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Subaru--RIP *cries*

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:48 am
by maryadavies
I come from the SS board bearing some VERY sad news ye kitties. Subaru, whom I suspect is a former MP member (could be wrong, though)...or at least the gal who played her...has been killed by a drunk driver. Read the sad details here: ... wtopic=288

All I can say is..may she rest in peace. :cry:

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:09 am
by Cyndari
No......that cant be true :( :cry: Subaru was a good person, I played alot with her during the beta. She will definitely be missed.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:46 am
by Toren
oh my god.... i cant believe it..


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:17 pm
by Serah
OMG is it true? i thought it was just a horrible joke.
Poor girl.....

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:10 am
by weefe
I actually played with Subaru on a daily basis under my wife's character named Dowdylumpfish. I spent many a day laughing as she would fall asleep while playing because she had been playing all night. She was a great person and I am saddened to know that a drunk driver has caused yet another tragedy in this world.

My son was recently involved in a an accident caused by a drunk driver also. I was truly blessed not to have lost him. This really hits home for me.

I offer my deepest condolences to her family and friends. I truly feel your loss.

As I am spiritual in nature... Amy... whatever peaceful place you are in right now... fly and be free!



Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:01 am
by maryadavies
From what I was able to find out from the SS'ers, there's gonna be a online memorial(somewhere in the world of FFXI) on Saturday for Subaru. I can't tell you when EXACTLY right now or exactly where...the details are still bein' worked out.

I'll see if I can let you guys know when and where soon as it gets ironed out. Kopopo said that all friends of Subaru are welcome at this.

Also, for those of us waiting for the PS2 ver of FFXI or can't be there: Kopopo will be posting a video of the event, I will post direct link to it here.

(I'm not gonna be there myself. I'm waiting with the rest of the "waiters" but I'm still real sorry that such a nice girl, as I saw from her posts on the SS boards, has left this life. And in such a way, too...My prayers go out to her family and close friends.)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:27 am
by ranruriko
... :evil:

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:29 am
by Creve
The place for the memorial will be just inside Heavens Tower in windy. It happened to be the last spot that she was seen. As far as the time on saturday I don't yet know.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:31 am
by Creve
Also Berry sends a *hug* to everyone of you and hopes that you can all make it. And taru scritches on the ears. :(

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:13 pm
by Vorloxa
:cry: I can't belive that actually happened :( I will miss her even though I did not know her outside of the game. My prayers go out to her and her family.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:11 pm
by Klisk
Mmmf. x.x

I PT'd with Subaru on a rather regular basis. 'Definitely fun times.

This news is just... Well, definitely depressing. =( Not sure how to handle it.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:21 am
by maryadavies
*dusts herself off after running from the SuperStars board*

Okay, finally got the definitive time and place for the memorial. You were right about the place, Creve, but seems they had to bump the day. It's Sunday now, time of day in rl is still to be determined.

The post is here: ... #entry4023

I'll be raggin' Kopopo about exact time so you kitties will know. (it will be on that thread Megs said since Kopopo or Berry would update that thread soon as that had been detirmined , so if I'm late in finding out, check that thread) And no matter what, I will post direct link to the vid that Kopopo was going to take of the event for the benifit of PS2 waiters like me or anyone who HAS to miss it.

[edit]Direct quote from Kopopo:
The time is 6pm PST. 7PM MTN, 8PM CST, 9PM EST.
Now we know when it is. I'll post up the vid soon as it's up.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:12 pm
by Golddess
Sad this is.

Ancalagon came on the IRC chat early Saturday morning and told me about the change in date and what the time was. I figured the quickest way to make sure everyone knew was to put it on the main page. And now, it looks like I need to go change the time that I put up there. I hope no one misses it because they were an hour late :oops:

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:41 pm
by Toralynn
:cry: Poor Subaru... I didn't know her that well, but what I did know of her was how kind she was... for her to die in such a way... and to remember us and SS... she's so amazing... I'll really miss her being here... and can only pray God will let her watch over us all... I plan on making a tribute for her in my sketchbook. Anyone know her favourite Summon? I read somewhere else she wanted to, like me, be the greatest summoner on Vana'diel... :cry: She will be missed...


Does anyone have a really good picture/screenshot of subaru (in her favourite armour/place if possible) and then perhaps a clear (bird's eye view if possible) group photo of us all? I'm hoping to use those to do a detailed sketch... :cry: god I miss her... I just read more about her at the SS site and on her memorial...

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:11 pm
by Creve
I have some screenshots of her and myself as well as a few others of us on the beaches near Selbina. Titamatielle and myself thought it would be neat if we got MithraPride to all run around the beach 'nekid' and tease other players while we ran in and out of the water. Several others joined, Subaru was perhaps one of the first to jump to it. I beleive it was one of the happier moments that she had in MithraPride. It was certainly my favorite time.

I'm exausted but give me an address and I'll send my screenshots in. There are not many but some of them do have Subaru in it and have her standing out the most.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:45 am
by maryadavies
Speakin' of the memorial..I found out Kopopo was doin' transcripts first. We may have the vid by next week, but I thought you guys might wanna see the memorial site he put transcribe it...

As for the vid...found out Kopopo won't be hosting it. His friend who hosts his site got _really mad_ because he went waaay over bandwidth last month. I'm workin' on finding a place to host it when he gets done with it next week. As several *.rar files, if need be. But it WILL go up, no matter what. (I got a couple of ideas on where, hopefully one of them will work)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:00 pm
by Meeyutu
I will email Kopopo and offer to host a bittorrent link. Bittorrent is a p2p sharing system that operates on a "link" basis.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:55 pm
by maryadavies
That might be a good idea! I'll see if I can least with "seeding" it so you kitties have somewhere to d/l from.

How BitTorrent works kitties: Basically we're all d/ling the file from each other when you have the program and click on the link to d/l the file you want. At least one person must be on there that has the complete file (a "seed") otherwise no one will be able to get the full file. And good manners state you leave the client up as long as you can so you can help share it. At least that's as far as I can figure from d/ling anime that way. (Yes you can play such a file while you have the client up if you're just leaving the bittorrent program up after you're done.)

If you wanna get all nerdy about it (I've never set up a torrent, I only download anime from torrents set up by fansubbers) check out the program's website: It's open source, which is nice :)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:06 pm
by Jeniphel
It WILL be hosted here too...

...if someone can get ahold of the files to upload here that is.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:50 am
by maryadavies
The acutal vid file I'm gonna bum off Kopopo (yes that Taru knows what's up). So let's do it this way: Jen, Meeyutu, soon as I got it, I'll PM both of you then we schedule a time in the MP chat to meet so I can get it to both of you. (Trill is mondo funky about sends, I think it'll send better in IRC anyhow. Was gonna slip it to FireMyst in some manner as well)

I'd seriously recommend stickin' with the torrent if possible. As I think FireMyst can confirm, hosting any kind of vids takes up tons of bandwidth. Which can bring the board and the page down if too many people decide to go for it. Torrents are small files in themselves, they won't cause so much of a bandwidth least that's the theory.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:42 am
by Jeniphel
pffft - you let me worry about the servers and bandwidth

Being an admin at the ISP where this site is hosted at means I have both at my disposal. If need be I'll just bring up another Sun Cobalt server and put it on there so people can get it via FTP or HTTP.

Then again it all depends of the final size of the file....

Hopefully Divx was used to encode it so it'll be small....

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:08 am
by Meeyutu
Sure just let me know when. Jen.. I don't think you need to do that and since it's safe to assume there will be at least as many people as there was at the memorial downloading Bittorrent will help spred out the bandwidth and give everyone the best transfer rates possible.


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:16 am
by Kopopo
Hey, Kopopo here. Yes, Elizara is doing a fantastic job of keeping on me about the videos. I'm trying to find a good balance of quality and size right now. They will be encoded in Divx, 5.01 I think... Anyway, that's my project right now. Also, if any of you kitties have stuff for my memorial site, I'd love to put it there. I have an email link there. Send me picstures, poems, anything. I have cable so downloading isn't an issue for me.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:16 pm
by Tigara
This hurts my heart greatly. Subaru was a great friend of mine and we played together alot in MithraPride. We helped each other and others quite offten during beta. I will miss seeing her this march when i can finally rejoin the pride. :(