Portal 2

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Portal 2

Post by Sugami »

Thought I'd put it here, even though I have it on 360, since the first game was released on PC and this seems to be more of a multi-platform section than the rest :P

In short; GET IT! The puzzles are fun, some had me stumped for a while but the main pull of the game is the outstanding narrative. The story is pure win, GLaDOS is as funny and mean as ever and then there's Steven Merchant-bot (Wheatley) who's basically Steven Merchant as an AI and a bit thick. Not to mention the coop section is very well made and a lot of fun with a friend.

Sadly there's no mention of cake or any other dessert for that matter :(
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Karou Ariyen
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Re: Portal 2

Post by Karou Ariyen »

Would love to rent it except It's out >.>;
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