A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck

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A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck

Post by Althaia »

Let me preface this by saying that I only know a little romanji, not enough to get me past any stage of conversation, and the Japanese player in question, Yukihime, claims to understand a little English, though I'd dare say from past experience with her (her?) that she can't handle conversational English. So what's this about a bilingual MithraPride, you say?


Well, shortly after Yukihime was mistakenly invited by an enthusiastic Linksackholder, I couldn't really see it in my heart to kick her out (me, in this case, being the Linkshellholder on Bismarck Server). I mean, after all, she wanted to be here, right? I did let her know it was an English Linkshell, though, and she didn't seem to mind. ;)

Shortly after she was initiated, she asked for a "linkpearl change up" which obviously meant becoming a sackholder. Being nervous about having someone I wasn't even sure understood the rules holding a sack, I initially granted the request, waited to see if she'd invite anyone, and then removed the sack before I logged off for the night.

It's been a month or so since then and Yukihime's been with us all throughout our ups and downs, the ebb and the flow of Mithra players in the LS. I even mistakenly invited a Mithra party member who I figured out was Japanese and, to help smooth the transaction, I asked Yukihime to talk to her. I don't know where that Japanese player has gone off to since then but I don't blame her for not wanting to stay in a LS where only one other person can understand her, lol. Which is kind of the reason I expected Yuki to be gone by now.

Tonight, for a short while, it was just me and Yukihime in the LS. Feeling bad for this loyal Japanese player, I granted her a pearlsack, albeit with repeating so many times that it was a Mithra only LS. ;)

She replied that she understood what I was saying, but then said something interesting about herself being the leader of a Japanese Mithra 6-A type only Linkshell. I had to ask for some clarification on the 6-A part, but it IS what you'd expect! Apparently, she's the leader of a Linkshell solely devoted to Japanese Mithra of the face type 6-A. Damn, and I thought MithraPride, which only allows one race, was a difficult shell for which to recruit, lol.

Anyway, I asked her what the name was and she replied "SilverRose." I then commented that that was a beautiful name (since I wasn't sure if she'd be a little confused with the word "pretty" since there IS more than one meaning to it and it's sort of slang...) and she said thank you and then I logged off for the night.

So apparently Yukihime is running a Linkshell for Japanese Mithra of only face type 6-A on the Bismarck server! I thought you all would appreciate something like that. :)

Oh, and yes, about a bilingual MithraPride... she asked that 6-A's would go to her LS and "else" would go to mine. I agreed. What can of worms have I opened here? I only wanted her to be able to have some Japanese Mithra friends to talk to in the LS! lol! :lol: Instead, I opened the door to a bilingual MithraPride. ;) End of story.
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Post by Okuza »

"All mithra are equal, but some are more equal than others."

"Don't hate me because I'm 6A."

LOL, does this mean I have to join her JP6A shell? I like JP and it's fun using the translator now and then, but it would be rough day-in day-out. Damn impressive she's hung out in an english shell so long if she's bound by the translator. Takes a certain flexibility and imaginitive flair witht the translator (and a serious lack of paranoia -- "are they talking about me!?" :)).
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Post by Eviticus »

Seig heil, frauline Yukihime. Derr Furher of the Master Race?
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Sugami »

:lol: "Master Race".

BTW the correct term for Japanese writing is "kana", I think it covers all 3 scripts (hiragana, katakana and kanji), romanji is just what they call our alphabet.

I like to flex my Japanese muscles if I join a JP Party, first thing I'll throw in is "Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu." (I understand a little Japanese). Last JP party on hearing this started to talk in romanji so I could "understand" but I still couldn't understand what they were saying and just had to tell them "wakarimasen" :lol:

I understand a little, that's pretty much the extent of my Japanese, that and asking where Shinjiku avenue is, whether they want to drink and a few other basics :lol: Must learn more! I'm never sure if they're happy to hear I'm learning or not :lol:
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Post by Leane »

on Valefor we have Shinrasin who is Japanese
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Post by Althaia »

7-A r0xx0rz 4 lyfe

That's cool, Leane! :mrgreen:

Thanks, Sugami, that means I know a lot of romanji. Lol. :oops:

lol, with our ... appreciation (read: obsession) for Japanese culture, that's an appropriate name, Eviticus. :lol:

Okuza, if you can tell her all that in Japanese, and ask her for a linkpearl, go for it! :rofl:
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Re: A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck

Post by xaresity »

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Re: A Bilingual MithraPride on Bismarck

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