taken over

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taken over

Post by Kitykatt »

hello everybody, this is my first post. I would like to start by saying i really like this website, the clock feature is wonderful, but i did want to share something with the Mithra on servers other then my own. A while ago i had created a linkshell named MEOW, Mithran Explorers Of the World
It started small, but after an hour i had a few members, after a day i had alot of members, and after a week I had a large group that I was happy to call my friends. I gave everybody a pearlsack so they could recruit and we could grow. It was great. But i suppose all things end... One day I logged on and noone was there. I figured it was just a slow night, but then the next day, and the next day were slow as well. And then I found out why. There was a new Linkshell on the server; Mithrapride. All of my friends got pearls, all of them joined and stayed on, and none of them came back. I had literally had all of my friends swept out from under me almost overnight. I was depressed and heartbroken. For the next week I walked around the world soloing. I was given a pearl by someone and threw it away 10 minutes later after finding all of my ex-MEOW members there. I don't have a website, nor a multi-server network. All I had was a small group of friends and good times with them. I was the cute girl managing the counter of the small corner store who came to work one day to find a Wal-Mart in its place. I have grown to accept that Mithrapride the Linkshell is where its at in Alexander, and I've even managed to forgive those who left me behind, but I'll never forget what once was. As i said, i like the website, its well thought out and informative, but i will never join the Linkshell. Call it a matter of... Pride. Thank you, and Goddess Bless all Mithra.

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Post by Fayin »

OMG we've turned into Microsoft! :o
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Post by Syine »

I'm sorry to hear that the arrival of MithraPride on your server has upset you, and I hope that it was a simple mistake that led to you not getting a pearl for several days. If you were intentionally excluded, I can understand your feelings of betrayal. However, I hope you would give your friends the benefit of the doubt if you truly consider them your friends, and that you would want to be with them no matter what the LS.

I don't know how MithraPride operates on Alexander, but I know the one on Midgardsormr never tries to "steal" members. Sometimes we will give someone a pearl, at times in the past we have given out lots of pearls, but it is everyone's choice to join, and we would never prohibit a member from being on another LS as well. I am unaware of any organized plan to spread to every server. While the idea of a multi-server MithraPride came up once upon a time, originally when the move from the FFXI beta threatened to split some of us apart, I don't believe we have ever actually actively sought to establish MithraPride on other servers. As far as I know, every one of the leaders on other servers have come to us with the idea of starting a MithraPride LS.

I hope the leaders of all the affiliated MithraPrides were drawn to form their own MithraPride for noble reasons, a larger sense of community and friendship, rather than just by some shallow perception of wanting to be a part of a popular LS. While some people may be inclined to treat linkshells like a popularity contest, a ranking of self-importance and prestige, I have always frowned on that attitude. I disapprove of it whether exhibited by members of Mithrapride or by those of other linkshells. And if anyone in Mithrapride is a member primarily because of some perceived prestige attached to it, I urge you to reexamine your priorities. The name is MithraPride, not MithraHubris.

And as for the website, well, I guess that does make us a bit bigger and fancier-looking than the average LS, but really, we just happen to have a few members with the skills and resources to do it, threw it together because we needed a way of staying in touch outside of game during the month-long lull between beta and retail, and it snowballed from there. I don't doubt that it attracts people, but I hope you don't see Mithrapride as some juggernaut, bigger or more organized than it is. There's no agenda of world domination. We're really still just a bunch of friends who like to stay in touch. I hope we never lose sight of that, no matter how large we get.

I can't explain why everyone moved over on your server. There are many complex reasons why a person might spend more time on one LS or another, and in your case, they may not necessarily be anything against you or MEOW. Again, if you truly consider these people friends, I think a frank, unaccusatory discussion with someone you trust would be helpful. Learning why they left MEOW for Mithrapride, and specifically why you were left behind, may help you truly forgive them, or at least help you to move on.

If it turns out that these people still are your friends, I hope you realize that it's the people who ultimately matter, not the place. I feel FFXI already suffers from an epidemic of elitism, people looking down on and excluding others. It's the social aspect of an MMORPG that makes it special, and such elitism defeats positive social interaction. I would rather not see linkshells, a tool meant to bring friends together, turn into another reason to drive friends apart, and I hope MithraPride is never intentionally used to do so on any server.

I wish you luck in finding out who your true friends are. Stick by them always. They are what's truly important.
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Post by Mystiana »

Syine has said pretty much everything I could think of, and then some. I am sorry you feel MithraPride stole your linkshell. I would guess that you and Pupipi likely had the same circle of friends. I don't know anything more than that, but I do hope that you don't take it as a personal action against you.

I tried to start a linkshell, even though I was part of MithraPride. All my mithra members were more interested in MithraPride, which did upset me for a while, but eventually I gave in, tossed the linkshell and became more involved with the pride... and I've never regretted it for a second.

Give us a chance... we're a really nice group. ^^;;
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Post by Dukuji »


I am also on Alexander. Before I joined Mithra Pride I was the leader-by-default of another all Mithra linkshell. We were the Mighty Mithra Forces. We started off strong but our linkshell suffered from communication problems. When I heard about Mithra Pride on Alexander I researched it and came to the conclusion that the best place for my kitties would be here. Even though Mithra Pride is now my primary linkshell I am still a proud of my old linkshell and my origins.

When Yupipi created the linkshell in Alexander, she told me that she wanted to do something for all the mithra in Alexander. She wanted to build a community of friends that could support and help each other. Whether they're a high level player, a beginner; whether they had another linkshell, or two, or three; and whether they make Mithra Pride their primary or their part time linkshell. I have been a member for several weeks now and I can say that there is no status attached with the linkshell and no requirements or request when one joins. We are open to all mithra. We have several members that own their own linkshell and just stop in to say, "meow," from time to time. I myself still hang onto my old shells to say hi to old friends.

Kitykatt, I am sorry, I know what it's like being the only player ever on a Linkshell. I know what it's like to lose something that you worked so hard on building. But I also know how happy making the move to mithra pride was for all the kitties in my old linkshell; and for me.

Please, give us a chance? No one meant to hurt you. We just want to build a strong community of mithran; together. And having a strong mithra like you would be a great source of strength for so many members.

With mithran arms wide open . . .
[url=http://mithrapride.org/members/guildmember.cgi?function=prof&name=Dukuji]'Kuji[/url]; The [color=green][b]{[/b][/color]Ninja[color=red][b]}[/b][/color] [color=green][b]{[/b][/color]Cat[color=red][b]}[/b][/color] -------|m >^-^< m|------- Seeker of Oblivion
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following up

Post by Kitykatt »

thank you all for your replies. I'm amazed that you all took such time to write such well spoken messages. At first I was devistated by the exodous from my shell. It was always my intention to make a shell for all Mithra on Alexander. Everyone was given a pearlsack just for that reason. It was never about 'me' it was about 'us'. My original fellings about what happened was that both of our shells were made for the same reason, so why leave mine? But i know that shells change, and it probably was my fault taking a break for a few days. I hear thats how alot of shells go under. After thinking about it for a good long while I hold no ill will against Yupipi, MithraPride, or my old friends. I still don't know if I could face everyone again, I'd be too embarresed and ashamed, but if i ever run into Yupipi or another pearlsack holder I will accept a pearl, even if it is just a gesture of good faith. /em bows courtiously to MithraPride. Thank you once agin for your wisdom, it is truely appreciated and was very very classy of you all.


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Re: taken over

Post by xaresity »

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Re: taken over

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