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Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:21 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Two Ruby Silk Thread dropped last night in Temenos and now I'm impatiently waiting for my Chapeau+1 :D

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:49 pm
by Finwich
My Nzyul Isle static beat floor 20 twice last night and I got my first Askar piece! yay! now we just need 2 goliard and 2 denali feet before we move on lol.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:42 pm
by Sugami
Beat Tenzen, completed Chapter 7 of CoP.

Sea access, mine! :D


(crappy pic, didn't have fraps turned on :()

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:54 am
by Tianshii
weee~~ got SAM to 58 :D
Went w/ ls mate & his friend to get my quicksand coffer key & was fortunate b/c he found the coffer right after i got the key~ Now I have PANTS!
I've now got sam boots, gloves & pants.
Now that I dinged 58 I'm going to go on a coffer hunt in temple of uglypie & see who I can round up for the BC fight for the hat.
Though, now that I hear there are issues where people are entering BC, putting rr up, then getting killed only to find that the RR wipes the second you die. Not good. And I do not remember how hard the SAM af hat bc fight is... been well over 1.5 years since I have helped on it.

I also won lot for M. Silver in my dyna LS.
I had been pondering starting GKT relic & winning the lot made me feel like I should try (3x M. Silverpiece is required as part of 1st upgrade)
It'll take me at least 2.5 years prolly LOL

Got Revrend Mail for 2 whm's in my ls :)

also had a {mog house} {party}




Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:10 am
by ScarlettPheonix
Dancer: O

Walking around the new/old areas was just....strange. I love the details on the new mobs though- and watch out for the sprites! Saw an EP Sprite completely own a 75BLM. :lol:

Also :love: the way SE did Cait Sith!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :D

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:34 pm
by Sugami
Happy turkey day? Would be if I was American and GAME delivered my f*cking game on time! :x *censored* *censored* sideways!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:28 pm
by Shirai
Sugami wrote:Happy turkey day? Would be if I was American and GAME delivered my f*cking game on time! :x *censored* *censored* sideways!
Easy there Sug!

My copy won't be there until monday at least and I found a total of one shop able to order one copy for me.
Not even in my own Hometown Amsterdam (where you can normally get anything) but the place I work Amersfoort.
Guess what.. they had to order it from the UK =P

Oh and huge congrats on sea btw. ^^

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:19 pm
by Okuza
Finally got captain rank -- thankfully just before the 19th patch or it would have been impossible due to all the bugs in assaults now.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:32 pm
by Kintrra
Us Americans for the most part aren't faring any better. I have to wait till tomorrow (the dreaded 'Black Friday') because it's Turkey Day and my local Gamestop isn't open. :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:43 am
by Sugami
Well I got my copy today but my excitement was ruined by SE's usual f*ckups with the registration servers. Hours hitting "retry" and I finally got it registered and unlocked Dancer :D

Scholar quest looks stupidly annoying, can't be bothered with it atm.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:54 am
by Fiye
Kintrra wrote:Us Americans for the most part aren't faring any better. I have to wait till tomorrow (the dreaded 'Black Friday') because it's Turkey Day and my local Gamestop isn't open. :lol:
I know how you feel. I had to wait until today/yesterday to get my copy. Apparently I got lucky, because I was able to get my key to work on the second try.

9/9 On Maw Points (Jugnet Forest [S] was a pain in the ass, should be damn useful when I start using it) and I'm working on unlocking the other 3 jobs I have locked (PLD, DNC, and SCH)

Also, the old areas are nice. Though, I love the new areas and Ajido calling me road block.

And, can't forget this.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 9:57 pm
by Tianshii
:D after some help from LS mates Lildizz & Chasesama I got my SAM AF Body!
Now I just need to BC for the hat!
I'm starting to feel like a REAL SAMURAI! 8)

I also love these new macro books!
I made seperate ones for... /war - /thf - /nin - /drg .. held off on /rng because I wasn't sure what all to include there :/

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:29 am
by Sugami
Completed Windy WotG Missions (the few that are available) and got all but 2 Maws :)

Also ding DNC6 8)

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:40 am
by Kahvi
ScarlettPheonix wrote:Dancer: O

Walking around the new/old areas was just....strange. I love the details on the new mobs though- and watch out for the sprites!
Sprites are rather friendly to me. I had one cast cure 4 repeatedly on me while i fought a mob and another one cast raise 3 when i died against another one later on.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:59 am
by Sugami
Yeah Sprites and Pixies are cool but don't piss them off. I've heard if you kill enough they'll stop helping you then they'll start aggro'ing :oops:

Biddybugs are evil though!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:30 pm
by Shirai
4/7 Sea weapons. =)


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:50 pm
by Pheonixhawk
I hit lvl 75 Drk today.

My next goal is to unlock Scholar and Dancer (Seeing as I have every job unlocked and plan to keep it that way) and maybe even lvl up Scholar to pass the time.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:47 am
by ScarlettPheonix
6/9 Cavernous Maws unlocked

Finished Windy WotG mission/quest set :D Started on Basty, saving Sandy for when Lod gets his pc issues fixed and can register WotG so we can explore together.

He just got a new PC w/ lolVista and is having issues installing FFXI on it- or I should say its installing fine, but the update is taking way longer than it should be (12hrs+ he said) and he hasn't even installed WotG on it yet :roll:

One of our linkshell members gave him a suggestion to fix the problem- uninstall Vista :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:05 am
by Sugami
Ding DNC9 :D

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:46 pm
by Tianshii
Finally was able to register WotG!!
Managed to unloc Dancer w/ the help of lsmate Chase.
Played w/ it a little yesterday & today & got it to 8 :)

side note: Anyone using the windowed option for FFXI?
When I'm anywhere that its a sunny day the video levels are :? :shock: waaayyy over saturated & everything is so bright it's blown out.
I checked all the in-game config settings and nothing worked...
Most I can do to try & compensate is darken the entire screen on my computer... Any PC kitties having the same issue/have a fix or suggestion?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:14 pm
by Rishutlaw
Tianshii wrote:Finally was able to register WotG!!
Managed to unloc Dancer w/ the help of lsmate Chase.
Played w/ it a little yesterday & today & got it to 8 :)

side note: Anyone using the windowed option for FFXI?
When I'm anywhere that its a sunny day the video levels are :? :shock: waaayyy over saturated & everything is so bright it's blown out.
I checked all the in-game config settings and nothing worked...
Most I can do to try & compensate is darken the entire screen on my computer... Any PC kitties having the same issue/have a fix or suggestion?
There have been some instances where something like that has happened to me, but they seem to go away fairly quickly. I would just keep messing with those settings, and if that doesn't work then close everything and go to start > FFXI > config. I changed a few things there and my video quality went up by 100's of percent.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:16 pm
by Kintrra
Yeah, it's easy to fix Tianshii. Go to your FFXI config options outside of the game and on the General tab, turn the Gamma option down to about -0.4. If that doesn't work, try turning it down a little more. I turned that down and then my in-game setting under the Main Menu > Config > Gameplay (first option at top of list) I have all the RGB settings down to like 1/4 of the bar. Everything seems to look pretty good now. ^^

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:56 pm
by Fiye
Alright, thanks. I kept on getting that effect. Which brought me back to this VGCats comic.

I think they too it too much to heart.

Also PLD, DNC, and SCH unlocked. PLD is at 7 and rising.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:09 am
by Okuza
Tianshii wrote:side note: Anyone using the windowed option for FFXI?
When I'm anywhere that its a sunny day the video levels are :? :shock: waaayyy over saturated & everything is so bright it's blown out.
I checked all the in-game config settings and nothing worked...
Most I can do to try & compensate is darken the entire screen on my computer... Any PC kitties having the same issue/have a fix or suggestion?
Use the Windower tool instead of the built-in Windowed-mode. Another problem with windowed mode is that they don't properly calculate the window size (they forget to include the border). This ends up with really blurry graphics for anyone using a flat-panel and often a fair bit of extra lag, too.

If you're determined to use windowed-mode, I hear you can manually calculate the proper dimensions and use reg-edit to set the appropriate values.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:26 am
by Tianshii
I won't use 3rd party windower tool for 2 reasons..
#1 - It looks like absolute $h!t unless you leave it at that tiny box size it first opens up as. (I tried it @ the suggestion of my LS at the time when I got my laptop...)
My laptop is nice & when I play FFXI full it looks great and I rarely get crippling lag (unless my ISP is crapping out, comcast for the lose! :lol: ).

#2 - Technically using the windower tool is against the TOS.
For the brief time I was using it didn't occur to me it would be against the TOS... until people started asking me what plug-ins I was using.
I only wanted to be able to look up crafting stuff, maps & the like.. not have a program count down from :30 for me & w/e else it does... which is apparently a lot having seen some screen shots full of extra text I've never seen before :? SO-- I really enjoy this new windowed mode; it looks nice with the exception of what I asked about.
Before y'all go ape$h!t flaming about SE vs. Windower and so forth--- keep in mind I am not telling anyone not to use it, but I did not like it. It's my computer & my personal opinion, which I am entitled to.

Kintrra-- Thank you!! I will try that as soon as I get home! :D

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:31 am
by Shirai
Once I have FFXI running I can alt+tab out of the game normally.
The borders don't really bother me and my game looks pretty decent.
However I do have my personal share of problems with SE's windowed mode which don't return just inside FF.

Once FFXI runs the framerate goes down by a lot, so much the game becomes nearly unplayable.

The rest of my PC.
Outside the game applications start up slow, run slow and sometimes don't start at all or give an error message.
Next to that every piece of text I type takes 10 seconds or more to appear on my screen.
They said USB input devices would be the problem but even after removing all my USB devices the problem remained.
No it's not my PC, my current configuration is:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ Dual Core
2 GB DDR2 ram
160GB SATA2 Hard disk
512MB ATI Radeon FX
Windows XP SP2 (I refuse to run Vista)
And no I'm not running any other "heavy" applications next to ffxi and before this update the game was playing fine.

Completely borked Gamma.
The gamma is bad, Kintrra's settings work fine in outdoor areas but as soon as you get into dungeons you'll have to up the settings again because it's too dark.

Other problems since the big update:
NPC conversations lagging.
(Signet and sanction come to mind)

More lag even in areas that don't have many people in them.

I'd love to use SE's windower but at this moment it's no option for me as it's just too buggy.
All I need a windowed mode for is to alt+tab between the game and other applications.
As soon as SE comes with a couple of real fixes for these problems I'll be forced to keep using the 3rd party Windower.
Otherwise my other applications won't be usable.

(Ok ok enough with the negativity already!)
Latest accomplishment:

I'm now a Windurstian Cobra under the command of Romaa Mihgo!
5/9 on the cavernous maws, I hope to get the rest today.
Did my first Campaign battle yesterday in Rolanberry fields!
Fun fun major fun, but darn those Quadav have high defense and hit like a truck!
300/400+ damage on a regular hit without having berserk on, even Fafnir doesn't hit me that hard. O.o
Funny to see a Paladin get into orange in 2 hits >.>;
And I was hitting them for 0~7 damage on normal hits with atk food. ; ;

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:50 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Dancer 10, 3/9 Maws.

As to our new windowed mode.... I can handle the glare but for me loosing the ability to move or change camera angles by frame pushing means that I cannot use it when doing something I consider serious. The slower frame rate means I will not use it in Dynamis.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:22 am
by Tianshii
:? holy crap Shirai... I'm not having near as many problems as you w/ SE's windowed mode. My big one was the brightness, which I used Kintrra's fix for and was in sacranum last night and didn't find it to be too dark. So it's working for me so far :)
-thank you Kintrra!

Sometimes my non-ffxi applications are slower to load, but again, not a big deal so far for me. I just keep doing w/e I was doing in FFXI until it loads. I've done dyna using SE's windowed w/ out issue as well. I'm glad I'm getting lucky with it so far.

*ding* Dancer 10!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:42 am
by Fiye
Lesse... I beat the crap out of Alexander and went 1/1 on him (The Paladin is currently in the hospital suffering from 3rd degree sun burns that cover 99.9% of his skin. We're working on an Exo-suit for him right now.).

I got my Balrahn's Ring.



|Course, the bitch had to sign her name on it... and gave me a 98k+ fine for getting her 1k Platinum Pieces. But, thats in a day for Naja.|

Now, its all rest and relaxation until Cait Sith wants me. (I want her crown too. *Plans on stealing it*)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:55 am
by Sugami
Ding DNC11 :D