. Best thread title ever. I hope I'm not the only one who caught the reference.
YEEEEE HAAAAAW! /em waves her cowgirl hat as she drops out of the bomb bay.

and that's only ONE of the TWO Dark Elf NMs that spawn. It's actually for the samurai Helmet AF gear. TWO of those NMs spawn on secret beach when you trade something to the ??? against the wall behind the song rune rock.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:13 pm
by mozyr
I <3 Dr. Strangelove. I saw it for sale somewhere the other day but neglected to buy it. The next time I see it, I'm totally buying it.

But I forgot to mention why I put GMs in the title. There is now no doubt in my mind that a GM controls those things. Because there was NO reason for that thing to have LOOKED at each of us and continued to walk away. It was BIZARRE.

I was in a party in the Yhoator Jungle months ago where that subject got brought up. One of the guys in my party at the time had also been in my party when that had happened. So when he started to describe it, I was like,

"Waitaminute! I was in your party when that happened! Remember when this happened, and then we followed it--"
"--and they zoned it to Selbina and all these noobs were asking Marchelute how he was killing people? Ha! That was so--"
"--hilarious! I know. God, that was great."

-- Sarah

Re: Marchelute, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love GMs.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:27 am
by xaresity

Re: Marchelute, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love GMs.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:35 am
by xaresity

Re: Marchelute, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love GMs.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:49 am
by xaresity