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Post by Fiye »

Perhaps the silver bullet argument with Global Warming. Or hell, any political argument.
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Post by Keavy »

The thing about global warming is no one's gonna do it if they have to make significant changes to their lifestyle.

I went to fill up my car today and I heard people bitch about $3+ a gallon gas while filling their SUV's. When I suggested they purchase a smaller car like mine, which is much more efficient on gas they said "But I need my SUV." What the hell for? Do you go off-roading on weekends? (Most SUV's would handle it about as well as my compact sedan) Do you purchase furniture and appliances on a weekly basis?

My car comfortably holds four adults and most of these people were alone. Sorry to say it, but Column B is our future so enjoy the last days of civilization while they last.
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Post by Eviticus »

Very nice, I like this guy, but I do have a few problems with his 'silver' bullet argument. And a warning now, watch the movie or more then likely the rest of this thread won't make sense to you.

He's basing his conclusion on a logic that I already don't like, people have used the same kind of chart to justify going to church and believing in God. The whole. "Well if he does exist, and I do believe, I'm saved!" As in the God thing, he's way over simplyfying things here. For instance, the actions of Global Warming would cause problems as he said, but they would also create oppertunities. He mentioned "The bread baskets of the US and Russia would turn into dust bowls" Well, yes. America would be less fertile(not infertile), but Canada(which has roughly alot more land then the US), Sibera, and Greenland would warm and turn into very farmable areas.

Don't beleive me? It was already done once. Wiki "Medival Warming Period". A warm spell in the 1000's-1200's that allowed the vikings to settle places that were too cold before, and allowed them to cross the atlantic via the north. It allowd the Vikings to farm in places where they couldn't today, because the glaciers advanced over Greenland since then.

Next, his Column A, row False has Economic depression due to spending money to combat a non existant threat. But yet, row True is missing the same Economic Depression? Is everyone content to be dirt poor because Global Warming was true? His own words were, "A depression to make the 30's seem like a cake walk". If it holds true in the first row, why not the second?

And if man's ignorence over the last 100 years has caused global warming to be set into man smart enough to stop it in the next 10 years? We once thought the hole in the ozone to be caused by man, now we know that's not true and that it's a natural feature caused by the magnetic fields of the planet. What else will we blame on man, enforce draconian laws, then later on find out was harmless? Or just a natural cycle of the planet?

I'm a devil's advocate, I will argue a contrary point because I think it's fun to fully consider a side that is being beat on. So please, don't flame me or anything for my post. I'm not trying to shoot this guy down, I do think he's one of the better advocates for action against Global Warming. I just think humanity should be more worried about the question of "Does Global Warming exist?" rather then "What should we do to stop it?"
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Keavy »

The single biggest problem is that we don't have a long-term accurate study of our planet's climate so we don't know for sure if this is natural or if its us causing it.

Yes, we can look back to climate changes that made the Vikings able to settle in Greenland and the Delaware river to ice over during the Revolutionary War, but without knowing how things have changed throughout thousands of years how can we know for sure?

Plus, this planet could still be going through growing pains. We may be living through its adolescence.
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Post by Fiye »

Nah, what he's trying to look at is the matter of covering our asses. Since the effect of the "We do nothing" column is worse than "We do something." Since, if we do something. We're riding on a 100% chance of only suffering a repression or depression, depending on how much money we allocate to trying to prevent global warming.

Now, in the "We do nothing" column. We're riding on a 50% chance we screw ourselves in the ass and suffer something similiar to "The Day After Tomorrow". That is, if that movie were a bit more realistic (5-10 Tornadoes of the 3+ Category hitting LA within minutes. Impossible I say). And then a 50% Chance that nothing occurs, and we spent the money on somewhere more important on a non-existant problem.

Now. For the "We do something" Column. We got one more variable. Which will be a problem. Because we have an invisible target we have to hit.

We gotta have enough toilet paper to wipe any unnecessary crap we don't want in our pants.

Problem is. We don't know if its just a "fart", "a piece of turd", or "diarrhea". So, we're at a guessing game here, and whatever we choose, and be the matter of not having any economical repressions, a repressions, or a depression.

I myself think we'll never suffer something as worse as what occured in the 30's. From what I learned, it was a combination of marginal stock options (Buying like... 10% of a single stock. [The company had to eat the other %90], and a horrible stock exchange day. I still don't know much, so you're going to have to look into a better source. Might I recommend a library? (I WILL NOT trust a wikipedia source on that subject.)

In any case, we'll just suffer bigger taxes. Which won't be that bad, considering the fact that we'll be spending it. Not losing it to debts.

When you think about the economical situation of the United States. If people stop buying stuff. Companies die, and the Government loses a good amount of tax income (Think of it. The taxes you lose when you get your paycheck, and your sales tax.). Not to mention that people will lose their jobs, which will further hinder other companies. In other words. It'll snowball out of control.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

The causes of the Great Depression are varied, people are still debating about what exactly happened and if it could ever happen again.

What happened in the 90s with the technology and various e-companies stocks was very similar to what happened in Oct 1929 on Wallstreet- only then the effect was much worse since regulations and various checks in the system hadn't been implemented yet.

It also certainly didn't help any that during the 20s the farmers of America were in bad shape- small farmers were still very prevalent at this time but politicians and banks were already favoring the big corporation farms and aid for the farmers who needed it was severely lacking.

After the crash, droughts and the terrible weather conditions that decimated a large part of the western farmlands (the Dust Bowl) severely hurt the nation's ability to recover. Food prices sky rocketed while people's ability to make money fell- and it just went on from there.

President Hoover didn't help matters any either and made it worse by not doing anything significant to help the ones worst effected. President Roosevelt had a significant impact on the nation by first, giving the people hope that things would change and then giving them something to work for.

The government programs he implemented went a long way towards helping the nation get back on its feet (some still exist to this day), but it still took a long time for the nation to fully recover- effects of the Depression were felt for the next 20 years at least and the memory of it is still strong in the public conscious.

I'm by no means an expert on the subject but this is what I remember about the era from my studies. As to whether it could happen again? I honestly don't think so. Depressions can happen yes- but one as bad as that one? No, I don't think so- the various symptoms that led up to is just aren't in place for it to happen- in the near future anyway. Like everything in life- its rarely just >one< thing that creates a situation like the Great Depression.
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Post by Keavy »

Yes, but the public school system in America, purely out of laziness, has trained its students to believe that one spark ignites a globe-changing event.

Slavery caused the Civil War.

The sinking of the Lusitania started WWI

The stock market crash caused the Great Depression

The holocaust started WWII

and so on.
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Post by Eviticus »

In a roundabout way, Slavery did cause the Civil War. The south was afriad Lincoln would do away with it when he got elected(despite the fact he said he would not touch slavery as one of his running points). So the South decided to break off, state by state. Lincoln got very worried, tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't have any of it. All he asked after they refused to come back was that the mail be delivered and all federal persons not be harrassed that had to go from North or South.

Now, over at Fort Sumter, Confederate Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard got the idea to attack U.S. Army Major Robert Anderson. April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m, the South started the Civil War by firing on an half completed Fort and demanding their surrender.....War of Northing Agression indeed. Hah.

Anyways, it wasn't Slavery that started the Civil War, but the fear of Slavery being technically was Slavery.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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[quote="Keavy"]Evi still winnarz.[/quote]

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Re: Found this while looking through websites.

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Re: Found this while looking through websites.

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