Sonic The Hedgehog (Ps3)

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Sonic The Hedgehog (Ps3)

Post by Tivia »

$20 on the shelf, couldn't resist. Picked it up as sonic goes back to my roots as a gamer on a Sega Genesis. Granted I was gaming before that but you get the point.

First let me get the bad out of the way.
Controls - They are just plain horrible. People who were pissing and moaning about lair need to play this game to see what bad controls really are. At first I thought it was the learning curve, then after beating 3 episodes I realized no, the controls just in fact suck. They are extremely cumbersome, the camera is just as bad, and there are a few times where you are trying to dodge boss attacks where all you can see is the GD boss because they decided to zoom for some random stupid reason. The controls in this game are a prime example of what happens when the devs do not actually play the game.

Performance - There are Visible slow downs, I mean places where the game is just outright chugging and you get a Big fat shaft with no lube as a result of it. There is on Act off the top of my head that you are going to get a D rank no matter how good you are because the game chugs so bad you cannot possibly do it faster. This as many know is my major pet peeve in a Console title. There is Utterly no excuse for performance issues in a game EVER on a console. The Devs know what hardware they are working with and they know it will be the same every single time. While the graphics are good in sonic, they are not good enough that they should be slowing down a halfway decent PC, much less a PS3. Also way too many loading screens, I mean seriously do we need a full load for 1 sentence of conversation?

Ok beyond that,
Graphics are pretty nice looking. Everything is fairly fitting and while I have not played much sonic since sonic and knuckles I found the new character design fairly appealing. Environments were beautiful if a little confusing to navigate at times.

Storyline is engaging, and pulls you in fairly quickly. While it is not the most complex plot in the world, I found it fairly rich for a Sonic title and rather enjoyed it. My only complaint is they focused on nearly every character's story except Amy.

Sound track is good, very good in fact. I enjoyed it the entire time and it never felt repetitive or stale.

Challenge was good, overlooking the gay parts where performance or camera issues screw you. The parts where that was working I found rather good. Again we are not talking super difficult but a fair challenge to keep the game enjoyable.

Non Act Parts of the game was something new to me. I don't know if this is something that sonic has been doing as I have not played in a long time but I found them only ok. I won' t say bad as everyone will have to take this for their own decision. Me I found the "Final Fantasy" style talk to the town to find out where to go tedious and out of place.

Overall for $20 I think it is a worthwhile game to anyone who loves Sonic and has a PS3. The bad parts are mercifully short and the rest of the game makes you forget them pretty quickly.
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Post by JediKitsune »

The controls in the recent Sonic games has been so sloppy that I haven't even bothered. Shadow the Hedgehog handled so loosely that I fell off stages half the time trying to perform basic moves in the game. I don't think I suck at these games, either. I mean, I had no trouble getting all A ranks in the Sonic Adventure games.
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Karou Ariyen
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Ya it was way too sloppy for my tastes, I took it right back to gamecrazy the night I bought It.
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Post by Keavy »

The demo was more than enough for me.
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Post by Tivia »

If it had been anymore then $20, I would have said rental or don't bother. For $20 and I got at least 10 hours or so of entertainment, albeit annoying at times, it was not the worst game I have played.
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Re: Sonic The Hedgehog (Ps3)

Post by xaresity »

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