MPK Changes

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Post by Losfuin »

In fairness, I think all BSTs (especially those of high level) can now be broken down into two broad categories:

Those who are pissing and moaning and crying "NERF!!!", threatening to leave and making BST-general player relations strained;

And those who are going "well, it's happened, no point crying, sure we can be annoyed, but you have to adapt".

IMHO, this will do to BSTs what the RNG and penta-spam adjustements did to those jobs; seperate the wheat from the chaf. I expect this update to lead to a general increase in BST skill, with those crying out for refunds, spamming alla etc. to switch to DRG, or whatever job is in fashion right now.
[url=]Freakin' emo![/url]

Losfuin: WHM 25, RDM 21, BLM 20, THF 20, WAR 30, MNK 16, BST 5, DRK 1, BRD 10, PLD 1

Dooom: Thf 25 WAR 14 MNK 7
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Post by Sugami »

Sheala wrote:
SE had to beef up dragoon slightly because the dragoon nerf almost killed the class. Yet Eviticus and others on this forum have shown that a good player can make an effective force.
For your information SE did not feel that DRG was too weak, if you read they're statement they acknowledged that a fair portion of their power lies in their wyvern and that it is fairly easy to lose your wyvern against certain types of mobs, hence the change. I was making us DRGs look good way before any wiff of this update was around. My normal attacks match and even better a DRK/THF's, with wyvern out easily beats their ugly faces and possibly brings the best DoT to party play. Oops ranted a bit :D

Anyways you're right about the rest pretty much. SE aren't vindictive enough to brutally go after a said job nor do I think they actually thought ahead and realised this would gimp BST somewhat.
I still think Ifrit's Cauldren is a viable place for BST, the way I've watched them fight those bombs it wouldn't make a bit of difference to their fighting style and surely they can do this in many other areas.
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Re: MPK Changes

Post by xaresity »

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